! { dg-do run } ! Test for allocatable scalar components and deferred length char arrays. ! Check that fix for pr61275 works. ! Contributed by Antony Lewis and ! Andre Vehreschild ! module typeA Type A integer :: X integer, allocatable :: y character(len=:), allocatable :: c end type A end module program test_allocatable_components use typeA Type(A) :: Me Type(A) :: Ea Me= A(X= 1, Y= 2, C="correctly allocated") if (Me%X /= 1) STOP 1 if (.not. allocated(Me%y) .or. Me%y /= 2) STOP 2 if (.not. allocated(Me%c)) STOP 3 if (len(Me%c) /= 19) STOP 4 if (Me%c /= "correctly allocated") STOP 5 ! Now check explicitly allocated components. Ea%X = 9 allocate(Ea%y) Ea%y = 42 ! Implicit allocate on assign in the next line Ea%c = "13 characters" if (Ea%X /= 9) STOP 6 if (.not. allocated(Ea%y) .or. Ea%y /= 42) STOP 7 if (.not. allocated(Ea%c)) STOP 8 if (len(Ea%c) /= 13) STOP 9 if (Ea%c /= "13 characters") STOP 10 deallocate(Ea%y) deallocate(Ea%c) if (allocated(Ea%y)) STOP 11 if (allocated(Ea%c)) STOP 12 end program