! { dg-do run } ! Fix for PR29699 - see below for details. ! ! Contributed by Tobias Burnus ! PROGRAM vocabulary_word_count IMPLICIT NONE TYPE VARYING_STRING CHARACTER,DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: chars ENDTYPE VARYING_STRING INTEGER :: list_size=200 call extend_lists2 CONTAINS ! First the original problem: vocab_swap not being referenced caused ! an ICE because default initialization is used, which results in a ! call to gfc_conv_variable, which calls gfc_get_symbol_decl. SUBROUTINE extend_lists1 type(VARYING_STRING),DIMENSION(list_size) :: vocab_swap ENDSUBROUTINE extend_lists1 ! Curing this then uncovered two more problems: If vocab_swap were ! actually referenced, an ICE occurred in the gimplifier because ! the declaration for this automatic array is presented as a ! pointer to the array, rather than the array. Curing this allows ! the code to compile but it bombed out at run time because the ! malloc/free occurred in the wrong order with respect to the ! nullify/deallocate of the allocatable components. SUBROUTINE extend_lists2 type(VARYING_STRING),DIMENSION(list_size) :: vocab_swap allocate (vocab_swap(1)%chars(10)) if (.not.allocated(vocab_swap(1)%chars)) STOP 1 if (allocated(vocab_swap(10)%chars)) STOP 2 ENDSUBROUTINE extend_lists2 ENDPROGRAM vocabulary_word_count