#!/bin/sh test_description='test cherry-pick and revert with conflicts - + picked: rewrites foo to c + base: rewrites foo to b + initial: writes foo as a, unrelated as unrelated ' . ./test-lib.sh test_cmp_rev () { git rev-parse --verify "$1" >expect.rev && git rev-parse --verify "$2" >actual.rev && test_cmp expect.rev actual.rev } pristine_detach () { git checkout -f "$1^0" && git read-tree -u --reset HEAD && git clean -d -f -f -q -x } test_expect_success setup ' echo unrelated >unrelated && git add unrelated && test_commit initial foo a && test_commit base foo b && test_commit picked foo c && git config advice.detachedhead false ' test_expect_success 'failed cherry-pick does not advance HEAD' ' pristine_detach initial && head=$(git rev-parse HEAD) && test_must_fail git cherry-pick picked && newhead=$(git rev-parse HEAD) && test "$head" = "$newhead" ' test_expect_success 'advice from failed cherry-pick' " pristine_detach initial && picked=\$(git rev-parse --short picked) && cat <<-EOF >expected && error: could not apply \$picked... picked hint: after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths hint: with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>' hint: and commit the result with 'git commit' EOF test_must_fail git cherry-pick picked 2>actual && test_i18ncmp expected actual " test_expect_success 'failed cherry-pick sets CHERRY_PICK_HEAD' ' pristine_detach initial && test_must_fail git cherry-pick picked && test_cmp_rev picked CHERRY_PICK_HEAD ' test_expect_success 'successful cherry-pick does not set CHERRY_PICK_HEAD' ' pristine_detach initial && git cherry-pick base && test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify CHERRY_PICK_HEAD ' test_expect_success 'cherry-pick --no-commit does not set CHERRY_PICK_HEAD' ' pristine_detach initial && git cherry-pick --no-commit base && test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify CHERRY_PICK_HEAD ' test_expect_success 'GIT_CHERRY_PICK_HELP suppresses CHERRY_PICK_HEAD' ' pristine_detach initial && ( GIT_CHERRY_PICK_HELP="and then do something else" && export GIT_CHERRY_PICK_HELP && test_must_fail git cherry-pick picked ) && test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify CHERRY_PICK_HEAD ' test_expect_success 'git reset clears CHERRY_PICK_HEAD' ' pristine_detach initial && test_must_fail git cherry-pick picked && git reset && test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify CHERRY_PICK_HEAD ' test_expect_success 'failed commit does not clear CHERRY_PICK_HEAD' ' pristine_detach initial && test_must_fail git cherry-pick picked && test_must_fail git commit && test_cmp_rev picked CHERRY_PICK_HEAD ' test_expect_success 'cancelled commit does not clear CHERRY_PICK_HEAD' ' pristine_detach initial && test_must_fail git cherry-pick picked && echo resolved >foo && git add foo && git update-index --refresh -q && test_must_fail git diff-index --exit-code HEAD && ( GIT_EDITOR=false && export GIT_EDITOR && test_must_fail git commit ) && test_cmp_rev picked CHERRY_PICK_HEAD ' test_expect_success 'successful commit clears CHERRY_PICK_HEAD' ' pristine_detach initial && test_must_fail git cherry-pick picked && echo resolved >foo && git add foo && git commit && test_must_fail git rev-parse --verify CHERRY_PICK_HEAD ' test_expect_success 'failed cherry-pick produces dirty index' ' pristine_detach initial && test_must_fail git cherry-pick picked && test_must_fail git update-index --refresh -q && test_must_fail git diff-index --exit-code HEAD ' test_expect_success 'failed cherry-pick registers participants in index' ' pristine_detach initial && { git checkout base -- foo && git ls-files --stage foo && git checkout initial -- foo && git ls-files --stage foo && git checkout picked -- foo && git ls-files --stage foo } > stages && sed " 1 s/ 0 / 1 / 2 s/ 0 / 2 / 3 s/ 0 / 3 / " < stages > expected && git read-tree -u --reset HEAD && test_must_fail git cherry-pick picked && git ls-files --stage --unmerged > actual && test_cmp expected actual ' test_expect_success 'failed cherry-pick describes conflict in work tree' ' pristine_detach initial && cat <<-EOF > expected && <<<<<<< HEAD a ======= c >>>>>>> objid picked EOF test_must_fail git cherry-pick picked && sed "s/[a-f0-9]*\.\.\./objid/" foo > actual && test_cmp expected actual ' test_expect_success 'diff3 -m style' ' pristine_detach initial && git config merge.conflictstyle diff3 && cat <<-EOF > expected && <<<<<<< HEAD a ||||||| parent of objid picked b ======= c >>>>>>> objid picked EOF test_must_fail git cherry-pick picked && sed "s/[a-f0-9]*\.\.\./objid/" foo > actual && test_cmp expected actual ' test_expect_success 'revert also handles conflicts sanely' ' git config --unset merge.conflictstyle && pristine_detach initial && cat <<-EOF > expected && <<<<<<< HEAD a ======= b >>>>>>> parent of objid picked EOF { git checkout picked -- foo && git ls-files --stage foo && git checkout initial -- foo && git ls-files --stage foo && git checkout base -- foo && git ls-files --stage foo } > stages && sed " 1 s/ 0 / 1 / 2 s/ 0 / 2 / 3 s/ 0 / 3 / " < stages > expected-stages && git read-tree -u --reset HEAD && head=$(git rev-parse HEAD) && test_must_fail git revert picked && newhead=$(git rev-parse HEAD) && git ls-files --stage --unmerged > actual-stages && test "$head" = "$newhead" && test_must_fail git update-index --refresh -q && test_must_fail git diff-index --exit-code HEAD && test_cmp expected-stages actual-stages && sed "s/[a-f0-9]*\.\.\./objid/" foo > actual && test_cmp expected actual ' test_expect_success 'revert conflict, diff3 -m style' ' pristine_detach initial && git config merge.conflictstyle diff3 && cat <<-EOF > expected && <<<<<<< HEAD a ||||||| objid picked c ======= b >>>>>>> parent of objid picked EOF test_must_fail git revert picked && sed "s/[a-f0-9]*\.\.\./objid/" foo > actual && test_cmp expected actual ' test_done