
test_description='test dumb fetching over http via static file'
. ./test-lib.sh

if test -n "$NO_CURL"; then
	skip_all='skipping test, git built without http support'

. "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/lib-httpd.sh

test_expect_success 'setup repository' '
	git config push.default matching &&
	echo content1 >file &&
	git add file &&
	git commit -m one
	echo content2 >file &&
	git add file &&
	git commit -m two

test_expect_success 'create http-accessible bare repository with loose objects' '
	cp -R .git "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/repo.git" &&
	(cd "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/repo.git" &&
	 git config core.bare true &&
	 mkdir -p hooks &&
	 echo "exec git update-server-info" >hooks/post-update &&
	 chmod +x hooks/post-update &&
	) &&
	git remote add public "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/repo.git" &&
	git push public master:master

test_expect_success 'clone http repository' '
	git clone $HTTPD_URL/dumb/repo.git clone-tmpl &&
	cp -R clone-tmpl clone &&
	test_cmp file clone/file

test_expect_success 'create password-protected repository' '
	mkdir -p "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/auth/dumb/" &&
	cp -Rf "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH/repo.git" \


test_expect_success 'cloning password-protected repository can fail' '
	set_askpass wrong &&
	test_must_fail git clone "$HTTPD_URL/auth/dumb/repo.git" clone-auth-fail &&
	expect_askpass both wrong

test_expect_success 'http auth can use user/pass in URL' '
	set_askpass wrong &&
	git clone "$HTTPD_URL_USER_PASS/auth/dumb/repo.git" clone-auth-none &&
	expect_askpass none

test_expect_success 'http auth can use just user in URL' '
	set_askpass wrong pass@host &&
	git clone "$HTTPD_URL_USER/auth/dumb/repo.git" clone-auth-pass &&
	expect_askpass pass user@host

test_expect_success 'http auth can request both user and pass' '
	set_askpass user@host pass@host &&
	git clone "$HTTPD_URL/auth/dumb/repo.git" clone-auth-both &&
	expect_askpass both user@host

test_expect_success 'http auth respects credential helper config' '
	test_config_global credential.helper "!f() {
		cat >/dev/null
		echo username=user@host
		echo password=pass@host
	}; f" &&
	set_askpass wrong &&
	git clone "$HTTPD_URL/auth/dumb/repo.git" clone-auth-helper &&
	expect_askpass none

test_expect_success 'http auth can get username from config' '
	test_config_global "credential.$HTTPD_URL.username" user@host &&
	set_askpass wrong pass@host &&
	git clone "$HTTPD_URL/auth/dumb/repo.git" clone-auth-user &&
	expect_askpass pass user@host

test_expect_success 'configured username does not override URL' '
	test_config_global "credential.$HTTPD_URL.username" wrong &&
	set_askpass wrong pass@host &&
	git clone "$HTTPD_URL_USER/auth/dumb/repo.git" clone-auth-user2 &&
	expect_askpass pass user@host

test_expect_success 'fetch changes via http' '
	echo content >>file &&
	git commit -a -m two &&
	git push public &&
	(cd clone && git pull) &&
	test_cmp file clone/file

test_expect_success 'fetch changes via manual http-fetch' '
	cp -R clone-tmpl clone2 &&

	HEAD=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD) &&
	(cd clone2 &&
	 git http-fetch -a -w heads/master-new $HEAD $(git config remote.origin.url) &&
	 git checkout master-new &&
	 test $HEAD = $(git rev-parse --verify HEAD)) &&
	test_cmp file clone2/file

test_expect_success 'http remote detects correct HEAD' '
	git push public master:other &&
	(cd clone &&
	 git remote set-head origin -d &&
	 git remote set-head origin -a &&
	 git symbolic-ref refs/remotes/origin/HEAD > output &&
	 echo refs/remotes/origin/master > expect &&
	 test_cmp expect output

test_expect_success 'fetch packed objects' '
	cp -R "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH"/repo.git "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH"/repo_pack.git &&
	(cd "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH"/repo_pack.git &&
	 git --bare repack -a -d
	) &&
	git clone $HTTPD_URL/dumb/repo_pack.git

test_expect_success 'fetch notices corrupt pack' '
	cp -R "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH"/repo_pack.git "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH"/repo_bad1.git &&
	(cd "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH"/repo_bad1.git &&
	 p=`ls objects/pack/pack-*.pack` &&
	 chmod u+w $p &&
	 printf %0256d 0 | dd of=$p bs=256 count=1 seek=1 conv=notrunc
	) &&
	mkdir repo_bad1.git &&
	(cd repo_bad1.git &&
	 git --bare init &&
	 test_must_fail git --bare fetch $HTTPD_URL/dumb/repo_bad1.git &&
	 test 0 = `ls objects/pack/pack-*.pack | wc -l`

test_expect_success 'fetch notices corrupt idx' '
	cp -R "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH"/repo_pack.git "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH"/repo_bad2.git &&
	(cd "$HTTPD_DOCUMENT_ROOT_PATH"/repo_bad2.git &&
	 p=`ls objects/pack/pack-*.idx` &&
	 chmod u+w $p &&
	 printf %0256d 0 | dd of=$p bs=256 count=1 seek=1 conv=notrunc
	) &&
	mkdir repo_bad2.git &&
	(cd repo_bad2.git &&
	 git --bare init &&
	 test_must_fail git --bare fetch $HTTPD_URL/dumb/repo_bad2.git &&
	 test 0 = `ls objects/pack | wc -l`

test_expect_success 'did not use upload-pack service' '
	grep '/git-upload-pack' <"$HTTPD_ROOT_PATH"/access.log >act
	: >exp
	test_cmp exp act
