/********************************************************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2012 Continental Automotive Systems, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2014 XS Embedded GmbH * * Author: Ionut.Ieremie@continental-corporation.com * simon.disch@xse.de * * Implementation of persComDbAccess.h * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * Date Author Reason * 2015.03.04 uid66235 merge of the interface extension provided by MentorGraphic: * - Default Max size of the key descreased to 8KiB * - add function persComDbgetMaxKeyValueSize() * 2013.02.05 uidl9757 CSP_WZ#2220: Adaptation for open source * 2013.01.03 uidl9757 CSP_WZ#2060: Remove "cursor" interface * 2012.12.17 uidl9757 CSP_WZ#2060: Changes to allow optimized access to DB * 2012.12.10 uidl9757 CSP_WZ#2060: Created * **********************************************************************************************************************/ #include "persComTypes.h" #include #include "string.h" #include "persComDataOrg.h" #include "pers_low_level_db_access_if.h" #include "persComDbAccess.h" #include "persComErrors.h" /** * \brief returns the max key data size supported in the database * \remarks the key with higher size should be managed as file or splitted * \return max size in byte */ int persComDbgetMaxKeyValueSize(void) { return PERS_DB_MAX_SIZE_KEY_DATA; } /** * \brief Obtain a handler to DB indicated by dbPathname * \note : DB is created if it does not exist and (bForceCreationIfNotPresent != 0) * * \param dbPathname [in] absolute path to database (length limited to \ref PERS_ORG_MAX_LENGTH_PATH_FILENAME) * \param bOption [in] bitfield option: 0x01: create if not exists, 0x02: write through, 0x04: read only * \Remarks the support of the option depends from backend database realisation * \return >= 0 for valid handler, negative value for error (\ref PERS_COM_ERROR_CODES_DEFINES) */ signed int persComDbOpen(char const * dbPathname, unsigned char bOption) { sint_t iErrCode = PERS_COM_SUCCESS ; if(NIL != dbPathname) { if(strlen(dbPathname) >= PERS_ORG_MAX_LENGTH_PATH_FILENAME) { iErrCode = PERS_COM_ERR_INVALID_PARAM ; } } else { iErrCode = PERS_COM_ERR_INVALID_PARAM ; } if(PERS_COM_SUCCESS == iErrCode) { iErrCode = pers_lldb_open(dbPathname, PersLldbPurpose_DB, bOption); } return iErrCode ; } /** * \brief Close handler to DB * * \param handlerDB [in] handler obtained with persComDbOpen * * \return 0 for success, negative value for error (\ref PERS_COM_ERROR_CODES_DEFINES) */ signed int persComDbClose(signed int handlerDB) { sint_t iErrCode = PERS_COM_SUCCESS ; if(handlerDB < 0) { iErrCode = PERS_COM_ERR_INVALID_PARAM ; } if(PERS_COM_SUCCESS == iErrCode) { iErrCode = pers_lldb_close(handlerDB) ; } return iErrCode ; } /** * \brief write a key-value pair into local/shared database * * \param handlerDB [in] handler obtained with persComDbOpen * \param key [in] key's name (length limited to \ref PERS_DB_MAX_LENGTH_KEY_NAME) * \param data [in] buffer with key's data * \param dataSize [in] size of key's data (max allowed \ref PERS_DB_MAX_SIZE_KEY_DATA) * * \return 0 for success, negative value otherwise (\ref PERS_COM_ERROR_CODES_DEFINES) */ signed int persComDbWriteKey(signed int handlerDB, char const * key, char const * data, signed int dataSize) { sint_t iErrCode = PERS_COM_SUCCESS ; if( (handlerDB < 0) || (NIL == key) || (NIL == data) || (dataSize <= 0) || (dataSize > PERS_DB_MAX_SIZE_KEY_DATA) ) { iErrCode = PERS_COM_ERR_INVALID_PARAM ; } else { if(strlen(key) >= PERS_DB_MAX_LENGTH_KEY_NAME) { iErrCode = PERS_COM_ERR_INVALID_PARAM ; } } if(PERS_COM_SUCCESS == iErrCode) { iErrCode = pers_lldb_write_key(handlerDB, PersLldbPurpose_DB, key, data, dataSize) ; } return iErrCode ; } /** * \brief read a key's value from local/shared database * * \param handlerDB [in] handler obtained with persComDbOpen * \param key [in] key's name (length limited to \ref PERS_DB_MAX_LENGTH_KEY_NAME) * \param dataBuffer_out [out]buffer where to return the read data * \param dataBufferSize [in] size of dataBuffer_out * * \return read size, or negative value in case of error (\ref PERS_COM_ERROR_CODES_DEFINES) */ signed int persComDbReadKey(signed int handlerDB, char const * key, char* dataBuffer_out, signed int dataBufferSize) { sint_t iErrCode = PERS_COM_SUCCESS ; if( (handlerDB < 0) || (NIL == key) || (NIL == dataBuffer_out) || (dataBufferSize <= 0) ) { iErrCode = PERS_COM_ERR_INVALID_PARAM ; } else { if(strlen(key) >= PERS_DB_MAX_LENGTH_KEY_NAME) { iErrCode = PERS_COM_ERR_INVALID_PARAM ; } } if(PERS_COM_SUCCESS == iErrCode) { iErrCode = pers_lldb_read_key(handlerDB, PersLldbPurpose_DB, key, dataBuffer_out, dataBufferSize) ; } return iErrCode ; } /** * \brief read a key's value from local/shared database * * \param handlerDB [in] handler obtained with persComDbOpen * \param key [in] key's name (length limited to \ref PERS_DB_MAX_LENGTH_KEY_NAME) * * \return key's size, or negative value in case of error (\ref PERS_COM_ERROR_CODES_DEFINES) */ signed int persComDbGetKeySize(signed int handlerDB, char const * key) { sint_t iErrCode = PERS_COM_SUCCESS ; if( (handlerDB < 0) || (NIL == key) ) { iErrCode = PERS_COM_ERR_INVALID_PARAM ; } else { if(strlen(key) >= PERS_DB_MAX_LENGTH_KEY_NAME) { iErrCode = PERS_COM_ERR_INVALID_PARAM ; } } if(PERS_COM_SUCCESS == iErrCode) { iErrCode = pers_lldb_get_key_size(handlerDB, PersLldbPurpose_DB, key) ; } return iErrCode ; } /** * \brief delete key from local/shared database * * \param handlerDB [in] handler obtained with persComDbOpen * \param key [in] key's name (length limited to \ref PERS_DB_MAX_LENGTH_KEY_NAME) * * \return 0 for success, negative value otherwise (\ref PERS_COM_ERROR_CODES_DEFINES) */ signed int persComDbDeleteKey(signed int handlerDB, char const * key) { sint_t iErrCode = PERS_COM_SUCCESS ; if( (handlerDB < 0) || (NIL == key) ) { iErrCode = PERS_COM_ERR_INVALID_PARAM ; } else { if(strlen(key) >= PERS_DB_MAX_LENGTH_KEY_NAME) { iErrCode = PERS_COM_ERR_INVALID_PARAM ; } } if(PERS_COM_SUCCESS == iErrCode) { iErrCode = pers_lldb_delete_key(handlerDB, PersLldbPurpose_DB, key) ; } return iErrCode ; } /** * \brief Find the buffer's size needed to accomodate the list of keys' names in local/shared database * * \param handlerDB [in] handler obtained with persComDbOpen * * \return needed size, or negative value in case of error (\ref PERS_COM_ERROR_CODES_DEFINES) */ signed int persComDbGetSizeKeysList(signed int handlerDB) { sint_t iErrCode = PERS_COM_SUCCESS ; if(handlerDB < 0) { iErrCode = PERS_COM_ERR_INVALID_PARAM ; } if(PERS_COM_SUCCESS == iErrCode) { iErrCode = pers_lldb_get_size_keys_list(handlerDB, PersLldbPurpose_DB) ; } return iErrCode ; } /** * \brief Obtain the list of the keys' names in local/shared database * \note : keys in the list are separated by '\0' * * \param handlerDB [in] handler obtained with persComDbOpen * \param listBuffer_out [out]buffer where to return the list of keys * \param listBufferSize [in] size of listingBuffer_out * \return >=0 for size of the list, or negative value in case of error (\ref PERS_COM_ERROR_CODES_DEFINES) */ signed int persComDbGetKeysList(signed int handlerDB, char* listBuffer_out, signed int listBufferSize) { sint_t iErrCode = PERS_COM_SUCCESS ; if( (handlerDB < 0) || (NIL == listBuffer_out) || (listBufferSize <= 0) ) { iErrCode = PERS_COM_ERR_INVALID_PARAM ; } if(PERS_COM_SUCCESS == iErrCode) { iErrCode = pers_lldb_get_keys_list(handlerDB, PersLldbPurpose_DB, listBuffer_out, listBufferSize) ; } return iErrCode ; }