! { dg-do run } ! Tests the fix for PR32298, in which the scalarizer would generate ! a temporary in the course of evaluating MINLOC or MAXLOC, thereby ! setting the start of the scalarizer loop to zero. ! ! Contributed by Jens Bischoff ! PROGRAM ERR_MINLOC INTEGER, PARAMETER :: N = 7 DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION (N), PARAMETER :: A & = (/ 0.3D0, 0.455D0, 0.6D0, 0.7D0, 0.72D0, 0.76D0, 0.79D0 /) DOUBLE PRECISION :: B INTEGER :: I, J(N), K(N) DO I = 1, N B = A(I) J(I) = MINLOC (ABS (A - B), 1) K(I) = MAXLOC (ABS (A - B), 1) END DO if (any (J .NE. (/1,2,3,4,5,6,7/))) STOP 1 if (any (K .NE. (/7,7,1,1,1,1,1/))) STOP 2 STOP END PROGRAM ERR_MINLOC