! { dg-do run } ! { dg-options "-O2" } ! Tests the fix PR29451, in which the negative size of the ! automatic array 'jello' was not detected and the ! runtime error: Attempt to allocate a negative amount of memory ! resulted. ! ! Contributed by Philip Mason ! program fred call jackal (1, 0) call jackal (2, 1) call jackal (3, 0) end subroutine jackal (b, c) integer :: b, c integer :: jello(b:c), cake(1:2, b:c), soda(b:c, 1:2) if (lbound (jello, 1) <= ubound (jello, 1)) STOP 1 if (size (jello) /= 0) STOP 2 if (.not.any(lbound (cake) <= ubound (cake))) STOP 3 if (size (cake) /= 0) STOP 4 if ((lbound (soda, 1) > ubound (soda, 1)) .and. & (lbound (soda, 2) > ubound (soda, 2))) STOP 5 if (size (soda) /= 0) STOP 6 end subroutine jackal