! { dg-do run } ! Simple structure constructors, without naming arguments, default values ! or inheritance and the like. PROGRAM test IMPLICIT NONE ! Empty structuer TYPE :: empty_t END TYPE empty_t ! Structure of basic data types TYPE :: basics_t INTEGER :: i REAL :: r COMPLEX :: c LOGICAL :: l END TYPE basics_t ! Structure with strings TYPE :: strings_t CHARACTER(len=5) :: str1, str2 CHARACTER(len=10) :: long END TYPE strings_t ! Structure with arrays TYPE :: array_t INTEGER :: ints(2:5) REAL :: matrix(2, 2) END TYPE array_t ! Structure containing structures TYPE :: nestedStruct_t TYPE(basics_t) :: basics TYPE(array_t) :: arrays END TYPE nestedStruct_t TYPE(empty_t) :: empty TYPE(basics_t) :: basics TYPE(strings_t) :: strings TYPE(array_t) :: arrays TYPE(nestedStruct_t) :: nestedStruct empty = empty_t () basics = basics_t (42, -1.5, (.5, .5), .FALSE.) IF (basics%i /= 42 .OR. basics%r /= -1.5 & .OR. basics%c /= (.5, .5) .OR. basics%l) THEN STOP 1 END IF strings = strings_t ("hello", "abc", "this one is long") IF (strings%str1 /= "hello" .OR. strings%str2 /= "abc" & .OR. strings%long /= "this one i") THEN STOP 2 END IF arrays = array_t ( (/ 1, 2, 3, 4 /), RESHAPE((/ 5, 6, 7, 8 /), (/ 2, 2 /)) ) IF (arrays%ints(2) /= 1 .OR. arrays%ints(3) /= 2 & .OR. arrays%ints(4) /= 3 .OR. arrays%ints(5) /= 4 & .OR. arrays%matrix(1, 1) /= 5. .OR. arrays%matrix(2, 1) /= 6. & .OR. arrays%matrix(1, 2) /= 7. .OR. arrays%matrix(2, 2) /= 8.) THEN STOP 3 END IF nestedStruct = nestedStruct_t (basics_t (42, -1.5, (.5, .5), .FALSE.), arrays) IF (nestedStruct%basics%i /= 42 .OR. nestedStruct%basics%r /= -1.5 & .OR. nestedStruct%basics%c /= (.5, .5) .OR. nestedStruct%basics%l & .OR. ANY(nestedStruct%arrays%ints /= arrays%ints) & .OR. ANY(nestedStruct%arrays%matrix /= arrays%matrix)) THEN STOP 4 END IF END PROGRAM test