!{ dg-do run } ! Tests arrays of derived types containing derived type arrays whose ! components are character arrays - exercises object name parser in ! list_read.c. Checks that namelist output can be reread. ! provided by Paul Thomas - pault@gcc.gnu.org module global type :: mt character(len=2) :: ch(2) = (/"aa","bb"/) end type mt type :: bt integer :: i(2) = (/1,2/) type(mt) :: m(2) end type bt end module global program namelist_15 use global type(bt) :: x(2) namelist /mynml/ x open (10, status = "scratch", delim='apostrophe') write (10, '(A)') "&MYNML" write (10, '(A)') " x = 3, 4, 'dd', 'ee', 'ff', 'gg'," write (10, '(A)') " 4, 5, 'hh', 'ii', 'jj', 'kk'," write (10, '(A)') " x(1)%i = , ," write (10, '(A)') " x(2)%i = -3, -4" write (10, '(A)') " x(2)%m(1)%ch(2)(1:1) ='q'," write (10, '(A)') " x(2)%m(2)%ch(1)(1:1) ='w'," write (10, '(A)') " x(1)%m(1)%ch(1:2)(2:2) = 'z','z'," write (10, '(A)') " x(2)%m(1)%ch(1:2)(2:2) = 'z','z'," write (10, '(A)') " x(1)%m(2)%ch(1:2)(2:2) = 'z','z'," write (10, '(A)') " x(2)%m(2)%ch(1:2)(2:2) = 'z','z'," write (10, '(A)') "/" rewind (10) read (10, nml = mynml, iostat = ier) if (ier .ne. 0) STOP 1 close (10) open (10, status = "scratch", delim='apostrophe') write (10, nml = mynml) rewind (10) read (10, nml = mynml, iostat = ier) if (ier .ne. 0) STOP 2 close(10) if (.not. ((x(1)%i(1) == 3) .and. & (x(1)%i(2) == 4) .and. & (x(1)%m(1)%ch(1) == "dz") .and. & (x(1)%m(1)%ch(2) == "ez") .and. & (x(1)%m(2)%ch(1) == "fz") .and. & (x(1)%m(2)%ch(2) == "gz") .and. & (x(2)%i(1) == -3) .and. & (x(2)%i(2) == -4) .and. & (x(2)%m(1)%ch(1) == "hz") .and. & (x(2)%m(1)%ch(2) == "qz") .and. & (x(2)%m(2)%ch(1) == "wz") .and. & (x(2)%m(2)%ch(2) == "kz"))) STOP 3 end program namelist_15