Layout of the gitano-admin repo for an installation --------------------------------------------------- site.conf Site configuration for gitano, including the name of the site, etc. core.rules Core rules for administering the site. [See rules-format for help about these] users/ Tree of users, it can be any depth, the only constraint is that at the leaves, there are directories of the form: username/{user.conf,*.key} where user.conf is metadata about the user, any .key file is an ssh key in the openssh format and the username is given by the leaf of the enclosing path. This means you can have any useful layout of users you want, e.g. users/a/adam/user.conf users/a/alex/user.conf users/j/jeff/user.conf etc. Or: users/admins/dsilvers/user.conf users/plebs/rjek/user.conf etc. Whatever layout you use can change on the fly too. groups/ Tree of groups. Again, any depth, with the constraint being: groupname.conf (at any level) describes a group of groupname where the file contains metadata about the group and then the list of users in the group. Groups can be members of other groups but may not form any loops. Note, you cannot have two users with the same name or gitano will refuse to compile the rules at the head and *will* walk back in history to find a compileable set of rules. This applies to groups also. Users and groups do not share the same namespace however. Also, users and group names must match [a-z][a-z0-9-]+ (i.e. at least two characters, the first of which must be a lower case letter, and overall, only lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens). Also key tags must match this pattern.