/* This file is part of GDBM, the GNU data base manager. Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1993, 2007, 2011, 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. GDBM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GDBM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GDBM. If not, see . */ #include "gdbmtool.h" #define VARF_DFL 0x00 /* Default flags -- everything disabled */ #define VARF_SET 0x01 /* Variable is set */ #define VARF_INIT 0x02 /* Variable is initialized */ #define VARF_PROT 0x04 /* Variable is protected, i.e. cannot be unset */ #define VARF_OCTAL 0x08 /* For integer variables -- use octal base */ #define VAR_IS_SET(v) ((v)->flags & (VARF_SET|VARF_INIT)) union value { char *string; int bool; int num; }; struct variable { char *name; int type; int flags; union value v; int (*hook) (struct variable *, union value *); }; static int open_hook (struct variable *, union value *); static struct variable vartab[] = { /* Top-level prompt */ { "ps1", VART_STRING, VARF_INIT, { "%p>%_" } }, /* Second-level prompt (used within "def" block) */ { "ps2", VART_STRING, VARF_INIT, { "%_>%_" } }, /* This delimits array members */ { "delim1", VART_STRING, VARF_INIT|VARF_PROT, { "," } }, /* This delimits structure members */ { "delim2", VART_STRING, VARF_INIT|VARF_PROT, { "," } }, { "confirm", VART_BOOL, VARF_INIT, { num: 1 } }, { "cachesize", VART_INT, VARF_DFL }, { "blocksize", VART_INT, VARF_DFL }, { "open", VART_STRING, VARF_DFL, { NULL }, open_hook }, { "lock", VART_BOOL, VARF_INIT, { num: 1 } }, { "mmap", VART_BOOL, VARF_INIT, { num: 1 } }, { "sync", VART_BOOL, VARF_INIT, { num: 0 } }, { "filemode", VART_INT, VARF_INIT|VARF_OCTAL|VARF_PROT, { num: 0644 } }, { "pager", VART_STRING, VARF_DFL }, { "quiet", VART_BOOL, VARF_DFL }, { NULL } }; static int open_hook (struct variable *var, union value *v) { static struct { char *s; int t; } trans[] = { { "newdb", GDBM_NEWDB }, { "wrcreat", GDBM_WRCREAT }, { "rw", GDBM_WRCREAT }, { "reader", GDBM_READER }, { "readonly", GDBM_READER }, { NULL } }; int i; if (!v) return VAR_ERR_BADVALUE; for (i = 0; trans[i].s; i++) if (strcmp (trans[i].s, v->string) == 0) { open_mode = trans[i].t; return VAR_OK; } return VAR_ERR_BADVALUE; } static struct variable * varfind (const char *name) { struct variable *vp; for (vp = vartab; vp->name; vp++) if (strcmp (vp->name, name) == 0) return vp; return NULL; } typedef int (*setvar_t) (union value *, void *, int); static int s2s (union value *vp, void *val, int flags) { vp->string = estrdup (val); return VAR_OK; } static int b2s (union value *vp, void *val, int flags) { vp->string = estrdup (*(int*)val ? "true" : "false"); return VAR_OK; } static int i2s (union value *vp, void *val, int flags) { char buf[128]; snprintf (buf, sizeof buf, "%d", *(int*)val); vp->string = estrdup (buf); return VAR_OK; } static int s2b (union value *vp, void *val, int flags) { static char *trueval[] = { "on", "true", "yes", NULL }; static char *falseval[] = { "off", "false", "no", NULL }; int i; unsigned long n; char *p; for (i = 0; trueval[i]; i++) if (strcasecmp (trueval[i], val) == 0) { vp->bool = 1; return VAR_OK; } for (i = 0; falseval[i]; i++) if (strcasecmp (falseval[i], val) == 0) { vp->bool = 0; return VAR_OK; } n = strtoul (val, &p, 0); if (*p) return VAR_ERR_BADTYPE; vp->bool = !!n; return VAR_OK; } static int s2i (union value *vp, void *val, int flags) { char *p; int n = strtoul (val, &p, (flags & VARF_OCTAL) ? 8 : 10); if (*p) return VAR_ERR_BADTYPE; vp->num = n; return VAR_OK; } static int b2b (union value *vp, void *val, int flags) { vp->bool = !!*(int*)val; return VAR_OK; } static int b2i (union value *vp, void *val, int flags) { vp->num = *(int*)val; return VAR_OK; } static int i2i (union value *vp, void *val, int flags) { vp->num = *(int*)val; return VAR_OK; } static int i2b (union value *vp, void *val, int flags) { vp->bool = *(int*)val; return VAR_OK; } static setvar_t setvar[3][3] = { /* s b i */ /* s */ { s2s, b2s, i2s }, /* b */ { s2b, b2b, i2b }, /* i */ { s2i, b2i, i2i } }; int variable_set (const char *name, int type, void *val) { struct variable *vp = varfind (name); int rc; union value v, *valp; if (!vp) return VAR_ERR_NOTDEF; if (val) { memset (&v, 0, sizeof (v)); rc = setvar[vp->type][type] (&v, val, vp->flags); if (rc) return rc; valp = &v; } else { if (vp->flags & VARF_PROT) return VAR_ERR_BADVALUE; valp = NULL; } if (vp->hook && (rc = vp->hook (vp, valp)) != VAR_OK) return rc; if (vp->type == VART_STRING && (vp->flags & VARF_SET)) free (vp->v.string); if (!val) { vp->flags &= (VARF_INIT|VARF_SET); } else { vp->v = v; vp->flags &= ~VARF_INIT; vp->flags |= VARF_SET; } return VAR_OK; } int variable_unset (const char *name) { struct variable *vp = varfind (name); int rc; if (!vp) return VAR_ERR_NOTDEF; if (vp->flags & VARF_PROT) return VAR_ERR_BADVALUE; if (vp->hook && (rc = vp->hook (vp, NULL)) != VAR_OK) return rc; vp->flags &= ~(VARF_INIT|VARF_SET); return VAR_OK; } int variable_get (const char *name, int type, void **val) { struct variable *vp = varfind (name); if (!vp) return VAR_ERR_NOTDEF; if (type != vp->type) return VAR_ERR_BADTYPE; if (!VAR_IS_SET (vp)) return VAR_ERR_NOTSET; switch (vp->type) { case VART_STRING: *val = vp->v.string; break; case VART_BOOL: *(int*)val = vp->v.bool; break; case VART_INT: *(int*)val = vp->v.num; break; } return VAR_OK; } static int varcmp (const void *a, const void *b) { return strcmp (((struct variable const *)a)->name, ((struct variable const *)b)->name); } void variable_print_all (FILE *fp) { struct variable *vp; char *s; static int sorted; if (!sorted) { qsort (vartab, sizeof (vartab) / sizeof (vartab[0]) - 1, sizeof (vartab[0]), varcmp); sorted = 1; } for (vp = vartab; vp->name; vp++) { if (!VAR_IS_SET (vp)) { fprintf (fp, "# %s is unset", vp->name); } else { switch (vp->type) { case VART_INT: fprintf (fp, (vp->flags & VARF_OCTAL) ? "%s=%03o" : "%s=%d", vp->name, vp->v.num); break; case VART_BOOL: fprintf (fp, "%s%s", vp->v.bool ? "" : "no", vp->name); break; case VART_STRING: fprintf (fp, "%s=\"", vp->name); for (s = vp->v.string; *s; s++) { int c; if (isprint (*s)) fputc (*s, fp); else if ((c = escape (*s))) fprintf (fp, "\\%c", c); else fprintf (fp, "\\%03o", *s); } fprintf (fp, "\""); } } fputc ('\n', fp); } } int variable_is_set (const char *name) { struct variable *vp = varfind (name); if (!vp) return 0; return VAR_IS_SET (vp); } int variable_is_true (const char *name) { int n; if (variable_get (name, VART_BOOL, (void **) &n) == VAR_OK) return n; return 0; }