/************************************************************************* /* RandomAccessFileTest.java -- Tests RandomAccessFile's /* /* Copyright (c) 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc. /* Written by Aaron M. Renn (arenn@urbanophile.com) /* /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published /* by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or /* (at your option) any later version. /* /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but /* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the /* GNU General Public License for more details. /* /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License /* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation /* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA /*************************************************************************/ import java.io.*; // Write some data using DataOutput and read it using DataInput. public class RandomAccessFileTest { public static void runReadTest(String filename, int seq, String testname) { try { System.out.println("Test " + seq + ": " + testname); RandomAccessFile ras = new RandomAccessFile(filename, "r"); boolean passed = true; boolean b = ras.readBoolean(); if (b != true) { passed = false; System.out.println("Failed to read boolean. Expected true and got false"); } b = ras.readBoolean(); if (b != false) { passed = false; System.out.println("Failed to read boolean. Expected false and got true"); } byte bt = ras.readByte(); if (bt != 8) { passed = false; System.out.println("Failed to read byte. Expected 8 and got "+ bt); } bt = ras.readByte(); if (bt != -122) { passed = false; System.out.println("Failed to read byte. Expected -122 and got "+ bt); } char c = ras.readChar(); if (c != 'a') { passed = false; System.out.println("Failed to read char. Expected a and got " + c); } c = ras.readChar(); if (c != '\uE2D2') { passed = false; System.out.println("Failed to read char. Expected \\uE2D2 and got " + c); } short s = ras.readShort(); if (s != 32000) { passed = false; System.out.println("Failed to read short. Expected 32000 and got " + s); } int i = ras.readInt(); if (i != 8675309) { passed = false; System.out.println("Failed to read int. Expected 8675309 and got " + i); } long l = ras.readLong(); if (l != 696969696969L) { passed = false; System.out.println("Failed to read long. Expected 696969696969 and got " + l); } float f = ras.readFloat(); if (!Float.toString(f).equals("3.1415")) { passed = false; System.out.println("Failed to read float. Expected 3.1415 and got " + f); } double d = ras.readDouble(); if (d != 999999999.999) { passed = false; System.out.println("Failed to read double. Expected 999999999.999 and got " + d); } String str = ras.readUTF(); if (!str.equals("Testing code is such a boring activity but it must be done")) { passed = false; System.out.println("Read unexpected String: " + str); } str = ras.readUTF(); if (!str.equals("a-->\u01FF\uA000\u6666\u0200RRR")) { passed = false; System.out.println("Read unexpected String: " + str); } if (passed) System.out.println("PASSED: " + testname + " read test"); else System.out.println("FAILED: " + testname + " read test"); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("FAILED: " + testname + " read test: " + e); } } public static void main(String[] argv) { System.out.println("Started test of RandomAccessFile"); System.out.println("Test 1: RandomAccessFile write test"); try { RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile("dataoutput.out", "rw"); raf.writeBoolean(true); raf.writeBoolean(false); raf.writeByte((byte)8); raf.writeByte((byte)-122); raf.writeChar((char)'a'); raf.writeChar((char)'\uE2D2'); raf.writeShort((short)32000); raf.writeInt((int)8675309); raf.writeLong((long) 696969696969L); raf.writeFloat((float)3.1415); raf.writeDouble((double)999999999.999); raf.writeUTF("Testing code is such a boring activity but it must be done"); raf.writeUTF("a-->\u01FF\uA000\u6666\u0200RRR"); raf.close(); // We'll find out if this was really right later, but conditionally // report success for now System.out.println("PASSED: RandomAccessFile write test"); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("FAILED: RandomAccessFile write test: " + e); } runReadTest("dataoutput.out", 2, "Read of JCL written data file"); runReadTest("dataoutput-jdk.out", 3, "Read of JDK written data file"); System.out.println("Test 2: Seek Test"); try { RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile("/etc/services", "r"); System.out.println("Length: " + raf.length()); raf.skipBytes(24); if (raf.getFilePointer() != 24) throw new IOException("Unexpected file pointer value " + raf.getFilePointer()); raf.seek(0); if (raf.getFilePointer() != 0) throw new IOException("Unexpected file pointer value " + raf.getFilePointer()); raf.seek(100); if (raf.getFilePointer() != 100) throw new IOException("Unexpected file pointer value " + raf.getFilePointer()); System.out.println("PASSED: Seek Test"); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("FAILED: Seek Test: " + e); } System.out.println("Test 3: Validation Test"); boolean failed = false; try { new RandomAccessFile("/vmlinuz", "rwx"); System.out.println("Did not detect invalid mode"); failed = true; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { ; } catch (IOException e) { ; } try { new RandomAccessFile("/vmlinuz", "rw"); System.out.println("Did not detect read only file opened for write"); failed = true; } catch (IOException e) { ; } try { new RandomAccessFile("/sherlockholmes", "r"); System.out.println("Did not detect non-existent file"); failed = true; } catch (IOException e) { ; } try { RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile("/etc/services", "r"); raf.seek(raf.length()); raf.write('\n'); System.out.println("Did not detect invalid write operation on read only file"); failed = true; } catch (IOException e) { ; } if (failed) System.out.println("FAILED: Validation Test"); else System.out.println("PASSED: Validation Test"); /* System.out.println("Test 4: Set File Length Rest"); try { File f = new File("tmptmptmp"); RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile("tmptmptmp", "rw"); raf.setLength(50L); if (raf.length() != 50) throw new IOException("Bad length on extending file of " + raf.length()); raf.setLength(25L); if (raf.length() != 25) throw new IOException("Bad length on extending file of " + raf.length()); raf.close(); f.delete(); System.out.println("PASSED: Set File Length Test"); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("FAILED: Set File Length Test: " + e); (new File("tmptmptmp")).delete(); } */ System.out.println("Finished test of RandomAccessFile"); } // main } // class DataInputOutputTest