// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package template import ( "bytes" "errors" "flag" "fmt" "reflect" "strings" "testing" ) var debug = flag.Bool("debug", false, "show the errors produced by the tests") // T has lots of interesting pieces to use to test execution. type T struct { // Basics True bool I int U16 uint16 X string FloatZero float64 ComplexZero complex128 // Nested structs. U *U // Struct with String method. V0 V V1, V2 *V // Struct with Error method. W0 W W1, W2 *W // Slices SI []int SIEmpty []int SB []bool // Maps MSI map[string]int MSIone map[string]int // one element, for deterministic output MSIEmpty map[string]int MXI map[interface{}]int MII map[int]int SMSI []map[string]int // Empty interfaces; used to see if we can dig inside one. Empty0 interface{} // nil Empty1 interface{} Empty2 interface{} Empty3 interface{} Empty4 interface{} // Non-empty interface. NonEmptyInterface I // Stringer. Str fmt.Stringer Err error // Pointers PI *int PS *string PSI *[]int NIL *int // Function (not method) BinaryFunc func(string, string) string VariadicFunc func(...string) string VariadicFuncInt func(int, ...string) string NilOKFunc func(*int) bool ErrFunc func() (string, error) // Template to test evaluation of templates. Tmpl *Template // Unexported field; cannot be accessed by template. unexported int } type U struct { V string } type V struct { j int } func (v *V) String() string { if v == nil { return "nilV" } return fmt.Sprintf("<%d>", v.j) } type W struct { k int } func (w *W) Error() string { if w == nil { return "nilW" } return fmt.Sprintf("[%d]", w.k) } var tVal = &T{ True: true, I: 17, U16: 16, X: "x", U: &U{"v"}, V0: V{6666}, V1: &V{7777}, // leave V2 as nil W0: W{888}, W1: &W{999}, // leave W2 as nil SI: []int{3, 4, 5}, SB: []bool{true, false}, MSI: map[string]int{"one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 3}, MSIone: map[string]int{"one": 1}, MXI: map[interface{}]int{"one": 1}, MII: map[int]int{1: 1}, SMSI: []map[string]int{ {"one": 1, "two": 2}, {"eleven": 11, "twelve": 12}, }, Empty1: 3, Empty2: "empty2", Empty3: []int{7, 8}, Empty4: &U{"UinEmpty"}, NonEmptyInterface: new(T), Str: bytes.NewBuffer([]byte("foozle")), Err: errors.New("erroozle"), PI: newInt(23), PS: newString("a string"), PSI: newIntSlice(21, 22, 23), BinaryFunc: func(a, b string) string { return fmt.Sprintf("[%s=%s]", a, b) }, VariadicFunc: func(s ...string) string { return fmt.Sprint("<", strings.Join(s, "+"), ">") }, VariadicFuncInt: func(a int, s ...string) string { return fmt.Sprint(a, "=<", strings.Join(s, "+"), ">") }, NilOKFunc: func(s *int) bool { return s == nil }, ErrFunc: func() (string, error) { return "bla", nil }, Tmpl: Must(New("x").Parse("test template")), // "x" is the value of .X } // A non-empty interface. type I interface { Method0() string } var iVal I = tVal // Helpers for creation. func newInt(n int) *int { return &n } func newString(s string) *string { return &s } func newIntSlice(n ...int) *[]int { p := new([]int) *p = make([]int, len(n)) copy(*p, n) return p } // Simple methods with and without arguments. func (t *T) Method0() string { return "M0" } func (t *T) Method1(a int) int { return a } func (t *T) Method2(a uint16, b string) string { return fmt.Sprintf("Method2: %d %s", a, b) } func (t *T) Method3(v interface{}) string { return fmt.Sprintf("Method3: %v", v) } func (t *T) Copy() *T { n := new(T) *n = *t return n } func (t *T) MAdd(a int, b []int) []int { v := make([]int, len(b)) for i, x := range b { v[i] = x + a } return v } var myError = errors.New("my error") // MyError returns a value and an error according to its argument. func (t *T) MyError(error bool) (bool, error) { if error { return true, myError } return false, nil } // A few methods to test chaining. func (t *T) GetU() *U { return t.U } func (u *U) TrueFalse(b bool) string { if b { return "true" } return "" } func typeOf(arg interface{}) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%T", arg) } type execTest struct { name string input string output string data interface{} ok bool } // bigInt and bigUint are hex string representing numbers either side // of the max int boundary. // We do it this way so the test doesn't depend on ints being 32 bits. var ( bigInt = fmt.Sprintf("0x%x", int(1<", tVal, true}, {"map .one interface", "{{.MXI.one}}", "1", tVal, true}, {"map .WRONG args", "{{.MSI.one 1}}", "", tVal, false}, {"map .WRONG type", "{{.MII.one}}", "", tVal, false}, // Dots of all kinds to test basic evaluation. {"dot int", "<{{.}}>", "<13>", 13, true}, {"dot uint", "<{{.}}>", "<14>", uint(14), true}, {"dot float", "<{{.}}>", "<15.1>", 15.1, true}, {"dot bool", "<{{.}}>", "", true, true}, {"dot complex", "<{{.}}>", "<(16.2-17i)>", 16.2 - 17i, true}, {"dot string", "<{{.}}>", "", "hello", true}, {"dot slice", "<{{.}}>", "<[-1 -2 -3]>", []int{-1, -2, -3}, true}, {"dot map", "<{{.}}>", "", map[string]int{"two": 22}, true}, {"dot struct", "<{{.}}>", "<{7 seven}>", struct { a int b string }{7, "seven"}, true}, // Variables. {"$ int", "{{$}}", "123", 123, true}, {"$.I", "{{$.I}}", "17", tVal, true}, {"$.U.V", "{{$.U.V}}", "v", tVal, true}, {"declare in action", "{{$x := $.U.V}}{{$x}}", "v", tVal, true}, // Type with String method. {"V{6666}.String()", "-{{.V0}}-", "-<6666>-", tVal, true}, {"&V{7777}.String()", "-{{.V1}}-", "-<7777>-", tVal, true}, {"(*V)(nil).String()", "-{{.V2}}-", "-nilV-", tVal, true}, // Type with Error method. {"W{888}.Error()", "-{{.W0}}-", "-[888]-", tVal, true}, {"&W{999}.Error()", "-{{.W1}}-", "-[999]-", tVal, true}, {"(*W)(nil).Error()", "-{{.W2}}-", "-nilW-", tVal, true}, // Pointers. {"*int", "{{.PI}}", "23", tVal, true}, {"*string", "{{.PS}}", "a string", tVal, true}, {"*[]int", "{{.PSI}}", "[21 22 23]", tVal, true}, {"*[]int[1]", "{{index .PSI 1}}", "22", tVal, true}, {"NIL", "{{.NIL}}", "", tVal, true}, // Empty interfaces holding values. {"empty nil", "{{.Empty0}}", "", tVal, true}, {"empty with int", "{{.Empty1}}", "3", tVal, true}, {"empty with string", "{{.Empty2}}", "empty2", tVal, true}, {"empty with slice", "{{.Empty3}}", "[7 8]", tVal, true}, {"empty with struct", "{{.Empty4}}", "{UinEmpty}", tVal, true}, {"empty with struct, field", "{{.Empty4.V}}", "UinEmpty", tVal, true}, // Method calls. {".Method0", "-{{.Method0}}-", "-M0-", tVal, true}, {".Method1(1234)", "-{{.Method1 1234}}-", "-1234-", tVal, true}, {".Method1(.I)", "-{{.Method1 .I}}-", "-17-", tVal, true}, {".Method2(3, .X)", "-{{.Method2 3 .X}}-", "-Method2: 3 x-", tVal, true}, {".Method2(.U16, `str`)", "-{{.Method2 .U16 `str`}}-", "-Method2: 16 str-", tVal, true}, {".Method2(.U16, $x)", "{{if $x := .X}}-{{.Method2 .U16 $x}}{{end}}-", "-Method2: 16 x-", tVal, true}, {".Method3(nil constant)", "-{{.Method3 nil}}-", "-Method3: -", tVal, true}, {".Method3(nil value)", "-{{.Method3 .MXI.unset}}-", "-Method3: -", tVal, true}, {"method on var", "{{if $x := .}}-{{$x.Method2 .U16 $x.X}}{{end}}-", "-Method2: 16 x-", tVal, true}, {"method on chained var", "{{range .MSIone}}{{if $.U.TrueFalse $.True}}{{$.U.TrueFalse $.True}}{{else}}WRONG{{end}}{{end}}", "true", tVal, true}, {"chained method", "{{range .MSIone}}{{if $.GetU.TrueFalse $.True}}{{$.U.TrueFalse $.True}}{{else}}WRONG{{end}}{{end}}", "true", tVal, true}, {"chained method on variable", "{{with $x := .}}{{with .SI}}{{$.GetU.TrueFalse $.True}}{{end}}{{end}}", "true", tVal, true}, {".NilOKFunc not nil", "{{call .NilOKFunc .PI}}", "false", tVal, true}, {".NilOKFunc nil", "{{call .NilOKFunc nil}}", "true", tVal, true}, // Function call builtin. {".BinaryFunc", "{{call .BinaryFunc `1` `2`}}", "[1=2]", tVal, true}, {".VariadicFunc0", "{{call .VariadicFunc}}", "<>", tVal, true}, {".VariadicFunc2", "{{call .VariadicFunc `he` `llo`}}", "", tVal, true}, {".VariadicFuncInt", "{{call .VariadicFuncInt 33 `he` `llo`}}", "33=", tVal, true}, {"if .BinaryFunc call", "{{ if .BinaryFunc}}{{call .BinaryFunc `1` `2`}}{{end}}", "[1=2]", tVal, true}, {"if not .BinaryFunc call", "{{ if not .BinaryFunc}}{{call .BinaryFunc `1` `2`}}{{else}}No{{end}}", "No", tVal, true}, {"Interface Call", `{{stringer .S}}`, "foozle", map[string]interface{}{"S": bytes.NewBufferString("foozle")}, true}, {".ErrFunc", "{{call .ErrFunc}}", "bla", tVal, true}, // Erroneous function calls (check args). {".BinaryFuncTooFew", "{{call .BinaryFunc `1`}}", "", tVal, false}, {".BinaryFuncTooMany", "{{call .BinaryFunc `1` `2` `3`}}", "", tVal, false}, {".BinaryFuncBad0", "{{call .BinaryFunc 1 3}}", "", tVal, false}, {".BinaryFuncBad1", "{{call .BinaryFunc `1` 3}}", "", tVal, false}, {".VariadicFuncBad0", "{{call .VariadicFunc 3}}", "", tVal, false}, {".VariadicFuncIntBad0", "{{call .VariadicFuncInt}}", "", tVal, false}, {".VariadicFuncIntBad`", "{{call .VariadicFuncInt `x`}}", "", tVal, false}, {".VariadicFuncNilBad", "{{call .VariadicFunc nil}}", "", tVal, false}, // Pipelines. {"pipeline", "-{{.Method0 | .Method2 .U16}}-", "-Method2: 16 M0-", tVal, true}, {"pipeline func", "-{{call .VariadicFunc `llo` | call .VariadicFunc `he` }}-", "->-", tVal, true}, // Parenthesized expressions {"parens in pipeline", "{{printf `%d %d %d` (1) (2 | add 3) (add 4 (add 5 6))}}", "1 5 15", tVal, true}, // Parenthesized expressions with field accesses {"parens: $ in paren", "{{($).X}}", "x", tVal, true}, {"parens: $.GetU in paren", "{{($.GetU).V}}", "v", tVal, true}, {"parens: $ in paren in pipe", "{{($ | echo).X}}", "x", tVal, true}, {"parens: spaces and args", `{{(makemap "up" "down" "left" "right").left}}`, "right", tVal, true}, // If. {"if true", "{{if true}}TRUE{{end}}", "TRUE", tVal, true}, {"if false", "{{if false}}TRUE{{else}}FALSE{{end}}", "FALSE", tVal, true}, {"if nil", "{{if nil}}TRUE{{end}}", "", tVal, false}, {"if 1", "{{if 1}}NON-ZERO{{else}}ZERO{{end}}", "NON-ZERO", tVal, true}, {"if 0", "{{if 0}}NON-ZERO{{else}}ZERO{{end}}", "ZERO", tVal, true}, {"if 1.5", "{{if 1.5}}NON-ZERO{{else}}ZERO{{end}}", "NON-ZERO", tVal, true}, {"if 0.0", "{{if .FloatZero}}NON-ZERO{{else}}ZERO{{end}}", "ZERO", tVal, true}, {"if 1.5i", "{{if 1.5i}}NON-ZERO{{else}}ZERO{{end}}", "NON-ZERO", tVal, true}, {"if 0.0i", "{{if .ComplexZero}}NON-ZERO{{else}}ZERO{{end}}", "ZERO", tVal, true}, {"if emptystring", "{{if ``}}NON-EMPTY{{else}}EMPTY{{end}}", "EMPTY", tVal, true}, {"if string", "{{if `notempty`}}NON-EMPTY{{else}}EMPTY{{end}}", "NON-EMPTY", tVal, true}, {"if emptyslice", "{{if .SIEmpty}}NON-EMPTY{{else}}EMPTY{{end}}", "EMPTY", tVal, true}, {"if slice", "{{if .SI}}NON-EMPTY{{else}}EMPTY{{end}}", "NON-EMPTY", tVal, true}, {"if emptymap", "{{if .MSIEmpty}}NON-EMPTY{{else}}EMPTY{{end}}", "EMPTY", tVal, true}, {"if map", "{{if .MSI}}NON-EMPTY{{else}}EMPTY{{end}}", "NON-EMPTY", tVal, true}, {"if map unset", "{{if .MXI.none}}NON-ZERO{{else}}ZERO{{end}}", "ZERO", tVal, true}, {"if map not unset", "{{if not .MXI.none}}ZERO{{else}}NON-ZERO{{end}}", "ZERO", tVal, true}, {"if $x with $y int", "{{if $x := true}}{{with $y := .I}}{{$x}},{{$y}}{{end}}{{end}}", "true,17", tVal, true}, {"if $x with $x int", "{{if $x := true}}{{with $x := .I}}{{$x}},{{end}}{{$x}}{{end}}", "17,true", tVal, true}, {"if else if", "{{if false}}FALSE{{else if true}}TRUE{{end}}", "TRUE", tVal, true}, {"if else chain", "{{if eq 1 3}}1{{else if eq 2 3}}2{{else if eq 3 3}}3{{end}}", "3", tVal, true}, // Print etc. {"print", `{{print "hello, print"}}`, "hello, print", tVal, true}, {"print 123", `{{print 1 2 3}}`, "1 2 3", tVal, true}, {"print nil", `{{print nil}}`, "", tVal, true}, {"println", `{{println 1 2 3}}`, "1 2 3\n", tVal, true}, {"printf int", `{{printf "%04x" 127}}`, "007f", tVal, true}, {"printf float", `{{printf "%g" 3.5}}`, "3.5", tVal, true}, {"printf complex", `{{printf "%g" 1+7i}}`, "(1+7i)", tVal, true}, {"printf string", `{{printf "%s" "hello"}}`, "hello", tVal, true}, {"printf function", `{{printf "%#q" zeroArgs}}`, "`zeroArgs`", tVal, true}, {"printf field", `{{printf "%s" .U.V}}`, "v", tVal, true}, {"printf method", `{{printf "%s" .Method0}}`, "M0", tVal, true}, {"printf dot", `{{with .I}}{{printf "%d" .}}{{end}}`, "17", tVal, true}, {"printf var", `{{with $x := .I}}{{printf "%d" $x}}{{end}}`, "17", tVal, true}, {"printf lots", `{{printf "%d %s %g %s" 127 "hello" 7-3i .Method0}}`, "127 hello (7-3i) M0", tVal, true}, // HTML. {"html", `{{html ""}}`, "<script>alert("XSS");</script>", nil, true}, {"html pipeline", `{{printf "" | html}}`, "<script>alert("XSS");</script>", nil, true}, {"html", `{{html .PS}}`, "a string", tVal, true}, // JavaScript. {"js", `{{js .}}`, `It\'d be nice.`, `It'd be nice.`, true}, // URL query. {"urlquery", `{{"http://www.example.org/"|urlquery}}`, "http%3A%2F%2Fwww.example.org%2F", nil, true}, // Booleans {"not", "{{not true}} {{not false}}", "false true", nil, true}, {"and", "{{and false 0}} {{and 1 0}} {{and 0 true}} {{and 1 1}}", "false 0 0 1", nil, true}, {"or", "{{or 0 0}} {{or 1 0}} {{or 0 true}} {{or 1 1}}", "0 1 true 1", nil, true}, {"boolean if", "{{if and true 1 `hi`}}TRUE{{else}}FALSE{{end}}", "TRUE", tVal, true}, {"boolean if not", "{{if and true 1 `hi` | not}}TRUE{{else}}FALSE{{end}}", "FALSE", nil, true}, // Indexing. {"slice[0]", "{{index .SI 0}}", "3", tVal, true}, {"slice[1]", "{{index .SI 1}}", "4", tVal, true}, {"slice[HUGE]", "{{index .SI 10}}", "", tVal, false}, {"slice[WRONG]", "{{index .SI `hello`}}", "", tVal, false}, {"map[one]", "{{index .MSI `one`}}", "1", tVal, true}, {"map[two]", "{{index .MSI `two`}}", "2", tVal, true}, {"map[NO]", "{{index .MSI `XXX`}}", "0", tVal, true}, {"map[nil]", "{{index .MSI nil}}", "0", tVal, true}, {"map[WRONG]", "{{index .MSI 10}}", "", tVal, false}, {"double index", "{{index .SMSI 1 `eleven`}}", "11", tVal, true}, // Len. {"slice", "{{len .SI}}", "3", tVal, true}, {"map", "{{len .MSI }}", "3", tVal, true}, {"len of int", "{{len 3}}", "", tVal, false}, {"len of nothing", "{{len .Empty0}}", "", tVal, false}, // With. {"with true", "{{with true}}{{.}}{{end}}", "true", tVal, true}, {"with false", "{{with false}}{{.}}{{else}}FALSE{{end}}", "FALSE", tVal, true}, {"with 1", "{{with 1}}{{.}}{{else}}ZERO{{end}}", "1", tVal, true}, {"with 0", "{{with 0}}{{.}}{{else}}ZERO{{end}}", "ZERO", tVal, true}, {"with 1.5", "{{with 1.5}}{{.}}{{else}}ZERO{{end}}", "1.5", tVal, true}, {"with 0.0", "{{with .FloatZero}}{{.}}{{else}}ZERO{{end}}", "ZERO", tVal, true}, {"with 1.5i", "{{with 1.5i}}{{.}}{{else}}ZERO{{end}}", "(0+1.5i)", tVal, true}, {"with 0.0i", "{{with .ComplexZero}}{{.}}{{else}}ZERO{{end}}", "ZERO", tVal, true}, {"with emptystring", "{{with ``}}{{.}}{{else}}EMPTY{{end}}", "EMPTY", tVal, true}, {"with string", "{{with `notempty`}}{{.}}{{else}}EMPTY{{end}}", "notempty", tVal, true}, {"with emptyslice", "{{with .SIEmpty}}{{.}}{{else}}EMPTY{{end}}", "EMPTY", tVal, true}, {"with slice", "{{with .SI}}{{.}}{{else}}EMPTY{{end}}", "[3 4 5]", tVal, true}, {"with emptymap", "{{with .MSIEmpty}}{{.}}{{else}}EMPTY{{end}}", "EMPTY", tVal, true}, {"with map", "{{with .MSIone}}{{.}}{{else}}EMPTY{{end}}", "map[one:1]", tVal, true}, {"with empty interface, struct field", "{{with .Empty4}}{{.V}}{{end}}", "UinEmpty", tVal, true}, {"with $x int", "{{with $x := .I}}{{$x}}{{end}}", "17", tVal, true}, {"with $x struct.U.V", "{{with $x := $}}{{$x.U.V}}{{end}}", "v", tVal, true}, {"with variable and action", "{{with $x := $}}{{$y := $.U.V}}{{$y}}{{end}}", "v", tVal, true}, // Range. {"range []int", "{{range .SI}}-{{.}}-{{end}}", "-3--4--5-", tVal, true}, {"range empty no else", "{{range .SIEmpty}}-{{.}}-{{end}}", "", tVal, true}, {"range []int else", "{{range .SI}}-{{.}}-{{else}}EMPTY{{end}}", "-3--4--5-", tVal, true}, {"range empty else", "{{range .SIEmpty}}-{{.}}-{{else}}EMPTY{{end}}", "EMPTY", tVal, true}, {"range []bool", "{{range .SB}}-{{.}}-{{end}}", "-true--false-", tVal, true}, {"range []int method", "{{range .SI | .MAdd .I}}-{{.}}-{{end}}", "-20--21--22-", tVal, true}, {"range map", "{{range .MSI}}-{{.}}-{{end}}", "-1--3--2-", tVal, true}, {"range empty map no else", "{{range .MSIEmpty}}-{{.}}-{{end}}", "", tVal, true}, {"range map else", "{{range .MSI}}-{{.}}-{{else}}EMPTY{{end}}", "-1--3--2-", tVal, true}, {"range empty map else", "{{range .MSIEmpty}}-{{.}}-{{else}}EMPTY{{end}}", "EMPTY", tVal, true}, {"range empty interface", "{{range .Empty3}}-{{.}}-{{else}}EMPTY{{end}}", "-7--8-", tVal, true}, {"range empty nil", "{{range .Empty0}}-{{.}}-{{end}}", "", tVal, true}, {"range $x SI", "{{range $x := .SI}}<{{$x}}>{{end}}", "<3><4><5>", tVal, true}, {"range $x $y SI", "{{range $x, $y := .SI}}<{{$x}}={{$y}}>{{end}}", "<0=3><1=4><2=5>", tVal, true}, {"range $x MSIone", "{{range $x := .MSIone}}<{{$x}}>{{end}}", "<1>", tVal, true}, {"range $x $y MSIone", "{{range $x, $y := .MSIone}}<{{$x}}={{$y}}>{{end}}", "", tVal, true}, {"range $x PSI", "{{range $x := .PSI}}<{{$x}}>{{end}}", "<21><22><23>", tVal, true}, {"declare in range", "{{range $x := .PSI}}<{{$foo:=$x}}{{$x}}>{{end}}", "<21><22><23>", tVal, true}, {"range count", `{{range $i, $x := count 5}}[{{$i}}]{{$x}}{{end}}`, "[0]a[1]b[2]c[3]d[4]e", tVal, true}, {"range nil count", `{{range $i, $x := count 0}}{{else}}empty{{end}}`, "empty", tVal, true}, // Cute examples. {"or as if true", `{{or .SI "slice is empty"}}`, "[3 4 5]", tVal, true}, {"or as if false", `{{or .SIEmpty "slice is empty"}}`, "slice is empty", tVal, true}, // Error handling. {"error method, error", "{{.MyError true}}", "", tVal, false}, {"error method, no error", "{{.MyError false}}", "false", tVal, true}, // Fixed bugs. // Must separate dot and receiver; otherwise args are evaluated with dot set to variable. {"bug0", "{{range .MSIone}}{{if $.Method1 .}}X{{end}}{{end}}", "X", tVal, true}, // Do not loop endlessly in indirect for non-empty interfaces. // The bug appears with *interface only; looped forever. {"bug1", "{{.Method0}}", "M0", &iVal, true}, // Was taking address of interface field, so method set was empty. {"bug2", "{{$.NonEmptyInterface.Method0}}", "M0", tVal, true}, // Struct values were not legal in with - mere oversight. {"bug3", "{{with $}}{{.Method0}}{{end}}", "M0", tVal, true}, // Nil interface values in if. {"bug4", "{{if .Empty0}}non-nil{{else}}nil{{end}}", "nil", tVal, true}, // Stringer. {"bug5", "{{.Str}}", "foozle", tVal, true}, {"bug5a", "{{.Err}}", "erroozle", tVal, true}, // Args need to be indirected and dereferenced sometimes. {"bug6a", "{{vfunc .V0 .V1}}", "vfunc", tVal, true}, {"bug6b", "{{vfunc .V0 .V0}}", "vfunc", tVal, true}, {"bug6c", "{{vfunc .V1 .V0}}", "vfunc", tVal, true}, {"bug6d", "{{vfunc .V1 .V1}}", "vfunc", tVal, true}, // Legal parse but illegal execution: non-function should have no arguments. {"bug7a", "{{3 2}}", "", tVal, false}, {"bug7b", "{{$x := 1}}{{$x 2}}", "", tVal, false}, {"bug7c", "{{$x := 1}}{{3 | $x}}", "", tVal, false}, // Pipelined arg was not being type-checked. {"bug8a", "{{3|oneArg}}", "", tVal, false}, {"bug8b", "{{4|dddArg 3}}", "", tVal, false}, // A bug was introduced that broke map lookups for lower-case names. {"bug9", "{{.cause}}", "neglect", map[string]string{"cause": "neglect"}, true}, // Field chain starting with function did not work. {"bug10", "{{mapOfThree.three}}-{{(mapOfThree).three}}", "3-3", 0, true}, // Dereferencing nil pointer while evaluating function arguments should not panic. Issue 7333. {"bug11", "{{valueString .PS}}", "", T{}, false}, // 0xef gave constant type float64. Issue 8622. {"bug12xe", "{{printf `%T` 0xef}}", "int", T{}, true}, {"bug12xE", "{{printf `%T` 0xEE}}", "int", T{}, true}, {"bug12Xe", "{{printf `%T` 0Xef}}", "int", T{}, true}, {"bug12XE", "{{printf `%T` 0XEE}}", "int", T{}, true}, // Chained nodes did not work as arguments. Issue 8473. {"bug13", "{{print (.Copy).I}}", "17", tVal, true}, // Didn't protect against nil or literal values in field chains. {"bug14a", "{{(nil).True}}", "", tVal, false}, {"bug14b", "{{$x := nil}}{{$x.anything}}", "", tVal, false}, {"bug14c", `{{$x := (1.0)}}{{$y := ("hello")}}{{$x.anything}}{{$y.true}}`, "", tVal, false}, // Didn't call validateType on function results. Issue 10800. {"bug15", "{{valueString returnInt}}", "", tVal, false}, // Variadic function corner cases. Issue 10946. {"bug16a", "{{true|printf}}", "", tVal, false}, {"bug16b", "{{1|printf}}", "", tVal, false}, {"bug16c", "{{1.1|printf}}", "", tVal, false}, {"bug16d", "{{'x'|printf}}", "", tVal, false}, {"bug16e", "{{0i|printf}}", "", tVal, false}, {"bug16f", "{{true|twoArgs \"xxx\"}}", "", tVal, false}, {"bug16g", "{{\"aaa\" |twoArgs \"bbb\"}}", "twoArgs=bbbaaa", tVal, true}, {"bug16h", "{{1|oneArg}}", "", tVal, false}, {"bug16i", "{{\"aaa\"|oneArg}}", "oneArg=aaa", tVal, true}, {"bug16j", "{{1+2i|printf \"%v\"}}", "(1+2i)", tVal, true}, {"bug16k", "{{\"aaa\"|printf }}", "aaa", tVal, true}, } func zeroArgs() string { return "zeroArgs" } func oneArg(a string) string { return "oneArg=" + a } func twoArgs(a, b string) string { return "twoArgs=" + a + b } func dddArg(a int, b ...string) string { return fmt.Sprintln(a, b) } // count returns a channel that will deliver n sequential 1-letter strings starting at "a" func count(n int) chan string { if n == 0 { return nil } c := make(chan string) go func() { for i := 0; i < n; i++ { c <- "abcdefghijklmnop"[i : i+1] } close(c) }() return c } // vfunc takes a *V and a V func vfunc(V, *V) string { return "vfunc" } // valueString takes a string, not a pointer. func valueString(v string) string { return "value is ignored" } // returnInt returns an int func returnInt() int { return 7 } func add(args ...int) int { sum := 0 for _, x := range args { sum += x } return sum } func echo(arg interface{}) interface{} { return arg } func makemap(arg ...string) map[string]string { if len(arg)%2 != 0 { panic("bad makemap") } m := make(map[string]string) for i := 0; i < len(arg); i += 2 { m[arg[i]] = arg[i+1] } return m } func stringer(s fmt.Stringer) string { return s.String() } func mapOfThree() interface{} { return map[string]int{"three": 3} } func testExecute(execTests []execTest, template *Template, t *testing.T) { b := new(bytes.Buffer) funcs := FuncMap{ "add": add, "count": count, "dddArg": dddArg, "echo": echo, "makemap": makemap, "mapOfThree": mapOfThree, "oneArg": oneArg, "returnInt": returnInt, "stringer": stringer, "twoArgs": twoArgs, "typeOf": typeOf, "valueString": valueString, "vfunc": vfunc, "zeroArgs": zeroArgs, } for _, test := range execTests { var tmpl *Template var err error if template == nil { tmpl, err = New(test.name).Funcs(funcs).Parse(test.input) } else { tmpl, err = template.New(test.name).Funcs(funcs).Parse(test.input) } if err != nil { t.Errorf("%s: parse error: %s", test.name, err) continue } b.Reset() err = tmpl.Execute(b, test.data) switch { case !test.ok && err == nil: t.Errorf("%s: expected error; got none", test.name) continue case test.ok && err != nil: t.Errorf("%s: unexpected execute error: %s", test.name, err) continue case !test.ok && err != nil: // expected error, got one if *debug { fmt.Printf("%s: %s\n\t%s\n", test.name, test.input, err) } } result := b.String() if result != test.output { t.Errorf("%s: expected\n\t%q\ngot\n\t%q", test.name, test.output, result) } } } func TestExecute(t *testing.T) { testExecute(execTests, nil, t) } var delimPairs = []string{ "", "", // default "{{", "}}", // same as default "<<", ">>", // distinct "|", "|", // same "(日)", "(本)", // peculiar } func TestDelims(t *testing.T) { const hello = "Hello, world" var value = struct{ Str string }{hello} for i := 0; i < len(delimPairs); i += 2 { text := ".Str" left := delimPairs[i+0] trueLeft := left right := delimPairs[i+1] trueRight := right if left == "" { // default case trueLeft = "{{" } if right == "" { // default case trueRight = "}}" } text = trueLeft + text + trueRight // Now add a comment text += trueLeft + "/*comment*/" + trueRight // Now add an action containing a string. text += trueLeft + `"` + trueLeft + `"` + trueRight // At this point text looks like `{{.Str}}{{/*comment*/}}{{"{{"}}`. tmpl, err := New("delims").Delims(left, right).Parse(text) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("delim %q text %q parse err %s", left, text, err) } var b = new(bytes.Buffer) err = tmpl.Execute(b, value) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("delim %q exec err %s", left, err) } if b.String() != hello+trueLeft { t.Errorf("expected %q got %q", hello+trueLeft, b.String()) } } } // Check that an error from a method flows back to the top. func TestExecuteError(t *testing.T) { b := new(bytes.Buffer) tmpl := New("error") _, err := tmpl.Parse("{{.MyError true}}") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("parse error: %s", err) } err = tmpl.Execute(b, tVal) if err == nil { t.Errorf("expected error; got none") } else if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), myError.Error()) { if *debug { fmt.Printf("test execute error: %s\n", err) } t.Errorf("expected myError; got %s", err) } } const execErrorText = `line 1 line 2 line 3 {{template "one" .}} {{define "one"}}{{template "two" .}}{{end}} {{define "two"}}{{template "three" .}}{{end}} {{define "three"}}{{index "hi" $}}{{end}}` // Check that an error from a nested template contains all the relevant information. func TestExecError(t *testing.T) { tmpl, err := New("top").Parse(execErrorText) if err != nil { t.Fatal("parse error:", err) } var b bytes.Buffer err = tmpl.Execute(&b, 5) // 5 is out of range indexing "hi" if err == nil { t.Fatal("expected error") } const want = `template: top:7:20: executing "three" at : error calling index: index out of range: 5` got := err.Error() if got != want { t.Errorf("expected\n%q\ngot\n%q", want, got) } } func TestJSEscaping(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { in, exp string }{ {`a`, `a`}, {`'foo`, `\'foo`}, {`Go "jump" \`, `Go \"jump\" \\`}, {`Yukihiro says "今日は世界"`, `Yukihiro says \"今日は世界\"`}, {"unprintable \uFDFF", `unprintable \uFDFF`}, {``, `\x3Chtml\x3E`}, } for _, tc := range testCases { s := JSEscapeString(tc.in) if s != tc.exp { t.Errorf("JS escaping [%s] got [%s] want [%s]", tc.in, s, tc.exp) } } } // A nice example: walk a binary tree. type Tree struct { Val int Left, Right *Tree } // Use different delimiters to test Set.Delims. const treeTemplate = ` (define "tree") [ (.Val) (with .Left) (template "tree" .) (end) (with .Right) (template "tree" .) (end) ] (end) ` func TestTree(t *testing.T) { var tree = &Tree{ 1, &Tree{ 2, &Tree{ 3, &Tree{ 4, nil, nil, }, nil, }, &Tree{ 5, &Tree{ 6, nil, nil, }, nil, }, }, &Tree{ 7, &Tree{ 8, &Tree{ 9, nil, nil, }, nil, }, &Tree{ 10, &Tree{ 11, nil, nil, }, nil, }, }, } tmpl, err := New("root").Delims("(", ")").Parse(treeTemplate) if err != nil { t.Fatal("parse error:", err) } var b bytes.Buffer stripSpace := func(r rune) rune { if r == '\t' || r == '\n' { return -1 } return r } const expect = "[1[2[3[4]][5[6]]][7[8[9]][10[11]]]]" // First by looking up the template. err = tmpl.Lookup("tree").Execute(&b, tree) if err != nil { t.Fatal("exec error:", err) } result := strings.Map(stripSpace, b.String()) if result != expect { t.Errorf("expected %q got %q", expect, result) } // Then direct to execution. b.Reset() err = tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(&b, "tree", tree) if err != nil { t.Fatal("exec error:", err) } result = strings.Map(stripSpace, b.String()) if result != expect { t.Errorf("expected %q got %q", expect, result) } } func TestExecuteOnNewTemplate(t *testing.T) { // This is issue 3872. New("Name").Templates() // This is issue 11379. new(Template).Templates() new(Template).Parse("") new(Template).New("abc").Parse("") new(Template).Execute(nil, nil) // returns an error (but does not crash) new(Template).ExecuteTemplate(nil, "XXX", nil) // returns an error (but does not crash) } const testTemplates = `{{define "one"}}one{{end}}{{define "two"}}two{{end}}` func TestMessageForExecuteEmpty(t *testing.T) { // Test a truly empty template. tmpl := New("empty") var b bytes.Buffer err := tmpl.Execute(&b, 0) if err == nil { t.Fatal("expected initial error") } got := err.Error() want := `template: empty: "empty" is an incomplete or empty template` if got != want { t.Errorf("expected error %s got %s", want, got) } // Add a non-empty template to check that the error is helpful. tests, err := New("").Parse(testTemplates) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } tmpl.AddParseTree("secondary", tests.Tree) err = tmpl.Execute(&b, 0) if err == nil { t.Fatal("expected second error") } got = err.Error() want = `template: empty: "empty" is an incomplete or empty template; defined templates are: "secondary"` if got != want { t.Errorf("expected error %s got %s", want, got) } // Make sure we can execute the secondary. err = tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(&b, "secondary", 0) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } func TestFinalForPrintf(t *testing.T) { tmpl, err := New("").Parse(`{{"x" | printf}}`) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } var b bytes.Buffer err = tmpl.Execute(&b, 0) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } type cmpTest struct { expr string truth string ok bool } var cmpTests = []cmpTest{ {"eq true true", "true", true}, {"eq true false", "false", true}, {"eq 1+2i 1+2i", "true", true}, {"eq 1+2i 1+3i", "false", true}, {"eq 1.5 1.5", "true", true}, {"eq 1.5 2.5", "false", true}, {"eq 1 1", "true", true}, {"eq 1 2", "false", true}, {"eq `xy` `xy`", "true", true}, {"eq `xy` `xyz`", "false", true}, {"eq .Uthree .Uthree", "true", true}, {"eq .Uthree .Ufour", "false", true}, {"eq 3 4 5 6 3", "true", true}, {"eq 3 4 5 6 7", "false", true}, {"ne true true", "false", true}, {"ne true false", "true", true}, {"ne 1+2i 1+2i", "false", true}, {"ne 1+2i 1+3i", "true", true}, {"ne 1.5 1.5", "false", true}, {"ne 1.5 2.5", "true", true}, {"ne 1 1", "false", true}, {"ne 1 2", "true", true}, {"ne `xy` `xy`", "false", true}, {"ne `xy` `xyz`", "true", true}, {"ne .Uthree .Uthree", "false", true}, {"ne .Uthree .Ufour", "true", true}, {"lt 1.5 1.5", "false", true}, {"lt 1.5 2.5", "true", true}, {"lt 1 1", "false", true}, {"lt 1 2", "true", true}, {"lt `xy` `xy`", "false", true}, {"lt `xy` `xyz`", "true", true}, {"lt .Uthree .Uthree", "false", true}, {"lt .Uthree .Ufour", "true", true}, {"le 1.5 1.5", "true", true}, {"le 1.5 2.5", "true", true}, {"le 2.5 1.5", "false", true}, {"le 1 1", "true", true}, {"le 1 2", "true", true}, {"le 2 1", "false", true}, {"le `xy` `xy`", "true", true}, {"le `xy` `xyz`", "true", true}, {"le `xyz` `xy`", "false", true}, {"le .Uthree .Uthree", "true", true}, {"le .Uthree .Ufour", "true", true}, {"le .Ufour .Uthree", "false", true}, {"gt 1.5 1.5", "false", true}, {"gt 1.5 2.5", "false", true}, {"gt 1 1", "false", true}, {"gt 2 1", "true", true}, {"gt 1 2", "false", true}, {"gt `xy` `xy`", "false", true}, {"gt `xy` `xyz`", "false", true}, {"gt .Uthree .Uthree", "false", true}, {"gt .Uthree .Ufour", "false", true}, {"gt .Ufour .Uthree", "true", true}, {"ge 1.5 1.5", "true", true}, {"ge 1.5 2.5", "false", true}, {"ge 2.5 1.5", "true", true}, {"ge 1 1", "true", true}, {"ge 1 2", "false", true}, {"ge 2 1", "true", true}, {"ge `xy` `xy`", "true", true}, {"ge `xy` `xyz`", "false", true}, {"ge `xyz` `xy`", "true", true}, {"ge .Uthree .Uthree", "true", true}, {"ge .Uthree .Ufour", "false", true}, {"ge .Ufour .Uthree", "true", true}, // Mixing signed and unsigned integers. {"eq .Uthree .Three", "true", true}, {"eq .Three .Uthree", "true", true}, {"le .Uthree .Three", "true", true}, {"le .Three .Uthree", "true", true}, {"ge .Uthree .Three", "true", true}, {"ge .Three .Uthree", "true", true}, {"lt .Uthree .Three", "false", true}, {"lt .Three .Uthree", "false", true}, {"gt .Uthree .Three", "false", true}, {"gt .Three .Uthree", "false", true}, {"eq .Ufour .Three", "false", true}, {"lt .Ufour .Three", "false", true}, {"gt .Ufour .Three", "true", true}, {"eq .NegOne .Uthree", "false", true}, {"eq .Uthree .NegOne", "false", true}, {"ne .NegOne .Uthree", "true", true}, {"ne .Uthree .NegOne", "true", true}, {"lt .NegOne .Uthree", "true", true}, {"lt .Uthree .NegOne", "false", true}, {"le .NegOne .Uthree", "true", true}, {"le .Uthree .NegOne", "false", true}, {"gt .NegOne .Uthree", "false", true}, {"gt .Uthree .NegOne", "true", true}, {"ge .NegOne .Uthree", "false", true}, {"ge .Uthree .NegOne", "true", true}, {"eq (index `x` 0) 'x'", "true", true}, // The example that triggered this rule. {"eq (index `x` 0) 'y'", "false", true}, // Errors {"eq `xy` 1", "", false}, // Different types. {"eq 2 2.0", "", false}, // Different types. {"lt true true", "", false}, // Unordered types. {"lt 1+0i 1+0i", "", false}, // Unordered types. } func TestComparison(t *testing.T) { b := new(bytes.Buffer) var cmpStruct = struct { Uthree, Ufour uint NegOne, Three int }{3, 4, -1, 3} for _, test := range cmpTests { text := fmt.Sprintf("{{if %s}}true{{else}}false{{end}}", test.expr) tmpl, err := New("empty").Parse(text) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("%q: %s", test.expr, err) } b.Reset() err = tmpl.Execute(b, &cmpStruct) if test.ok && err != nil { t.Errorf("%s errored incorrectly: %s", test.expr, err) continue } if !test.ok && err == nil { t.Errorf("%s did not error", test.expr) continue } if b.String() != test.truth { t.Errorf("%s: want %s; got %s", test.expr, test.truth, b.String()) } } } func TestMissingMapKey(t *testing.T) { data := map[string]int{ "x": 99, } tmpl, err := New("t1").Parse("{{.x}} {{.y}}") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } var b bytes.Buffer // By default, just get "" err = tmpl.Execute(&b, data) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } want := "99 " got := b.String() if got != want { t.Errorf("got %q; expected %q", got, want) } // Same if we set the option explicitly to the default. tmpl.Option("missingkey=default") b.Reset() err = tmpl.Execute(&b, data) if err != nil { t.Fatal("default:", err) } want = "99 " got = b.String() if got != want { t.Errorf("got %q; expected %q", got, want) } // Next we ask for a zero value tmpl.Option("missingkey=zero") b.Reset() err = tmpl.Execute(&b, data) if err != nil { t.Fatal("zero:", err) } want = "99 0" got = b.String() if got != want { t.Errorf("got %q; expected %q", got, want) } // Now we ask for an error. tmpl.Option("missingkey=error") err = tmpl.Execute(&b, data) if err == nil { t.Errorf("expected error; got none") } } // Test that the error message for multiline unterminated string // refers to the line number of the opening quote. func TestUnterminatedStringError(t *testing.T) { _, err := New("X").Parse("hello\n\n{{`unterminated\n\n\n\n}}\n some more\n\n") if err == nil { t.Fatal("expected error") } str := err.Error() if !strings.Contains(str, "X:3: unexpected unterminated raw quoted strin") { t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %s", str) } }