-- { dg-do compile } with System; procedure frame_overflow is type Bitpos_Range_T is range 1..2**(System.Word_Size-1)-1; type Bitmap_Array_T is array (Bitpos_Range_T) of Boolean; type Bitmap_T is record Bits : Bitmap_Array_T := (others => False); end record; function Set_In (Bitmap : Bitmap_T; Bitpos : Bitpos_Range_T) return Bitmap_T is Result: Bitmap_T := Bitmap; -- { dg-error "Storage_Error" } begin Result.Bits (Bitpos) := True; return Result; end; function Negate (Bitmap : Bitmap_T) return Bitmap_T is Result: Bitmap_T; -- { dg-error "Storage_Error" } begin for E in Bitpos_Range_T loop Result.Bits (E) := not Bitmap.Bits (E); end loop; return Result; end; begin null; end;