! { dg-do run } ! PR40853 Error in namelist IO. ! Test case derived from example given in PR. < jvdelisle@gcc.gnu.org > program test implicit none type tao_title_struct character(2) justify end type type tao_plot_page_struct real shape_height_max type (tao_title_struct) title ! Comment this line out and the bug goes away. real size(2) end type type (tao_plot_page_struct) plot_page namelist / params / plot_page open (10, status="scratch") write(10,'(a)')" ¶ms" write(10,'(a)')" plot_page%size=5 , 2," write(10,'(a)')"/" rewind(10) read (10, nml = params) if (any(plot_page%size .ne. (/ 5, 2 /))) STOP 1 close (10) end program