
test_description='tests remote-svn'

. ./test-lib.sh


if ! test_have_prereq PYTHON
	skip_all='skipping remote-svn tests, python not available'

# We override svnrdump by placing a symlink to the svnrdump-emulator in .
export PATH="$HOME:$PATH"
ln -sf $GIT_BUILD_DIR/contrib/svn-fe/svnrdump_sim.py "$HOME/svnrdump"

init_git () {
	rm -fr .git &&
	git init &&
	#git remote add svnsim testsvn::sim:///$TEST_DIRECTORY/t9020/example.svnrdump
	# let's reuse an exisiting dump file!?
	git remote add svnsim testsvn::sim://$TEST_DIRECTORY/t9154/svn.dump
	git remote add svnfile testsvn::file://$TEST_DIRECTORY/t9154/svn.dump

if test -e "$GIT_BUILD_DIR/git-remote-testsvn"
	test_set_prereq REMOTE_SVN

test_debug '
	git --version
	which git
	which svnrdump

test_expect_success REMOTE_SVN 'simple fetch' '
	init_git &&
	git fetch svnsim &&
	test_cmp .git/refs/svn/svnsim/master .git/refs/remotes/svnsim/master  &&
	cp .git/refs/remotes/svnsim/master master.good

test_debug '
	cat .git/refs/svn/svnsim/master
	cat .git/refs/remotes/svnsim/master

test_expect_success REMOTE_SVN 'repeated fetch, nothing shall change' '
	git fetch svnsim &&
	test_cmp master.good .git/refs/remotes/svnsim/master

test_expect_success REMOTE_SVN 'fetch from a file:// url gives the same result' '
	git fetch svnfile

test_expect_failure REMOTE_SVN 'the sha1 differ because the git-svn-id line in the commit msg contains the url' '
	test_cmp .git/refs/remotes/svnfile/master .git/refs/remotes/svnsim/master

test_expect_success REMOTE_SVN 'mark-file regeneration' '
	# filter out any other marks, that can not be regenerated. Only up to 3 digit revisions are allowed here
	grep ":[0-9]\{1,3\} " $MARKSPATH/svnsim.marks > $MARKSPATH/svnsim.marks.old &&
	rm $MARKSPATH/svnsim.marks &&
	git fetch svnsim &&
	test_cmp $MARKSPATH/svnsim.marks.old $MARKSPATH/svnsim.marks

test_expect_success REMOTE_SVN 'incremental imports must lead to the same head' '
	export SVNRMAX=3 &&
	init_git &&
	git fetch svnsim &&
	test_cmp .git/refs/svn/svnsim/master .git/refs/remotes/svnsim/master  &&
	unset SVNRMAX &&
	git fetch svnsim &&
	test_cmp master.good .git/refs/remotes/svnsim/master

test_debug 'git branch -a'
