# Copyright (C) 2001-2020 Artifex Software, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or # implied. # # This software is distributed under license and may not be copied, # modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms # of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution. # # Refer to licensing information at http://www.artifex.com or contact # Artifex Software, Inc., 1305 Grant Avenue - Suite 200, Novato, # CA 94945, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information. # # # $Id: msvc32.mak 12087 2011-02-01 11:57:26Z robin $ # makefile for 32-bit Microsoft Visual C++, Windows NT or Windows 95 platform. # # All configurable options are surrounded by !ifndef/!endif to allow # preconfiguration from within another makefile. # # Optimization /O2 seems OK with MSVC++ 4.1, but not with 5.0. # Created 1997-01-24 by Russell Lang from MSVC++ 2.0 makefile. # Enhanced 97-05-15 by JD # Common code factored out 1997-05-22 by L. Peter Deutsch. # Made pre-configurable by JD 6/4/98 # Revised to use subdirectories 1998-11-13 by lpd. # Note: If you are planning to make self-extracting executables, # see winint.mak to find out about third-party software you will need. # If we are building MEMENTO=1, then adjust default debug flags !if "$(MEMENTO)"=="1" !ifndef DEBUG DEBUG=1 !endif !ifndef TDEBUG TDEBUG=1 !endif !ifndef DEBUGSYM DEBUGSYM=1 !endif !endif # If we are building PROFILE=1, then adjust default debug flags !if "$(PROFILE)"=="1" !ifndef DEBUG DEBUG=0 !endif !ifndef TDEBUG TDEBUG=0 !endif !ifndef DEBUGSYM DEBUGSYM=1 !endif !endif # Pick the target architecture file !if "$(TARGET_ARCH_FILE)"=="" !ifdef WIN64 TARGET_ARCH_FILE=$(GLSRCDIR)\..\arch\windows-x64-msvc.h !else !ifdef ARM TARGET_ARCH_FILE=$(GLSRCDIR)\..\arch\windows-arm-msvc.h !else TARGET_ARCH_FILE=$(GLSRCDIR)\..\arch\windows-x86-msvc.h !endif !endif !endif # ------------------------------- Options ------------------------------- # ###### This section is the only part of the file you should need to edit. # ------ Generic options ------ # # Define the directory for the final executable, and the # source, generated intermediate file, and object directories # for the graphics library (GL) and the PostScript/PDF interpreter (PS). !if "$(MEMENTO)"=="1" DEFAULT_OBJ_DIR=.\$(PRODUCT_PREFIX)memobj !else !if "$(PROFILE)"=="1" DEFAULT_OBJ_DIR=.\$(PRODUCT_PREFIX)profobj !else !if "$(DEBUG)"=="1" DEFAULT_OBJ_DIR=.\$(PRODUCT_PREFIX)debugobj !else DEFAULT_OBJ_DIR=.\$(PRODUCT_PREFIX)obj !endif !endif !endif !ifdef METRO DEFAULT_OBJ_DIR=$(DEFAULT_OBJ_DIR)rt !endif !ifdef WIN64 DEFAULT_OBJ_DIR=$(DEFAULT_OBJ_DIR)64 !endif !ifdef XP DEFAULT_OBJ_DIR=$(DEFAULT_OBJ_DIR)xp !endif !ifndef AUXDIR AUXDIR=$(DEFAULT_OBJ_DIR)\aux_ !endif # Note that 32-bit and 64-bit binaries reside in a common directory # since the names are unique !ifndef BINDIR !if "$(MEMENTO)"=="1" BINDIR=.\membin !else !if "$(DEBUG)"=="1" BINDIR=.\debugbin !else !if "$(DEBUGSYM)"=="1" BINDIR=.\profbin !else BINDIR=.\bin !endif !endif !endif !ifdef XP BINDIR=$(BINDIR)xp !endif !endif !ifndef GLSRCDIR GLSRCDIR=.\base !endif !ifndef GLGENDIR GLGENDIR=$(DEFAULT_OBJ_DIR) !endif !ifndef DEVSRCDIR DEVSRCDIR=.\devices !endif !ifndef GLOBJDIR GLOBJDIR=$(GLGENDIR) !endif !ifndef DEVGENDIR DEVGENDIR=$(GLGENDIR) !endif !ifndef DEVOBJDIR DEVOBJDIR=$(GLOBJDIR) !endif !ifndef PSSRCDIR PSSRCDIR=.\psi !endif !ifndef PSLIBDIR PSLIBDIR=.\lib !endif !ifndef PSRESDIR PSRESDIR=.\Resource !endif !ifndef PSGENDIR PSGENDIR=$(GLGENDIR) !endif !ifndef PSOBJDIR PSOBJDIR=$(GLOBJDIR) !endif !ifndef SBRDIR SBRDIR=$(GLOBJDIR) !endif !ifndef EXPATGENDIR EXPATGENDIR=$(GLGENDIR) !endif !ifndef EXPATOBJDIR EXPATOBJDIR=$(GLOBJDIR) !endif !ifndef JPEGXR_GENDIR JPEGXR_GENDIR=$(GLGENDIR) !endif !ifndef JPEGXR_OBJDIR JPEGXR_OBJDIR=$(GLOBJDIR) !endif !ifndef PCL5SRCDIR PCL5SRCDIR=.\pcl\pcl !endif !ifndef PCL5GENDIR PCL5GENDIR=$(GLGENDIR) !endif !ifndef PCL5OBJDIR PCL5OBJDIR=$(GLOBJDIR) !endif !ifndef PXLSRCDIR PXLSRCDIR=.\pcl\pxl !endif !ifndef PXLGENDIR PXLGENDIR=$(GLGENDIR) !endif !ifndef PXLOBJDIR PXLOBJDIR=$(GLOBJDIR) !endif !ifndef PLSRCDIR PLSRCDIR=.\pcl\pl !endif !ifndef PLGENDIR PLGENDIR=$(GLGENDIR) !endif !ifndef PLOBJDIR PLOBJDIR=$(GLOBJDIR) !endif !ifndef XPSSRCDIR XPSSRCDIR=.\xps !endif !ifndef XPSGENDIR XPSGENDIR=$(GLGENDIR) !endif !ifndef XPSOBJDIR XPSOBJDIR=$(GLOBJDIR) !endif !ifndef GPDLSRCDIR GPDLSRCDIR=.\gpdl !endif !ifndef GPDLGENDIR GPDLGENDIR=$(GLGENDIR) !endif !ifndef GPDLOBJDIR GPDLOBJDIR=$(GLOBJDIR) !endif !ifndef URFSRCDIR URFSRCDIR=.\urf !endif !ifndef URFGENDIR URFGENDIR=$(GLGENDIR) !endif !ifndef URFOBJDIR URFOBJDIR=$(GLOBJDIR) !endif !ifndef IMGSRCDIR IMGSRCDIR=.\gpdl\img !endif !ifndef IMGGENDIR IMGGENDIR=$(GLGENDIR) !endif !ifndef IMGOBJDIR IMGOBJDIR=$(GLOBJDIR) !endif CONTRIBDIR=.\contrib # Can we build PCL and XPS !ifndef BUILD_PCL BUILD_PCL=0 !if exist ("$(PLSRCDIR)\pl.mak") BUILD_PCL=1 !endif !endif !ifndef BUILD_XPS BUILD_XPS=0 !if exist ("$(XPSSRCDIR)\xps.mak") BUILD_XPS=1 !endif !endif !ifndef BUILD_GPDL BUILD_GPDL=0 !if exist ("$(GPDLSRCDIR)\gpdl.mak") BUILD_GPDL=1 !endif !endif PCL_TARGET= XPS_TARGET= !if $(BUILD_PCL) PCL_TARGET=gpcl6 !endif !if $(BUILD_XPS) XPS_TARGET=gxps !endif !if $(BUILD_GPDL) GPDL_TARGET=gpdl !endif PCL_XPS_PDL_TARGETS=$(PCL_TARGET) $(XPS_TARGET) $(GPDL_TARGET) # Define the root directory for Ghostscript installation. !ifndef AROOTDIR AROOTDIR=c:/gs !endif !ifndef GSROOTDIR GSROOTDIR=$(AROOTDIR)/gs$(GS_DOT_VERSION) !endif # Define the directory that will hold documentation at runtime. !ifndef GS_DOCDIR GS_DOCDIR=$(GSROOTDIR)/doc !endif # Define the default directory/ies for the runtime initialization, resource and # font files. Separate multiple directories with ';'. # Use / to indicate directories, not \. # MSVC will not allow \'s here because it sees '\;' CPP-style as an # illegal escape. !ifndef GS_LIB_DEFAULT GS_LIB_DEFAULT=$(GSROOTDIR)/Resource/Init;$(GSROOTDIR)/lib;$(GSROOTDIR)/Resource/Font;$(AROOTDIR)/fonts !endif # Define whether or not searching for initialization files should always # look in the current directory first. This leads to well-known security # and confusion problems, but may be convenient sometimes. !ifndef SEARCH_HERE_FIRST SEARCH_HERE_FIRST=0 !endif # Define the name of the interpreter initialization file. # (There is no reason to change this.) !ifndef GS_INIT GS_INIT=gs_init.ps !endif # Choose generic configuration options. # Setting DEBUG=1 includes debugging features in the build: # 1. It defines the C preprocessor symbol DEBUG. The latter includes # tracing and self-validation code fragments into compilation. # Particularly it enables the -Z and -T switches in Ghostscript. # 2. It compiles code fragments for C stack overflow checks. # Code produced with this option is somewhat larger and runs # somewhat slower. !ifndef DEBUG DEBUG=0 !endif # Setting TDEBUG=1 disables code optimization in the C compiler and # includes symbol table information for the debugger. # Code is substantially larger and slower. # NOTE: The MSVC++ 5.0 compiler produces incorrect output code with TDEBUG=0. # Also MSVC 6 must be service pack >= 3 to prevent INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR # Default to 0 anyway since the execution times are so much better. !ifndef TDEBUG TDEBUG=0 !endif # Setting DEBUGSYM=1 is only useful with TDEBUG=0. # This option is for advanced developers. It includes symbol table # information for the debugger in an optimized (release) build. # NOTE: The debugging information generated for the optimized code may be # significantly misleading. For general MSVC users we recommend TDEBUG=1. !ifndef DEBUGSYM DEBUGSYM=0 !endif # We can compile for a 32-bit or 64-bit target # WIN32 and WIN64 are mutually exclusive. WIN32 is the default. !if !defined(WIN32) && (!defined(Win64) || !defined(WIN64)) WIN32=0 !endif # We can build either 32-bit or 64-bit target on a 64-bit platform # but the location of the binaries differs. Would be nice if the # detection of the platform could be automatic. !ifndef BUILD_SYSTEM !if "$(PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432)"=="AMD64" || "$(PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE)"=="AMD64" BUILD_SYSTEM=64 PGMFILES=$(SYSTEMDRIVE)\Program Files PGMFILESx86=$(SYSTEMDRIVE)\Program Files (x86) !else BUILD_SYSTEM=32 PGMFILES=$(SYSTEMDRIVE)\Program Files PGMFILESx86=$(SYSTEMDRIVE)\Program Files !endif !endif !ifndef MSWINSDKPATH !if exist ("$(PGMFILESx86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows") !if exist ("$(PGMFILESx86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1A") MSWINSDKPATH=$(PGMFILESx86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1A !else !if exist ("$(PGMFILESx86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1") MSWINSDKPATH=$(PGMFILESx86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1 !else !if exist ("$(PGMFILESx86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A") MSWINSDKPATH=$(PGMFILESx86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A !else !if exist ("$(PGMFILESx86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0") MSWINSDKPATH=$(PGMFILESx86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0 !endif !endif !endif !endif !else !if exist ("$(PGMFILES)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows") !if exist ("$(PGMFILES)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1A") MSWINSDKPATH=$(PGMFILES)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1A !else !if exist ("$(PGMFILES)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1") MSWINSDKPATH=$(PGMFILES)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1 !else !if exist ("$(PGMFILES)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A") MSWINSDKPATH=$(PGMFILES)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A !else !if exist ("$(PGMFILES)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0") MSWINSDKPATH=$(PGMFILES)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0 !endif !endif !endif !endif !endif !endif !endif XPSPRINTCFLAGS= XPSPRINT=0 !ifdef MSWINSDKPATH !if exist ("$(MSWINSDKPATH)\Include\XpsPrint.h") XPSPRINTCFLAGS=/DXPSPRINT=1 /I"$(MSWINSDKPATH)\Include" XPSPRINT=1 !endif !endif # Define the name of the executable file. !ifndef GS !ifdef WIN64 GS=gswin64 PCL=gpcl6win64 XPS=gxpswin64 GPDL=gpdlwin64 !else !ifdef ARM GS=gswinARM PCL=gpcl6winARM XPS=gxpswinARM GPDL=gpdlwinARM !else GS=gswin32 PCL=gpcl6win32 XPS=gxpswin32 GPDL=gpdlwin32 !endif !endif !endif !ifndef GSCONSOLE GSCONSOLE=$(GS)c !endif !ifndef GSDLL !ifdef METRO !ifdef WIN64 GSDLL=gsdll64metro !else !ifdef ARM GSDLL=gsdllARM32metro !else GSDLL=gsdll32metro !endif !endif !else !ifdef WIN64 GSDLL=gsdll64 !else GSDLL=gsdll32 !endif !endif !endif !ifndef GPCL6DLL !ifdef METRO !ifdef WIN64 GPCL6DLL=gpcl6dll64metro !else !ifdef ARM GPCL6DLL=gpcl6dllARM32metro !else GPCL6DLL=gpcl6dll32metro !endif !endif !else !ifdef WIN64 GPCL6DLL=gpcl6dll64 !else GPCL6DLL=gpcl6dll32 !endif !endif !endif !ifndef GXPSDLL !ifdef METRO !ifdef WIN64 GXPSDLL=gxpsdll64metro !else !ifdef ARM GXPSDLL=gxpsdllARM32metro !else GXPSDLL=gxpsdll32metro !endif !endif !else !ifdef WIN64 GXPSDLL=gxpsdll64 !else GXPSDLL=gxpsdll32 !endif !endif !endif !ifndef GPDLDLL !ifdef METRO !ifdef WIN64 GPDLDLL=gpdldll64metro !else !ifdef ARM GPDLDLL=gpdldllARM32metro !else GPDLDLL=gpdldll32metro !endif !endif !else !ifdef WIN64 GPDLDLL=gpdldll64 !else GPDLDLL=gpdldll32 !endif !endif !endif # To build two small executables and a large DLL use MAKEDLL=1 # To build two large executables use MAKEDLL=0 !ifndef MAKEDLL !if "$(PROFILE)"=="1" MAKEDLL=0 !else MAKEDLL=1 !endif !endif # Should we build in the cups device.... !ifdef WITH_CUPS !if "$(WITH_CUPS)"!="0" WITH_CUPS=1 !else WITH_CUPS=0 !endif !else WITH_CUPS=0 !endif # Should we build URF... !ifdef WITH_URF !if "$(WITH_URF)"!="0" WITH_URF=1 !else WITH_URF=0 !endif !else !if exist ("$(URFSRCDIR)") WITH_URF=1 !else WITH_URF=0 !endif !endif !if "$(WITH_URF)"=="1" ENABLE_URF=$(D_)URF_INCLUDED$(_D) GPDL_URF_TOP_OBJ=$(GPDLOBJ)/$(GPDL_URF_TOP_OBJ_FILE) URF_INCLUDE=$(I_)$(URFSRCDIR)$(_I) URF_DEV=$(GLD)urfd.dev SURFX_H=$(URFSRCDIR)$(D)surfx.h !endif # Should we build using CAL.... CALSRCDIR=cal !ifdef WITH_CAL !if "$(WITH_CAL)"!="0" WITH_CAL=1 !else WITH_CAL=0 !endif !else !if exist ("$(CALSRCDIR)") WITH_CAL=1 !else WITH_CAL=0 !endif !endif # We can't build cups libraries in a Metro friendly way, # so if building for Metro, disable cups regardless of the # request !ifdef METRO WITH_CUPS=0 !endif # Define the directory where the FreeType2 library sources are stored. # See freetype.mak for more information. !ifdef UFST_BRIDGE !if "$(UFST_BRIDGE)"=="1" FT_BRIDGE=0 !endif !endif !ifndef FT_BRIDGE FT_BRIDGE=1 !endif !ifndef FTSRCDIR FTSRCDIR=freetype !endif !ifndef FT_CFLAGS FT_CFLAGS=-I$(FTSRCDIR)\include !endif !ifdef BITSTREAM_BRIDGE FT_BRIDGE=0 !endif # Define the directory where the IJG JPEG library sources are stored, # and the major version of the library that is stored there. # You may need to change this if the IJG library version changes. # See jpeg.mak for more information. !ifndef JSRCDIR JSRCDIR=jpeg !endif # Define the directory where the PNG library sources are stored, # and the version of the library that is stored there. # You may need to change this if the libpng version changes. # See png.mak for more information. !ifndef PNGSRCDIR PNGSRCDIR=libpng !endif !ifndef TIFFSRCDIR TIFFSRCDIR=tiff$(D) TIFFCONFDIR=$(TIFFSRCDIR) TIFFCONFIG_SUFFIX=.vc TIFFPLATFORM=win32 TIFF_CFLAGS=-DJPEG_SUPPORT -DOJPEG_SUPPORT -DJPEG_LIB_MK1_OR_12BIT=0 ENABLE_TIFF=$(D_)TIFF_INCLUDED$(_D) !endif # Define the directory where the zlib sources are stored. # See zlib.mak for more information. !ifndef ZSRCDIR ZSRCDIR=.\zlib !endif # Define which jbig2 library to use !if !defined(JBIG2_LIB) && (!defined(NO_LURATECH) || "$(NO_LURATECH)" != "1") !if exist("luratech\ldf_jb2") JBIG2_LIB=luratech !endif !endif !ifndef JBIG2_LIB JBIG2_LIB=jbig2dec !endif !if "$(JBIG2_LIB)" == "luratech" || "$(JBIG2_LIB)" == "ldf_jb2" # Set defaults for using the Luratech JB2 implementation !ifndef JBIG2SRCDIR # CSDK source code location JBIG2SRCDIR=luratech\ldf_jb2 !endif !ifndef JBIG2_CFLAGS # required compiler flags !ifdef WIN64 JBIG2_CFLAGS=-DUSE_LDF_JB2 -DWIN64 !else JBIG2_CFLAGS=-DUSE_LDF_JB2 -DWIN32 !endif !endif !else # Use jbig2dec by default. See jbig2.mak for more information. !ifndef JBIG2SRCDIR # location of included jbig2dec library source JBIG2SRCDIR=jbig2dec !endif !endif # Alternatively, you can build a separate DLL # and define SHARE_JBIG2=1 in src/winlib.mak # Define which jpeg2k library to use !if !defined(JPX_LIB) && (!defined(NO_LURATECH) || "$(NO_LURATECH)" != "1") !if exist("luratech\lwf_jp2") JPX_LIB=luratech !endif !endif !ifndef JPX_LIB JPX_LIB=openjpeg !endif # Alternatively, you can build a separate DLL # and define SHARE_JPX=1 in src/winlib.mak # Define the directory where the lcms2mt source is stored. # See lcms2mt.mak for more information SHARE_LCMS=0 !ifndef LCMS2MTSRCDIR LCMS2MTSRCDIR=lcms2mt !endif # Define the directory where the lcms2 source is stored. # See lcms2.mak for more information !ifndef LCMS2SRCDIR LCMS2SRCDIR=lcms2 !endif # Define the directory where the ijs source is stored, # and the process forking method to use for the server. # See ijs.mak for more information. !ifndef IJSSRCDIR SHARE_IJS=0 IJS_NAME= IJSSRCDIR=ijs IJSEXECTYPE=win !endif # Define the directory where the CUPS library sources are stored, !ifndef LCUPSSRCDIR SHARE_LCUPS=0 LCUPS_NAME= LCUPSSRCDIR=cups LCUPSBUILDTYPE=win CUPS_CC=$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DWIN32 !endif !ifndef LCUPSISRCDIR SHARE_LCUPSI=0 LCUPSI_NAME= LCUPSISRCDIR=cups CUPS_CC=$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DWIN32 -DHAVE_BOOLEAN !endif !ifndef JPEGXR_SRCDIR JPEGXR_SRCDIR=.\jpegxr !endif !ifndef SHARE_JPEGXR SHARE_JPEGXR=0 !endif !ifndef JPEGXR_CFLAGS JPEGXR_CFLAGS=/TP /DNDEBUG !endif !ifndef EXPATSRCDIR EXPATSRCDIR=.\expat !endif !ifndef SHARE_EXPAT SHARE_EXPAT=0 !endif !ifndef EXPAT_CFLAGS EXPAT_CFLAGS=/DWIN32 !endif # Define any other compilation flags. # support XCFLAGS for parity with the unix makefiles !ifndef XCFLAGS XCFLAGS= !endif !ifndef CFLAGS !if !defined(DEBUG) || "$(DEBUG)"=="0" CFLAGS=/DNDEBUG !else CFLAGS= !endif !endif !ifdef DEVSTUDIO CFLAGS=$(CFLAGS) /FC !endif !ifdef XP CFLAGS=$(CFLAGS) /D_USING_V110_SDK71_ SUBSUBSYS=,"5.01" !endif !ifdef CLUSTER CFLAGS=$(CFLAGS) -DCLUSTER !endif !if "$(MEMENTO)"=="1" CFLAGS=$(CFLAGS) -DMEMENTO !endif !ifdef METRO # Ideally the TIF_PLATFORM_CONSOLE define should only be for libtiff, # but we aren't set up to do that easily CFLAGS=$(CFLAGS) -DMETRO -DWINAPI_FAMILY=WINAPI_PARTITION_APP -DTIF_PLATFORM_CONSOLE # WinRT doesn't allow ExitProcess() so we have to suborn it here. # it shouldn't matter since we actually rely on setjmp()/longjmp() for error handling in libtiff PNG_CFLAGS=/DExitProcess=exit !endif CFLAGS=$(CFLAGS) $(XCFLAGS) # 1 --> Use 64 bits for gx_color_index. This is required only for # non standard devices or DeviceN process color model devices. USE_LARGE_COLOR_INDEX=0 !if $(USE_LARGE_COLOR_INDEX) == 1 # Definitions to force gx_color_index to 64 bits LARGEST_UINTEGER_TYPE=unsigned __int64 GX_COLOR_INDEX_TYPE=$(LARGEST_UINTEGER_TYPE) CFLAGS=$(CFLAGS) /DGX_COLOR_INDEX_TYPE="$(GX_COLOR_INDEX_TYPE)" !endif # -W3 generates too much noise. !ifndef WARNOPT WARNOPT=-W2 !endif # # Do not edit the next group of lines. #!include $(COMMONDIR)\msvcdefs.mak #!include $(COMMONDIR)\pcdefs.mak #!include $(COMMONDIR)\generic.mak !include $(GLSRCDIR)\version.mak # The following is a hack to get around the special treatment of \ at # the end of a line. NUL= D_=-D DD=$(GLGENDIR)\$(NUL) GLD=$(GLGENDIR)\$(NUL) PSD=$(PSGENDIR)\$(NUL) !ifdef SBR SBRFLAGS=/FR$(SBRDIR)\$(NUL) !endif # ------ Platform-specific options ------ # # Define which major version of MSVC is being used # (currently, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 are supported). # Define the minor version of MSVC, currently only # used for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 (7.1) #MSVC_VERSION=6 #MSVC_MINOR_VERSION=0 # Make a guess at the version of MSVC in use # This will not work if service packs change the version numbers. !if defined(_NMAKE_VER) && !defined(MSVC_VERSION) !if "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "162" MSVC_VERSION=5 !endif !if "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "6.00.8168.0" # VC 6 MSVC_VERSION=6 !endif !if "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "7.00.9466" MSVC_VERSION=7 !endif !if "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "7.00.9955" MSVC_VERSION=7 !endif !if "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "7.10.3077" MSVC_VERSION=7 MSVC_MINOR_VERSION=1 !endif !if "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "8.00.40607.16" # VS2005 MSVC_VERSION=8 !endif !if "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "8.00.50727.42" # VS2005 MSVC_VERSION=8 !endif !if "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "8.00.50727.762" # VS2005 MSVC_VERSION=8 !endif !if "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "9.00.21022.08" # VS2008 MSVC_VERSION=9 !endif !if "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "9.00.30729.01" # VS2008 MSVC_VERSION=9 !endif !if "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "10.00.30319.01" # VS2010 MSVC_VERSION=10 !endif !if "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "11.00.50522.1" # VS2012 MSVC_VERSION=11 !endif !if "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "11.00.50727.1" # VS2012 MSVC_VERSION=11 !endif !if "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "11.00.60315.1" # VS2012 MSVC_VERSION=11 !endif !if "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "11.00.60610.1" # VS2012 MSVC_VERSION=11 !endif !if "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "12.00.21005.1" # VS 2013 MSVC_VERSION=12 !endif !if "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "14.00.23506.0" # VS2015 MSVC_VERSION=14 !endif !if "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "14.00.24210.0" # VS2015 MSVC_VERSION=14 !endif !if "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "14.16.27034.0" # VS2017 or VS2019 (Toolset v141) MSVC_VERSION=15 MS_TOOLSET_VERSION=14.16.27034 !endif !if "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "14.24.28314.0" # VS2019 (Toolset v142) MSVC_VERSION=16 MS_TOOLSET_VERSION=14.24.28314 !endif !if "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "14.24.28315.0" # VS2019 (Toolset v142 - update) MSVC_VERSION=16 MS_TOOLSET_VERSION=14.24.28315 !endif !if "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == "14.24.28316.0" # VS2019 (Toolset v142 - update) MSVC_VERSION=16 MS_TOOLSET_VERSION=14.24.28316 !endif !endif !ifndef MSVC_VERSION !MESSAGE Could not determine MSVC_VERSION! Guessing at an ancient one. !MESSAGE Unknown nmake version: $(_NMAKE_VER) MSVC_VERSION=6 !endif !ifndef MSVC_MINOR_VERSION MSVC_MINOR_VERSION=0 !endif # Define the drive, directory, and compiler name for the Microsoft C files. # COMPDIR contains the compiler and linker (normally \msdev\bin). # MSINCDIR contains the include files (normally \msdev\include). # LIBDIR contains the library files (normally \msdev\lib). # COMP is the full C compiler path name (normally \msdev\bin\cl). # COMPCPP is the full C++ compiler path name (normally \msdev\bin\cl). # COMPAUX is the compiler name for DOS utilities (normally \msdev\bin\cl). # RCOMP is the resource compiler name (normallly \msdev\bin\rc). # LINK is the full linker path name (normally \msdev\bin\link). # Note that when MSINCDIR and LIBDIR are used, they always get a '\' appended, # so if you want to use the current directory, use an explicit '.'. !if $(MSVC_VERSION) == 4 ! ifndef DEVSTUDIO DEVSTUDIO=c:\msdev ! endif COMPBASE=$(DEVSTUDIO) SHAREDBASE=$(DEVSTUDIO) !endif !if $(MSVC_VERSION) == 5 ! ifndef DEVSTUDIO DEVSTUDIO=C:\Program Files\Devstudio ! endif !if "$(DEVSTUDIO)"=="" COMPBASE= SHAREDBASE= !else COMPBASE=$(DEVSTUDIO)\VC SHAREDBASE=$(DEVSTUDIO)\SharedIDE !endif !endif !if $(MSVC_VERSION) == 6 ! ifndef DEVSTUDIO DEVSTUDIO=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio ! endif !if "$(DEVSTUDIO)"=="" COMPBASE= SHAREDBASE= !else COMPBASE=$(DEVSTUDIO)\VC98 SHAREDBASE=$(DEVSTUDIO)\Common\MSDev98 !endif !endif !if $(MSVC_VERSION) == 7 ! ifndef DEVSTUDIO !if $(MSVC_MINOR_VERSION) == 0 DEVSTUDIO=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET !else DEVSTUDIO=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 !endif ! endif !if "$(DEVSTUDIO)"=="" COMPBASE= SHAREDBASE= !else COMPBASE=$(DEVSTUDIO)\Vc7 SHAREDBASE=$(DEVSTUDIO)\Vc7 !endif !endif !if $(MSVC_VERSION) == 8 ! ifndef DEVSTUDIO !if $(BUILD_SYSTEM) == 64 DEVSTUDIO=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 8 !else DEVSTUDIO=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8 !endif ! endif !if "$(DEVSTUDIO)"=="" COMPBASE= SHAREDBASE= !else COMPBASE=$(DEVSTUDIO)\VC SHAREDBASE=$(DEVSTUDIO)\VC !ifdef WIN64 COMPDIR64=$(COMPBASE)\bin\amd64 LINKLIBPATH=/LIBPATH:"$(COMPBASE)\lib\amd64" /LIBPATH:"$(COMPBASE)\PlatformSDK\Lib\AMD64" !endif !endif !endif !if $(MSVC_VERSION) == 9 ! ifndef DEVSTUDIO !if $(BUILD_SYSTEM) == 64 DEVSTUDIO=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 !else DEVSTUDIO=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 !endif ! endif !if "$(DEVSTUDIO)"=="" COMPBASE= SHAREDBASE= !else # There are at least 4 different values: # "v6.0"=Vista, "v6.0A"=Visual Studio 2008, # "v6.1"=Windows Server 2008, "v7.0"=Windows 7 ! ifdef MSSDK RCDIR=$(MSSDK)\bin ! else RCDIR=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\bin ! endif COMPBASE=$(DEVSTUDIO)\VC SHAREDBASE=$(DEVSTUDIO)\VC !ifdef WIN64 COMPDIR64=$(COMPBASE)\bin\amd64 LINKLIBPATH=/LIBPATH:"$(COMPBASE)\lib\amd64" /LIBPATH:"$(COMPBASE)\PlatformSDK\Lib\AMD64" !endif !endif !endif !if $(MSVC_VERSION) == 10 ! ifndef DEVSTUDIO !if $(BUILD_SYSTEM) == 64 DEVSTUDIO=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0 !else DEVSTUDIO=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0 !endif ! endif !if "$(DEVSTUDIO)"=="" COMPBASE= SHAREDBASE= !else # There are at least 4 different values: # "v6.0"=Vista, "v6.0A"=Visual Studio 2008, # "v6.1"=Windows Server 2008, "v7.0"=Windows 7 ! ifdef MSSDK ! ifdef WIN64 RCDIR=$(MSSDK)\bin\x64 ! else RCDIR=$(MSSDK)\bin ! endif ! else !ifdef WIN64 RCDIR=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0\bin !else RCDIR=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0\bin !endif ! endif COMPBASE=$(DEVSTUDIO)\VC SHAREDBASE=$(DEVSTUDIO)\VC !ifdef WIN64 !if $(BUILD_SYSTEM) == 64 COMPDIR64=$(COMPBASE)\bin\amd64 LINKLIBPATH=/LIBPATH:"$(MSSDK)\lib\x64" /LIBPATH:"$(COMPBASE)\lib\amd64" !else COMPDIR64=$(COMPBASE)\bin\x86_amd64 LINKLIBPATH=/LIBPATH:"$(COMPBASE)\lib\amd64" /LIBPATH:"$(COMPBASE)\PlatformSDK\Lib\x64" !endif !endif !endif !endif !if $(MSVC_VERSION) == 11 ! ifndef DEVSTUDIO !if $(BUILD_SYSTEM) == 64 DEVSTUDIO=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0 !else DEVSTUDIO=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0 !endif ! endif !if "$(DEVSTUDIO)"=="" COMPBASE= SHAREDBASE= !else # There are at least 4 different values: # "v6.0"=Vista, "v6.0A"=Visual Studio 2008, # "v6.1"=Windows Server 2008, "v7.0"=Windows 7 ! ifdef MSSDK ! ifdef WIN64 RCDIR=$(MSSDK)\bin\x64 ! else RCDIR=$(MSSDK)\bin ! endif ! else !if $(BUILD_SYSTEM) == 64 RCDIR=C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0\bin\x64 !else RCDIR=C:\Program Files\Windows Kits\8.0\bin\x86 !endif ! endif COMPBASE=$(DEVSTUDIO)\VC SHAREDBASE=$(DEVSTUDIO)\VC !ifdef WIN64 !if $(BUILD_SYSTEM) == 64 COMPDIR64=$(COMPBASE)\bin\x86_amd64 LINKLIBPATH=/LIBPATH:"$(MSSDK)\lib\x64" /LIBPATH:"$(COMPBASE)\lib\amd64" !else COMPDIR64=$(COMPBASE)\bin\x86_amd64 LINKLIBPATH=/LIBPATH:"$(COMPBASE)\lib\amd64" /LIBPATH:"$(COMPBASE)\PlatformSDK\Lib\x64" !endif !endif !endif !endif !if $(MSVC_VERSION) == 12 ! ifndef DEVSTUDIO ! if $(BUILD_SYSTEM) == 64 DEVSTUDIO=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0 ! else DEVSTUDIO=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0 ! endif ! endif ! if "$(DEVSTUDIO)"=="" COMPBASE= SHAREDBASE= ! else # There are at least 4 different values: # "v6.0"=Vista, "v6.0A"=Visual Studio 2008, # "v6.1"=Windows Server 2008, "v7.0"=Windows 7 ! ifdef MSSDK ! ifdef WIN64 RCDIR=$(MSSDK)\bin\x64 ! else RCDIR=$(MSSDK)\bin ! endif ! else ! if $(BUILD_SYSTEM) == 64 RCDIR=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1A\Bin ! else RCDIR=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1A\Bin ! endif ! endif COMPBASE=$(DEVSTUDIO)\VC SHAREDBASE=$(DEVSTUDIO)\VC ! ifdef WIN64 ! if $(BUILD_SYSTEM) == 64 COMPDIR64=$(COMPBASE)\bin\x86_amd64 LINKLIBPATH=/LIBPATH:"$(COMPBASE)\lib\amd64" ! else COMPDIR64=$(COMPBASE)\bin\x86_amd64 LINKLIBPATH=/LIBPATH:"$(COMPBASE)\lib\amd64" /LIBPATH:"$(COMPBASE)\PlatformSDK\Lib\x64" ! endif ! endif ! endif !endif !if $(MSVC_VERSION) == 14 ! ifndef DEVSTUDIO ! if $(BUILD_SYSTEM) == 64 DEVSTUDIO=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 ! else DEVSTUDIO=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0 ! endif ! endif ! if "$(DEVSTUDIO)"=="" COMPBASE= SHAREDBASE= ! else # There are at least 4 different values: # "v6.0"=Vista, "v6.0A"=Visual Studio 2008, # "v6.1"=Windows Server 2008, "v7.0"=Windows 7 ! ifdef MSSDK ! ifdef WIN64 RCDIR=$(MSSDK)\bin\x64 ! else RCDIR=$(MSSDK)\bin ! endif ! else ! if $(BUILD_SYSTEM) == 64 RCDIR=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\Bin ! else RCDIR=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\Bin ! endif ! endif COMPBASE=$(DEVSTUDIO)\VC SHAREDBASE=$(DEVSTUDIO)\VC ! ifdef WIN64 ! if $(BUILD_SYSTEM) == 64 COMPDIR64=$(COMPBASE)\bin\x86_amd64 LINKLIBPATH=/LIBPATH:"$(COMPBASE)\lib\amd64" ! else COMPDIR64=$(COMPBASE)\bin\x86_amd64 LINKLIBPATH=/LIBPATH:"$(COMPBASE)\lib\amd64" /LIBPATH:"$(COMPBASE)\PlatformSDK\Lib\x64" ! endif ! endif ! endif !endif !if $(MSVC_VERSION) == 15 ! ifndef DEVSTUDIO DEVSTUDIO=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\$(MS_TOOLSET_VERSION) ! endif ! if "$(DEVSTUDIO)"=="" COMPBASE= SHAREDBASE= ! else ! if $(BUILD_SYSTEM) == 64 DEVSTUDIO_HOST=Hostx64 ! else DEVSTUDIO_HOST=Hostx86 ! endif ! ifdef WIN64 DEVSTUDIO_TARGET=x64 ! else DEVSTUDIO_TARGET=x86 ! endif COMPDIR=$(DEVSTUDIO)\bin\$(DEVSTUDIO_HOST)\$(DEVSTUDIO_TARGET) RCDIR= LINKLIBPATH=/LIBPATH:"$(DEVSTUDIO)\lib\$(DEVSTUDIO_TARGET)" ! endif !endif !if $(MSVC_VERSION) == 16 ! ifndef DEVSTUDIO ! if exist("C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Professional") DEVSTUDIO_VARIANT="Professional" ! else DEVSTUDIO_VARIANT="Community" ! endif DEVSTUDIO=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\$(DEVSTUDIO_VARIANT)\VC\Tools\MSVC\$(MS_TOOLSET_VERSION) ! endif ! if "$(DEVSTUDIO)"=="" COMPBASE= SHAREDBASE= ! else ! if $(BUILD_SYSTEM) == 64 DEVSTUDIO_HOST=Hostx64 ! else DEVSTUDIO_HOST=Hostx86 ! endif ! ifdef WIN64 DEVSTUDIO_TARGET=x64 ! else DEVSTUDIO_TARGET=x86 ! endif COMPDIR=$(DEVSTUDIO)\bin\$(DEVSTUDIO_HOST)\$(DEVSTUDIO_TARGET) RCDIR= LINKLIBPATH=/LIBPATH:"$(DEVSTUDIO)\lib\$(DEVSTUDIO_TARGET)" ! endif !endif !if "$(ARM)"=="1" VCINSTDIR=$(VS110COMNTOOLS)..\..\VC\ !ifndef WINSDKVER WINSDKVER=8.0 !endif !ifndef WINSDKDIR WINSDKDIR=$(VS110COMNTOOLS)..\..\..\Windows Kits\$(WINSDKVER)\ !endif COMPAUX__="$(VCINSTDIR)\bin\cl.exe" COMPAUXCFLAGS=/I"$(VCINSTDIR)\INCLUDE" /I"$(VCINSTDIR)\ATLMFC\INCLUDE" \ /I"$(WINSDKDIR)\include\shared" /I"$(WINSDKDIR)\include\um" \ /I"$(WINDSKDIR)include\winrt" COMPAUXLDFLAGS=/LIBPATH:"$(VCINSTDIR)\LIB" \ /LIBPATH:"$(VCINSTDIR)\ATLMFC\LIB" \ /LIBPATH:"$(WINSDKDIR)\lib\win8\um\x86" COMPAUX=$(COMPAUX__) $(COMPAUXCFLAGS) !else COMPAUXLDFLAGS="" !endif # Some environments don't want to specify the path names for the tools at all. # Typical definitions for such an environment would be: # MSINCDIR= LIBDIR= COMP=cl COMPAUX=cl RCOMP=rc LINK=link # COMPDIR, LINKDIR, and RCDIR are irrelevant, since they are only used to # define COMP, LINK, and RCOMP respectively, but we allow them to be # overridden anyway for completeness. !ifndef COMPDIR !if "$(COMPBASE)"=="" COMPDIR= !else !ifdef WIN64 COMPDIR=$(COMPDIR64) !else COMPDIR=$(COMPBASE)\bin !endif !endif !endif !ifndef LINKDIR !if "$(COMPBASE)"=="" LINKDIR= !else !ifdef WIN64 LINKDIR=$(COMPDIR64) !else LINKDIR=$(COMPBASE)\bin !endif !endif !endif !ifndef RCDIR !if "$(SHAREDBASE)"=="" RCDIR= !else RCDIR=$(SHAREDBASE)\bin !endif !endif !ifndef MSINCDIR !if "$(COMPBASE)"=="" MSINCDIR= !else MSINCDIR=$(COMPBASE)\include !endif !endif !ifndef LIBDIR !if "$(COMPBASE)"=="" LIBDIR= !else !ifdef WIN64 LIBDIR=$(COMPBASE)\lib\amd64 !else LIBDIR=$(COMPBASE)\lib !endif !endif !endif !ifndef COMP !if "$(COMPDIR)"=="" COMP=cl !else COMP="$(COMPDIR)\cl" !endif !endif !ifndef COMPCPP COMPCPP=$(COMP) !endif !ifndef COMPAUX !ifdef WIN64 COMPAUX=$(COMP) !else COMPAUX=$(COMP) !endif !endif !ifndef RCOMP !if "$(RCDIR)"=="" RCOMP=rc !else RCOMP="$(RCDIR)\rc" !endif !endif !ifndef LINK !if "$(LINKDIR)"=="" LINK=link !else LINK="$(LINKDIR)\link" !endif !endif # nmake does not have a form of .BEFORE or .FIRST which can be used # to specify actions before anything else is done. If LIB and INCLUDE # are not defined then we want to define them before we link or # compile. Here is a kludge which allows us to to do what we want. # nmake does evaluate preprocessor directives when they are encountered. # So the desired set statements are put into dummy preprocessor # directives. !ifndef INCLUDE !if "$(MSINCDIR)"!="" !if [set INCLUDE=$(MSINCDIR)]==0 !endif !endif !endif !ifndef LIB !if "$(LIBDIR)"!="" !if [set LIB=$(LIBDIR)]==0 !endif !endif !endif !ifndef LINKLIBPATH LINKLIBPATH= !endif # Define the processor architecture. (i386, ppc, alpha) !ifndef CPU_FAMILY CPU_FAMILY=i386 #CPU_FAMILY=ppc #CPU_FAMILY=alpha # not supported yet - we need someone to tweak !endif # Define the processor (CPU) type. Allowable values depend on the family: # i386: 386, 486, 586 # ppc: 601, 604, 620 # alpha: not currently used. !ifndef CPU_TYPE CPU_TYPE=486 #CPU_TYPE=601 !endif # Define special features of CPUs # We'll assume that if you have an x86 machine, you've got a modern # enough one to have SSE2 instructions. If you don't, then predefine # DONT_HAVE_SSE2 when calling this makefile !ifndef ARM !if "$(CPU_FAMILY)" == "i386" !ifndef DONT_HAVE_SSE2 !ifndef HAVE_SSE2 !message ************************************************************** !message * Assuming that target has SSE2 instructions available. If * !message * this is NOT the case, define DONT_HAVE_SSE2 when building. * !message ************************************************************** !endif HAVE_SSE2=1 CFLAGS=$(CFLAGS) /DHAVE_SSE2 # add "/D__SSE__" here, but causes crashes just now JPX_SSE_CFLAGS= !endif !endif !endif # Define the .dev module that implements thread and synchronization # primitives for this platform. Don't change this unless you really know # what you're doing. !ifndef SYNC SYNC=winsync !endif # Luratech jp2 flags depend on the compiler version # !if "$(JPX_LIB)" == "luratech" || "$(JPX_LIB)" == "lwf_jp2" # Set defaults for using the Luratech JP2 implementation !ifndef JPXSRCDIR # CSDK source code location JPXSRCDIR=luratech\lwf_jp2 !endif !ifndef JPX_CFLAGS # required compiler flags !ifdef WIN64 JPX_CFLAGS=-DUSE_LWF_JP2 -DWIN64 -DNO_ASSEMBLY !else JPX_CFLAGS=-DUSE_LWF_JP2 -DWIN32 -DNO_ASSEMBLY !endif !endif !endif # OpenJPEG compiler flags # !if "$(JPX_LIB)" == "openjpeg" !ifndef JPXSRCDIR JPXSRCDIR=openjpeg !endif !ifndef JPX_CFLAGS !ifdef WIN64 JPX_CFLAGS=-DMUTEX_pthread=0 -DUSE_OPENJPEG_JP2 -DUSE_JPIP $(JPX_SSE_CFLAGS) -DOPJ_STATIC -DWIN64 !else JPX_CFLAGS=-DMUTEX_pthread=0 -DUSE_OPENJPEG_JP2 -DUSE_JPIP $(JPX_SSE_CFLAGS) -DOPJ_STATIC -DWIN32 !endif !else JPX_CFLAGS = $JPX_CFLAGS -DUSE_JPIP -DUSE_OPENJPEG_JP2 -DOPJ_STATIC !endif !endif # ------ Devices and features ------ # # Choose the language feature(s) to include. See gs.mak for details. !ifndef FEATURE_DEVS # Choose the language feature(s) to include. See gs.mak for details. # if it's included, $(PSD)gs_pdfwr.dev should always be one of the last in the list PSI_FEATURE_DEVS=$(PSD)psl3.dev $(PSD)pdf.dev $(PSD)epsf.dev $(PSD)ttfont.dev \ $(PSD)jbig2.dev $(PSD)jpx.dev $(PSD)fapi_ps.dev $(GLD)winutf8.dev $(PSD)gs_pdfwr.dev PCL_FEATURE_DEVS=$(PLOBJDIR)/pl.dev $(PLOBJDIR)/pjl.dev $(PXLOBJDIR)/pxl.dev $(PCL5OBJDIR)/pcl5c.dev \ $(PCL5OBJDIR)/hpgl2c.dev XPS_FEATURE_DEVS=$(XPSOBJDIR)/pl.dev $(XPSOBJDIR)/xps.dev FEATURE_DEVS=$(GLD)pipe.dev $(GLD)gsnogc.dev $(GLD)htxlib.dev $(GLD)psl3lib.dev $(GLD)psl2lib.dev \ $(GLD)dps2lib.dev $(GLD)path1lib.dev $(GLD)patlib.dev $(GLD)psl2cs.dev $(GLD)rld.dev $(GLD)gxfapiu$(UFST_BRIDGE).dev\ $(GLD)ttflib.dev $(GLD)cielib.dev $(GLD)pipe.dev $(GLD)htxlib.dev $(GLD)sdct.dev $(GLD)libpng.dev\ $(GLD)seprlib.dev $(GLD)translib.dev $(GLD)cidlib.dev $(GLD)psf0lib.dev $(GLD)psf1lib.dev\ $(GLD)psf2lib.dev $(GLD)lzwd.dev $(GLD)sicclib.dev $(GLD)mshandle.dev $(GLD)mspoll.dev \ $(GLD)ramfs.dev $(GLD)sjpx.dev $(GLD)sjbig2.dev \ $(GLD)pwgd.dev $(GLD)siscale.dev $(URF_DEV) !ifndef METRO FEATURE_DEVS=$(FEATURE_DEVS) $(PSD)msprinter.dev $(GLD)pipe.dev !endif !endif # Choose whether to compile the .ps initialization files into the executable. # See gs.mak for details. !ifndef COMPILE_INITS COMPILE_INITS=1 !endif # Choose whether to store band lists on files or in memory. # The choices are 'file' or 'memory'. !ifndef BAND_LIST_STORAGE BAND_LIST_STORAGE=file !endif # Choose which compression method to use when storing band lists in memory. # The choices are 'lzw' or 'zlib'. !ifndef BAND_LIST_COMPRESSOR BAND_LIST_COMPRESSOR=zlib !endif # Choose the implementation of file I/O: 'stdio', 'fd', or 'both'. # See gs.mak and sfxfd.c for more details. !ifndef FILE_IMPLEMENTATION FILE_IMPLEMENTATION=stdio !endif # Choose the device(s) to include. See devs.mak for details, # devs.mak and contrib.mak for the list of available devices. !ifndef DEVICE_DEVS !ifdef METRO DEVICE_DEVS= !else DEVICE_DEVS=$(DD)display.dev $(DD)mswinpr2.dev $(DD)ijs.dev !endif DEVICE_DEVS2=$(DD)epson.dev $(DD)eps9high.dev $(DD)eps9mid.dev $(DD)epsonc.dev $(DD)ibmpro.dev DEVICE_DEVS3=$(DD)deskjet.dev $(DD)djet500.dev $(DD)laserjet.dev $(DD)ljetplus.dev $(DD)ljet2p.dev DEVICE_DEVS4=$(DD)cdeskjet.dev $(DD)cdjcolor.dev $(DD)cdjmono.dev $(DD)cdj550.dev DEVICE_DEVS5=$(DD)uniprint.dev $(DD)djet500c.dev $(DD)declj250.dev $(DD)lj250.dev DEVICE_DEVS6=$(DD)st800.dev $(DD)stcolor.dev $(DD)bj10e.dev $(DD)bj200.dev DEVICE_DEVS7=$(DD)t4693d2.dev $(DD)t4693d4.dev $(DD)t4693d8.dev $(DD)tek4696.dev DEVICE_DEVS8=$(DD)pcxmono.dev $(DD)pcxgray.dev $(DD)pcx16.dev $(DD)pcx256.dev $(DD)pcx24b.dev $(DD)pcxcmyk.dev DEVICE_DEVS9=$(DD)pbm.dev $(DD)pbmraw.dev $(DD)pgm.dev $(DD)pgmraw.dev $(DD)pgnm.dev $(DD)pgnmraw.dev $(DD)pkmraw.dev DEVICE_DEVS10=$(DD)tiffcrle.dev $(DD)tiffg3.dev $(DD)tiffg32d.dev $(DD)tiffg4.dev $(DD)tifflzw.dev $(DD)tiffpack.dev DEVICE_DEVS11=$(DD)bmpmono.dev $(DD)bmpgray.dev $(DD)bmp16.dev $(DD)bmp256.dev $(DD)bmp16m.dev $(DD)tiff12nc.dev $(DD)tiff24nc.dev $(DD)tiff48nc.dev $(DD)tiffgray.dev $(DD)tiff32nc.dev $(DD)tiff64nc.dev $(DD)tiffsep.dev $(DD)tiffsep1.dev $(DD)tiffscaled.dev $(DD)tiffscaled8.dev $(DD)tiffscaled24.dev $(DD)tiffscaled32.dev $(DD)tiffscaled4.dev DEVICE_DEVS12=$(DD)bit.dev $(DD)bitrgb.dev $(DD)bitcmyk.dev $(DD)bitrgbtags.dev $(DD)chameleon.dev DEVICE_DEVS13=$(DD)pngmono.dev $(DD)pngmonod.dev $(DD)pnggray.dev $(DD)png16.dev $(DD)png256.dev $(DD)png16m.dev $(DD)pngalpha.dev $(DD)fpng.dev $(DD)psdcmykog.dev DEVICE_DEVS14=$(DD)jpeg.dev $(DD)jpeggray.dev $(DD)jpegcmyk.dev $(DD)pdfimage8.dev $(DD)pdfimage24.dev $(DD)pdfimage32.dev $(DD)PCLm.dev DEVICE_DEVS15=$(DD)pdfwrite.dev $(DD)ps2write.dev $(DD)eps2write.dev $(DD)txtwrite.dev $(DD)pxlmono.dev $(DD)pxlcolor.dev $(DD)xpswrite.dev $(DD)inkcov.dev $(DD)ink_cov.dev DEVICE_DEVS16=$(DD)bbox.dev $(DD)plib.dev $(DD)plibg.dev $(DD)plibm.dev $(DD)plibc.dev $(DD)plibk.dev $(DD)plan.dev $(DD)plang.dev $(DD)planm.dev $(DD)planc.dev $(DD)plank.dev $(DD)planr.dev !if "$(WITH_CUPS)" == "1" DEVICE_DEVS16=$(DEVICE_DEVS16) $(DD)cups.dev !endif !if "$(WITH_URF)" == "1" DEVICE_DEVS16=$(DEVICE_DEVS16) $(DD)urfgray.dev $(DD)urfrgb.dev $(DD)urfcmyk.dev !endif # Overflow for DEVS3,4,5,6,9 DEVICE_DEVS17=$(DD)ljet3.dev $(DD)ljet3d.dev $(DD)ljet4.dev $(DD)ljet4d.dev DEVICE_DEVS18=$(DD)pj.dev $(DD)pjxl.dev $(DD)pjxl300.dev $(DD)jetp3852.dev $(DD)r4081.dev DEVICE_DEVS19=$(DD)lbp8.dev $(DD)m8510.dev $(DD)necp6.dev $(DD)bjc600.dev $(DD)bjc800.dev DEVICE_DEVS20=$(DD)pnm.dev $(DD)pnmraw.dev $(DD)ppm.dev $(DD)ppmraw.dev $(DD)pamcmyk32.dev $(DD)pamcmyk4.dev $(DD)pnmcmyk.dev $(DD)pam.dev DEVICE_DEVS21=$(DD)spotcmyk.dev $(DD)devicen.dev $(DD)bmpsep1.dev $(DD)bmpsep8.dev $(DD)bmp16m.dev $(DD)bmp32b.dev $(DD)psdcmyk.dev $(DD)psdrgb.dev $(DD)psdcmyk16.dev $(DD)psdrgb16.dev !endif CONTRIB_DEVS=$(DD)pcl3.dev $(DD)hpdjplus.dev $(DD)hpdjportable.dev $(DD)hpdj310.dev $(DD)hpdj320.dev $(DD)hpdj340.dev $(DD)hpdj400.dev $(DD)hpdj500.dev $(DD)hpdj500c.dev $(DD)hpdj510.dev $(DD)hpdj520.dev $(DD)hpdj540.dev $(DD)hpdj550c.dev $(DD)hpdj560c.dev $(DD)hpdj600.dev $(DD)hpdj660c.dev $(DD)hpdj670c.dev $(DD)hpdj680c.dev $(DD)hpdj690c.dev $(DD)hpdj850c.dev $(DD)hpdj855c.dev $(DD)hpdj870c.dev $(DD)hpdj890c.dev $(DD)hpdj1120c.dev $(DD)cdj670.dev $(DD)cdj850.dev $(DD)cdj880.dev $(DD)cdj890.dev $(DD)cdj970.dev $(DD)cdj1600.dev $(DD)cdnj500.dev $(DD)chp2200.dev $(DD)lips3.dev $(DD)lxm3200.dev $(DD)lex2050.dev $(DD)lxm3200.dev $(DD)lex5700.dev $(DD)lex7000.dev $(DD)oki4w.dev $(DD)gdi.dev $(DD)samsunggdi.dev $(DD)dl2100.dev $(DD)la50.dev $(DD)la70.dev $(DD)la75.dev $(DD)la75plus.dev $(DD)ln03.dev $(DD)xes.dev $(DD)md2k.dev $(DD)md5k.dev $(DD)lips4.dev $(DD)bj10v.dev $(DD)bj10vh.dev $(DD)md50Mono.dev $(DD)md50Eco.dev $(DD)md1xMono.dev $(DD)lp2000.dev $(DD)escpage.dev $(DD)npdl.dev $(DD)rpdl.dev $(DD)fmpr.dev $(DD)fmlbp.dev $(DD)jj100.dev $(DD)lbp310.dev $(DD)lbp320.dev $(DD)mj700v2c.dev $(DD)mj500c.dev $(DD)mj6000c.dev $(DD)mj8000c.dev $(DD)pr201.dev $(DD)pr150.dev $(DD)pr1000.dev $(DD)pr1000_4.dev $(DD)lips2p.dev $(DD)bjc880j.dev $(DD)bjcmono.dev $(DD)bjcgray.dev $(DD)bjccmyk.dev $(DD)bjccolor.dev !if "$(WITH_CONTRIB)" == "1" DEVICE_DEVS16=$(DEVICE_DEVS16) $(CONTRIB_DEVS) !endif # FAPI compilation options : UFST_CFLAGS=-DMSVC BITSTREAM_CFLAGS= # ---------------------------- End of options ---------------------------- # # Define the name of the makefile -- used in dependencies. MAKEFILE=$(PSSRCDIR)\msvc.mak TOP_MAKEFILES=$(MAKEFILE) $(GLSRCDIR)\msvccmd.mak $(GLSRCDIR)\msvctail.mak $(GLSRCDIR)\winlib.mak $(PSSRCDIR)\winint.mak # Define the files to be removed by `make clean'. # nmake expands macros when encountered, not when used, # so this must precede the !include statements. BEGINFILES2=$(GLGENDIR)\lib.rsp\ $(GLOBJDIR)\*.exp $(GLOBJDIR)\*.ilk $(GLOBJDIR)\*.pdb $(GLOBJDIR)\*.lib\ $(BINDIR)\*.exp $(BINDIR)\*.ilk $(BINDIR)\*.pdb $(BINDIR)\*.lib obj.pdb\ obj.idb $(GLOBJDIR)\gs.pch $(SBRDIR)\*.sbr $(GLOBJDIR)\cups\*.h !ifdef BSCFILE BEGINFILES2=$(BEGINFILES2) $(BSCFILE) !endif !include $(GLSRCDIR)\msvccmd.mak # *romfs.mak must precede lib.mak !include $(PSSRCDIR)\psromfs.mak !if $(BUILD_PCL) !include $(PLSRCDIR)\plromfs.mak !endif !if $(BUILD_XPS) !include $(XPSSRCDIR)\xpsromfs.mak !endif !include $(GLSRCDIR)\winlib.mak !if $(BUILD_PCL) !include $(PLSRCDIR)\pl.mak !include $(PCL5SRCDIR)\pcl.mak !include $(PCL5SRCDIR)\pcl_top.mak !include $(PXLSRCDIR)\pxl.mak !endif !if $(BUILD_XPS) !include $(XPSSRCDIR)\xps.mak !endif !if $(BUILD_GPDL) !include $(GPDLSRCDIR)\gpdl.mak !endif !include $(GLSRCDIR)\msvctail.mak !include $(PSSRCDIR)\winint.mak # ----------------------------- Main program ------------------------------ # GSCONSOLE_XE=$(BINDIR)\$(GSCONSOLE).exe GSDLL_DLL=$(BINDIR)\$(GSDLL).dll GSDLL_OBJS=$(PSOBJ)gsdll.$(OBJ) $(GLOBJ)gp_msdll.$(OBJ) GPCL6DLL_DLL=$(BINDIR)\$(GPCL6DLL).dll GXPSDLL_DLL=$(BINDIR)\$(GXPSDLL).dll GPDLDLL_DLL=$(BINDIR)\$(GPDLDLL).dll INT_ARCHIVE_SOME=$(GLOBJ)gconfig.$(OBJ) $(GLOBJ)gscdefs.$(OBJ) INT_ARCHIVE_ALL=$(PSOBJ)imainarg.$(OBJ) $(PSOBJ)imain.$(OBJ) $(GLOBJ)iconfig.$(OBJ) \ $(INT_ARCHIVE_SOME) !if $(TDEBUG) != 0 $(PSGEN)lib.rsp: $(TOP_MAKEFILES) echo /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBC.lib > $(PSGEN)lib.rsp echo /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBCMT.lib >> $(PSGEN)lib.rsp !ifdef METRO echo kernel32.lib runtimeobject.lib rpcrt4.lib >> $(PSGEN)lib.rsp !else echo LIBCMTD.lib >> $(PSGEN)lib.rsp !endif !else $(PSGEN)lib.rsp: $(TOP_MAKEFILES) echo /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBC.lib > $(PSGEN)lib.rsp echo /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBCMTD.lib >> $(PSGEN)lib.rsp !ifdef METRO echo kernel32.lib runtimeobject.lib rpcrt4.lib >> $(PSGEN)lib.rsp !else echo LIBCMT.lib >> $(PSGEN)lib.rsp !endif !endif # a bit naff - find some way to combine above and this.... !if $(TDEBUG) != 0 $(PCLGEN)pcllib.rsp: $(TOP_MAKEFILES) echo /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBC.lib > $(PCLGEN)pcllib.rsp echo /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBCMT.lib >> $(PCLGEN)pcllib.rsp !ifdef METRO echo kernel32.lib runtimeobject.lib rpcrt4.lib >> $(PCLGEN)pcllib.rsp !else echo LIBCMTD.lib >> $(PCLGEN)pcllib.rsp !endif !else $(PCLGEN)pcllib.rsp: $(TOP_MAKEFILES) echo /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBC.lib > $(PCLGEN)pcllib.rsp echo /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBCMTD.lib >> $(PCLGEN)pcllib.rsp !ifdef METRO echo kernel32.lib runtimeobject.lib rpcrt4.lib >> $(PCLGEN)pcllib.rsp !else echo LIBCMT.lib >> $(PCLGEN)pcllib.rsp !endif !endif !if $(TDEBUG) != 0 $(XPSGEN)xpslib.rsp: $(TOP_MAKEFILES) echo /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBC.lib > $(XPSGEN)xpslib.rsp echo /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBCMT.lib >> $(XPSGEN)xpslib.rsp !ifdef METRO echo kernel32.lib runtimeobject.lib rpcrt4.lib >> $(XPSGEN)xpslib.rsp !else echo LIBCMTD.lib >> $(XPSGEN)xpslib.rsp !endif !else $(XPSGEN)xpslib.rsp: $(TOP_MAKEFILES) echo /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBC.lib > $(XPSGEN)xpslib.rsp echo /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBCMTD.lib >> $(XPSGEN)xpslib.rsp !ifdef METRO echo kernel32.lib runtimeobject.lib rpcrt4.lib >> $(XPSGEN)xpslib.rsp !else echo LIBCMT.lib >> $(XPSGEN)xpslib.rsp !endif !endif !if $(TDEBUG) != 0 $(GPDLGEN)gpdllib.rsp: $(TOP_MAKEFILES) echo /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBC.lib > $(XPSGEN)gpdllib.rsp echo /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBCMT.lib >> $(XPSGEN)gpdllib.rsp !ifdef METRO echo kernel32.lib runtimeobject.lib rpcrt4.lib >> $(XPSGEN)gpdllib.rsp !else echo LIBCMTD.lib >> $(XPSGEN)gpdllib.rsp !endif !else $(GPDLGEN)gpdllib.rsp: $(TOP_MAKEFILES) echo /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBC.lib > $(XPSGEN)gpdllib.rsp echo /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBCMTD.lib >> $(XPSGEN)gpdllib.rsp !ifdef METRO echo kernel32.lib runtimeobject.lib rpcrt4.lib >> $(XPSGEN)gpdllib.rsp !else echo LIBCMT.lib >> $(XPSGEN)gpdllib.rsp !endif !endif !if $(MAKEDLL) # The graphical small EXE loader !ifdef METRO # For METRO build only the dll $(GS_XE): $(GSDLL_DLL) !else $(GS_XE): $(GSDLL_DLL) $(DWOBJ) $(GSCONSOLE_XE) $(GLOBJ)gp_wutf8.$(OBJ) $(TOP_MAKEFILES) echo /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS$(SUBSUBSYS) > $(PSGEN)gswin.rsp !if "$(PROFILE)"=="1" echo /Profile >> $(PSGEN)gswin.rsp !endif !ifdef WIN64 echo /DEF:$(PSSRCDIR)\dwmain64.def /OUT:$(GS_XE) >> $(PSGEN)gswin.rsp !else echo /DEF:$(PSSRCDIR)\dwmain32.def /OUT:$(GS_XE) >> $(PSGEN)gswin.rsp !endif $(LINK) $(LCT) @$(PSGEN)gswin.rsp $(DWOBJ) $(LINKLIBPATH) @$(LIBCTR) $(GS_OBJ).res $(GLOBJ)gp_wutf8.$(OBJ) del $(PSGEN)gswin.rsp !endif # The console mode small EXE loader $(GSCONSOLE_XE): $(OBJC) $(GS_OBJ).res $(PSSRCDIR)\dw64c.def $(PSSRCDIR)\dw32c.def $(GLOBJ)gp_wutf8.$(OBJ) $(TOP_MAKEFILES) echo /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE$(SUBSUBSYS) > $(PSGEN)gswin.rsp !if "$(PROFILE)"=="1" echo /Profile >> $(PSGEN)gswin.rsp !endif !ifdef WIN64 echo /DEF:$(PSSRCDIR)\dw64c.def /OUT:$(GSCONSOLE_XE) >> $(PSGEN)gswin.rsp !else echo /DEF:$(PSSRCDIR)\dw32c.def /OUT:$(GSCONSOLE_XE) >> $(PSGEN)gswin.rsp !endif $(LINK) $(LCT) @$(PSGEN)gswin.rsp $(OBJC) $(LINKLIBPATH) @$(LIBCTR) $(GS_OBJ).res $(GLOBJ)gp_wutf8.$(OBJ) # The big DLL $(GSDLL_DLL): $(ECHOGS_XE) $(gs_tr) $(GS_ALL) $(DEVS_ALL) $(GSDLL_OBJS) $(GSDLL_OBJ).res $(PSGEN)lib.rsp \ $(PSOBJ)gsromfs$(COMPILE_INITS).$(OBJ) $(TOP_MAKEFILES) echo Linking $(GSDLL) $(GSDLL_DLL) $(METRO) echo /DLL /DEF:$(PSSRCDIR)\$(GSDLL).def /OUT:$(GSDLL_DLL) > $(PSGEN)gswin.rsp !if "$(PROFILE)"=="1" echo /Profile >> $(PSGEN)gswin.rsp !endif $(LINK) $(LCT) @$(PSGEN)gswin.rsp $(GSDLL_OBJS) @$(gsld_tr) $(PSOBJ)gsromfs$(COMPILE_INITS).$(OBJ) @$(PSGEN)lib.rsp $(LINKLIBPATH) @$(LIBCTR) $(GSDLL_OBJ).res del $(PSGEN)gswin.rsp $(GPCL6DLL_DLL): $(ECHOGS_XE) $(GSDLL_OBJ).res $(LIBCTR) $(LIB_ALL) $(PCL_DEVS_ALL) $(PCLGEN)pcllib.rsp \ $(PCLOBJ)pclromfs$(COMPILE_INITS).$(OBJ) $(ld_tr) $(pcl_tr) $(MAIN_OBJ) $(TOP_OBJ) \ $(XOBJS) $(INT_ARCHIVE_SOME) $(TOP_MAKEFILES) echo Linking $(GPCL6DLL) $(GPCL6DLL_DLL) $(METRO) copy $(pclld_tr) $(PCLGEN)gpclwin.tr echo $(MAIN_OBJ) $(TOP_OBJ) $(INT_ARCHIVE_SOME) $(XOBJS) >> $(PCLGEN)gpclwin.tr echo $(PCLOBJ)pclromfs$(COMPILE_INITS).$(OBJ) >> $(PCLGEN)gpclwin.tr echo /DLL /DEF:$(PLSRCDIR)\$(GPCL6DLL).def /OUT:$(GPCL6DLL_DLL) > $(PCLGEN)gpclwin.rsp !if "$(PROFILE)"=="1" echo /Profile >> $(PSGEN)gpclwin.rsp !endif $(LINK) $(LCT) @$(PCLGEN)gpclwin.rsp $(GPCL6DLL_OBJS) @$(PCLGEN)gpclwin.tr @$(PSGEN)pcllib.rsp $(LINKLIBPATH) @$(LIBCTR) $(GSDLL_OBJ).res del $(PCLGEN)gpclwin.rsp $(GPCL_XE): $(GPCL6DLL_DLL) $(DWMAINOBJS) $(GS_OBJ).res $(TOP_MAKEFILES) echo /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE$(SUBSUBSYS) > $(PCLGEN)gpclwin.rsp !if "$(PROFILE)"=="1" echo /Profile >> $(PCLGEN)gpclwin.rsp !endif !ifdef WIN64 echo /OUT:$(GPCL_XE) >> $(PCLGEN)gpclwin.rsp !else echo /OUT:$(GPCL_XE) >> $(PCLGEN)gpclwin.rsp !endif $(LINK) $(LCT) @$(PCLGEN)gpclwin.rsp $(DWMAINOBJS) $(BINDIR)\$(GPCL6DLL).lib $(LINKLIBPATH) @$(LIBCTR) $(GS_OBJ).res del $(PXLGEN)gpclwin.rsp $(GXPSDLL_DLL): $(ECHOGS_XE) $(GSDLL_OBJ).res $(LIBCTR) $(LIB_ALL) $(XPS_DEVS_ALL) $(XPSGEN)xpslib.rsp \ $(XPSOBJ)xpsromfs$(COMPILE_INITS).$(OBJ) $(ld_tr) $(xps_tr) $(MAIN_OBJ) $(XPS_TOP_OBJS) \ $(XOBJS) $(INT_ARCHIVE_SOME) $(TOP_MAKEFILES) echo Linking $(GXPSDLL) $(GXPSDLL_DLL) $(METRO) copy $(xpsld_tr) $(XPSGEN)gxpswin.tr echo $(MAIN_OBJ) $(XPS_TOP_OBJS) $(INT_ARCHIVE_SOME) $(XOBJS) >> $(XPSGEN)gxpswin.tr echo $(PCLOBJ)xpsromfs$(COMPILE_INITS).$(OBJ) >> $(XPSGEN)gxpswin.tr echo /DLL /DEF:$(PLSRCDIR)\$(GXPSDLL).def /OUT:$(GXPSDLL_DLL) > $(XPSGEN)gxpswin.rsp !if "$(PROFILE)"=="1" echo /Profile >> $(XPSGEN)gxpswin.rsp !endif $(LINK) $(LCT) @$(XPSGEN)gxpswin.rsp $(GXPSDLL_OBJS) @$(XPSGEN)gxpswin.tr @$(XPSGEN)xpslib.rsp $(LINKLIBPATH) @$(LIBCTR) $(GSDLL_OBJ).res del $(PCLGEN)gxpswin.rsp $(GXPS_XE): $(GXPSDLL_DLL) $(DWMAINOBJS) $(GS_OBJ).res $(TOP_MAKEFILES) echo /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE$(SUBSUBSYS) > $(XPSGEN)gxpswin.rsp !if "$(PROFILE)"=="1" echo /Profile >> $(XPSGEN)gxpswin.rsp !endif !ifdef WIN64 echo /OUT:$(GXPS_XE) >> $(XPSGEN)gxpswin.rsp !else echo /OUT:$(GXPS_XE) >> $(XPSGEN)gxpswin.rsp !endif $(LINK) $(LCT) @$(XPSGEN)gxpswin.rsp $(DWMAINOBJS) $(BINDIR)\$(GXPSDLL).lib $(LINKLIBPATH) @$(LIBCTR) $(GS_OBJ).res del $(XPSGEN)gxpswin.rsp $(GPDLDLL_DLL): $(ECHOGS_XE) $(GSDLL_OBJ).res $(LIBCTR) $(LIB_ALL) $(PCL_DEVS_ALL) $(XPS_DEVS_ALL) $(GS_ALL) \ $(GPDLGEN)gpdllib.rsp \ $(GPDLOBJ)pdlromfs$(COMPILE_INITS).$(OBJ) \ $(GPDLOBJ)pdlromfs$(COMPILE_INITS)c0.$(OBJ) \ $(GPDLOBJ)pdlromfs$(COMPILE_INITS)c1.$(OBJ) \ $(GPDLOBJ)pdlromfs$(COMPILE_INITS)c2.$(OBJ) \ $(GPDLOBJ)pdlromfs$(COMPILE_INITS)c3.$(OBJ) \ $(ld_tr) $(gpdl_tr) $(MAIN_OBJ) $(XPS_TOP_OBJS) \ $(GPDL_PSI_TOP_OBJS) $(PCL_PXL_TOP_OBJS) $(PSI_TOP_OBJ) $(XPS_TOP_OBJ) \ $(REALMAIN_OBJ) $(MAIN_OBJ) $(XOBJS) $(INT_ARCHIVE_SOME) $(TOP_MAKEFILES) echo Linking $(GPDLDLL) $(GPDLDLL_DLL) $(METRO) copy $(gpdlld_tr) $(GPDLGEN)gpdlwin.tr echo $(MAIN_OBJ) $(GPDL_PSI_TOP_OBJS) $(PCL_PXL_TOP_OBJS) $(PSI_TOP_OBJ) $(XPS_TOP_OBJ) $(XOBJS) >> $(GPDLGEN)gpdlwin.tr echo $(PCLOBJ)pdlromfs$(COMPILE_INITS).$(OBJ) >> $(GPDLGEN)gpdlwin.tr echo $(PCLOBJ)pdlromfs$(COMPILE_INITS)c0.$(OBJ) >> $(GPDLGEN)gpdlwin.tr echo $(PCLOBJ)pdlromfs$(COMPILE_INITS)c1.$(OBJ) >> $(GPDLGEN)gpdlwin.tr echo $(PCLOBJ)pdlromfs$(COMPILE_INITS)c2.$(OBJ) >> $(GPDLGEN)gpdlwin.tr echo $(PCLOBJ)pdlromfs$(COMPILE_INITS)c3.$(OBJ) >> $(GPDLGEN)gpdlwin.tr echo /DLL /DEF:$(PLSRCDIR)\$(GPDLDLL).def /OUT:$(GPDLDLL_DLL) > $(GPDLGEN)gpdlwin.rsp !if "$(PROFILE)"=="1" echo /Profile >> $(GPDLGEN)gpdlwin.rsp !endif $(LINK) $(LCT) @$(GPDLGEN)gpdlwin.rsp $(GPDLDLL_OBJS) @$(GPDLGEN)gpdlwin.tr @$(GPDLGEN)gpdllib.rsp $(LINKLIBPATH) @$(LIBCTR) $(GSDLL_OBJ).res del $(GPDLGEN)gpdlwin.rsp $(GPDL_XE): $(GPDLDLL_DLL) $(DWMAINOBJS) $(GS_OBJ).res $(TOP_MAKEFILES) echo /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE$(SUBSUBSYS) > $(GPDLGEN)gpdlwin.rsp !if "$(PROFILE)"=="1" echo /Profile >> $(XPSGEN)gpdlwin.rsp !endif !ifdef WIN64 echo /OUT:$(GPDL_XE) >> $(GPDLGEN)gpdlwin.rsp !else echo /OUT:$(GPDL_XE) >> $(GPDLGEN)gpdlwin.rsp !endif $(LINK) $(LCT) @$(GPDLGEN)gpdlwin.rsp $(DWMAINOBJS) $(BINDIR)\$(GPDLDLL).lib $(LINKLIBPATH) @$(LIBCTR) $(GS_OBJ).res del $(GPDLGEN)gpdlwin.rsp !else # The big graphical EXE $(GS_XE): $(GSCONSOLE_XE) $(GS_ALL) $(DEVS_ALL) $(GSDLL_OBJS) $(DWOBJNO) $(GSDLL_OBJ).res $(PSSRCDIR)\dwmain32.def\ $(ld_tr) $(gs_tr) $(PSSRCDIR)\dwmain64.def $(PSGEN)lib.rsp $(PSOBJ)gsromfs$(COMPILE_INITS).$(OBJ) \ $(TOP_MAKEFILES) copy $(gsld_tr) $(PSGEN)gswin.tr echo $(PSOBJ)gsromfs$(COMPILE_INITS).$(OBJ) >> $(PSGEN)gswin.tr echo $(PSOBJ)dwnodll.obj >> $(PSGEN)gswin.tr echo $(GLOBJ)dwimg.obj >> $(PSGEN)gswin.tr echo $(PSOBJ)dwmain.obj >> $(PSGEN)gswin.tr echo $(GLOBJ)dwtext.obj >> $(PSGEN)gswin.tr echo $(GLOBJ)dwreg.obj >> $(PSGEN)gswin.tr !ifdef WIN64 echo /DEF:$(PSSRCDIR)\dwmain64.def /OUT:$(GS_XE) > $(PSGEN)gswin.rsp !else echo /DEF:$(PSSRCDIR)\dwmain32.def /OUT:$(GS_XE) > $(PSGEN)gswin.rsp !endif !if "$(PROFILE)"=="1" echo /Profile >> $(PSGEN)gswin.rsp !endif $(LINK) $(LCT) @$(PSGEN)gswin.rsp $(GLOBJ)gsdll @$(PSGEN)gswin.tr $(LINKLIBPATH) @$(LIBCTR) @$(PSGEN)lib.rsp $(GSDLL_OBJ).res $(DWTRACE) del $(PSGEN)gswin.tr del $(PSGEN)gswin.rsp # The big console mode EXE $(GSCONSOLE_XE): $(ECHOGS_XE) $(gs_tr) $(GS_ALL) $(DEVS_ALL) $(GSDLL_OBJS) $(OBJCNO) $(GS_OBJ).res $(PSSRCDIR)\dw64c.def $(PSSRCDIR)\dw32c.def \ $(PSGEN)lib.rsp $(PSOBJ)gsromfs$(COMPILE_INITS).$(OBJ) $(TOP_MAKEFILES) copy $(gsld_tr) $(PSGEN)gswin.tr echo $(PSOBJ)gsromfs$(COMPILE_INITS).$(OBJ) >> $(PSGEN)gswin.tr echo $(PSOBJ)dwnodllc.obj >> $(PSGEN)gswin.tr echo $(GLOBJ)dwimg.obj >> $(PSGEN)gswin.tr echo $(PSOBJ)dwmainc.obj >> $(PSGEN)gswin.tr echo $(PSOBJ)dwreg.obj >> $(PSGEN)gswin.tr echo /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE$(SUBSUBSYS) > $(PSGEN)gswin.rsp !ifdef WIN64 echo /DEF:$(PSSRCDIR)\dw64c.def /OUT:$(GSCONSOLE_XE) >> $(PSGEN)gswin.rsp !else echo /DEF:$(PSSRCDIR)\dw32c.def /OUT:$(GSCONSOLE_XE) >> $(PSGEN)gswin.rsp !endif $(LINK) $(LCT) @$(PSGEN)gswin.rsp $(GLOBJ)gsdll @$(PSGEN)gswin.tr $(LINKLIBPATH) @$(LIBCTR) @$(PSGEN)lib.rsp $(GS_OBJ).res $(DWTRACE) del $(PSGEN)gswin.rsp del $(PSGEN)gswin.tr $(GPCL_XE): $(ECHOGS_XE) $(LIBCTR) $(LIB_ALL) $(WINMAINOBJS) $(PCL_DEVS_ALL) $(PCLGEN)pcllib.rsp \ $(PCLOBJ)pclromfs$(COMPILE_INITS).$(OBJ) \ $(ld_tr) $(pcl_tr) $(MAIN_OBJ) $(TOP_OBJ) $(XOBJS) $(INT_ARCHIVE_SOME) \ $(TOP_MAKEFILES) copy $(pclld_tr) $(PCLGEN)gpclwin.tr echo $(WINMAINOBJS) $(MAIN_OBJ) $(TOP_OBJ) $(INT_ARCHIVE_SOME) $(XOBJS) >> $(PCLGEN)gpclwin.tr echo $(PCLOBJ)pclromfs$(COMPILE_INITS).$(OBJ) >> $(PCLGEN)gpclwin.tr echo /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE$(SUBSUBSYS) > $(PCLGEN)pclwin.rsp echo /OUT:$(GPCL_XE) >> $(PCLGEN)pclwin.rsp $(LINK) $(LCT) @$(PCLGEN)pclwin.rsp @$(PCLGEN)gpclwin.tr $(LINKLIBPATH) @$(LIBCTR) @$(PCLGEN)pcllib.rsp del $(PCLGEN)pclwin.rsp del $(PCLGEN)gpclwin.tr $(GXPS_XE): $(ECHOGS_XE) $(LIBCTR) $(LIB_ALL) $(WINMAINOBJS) $(XPS_DEVS_ALL) $(XPSGEN)xpslib.rsp \ $(XPS_TOP_OBJS) $(XPSOBJ)xpsromfs$(COMPILE_INITS).$(OBJ) \ $(ld_tr) $(xps_tr) $(MAIN_OBJ) $(XOBJS) $(INT_ARCHIVE_SOME) \ $(TOP_MAKEFILES) copy $(xpsld_tr) $(XPSGEN)gxpswin.tr echo $(WINMAINOBJS) $(MAIN_OBJ) $(XPS_TOP_OBJS) $(INT_ARCHIVE_SOME) $(XOBJS) >> $(XPSGEN)gxpswin.tr echo $(PCLOBJ)xpsromfs$(COMPILE_INITS).$(OBJ) >> $(XPSGEN)gxpswin.tr echo /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE$(SUBSUBSYS) > $(XPSGEN)xpswin.rsp echo /OUT:$(GXPS_XE) >> $(XPSGEN)xpswin.rsp $(LINK) $(LCT) @$(XPSGEN)xpswin.rsp @$(XPSGEN)gxpswin.tr $(LINKLIBPATH) @$(LIBCTR) @$(XPSGEN)xpslib.rsp del $(XPSGEN)xpswin.rsp del $(XPSGEN)gxpswin.tr $(GPDL_XE): $(ECHOGS_XE) $(ld_tr) $(gpdl_tr) $(LIBCTR) $(LIB_ALL) $(WINMAINOBJS) $(XPS_DEVS_ALL) $(PCL_DEVS_ALL) $(GS_ALL) \ $(GPDLGEN)gpdllib.rsp $(GPDLOBJ)pdlromfs$(COMPILE_INITS).$(OBJ) \ $(GPDL_PSI_TOP_OBJS) $(PCL_PXL_TOP_OBJS) $(PSI_TOP_OBJ) $(XPS_TOP_OBJ) \ $(MAIN_OBJ) $(XOBJS) $(INT_ARCHIVE_SOME) \ $(TOP_MAKEFILES) copy $(gpdlld_tr) $(GPDLGEN)gpdlwin.tr echo $(WINMAINOBJS) $(MAIN_OBJ) $(GPDL_PSI_TOP_OBJS) $(PCL_PXL_TOP_OBJS) $(PSI_TOP_OBJ) $(XPS_TOP_OBJ) $(XOBJS) >> $(GPDLGEN)gpdlwin.tr echo $(PCLOBJ)pdlromfs$(COMPILE_INITS).$(OBJ) >> $(GPDLGEN)gpdlwin.tr echo /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE$(SUBSUBSYS) > $(GPDLGEN)gpdlwin.rsp echo /OUT:$(GPDL_XE) >> $(GPDLGEN)gpdlwin.rsp $(LINK) $(LCT) @$(GPDLGEN)gpdlwin.rsp @$(GPDLGEN)gpdlwin.tr $(LINKLIBPATH) @$(LIBCTR) @$(GPDLGEN)gpdllib.rsp del $(GPDLGEN)gpdlwin.rsp del $(GPDLGEN)gpdlwin.tr !endif # ---------------------- Debug targets ---------------------- # # Simply set some definitions and call ourselves back # !ifdef WIN64 WINDEFS=WIN64= BUILD_SYSTEM="$(BUILD_SYSTEM)" PGMFILES="$(PGMFILES)" PGMFILESx86="$(PGMFILESx86)" !else WINDEFS=BUILD_SYSTEM="$(BUILD_SYSTEM)" PGMFILES="$(PGMFILES)" PGMFILESx86="$(PGMFILESx86)" !endif RECURSIVEDEFS=$(WINDEFS) !ifdef XP RECURSIVEDEFS=XP=$(XP) $(RECURSIVEDEFS) !endif !ifdef DEVSTUDIO RECURSIVEDEFS=DEVSTUDIO="$(DEVSTUDIO)" $(RECURSIVEDEFS) !endif DEBUGDEFS=DEBUG=1 TDEBUG=1 $(RECURSIVEDEFS) debug: nmake -f $(MAKEFILE) $(DEBUGDEFS) FT_BRIDGE=$(FT_BRIDGE) gsdebug: nmake -f $(MAKEFILE) $(DEBUGDEFS) FT_BRIDGE=$(FT_BRIDGE) gs gpcl6debug: nmake -f $(MAKEFILE) $(DEBUGDEFS) FT_BRIDGE=$(FT_BRIDGE) gpcl6 gxpsdebug: nmake -f $(MAKEFILE) $(DEBUGDEFS) FT_BRIDGE=$(FT_BRIDGE) gxps gpdldebug: nmake -f $(MAKEFILE) $(DEBUGDEFS) FT_BRIDGE=$(FT_BRIDGE) gpdl debugclean: nmake -f $(MAKEFILE) $(DEBUGDEFS) FT_BRIDGE=$(FT_BRIDGE) clean debugbsc: nmake -f $(MAKEFILE) $(DEBUGDEFS) FT_BRIDGE=$(FT_BRIDGE) bsc # --------------------- Memento targets --------------------- # # Simply set some definitions and call ourselves back # MEMENTODEFS=$(DEBUGDEFS) MEMENTO=1 memento-target: nmake -f $(MAKEFILE) $(MEMENTODEFS) FT_BRIDGE=$(FT_BRIDGE) gsmemento: nmake -f $(MAKEFILE) $(MEMENTODEFS) FT_BRIDGE=$(FT_BRIDGE) gs gpcl6memento: nmake -f $(MAKEFILE) $(MEMENTODEFS) FT_BRIDGE=$(FT_BRIDGE) gpcl6 gxpsmemento: nmake -f $(MAKEFILE) $(MEMENTODEFS) FT_BRIDGE=$(FT_BRIDGE) gxps gpdlmemento: nmake -f $(MAKEFILE) $(MEMENTODEFS) FT_BRIDGE=$(FT_BRIDGE) gpdl mementoclean: nmake -f $(MAKEFILE) $(MEMENTODEFS) FT_BRIDGE=$(FT_BRIDGE) clean mementobsc: nmake -f $(MAKEFILE) $(MEMENTODEFS) FT_BRIDGE=$(FT_BRIDGE) bsc # --------------------- Profile targets --------------------- # # Simply set some definitions and call ourselves back # PROFILEDEFS=$(RECURSIVEDEFS) PROFILE=1 profile: profile-target: nmake -f $(MAKEFILE) $(PROFILEDEFS) FT_BRIDGE=$(FT_BRIDGE) gsprofile: nmake -f $(MAKEFILE) $(PROFILEDEFS) FT_BRIDGE=$(FT_BRIDGE) gs gpcl6profile: nmake -f $(MAKEFILE) $(PROFILEDEFS) FT_BRIDGE=$(FT_BRIDGE) gpcl6 gxpsprofile: nmake -f $(MAKEFILE) $(PROFILEDEFS) FT_BRIDGE=$(FT_BRIDGE) gxps gpdlprofile: nmake -f $(MAKEFILE) $(PROFILEDEFS) FT_BRIDGE=$(FT_BRIDGE) gpdl profileclean: nmake -f $(MAKEFILE) $(PROFILEDEFS) FT_BRIDGE=$(FT_BRIDGE) clean profilebsc: nmake -f $(MAKEFILE) $(PROFILEDEFS) FT_BRIDGE=$(FT_BRIDGE) bsc # ---------------------- UFST targets ---------------------- # # Simply set some definitions and call ourselves back # !ifndef UFST_ROOT UFST_ROOT=.\ufst !endif UFST_ROMFS_ARGS=-b \ -P $(UFST_ROOT)/fontdata/mtfonts/pcl45/mt3/ -d fontdata/mtfonts/pcl45/mt3/ pcl___xj.fco plug__xi.fco wd____xh.fco \ -P $(UFST_ROOT)/fontdata/mtfonts/pclps2/mt3/ -d fontdata/mtfonts/pclps2/mt3/ pclp2_xj.fco \ -c -P $(PSSRCDIR)/../lib/ -d Resource/Init/ FAPIconfig-FCO UFSTROMFONTDIR=\\\"%%%%%rom%%%%%fontdata/\\\" UFSTDISCFONTDIR="$(UFST_ROOT)/fontdata" UFSTBASEDEFS=UFST_BRIDGE=1 FT_BRIDGE=1 UFST_ROOT="$(UFST_ROOT)" UFST_ROMFS_ARGS="$(UFST_ROMFS_ARGS)" UFSTFONTDIR="$(UFSTFONTDIR)" UFSTROMFONTDIR="$(UFSTROMFONTDIR)" !ifdef WIN64 UFSTDEBUGDEFS=BINDIR=.\ufstdebugbin GLGENDIR=.\ufstdebugobj64 GLOBJDIR=.\ufstdebugobj64 DEBUG=1 TDEBUG=1 UFSTDEFS=BINDIR=.\ufstbin GLGENDIR=.\ufstobj64 GLOBJDIR=.\ufstobj64 !else UFSTDEBUGDEFS=BINDIR=.\ufstdebugbin GLGENDIR=.\ufstdebugobj DEBUG=1 TDEBUG=1 UFSTDEFS=BINDIR=.\ufstbin GLGENDIR=.\ufstobj GLOBJDIR=.\ufstobj !endif ufst-lib: # Could make this call a makefile in the ufst code? # cd $(UFST_ROOT)\rts\lib # nmake -f makefile.artifex fco_lib.a if_lib.a psi_lib.a tt_lib.a ufst-debug: ufst-lib nmake -f $(MAKEFILE) $(RECURSIVEDEFS) $(UFSTBASEDEFS) $(UFSTDEBUGDEFS) UFST_CFLAGS="$(UFST_CFLAGS)" ufst-debugclean: ufst-lib nmake -f $(MAKEFILE) $(RECURSIVEDEFS) $(UFSTBASEDEFS) $(UFSTDEBUGDEFS) UFST_CFLAGS="$(UFST_CFLAGS)" clean ufst-debugbsc: ufst-lib nmake -f $(MAKEFILE) $(RECURSIVEDEFS) $(UFSTBASEDEFS) $(UFSTDEBUGDEFS) UFST_CFLAGS="$(UFST_CFLAGS)" bsc ufst: ufst-lib nmake -f $(MAKEFILE) $(RECURSIVEDEFS) $(UFSTBASEDEFS) $(UFSTDEFS) UFST_CFLAGS="$(UFST_CFLAGS)" ufst-clean: ufst-lib nmake -f $(MAKEFILE) $(RECURSIVEDEFS) $(UFSTBASEDEFS) $(UFSTDEFS) UFST_CFLAGS="$(UFST_CFLAGS)" clean ufst-bsc: ufst-lib nmake -f $(MAKEFILE) $(RECURSIVEDEFS) $(UFSTBASEDEFS) $(UFSTDEFS) UFST_CFLAGS="$(UFST_CFLAGS)" bsc #----------------------- Individual Product Targets --------------------# gs:$(GS_XE) $(GSCONSOLE_XE) $(NO_OP) gpcl6:$(GPCL_XE) $(NO_OP) gxps:$(GXPS_XE) $(NO_OP) gpdl:$(GPDL_XE) $(NO_OP) # ---------------------- Browse information step ---------------------- # bsc: bscmake /o $(SBRDIR)\ghostscript.bsc /v $(GLOBJDIR)\*.sbr # end of makefile