! { dg-do run } ! Test case prepared by Jerry DeLisle <jvdelisle@gcc.gnu.org> ! Test of decimal="comma" in namelist and complex integer :: i real :: a(10) = [ (i*1.3, i=1,10) ] real :: b(10) complex :: c character(34) :: complex namelist /nm/ a open(99,file="mynml",form="formatted",decimal="point",status="replace") write(99,nml=nm,decimal="comma") a = 5.55 rewind(99) read(99,nml=nm,decimal="comma") if (any (a /= [ (i*1.3, i=1,10) ])) call abort close(99, status="delete") c = (3.123,4.456) write(complex,*,decimal="comma") c if (complex.ne." ( 3,1229999 ; 4,4559999 )") call abort c = (0.0, 0.0) read(complex,*,decimal="comma") c if (complex.ne." ( 3,1229999 ; 4,4559999 )") call abort end