! { dg-do run } ! ! Tests the fix for PR50221 ! ! Contributed by Clive Page ! and Tobias Burnus ! ! This is from comment #2 by Tobias Burnus. ! module m character(len=:), save, allocatable :: str(:) character(len=2), parameter :: const(3) = ["a1", "b2", "c3"] end use m call test() if(allocated(str)) deallocate(str) call foo contains subroutine test() call doit() ! print *, 'strlen=',len(str),' / array size =',size(str) ! print '(3a)', '>',str(1),'<' ! print '(3a)', '>',str(2),'<' ! print '(3a)', '>',str(3),'<' if (any (str .ne. const)) call abort end subroutine test subroutine doit() str = const end subroutine doit subroutine foo ! ! This is the original PR from Clive Page ! character(:), allocatable, dimension(:) :: array array = (/'xx', 'yy', 'zz'/) ! print *, 'array=', array, len(array(1)), size(array) if (any (array .ne. ["xx", "yy", "zz"])) call abort end subroutine end