/* SPDXLicenseID: MPL-2.0 * * Copyright (C) 2014, GENIVI Alliance * * This file is part of AudioManager Monitor * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License (MPL), v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * For further information see http://www.genivi.org/. * * List of changes: */ #include "pulseplayer.h" //PulsePlayer::PulsePlayer(QString filePath, QString sinkName, QString sourceName, QObject *parent) : // QObject(parent) PulsePlayer::PulsePlayer(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), mPlayer(0), mWorker(0) { } void PulsePlayer::play() { QMap prop; prop.insert("media.role", mRoleName); if(!mPlayer) { mPlayer = new InternalPlayer(mFileName, mSinkName, mSourceName, prop, this); mWorker = new QThread; mPlayer->moveToThread(mWorker); mWorker->start(); connect(this,SIGNAL(doPlay(QString)),mPlayer,SLOT(play(QString))); connect(this,SIGNAL(doStop(QString)),mPlayer,SLOT(stop(QString))); connect(mPlayer,SIGNAL(playStateChanged()),this,SIGNAL(playStateChanged())); } mPlayer->mIsAlive = true; while(pa_context_get_state(mPlayer->getContext()) != PA_CONTEXT_READY) { //qDebug() << " Waiting for ready state"; } emit doPlay(mPlayer->mSourceName); } void PulsePlayer::stop() { qDebug() << "STOP : " << mPlayer->mSourceName; mPlayer->mIsAlive = false; emit doStop(mPlayer->mSourceName); } InternalPlayer::InternalPlayer(QString fileName, QString sinkName, QString sourceName, QMap proplist, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { mIsPlaying = false; mIsInitSuccess = false; mBufferIndex = 0; mBufferLength = 0; mBuffer = 0; mStream = 0; mAttrBuff = (pa_buffer_attr*)malloc(sizeof(pa_buffer_attr)); mAttrBuff->maxlength = (uint32_t) -1; mAttrBuff->prebuf = (uint32_t) -1; mAttrBuff->tlength = (uint32_t) -1; mAttrBuff->minreq = 8192; mDevice = NULL; mFileName = fileName; mPropMap = proplist; mPropList = pa_proplist_new(); QMap::iterator i = mPropMap.begin(); for(;i != mPropMap.end(); i++) { QString key = i.key(); QString value = i.value(); pa_proplist_sets(mPropList, key.toUtf8().constData(), value.toUtf8().constData()); qDebug() << "Prop List Set " << key.toUtf8().constData() << " / " << value.toUtf8().constData(); } mFile = new QFile(QString(":/")+fileName); qDebug() << "FILE NAME : " << fileName << " , Exists = " << mFile->exists(); bool opened = mFile->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); mSinkName = sinkName; mSourceName = sourceName; if (!opened) { qDebug() << "Cannot open wave file"; return; } else { QByteArray content = mFile->readAll(); QDataStream header(&content, QIODevice::ReadOnly); header.setByteOrder(QDataStream::LittleEndian); char tempBuffer[1024]; short channel; int sampleRate; header.readRawData(tempBuffer,22); header >> channel; header >> sampleRate; content.clear(); qDebug() << "CHANNEL : " << channel; qDebug() << "sampleRate : " << sampleRate; mPASampleSpec.channels = channel; mPASampleSpec.format = PA_SAMPLE_S16LE; mPASampleSpec.rate = sampleRate; mFile->close(); } setupPulseAudio(); } bool InternalPlayer::setupPulseAudio() { mMainloop = pa_threaded_mainloop_new(); if (pa_threaded_mainloop_start(mMainloop)) { qDebug() << "Unable to start pulseaudio threaded mainloop"; pa_threaded_mainloop_free(mMainloop); mMainloop= 0; return false; } mApi = pa_threaded_mainloop_get_api(mMainloop); mContext = pa_context_new(mApi, "AM Monitor Player"); pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(mMainloop); pa_context_set_state_callback(mContext, &InternalPlayer::contextStateCallback,this); if (pa_context_connect(mContext, NULL, (pa_context_flags_t)0, NULL)) { qDebug() << " Cannot connect to context" << pa_strerror(pa_context_errno(mContext)); pa_context_unref(mContext); pa_threaded_mainloop_free(mMainloop); return false; } pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(mMainloop); return true; } void InternalPlayer::setupStream() { while(pa_context_get_state(mContext) == PA_OPERATION_RUNNING) pa_threaded_mainloop_wait(mMainloop); // Connect or Reconnect the stream if(mStream) { qDebug() << "Reconnect the stream"; pa_stream_disconnect(mStream); pa_stream_unref(mStream); mStream = 0; } mStream = pa_stream_new_with_proplist(mContext, mFile->fileName().toUtf8().constData(), &mPASampleSpec,NULL, mPropList); qDebug() << "Stream created"; pa_stream_connect_playback(mStream, mDevice, mAttrBuff, (pa_stream_flags_t)0, NULL, NULL); pa_stream_set_state_callback(mStream, &InternalPlayer::streamStateCallback, this); } void InternalPlayer::waitForOperation(pa_operation *) { while(pa_context_get_state(mContext) == PA_OPERATION_RUNNING) pa_threaded_mainloop_wait(mMainloop); pa_context_unref(mContext); } void InternalPlayer::streamStateCallback(pa_stream *stream, void *userdata) { InternalPlayer *player = reinterpret_cast(userdata); qDebug() << "stream State Callback " << QString::number(pa_stream_get_state(stream)); switch(pa_stream_get_state(stream)) { case PA_STREAM_UNCONNECTED: case PA_STREAM_TERMINATED: case PA_STREAM_CREATING: break; case PA_STREAM_READY: pa_stream_set_write_callback(stream, &InternalPlayer::streamWriteCallback, userdata); qDebug() << "Start to play"; break; case PA_STREAM_FAILED: break; } pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(player->getMainloop(),0); } void InternalPlayer::streamDrainCallback(pa_stream *, int success, void *userdata) { InternalPlayer *player = reinterpret_cast(userdata); //pa_operation *o = NULL; pa_context *context = player->getContext(); qDebug() << "stream Drain Callback"; if (!success) { qDebug("Failed to drain stream : %s", pa_strerror(pa_context_errno(context))); return; } /* pa_stream_disconnect(stream); pa_stream_unref(stream); stream = NULL; player->mIsAlive = false; if (!(o = pa_context_drain(context,&InternalPlayer::contextDrainCallback,userdata))) { qDebug("Failed to context drain"); pa_context_disconnect(context); } else { pa_operation_unref(o); } */ player->disconnectStream(); pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(player->getMainloop(),0); } void InternalPlayer::disconnectStream() { pa_operation *o = NULL; pa_stream_disconnect(mStream); pa_stream_unref(mStream); mStream = 0; mIsAlive = false; if (!(o = pa_context_drain(mContext,&InternalPlayer::contextDrainCallback, this))) { qDebug("Failed to context drain"); pa_context_disconnect(mContext); } else { pa_operation_unref(o); } } void InternalPlayer::streamWriteCallback(pa_stream *stream, size_t length, void *userdata) { InternalPlayer *player = reinterpret_cast(userdata); player->playInternal(stream, length, userdata); pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(player->getMainloop(),0); } void InternalPlayer::contextDrainCallback(pa_context *, void *userdata) { InternalPlayer *player = reinterpret_cast(userdata); qDebug() << " Context Drain Callback"; pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(player->getMainloop(),0); } void InternalPlayer::playInternal(pa_stream *stream, size_t length, void *userdata) { InternalPlayer *player = reinterpret_cast(userdata); pa_operation *o = NULL; mBufferLength = length; //qDebug(" playInternal : %d, %d", mBufferLength, player->isPlaying()); while (mBufferLength >0 && player->isPlaying()) { mBuffer = mFile->read(mBufferLength); int l = mBuffer.size(); if (l <= 0) { mIsPlaying = false; emit playStateChanged(); pa_stream_set_write_callback(stream, NULL, NULL); if (!(o = pa_stream_drain(stream, &InternalPlayer::streamDrainCallback, this))) { qDebug("pa_stream_drain failed : %s", pa_strerror(pa_context_errno(mContext))); } if(o) pa_operation_unref(o); break; } if (pa_stream_write(stream, (uint8_t*)mBuffer.constData(), l, NULL, 0, PA_SEEK_RELATIVE) < 0) { qDebug("pa_stream_write() failed : %s", pa_strerror(pa_context_errno(mContext))); break; } mBufferLength -= l; mBufferIndex += l; if (!mBufferLength) { mBufferLength = mBufferIndex = 0; } } } void InternalPlayer::contextStateCallback(pa_context *context, void *userdata) { InternalPlayer *player = reinterpret_cast(userdata); pa_context_state_t state = pa_context_get_state(context); qDebug() << "Context Received " << QString::number(state); switch(state) { case PA_CONTEXT_CONNECTING: case PA_CONTEXT_AUTHORIZING: case PA_CONTEXT_SETTING_NAME: break; case PA_CONTEXT_READY: // Ready to play, Start setup the stream break; case PA_CONTEXT_TERMINATED: case PA_CONTEXT_FAILED: case PA_CONTEXT_UNCONNECTED: break; } pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(player->getMainloop(),0); } bool InternalPlayer::openFile() { if (!mFile->exists()) { qDebug() << "File Not exists"; return false; } if (!mFile->isOpen()) { mFile->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); } mFile->seek(22); return true; } void InternalPlayer::play(QString sourceName) { mIsPlaying = true; qDebug() << "Try to play"; if (!openFile()) { qDebug() << "Error occured"; goto finish; } if (sourceName != mSourceName) { qDebug() << "Different source name " << sourceName << " / " << mSourceName; return; } setupStream(); emit playStateChanged(); return; finish: mIsPlaying = false; mIsAlive = false; emit playStateChanged(); } void InternalPlayer::stop(QString sourceName) { qDebug() << "SOURCE NAME : " << sourceName << " / " << mSourceName; if (sourceName == mSourceName) { mIsPlaying = false; disconnectStream(); emit playStateChanged(); } }