--------------------------------- Document Generation --------------------------------- 0) Install the following packages: sudo apt-get install wkhtmltopdf sudo apt-get install xsltproc sudo apt-get install pdftk Download Franca2IDL.jar and Franca2IDLFilter.sh from https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7JseVbR6jvhfjNoSnMyc19HV2lGZW1Jay1lUVZ5YU9qN1NBZTZnRGg2emxZS2ZCQWU5VWM , copy them in the folder /usr/local/bin and allow executing these files as programs. 1) Modify the API-part1.doc as needed. 2) Convert the API-part1.doc into a pdf document with the same name. 3) Navigate to the directory 'tools'. 4) Generate the documentation: ./generate-doc.sh (generation of API documentation from dbus xml files) or ./generate-franca-api-doc.sh (generation of API documentation from franca fidl files) A document called API-part2.pdf will be automatically generated. The final component documentation (API.pdf) will be created in the parent directory.