! { dg-do run } ! Test the fix for PR42385, in which CLASS defined operators ! compiled but were not correctly dynamically dispatched. ! ! Contributed by Janus Weil ! module foo_module implicit none private public :: foo type :: foo integer :: foo_x contains procedure :: times => times_foo procedure :: assign => assign_foo generic :: operator(*) => times generic :: assignment(=) => assign end type contains function times_foo(this,factor) result(product) class(foo) ,intent(in) :: this class(foo) ,allocatable :: product integer, intent(in) :: factor allocate (product, source = this) product%foo_x = -product%foo_x * factor end function subroutine assign_foo(lhs,rhs) class(foo) ,intent(inout) :: lhs class(foo) ,intent(in) :: rhs lhs%foo_x = -rhs%foo_x end subroutine end module module bar_module use foo_module ,only : foo implicit none private public :: bar type ,extends(foo) :: bar integer :: bar_x contains procedure :: times => times_bar procedure :: assign => assign_bar end type contains subroutine assign_bar(lhs,rhs) class(bar) ,intent(inout) :: lhs class(foo) ,intent(in) :: rhs select type(rhs) type is (bar) lhs%bar_x = rhs%bar_x lhs%foo_x = -rhs%foo_x end select end subroutine function times_bar(this,factor) result(product) class(bar) ,intent(in) :: this integer, intent(in) :: factor class(foo), allocatable :: product select type(this) type is (bar) allocate(product,source=this) select type(product) type is(bar) product%bar_x = 2*this%bar_x*factor end select end select end function end module program main use foo_module ,only : foo use bar_module ,only : bar implicit none type(foo) :: unitf type(bar) :: unitb ! foo's assign negates, whilst its '*' negates and mutliplies. unitf%foo_x = 1 call rescale(unitf, 42) if (unitf%foo_x .ne. 42) STOP 1 ! bar's assign negates foo_x, whilst its '*' copies foo_x ! and does a multiply by twice factor. unitb%foo_x = 1 unitb%bar_x = 2 call rescale(unitb, 3) if (unitb%bar_x .ne. 12) STOP 2 if (unitb%foo_x .ne. -1) STOP 3 contains subroutine rescale(this,scale) class(foo) ,intent(inout) :: this integer, intent(in) :: scale this = this*scale end subroutine end program