/** GENERATED MELT DESCRIPTOR FILE meltbuild-sources/warmelt-modes+meltdesc.c ** NEVER EDIT OR MOVE THIS, IT IS GENERATED & PARSED! **/ /* These identifiers are generated in warmelt-outobj.melt & handled in melt-runtime.c carefully. */ #ifdef __cplusplus /* explicitly declare as extern "C" our dlsym-ed symbols */ extern "C" const char melt_versionmeltstr[]; extern "C" const char melt_genversionstr[]; extern "C" const char melt_modulename[]; extern "C" const char melt_modulerealpath[]; extern "C" const char melt_prepromd5meltrun[]; extern "C" const char melt_primaryhexmd5[] ; extern "C" const char* const melt_secondaryhexmd5tab[]; extern "C" const int melt_lastsecfileindex; extern "C" const char melt_cumulated_hexmd5[]; extern "C" const int melt_module_nb_module_vars; extern "C" { #endif /*__cplusplus */ /* version of the GCC compiler & MELT runtime generating this */ const char melt_genversionstr[]="6.0.0 20160415 (experimental) [melt-branch revision 236252] MELT_1\ .3.rc2+" #ifdef __cplusplus " (in C++)" #else " (in C)" #endif ; const char melt_versionmeltstr[]="1.3.rc2+ [melt-branch_revision_236252]"; /* source name & real path of the module */ /*MELTMODULENAME meltbuild-sources/warmelt-modes */ const char melt_modulename[]="warmelt-modes"; const char melt_modulerealpath[]="/usr/local/libexec/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/6.0.0/melt-modules/1.3.rc2+/warmelt-modes"; /* hash of preprocessed melt-run.h generating this */ const char melt_prepromd5meltrun[]="2494647ca1cfa0935172005eabafae30"; /* hexmd5checksum of primary C++ file */ const char melt_primaryhexmd5[]="6f3af862bb4bd35a6af852fe7bde2d56"; /* hexmd5checksum of secondary C++ files */ const char* const melt_secondaryhexmd5tab[]={ /*nosecfile*/ (const char*)0, /*sechexmd5checksum meltbuild-sources/warmelt-modes+01.cc #1 */ "58a8187ea0ae32bff0284e751c6b6fb8", /*sechexmd5checksum meltbuild-sources/warmelt-modes+02.cc #2 */ "6858301ef5eb61ce3589c900e55d67fc", /*sechexmd5checksum meltbuild-sources/warmelt-modes+03.cc #3 */ "bb9cfad87d9b5c0f4529765392dd68eb", (const char*)0 }; /* last index of secondary files */ const int melt_lastsecfileindex=3; /* cumulated checksum of primary & secondary files */ const char melt_cumulated_hexmd5[]="615b9a32871949e4630b60a293801311" ; /* number of module variables */ const int melt_module_nb_module_vars= 0; /* include the timestamp file */ #define meltmod_WARMELTmiMODES_mds__615B9A32871949E4630B60A293801311 1 #include "warmelt-modes+melttime.h" #ifdef __cplusplus } /* end extern C descriptor */ #endif /*__cplusplus */ /* end of melt descriptor file */