#!/bin/sh # # Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Waitz <tali@admingilde.org> # test_description='test clone --reference' . ./test-lib.sh base_dir=`pwd` U=$base_dir/UPLOAD_LOG test_expect_success 'preparing first repository' \ 'test_create_repo A && cd A && echo first > file1 && git add file1 && git commit -m initial' cd "$base_dir" test_expect_success 'preparing second repository' \ 'git clone A B && cd B && echo second > file2 && git add file2 && git commit -m addition && git repack -a -d && git prune' cd "$base_dir" test_expect_success 'cloning with reference (-l -s)' \ 'git clone -l -s --reference B A C' cd "$base_dir" test_expect_success 'existence of info/alternates' \ 'test `wc -l <C/.git/objects/info/alternates` = 2' cd "$base_dir" test_expect_success 'pulling from reference' \ 'cd C && git pull ../B master' cd "$base_dir" test_expect_success 'that reference gets used' \ 'cd C && echo "0 objects, 0 kilobytes" > expected && git count-objects > current && test_cmp expected current' cd "$base_dir" rm -f "$U.D" test_expect_success 'cloning with reference (no -l -s)' \ 'GIT_DEBUG_SEND_PACK=3 git clone --reference B "file://$(pwd)/A" D 3>"$U.D"' test_expect_success 'fetched no objects' \ '! grep "^want" "$U.D"' cd "$base_dir" test_expect_success 'existence of info/alternates' \ 'test `wc -l <D/.git/objects/info/alternates` = 1' cd "$base_dir" test_expect_success 'pulling from reference' \ 'cd D && git pull ../B master' cd "$base_dir" test_expect_success 'that reference gets used' \ 'cd D && echo "0 objects, 0 kilobytes" > expected && git count-objects > current && test_cmp expected current' cd "$base_dir" test_expect_success 'updating origin' \ 'cd A && echo third > file3 && git add file3 && git commit -m update && git repack -a -d && git prune' cd "$base_dir" test_expect_success 'pulling changes from origin' \ 'cd C && git pull origin' cd "$base_dir" # the 2 local objects are commit and tree from the merge test_expect_success 'that alternate to origin gets used' \ 'cd C && echo "2 objects" > expected && git count-objects | cut -d, -f1 > current && test_cmp expected current' cd "$base_dir" test_expect_success 'pulling changes from origin' \ 'cd D && git pull origin' cd "$base_dir" # the 5 local objects are expected; file3 blob, commit in A to add it # and its tree, and 2 are our tree and the merge commit. test_expect_success 'check objects expected to exist locally' \ 'cd D && echo "5 objects" > expected && git count-objects | cut -d, -f1 > current && test_cmp expected current' cd "$base_dir" test_expect_success 'preparing alternate repository #1' \ 'test_create_repo F && cd F && echo first > file1 && git add file1 && git commit -m initial' cd "$base_dir" test_expect_success 'cloning alternate repo #2 and adding changes to repo #1' \ 'git clone F G && cd F && echo second > file2 && git add file2 && git commit -m addition' cd "$base_dir" test_expect_success 'cloning alternate repo #1, using #2 as reference' \ 'git clone --reference G F H' cd "$base_dir" test_expect_success 'cloning with reference being subset of source (-l -s)' \ 'git clone -l -s --reference A B E' cd "$base_dir" test_expect_success 'clone with reference from a tagged repository' ' ( cd A && git tag -a -m 'tagged' HEAD ) && git clone --reference=A A I ' test_expect_success 'prepare branched repository' ' git clone A J && ( cd J && git checkout -b other master^ && echo other >otherfile && git add otherfile && git commit -m other && git checkout master ) ' rm -f "$U.K" test_expect_success 'fetch with incomplete alternates' ' git init K && echo "$base_dir/A/.git/objects" >K/.git/objects/info/alternates && ( cd K && git remote add J "file://$base_dir/J" && GIT_DEBUG_SEND_PACK=3 git fetch J 3>"$U.K" ) && master_object=$(cd A && git for-each-ref --format="%(objectname)" refs/heads/master) && ! grep "^want $master_object" "$U.K" && tag_object=$(cd A && git for-each-ref --format="%(objectname)" refs/tags/HEAD) && ! grep "^want $tag_object" "$U.K" ' test_done