; Options for the Java front end. ; Copyright (C) 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ; ; This file is part of GCC. ; ; GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under ; the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free ; Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ; version. ; ; GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY ; WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or ; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License ; for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see ; <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ; See the GCC internals manual for a description of this file's format. ; Please try to keep this file in ASCII collating order. Language Java I Java Joined Separate ; Documented for C M Java ; Documented for C MD_ Java Undocumented ; Documented for C MF Java Separate ; Documented for C MM Java ; Documented for C MMD_ Java Undocumented ; Documented for C MP Java ; Documented for C MT Java Separate ; Documented for C Wall Java ; Documented for C Wdeprecated Java Var(warn_deprecated) VarExists ; Documented for C Wextraneous-semicolon Java Var(flag_extraneous_semicolon) Warn if deprecated empty statements are found Wout-of-date Java Var(flag_newer) Init(1) Warn if .class files are out of date Wredundant-modifiers Java Var(flag_redundant) Warn if modifiers are specified when not necessary fCLASSPATH= Java JoinedOrMissing RejectNegative --CLASSPATH Deprecated; use --classpath instead faux-classpath Java Separate RejectNegative Undocumented fassert Java Var(flag_assert) Init(1) Permit the use of the assert keyword fassume-compiled Java fassume-compiled= Java JoinedOrMissing fenable-assertions Java fenable-assertions= Java JoinedOrMissing fdisable-assertions Java fdisable-assertions= Java JoinedOrMissing fbootclasspath= Java JoinedOrMissing RejectNegative --bootclasspath=<path> Replace system path fcheck-references Java Var(flag_check_references) Generate checks for references to NULL fclasspath= Java JoinedOrMissing RejectNegative --classpath=<path> Set class path fcompile-resource= Java Joined RejectNegative femit-class-file Java Var(flag_emit_class_files) Output a class file femit-class-files Java Var(flag_emit_class_files) Alias for -femit-class-file fencoding= Java Joined RejectNegative --encoding=<encoding> Choose input encoding (defaults from your locale) fextdirs= Java Joined RejectNegative --extdirs=<path> Set the extension directory path fsource-filename= Java Joined Undocumented ffilelist-file Java Var(flag_filelist_file) Input file is a file with a list of filenames to compile fsaw-java-file Java Undocumented RejectNegative fforce-classes-archive-check Java Var(flag_force_classes_archive_check) Always check for non gcj generated classes archives fhash-synchronization Java Var(flag_hash_synchronization) Assume the runtime uses a hash table to map an object to its synchronization structure findirect-classes Java Var(flag_indirect_classes) Init(1) Generate instances of Class at runtime findirect-dispatch Java Var(flag_indirect_dispatch) Use offset tables for virtual method calls finline-functions Java fjni Java Var(flag_jni) Assume native functions are implemented using JNI foptimize-static-class-initialization Java Var(flag_optimize_sci) Enable optimization of static class initialization code foutput-class-dir= Java Joined RejectNegative freduced-reflection Java Var(flag_reduced_reflection) Reduce the amount of reflection meta-data generated fstore-check Java Var(flag_store_check) Init(1) Enable assignability checks for stores into object arrays fuse-boehm-gc Java Var(flag_use_boehm_gc) Generate code for the Boehm GC fuse-divide-subroutine Java Var(flag_use_divide_subroutine) Init(1) Call a library routine to do integer divisions fuse-atomic-builtins Java Var(flag_use_atomic_builtins) Init(0) Generate code for built-in atomic operations fbootstrap-classes Java Var(flag_bootstrap_classes) Generated should be loaded by bootstrap loader fsource= Java Joined Set the source language version ftarget= Java Joined Set the target VM version version Java ; ; Warnings handled by ecj. ; FIXME: document them ; Wconstructor-name Java Wpkg-default-method Java Wmasked-catch-block Java Wall-deprecation Java Wunused-local Java Wunused-argument Java Wunused-import Java Wunused-private Java Wunused-label Java Wlocal-hiding Java Wfield-hiding Java Wspecial-param-hiding Java Wcondition-assign Java Wsynthetic-access Java Wnls Java Wstatic-receiver Java Windirect-static Java Wno-effect-assign Java Wintf-non-inherited Java Wchar-concat Java Wserial Java Wempty-block Java Wuseless-type-check Java Wuncheck Java Wraw Java Wfinal-bound Java Wsuppress Java Wwarning-token Java Wunnecessary-else Java Wjavadoc Java Wall-javadoc Java Wtasks Java Wassert-identifier Java Wenum-identifier Java Wfinally Java Wunused-thrown Java Wunqualified-field Java Wtype-hiding Java Wvarargs-cast Java Wnull Java Wboxing Java Wover-ann Java Wdep-ann Java Wintf-annotation Java Wenum-switch Java Whiding Java Wstatic-access Java Wunused Java Wparam-assign Java Wdiscouraged Java Wforbidden Java Wfallthrough Java