! { dg-do run } ! ! Checks the fix for PR67171, where the second ALLOCATE with and array section ! SOURCE produced a zero index based temporary, which threw the assignment. ! ! Contributed by Anton Shterenlikht ! program z implicit none integer, parameter :: DIM1_SIZE = 10 real, allocatable :: d(:,:), tmp(:,:) integer :: i, errstat allocate (d(DIM1_SIZE, 2), source = 0.0, stat=errstat ) d(:,1) = [( real (i), i=1,DIM1_SIZE)] d(:,2) = [( real(2*i), i=1,DIM1_SIZE)] ! write (*,*) d(1, :) call move_alloc (from = d, to = tmp) ! write (*,*) tmp( 1, :) allocate (d(DIM1_SIZE / 2, 2), source = tmp(1 : DIM1_SIZE / 2, :) , stat=errstat) if (any (d .ne. tmp(1:DIM1_SIZE/2,:))) STOP 1 deallocate (d) allocate (d(DIM1_SIZE / 2, 2), source = foo (tmp(1 : DIM1_SIZE / 2, :)) , stat=errstat) if (any (d .ne. tmp(1 : DIM1_SIZE / 2, :))) STOP 2 deallocate (tmp , d) contains function foo (arg) result (res) real :: arg(:,:) real :: res(size (arg, 1), size (arg, 2)) res = arg end function end program z