------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- S Y M B O L S -- -- -- -- B o d y -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- -- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write -- -- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, -- -- MA 02111-1307, USA. -- -- -- -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This is the VMS version of this package with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions; with Ada.Sequential_IO; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; package body Symbols is Case_Sensitive : constant String := "case_sensitive="; Symbol_Vector : constant String := "SYMBOL_VECTOR=("; Equal_Data : constant String := "=DATA)"; Equal_Procedure : constant String := "=PROCEDURE)"; Gsmatch : constant String := "gsmatch=equal,"; Symbol_File_Name : String_Access := null; -- Name of the symbol file Sym_Policy : Policy := Autonomous; -- The symbol policy. Set by Initialize Major_ID : Integer := 1; -- The Major ID. May be modified by Initialize if Library_Version is -- specified or if it is read from the reference symbol file. Soft_Major_ID : Boolean := True; -- False if library version is specified in procedure Initialize. -- When True, Major_ID may be modified if found in the reference symbol -- file. Minor_ID : Natural := 0; -- The Minor ID. May be modified if read from the reference symbol file Soft_Minor_ID : Boolean := True; -- False if symbol policy is Autonomous, if library version is specified -- in procedure Initialize and is not the same as the major ID read from -- the reference symbol file. When True, Minor_ID may be increased in -- Compliant symbol policy. subtype Byte is Character; -- Object files are stream of bytes, but some of these bytes, those for -- the names of the symbols, are ASCII characters. package Byte_IO is new Ada.Sequential_IO (Byte); use Byte_IO; type Number is mod 2**16; -- 16 bits unsigned number for number of characters GSD : constant Number := 10; -- Code for the Global Symbol Definition section C_SYM : constant Number := 1; -- Code for a Symbol subsection V_DEF_Mask : constant Number := 2**1; V_NORM_Mask : constant Number := 2**6; File : Byte_IO.File_Type; -- Each object file is read as a stream of bytes (characters) B : Byte; Number_Of_Characters : Natural := 0; -- The number of characters of each section -- The following variables are used by procedure Process when reading an -- object file. Code : Number := 0; Length : Natural := 0; Dummy : Number; Nchars : Natural := 0; Flags : Number := 0; Symbol : String (1 .. 255); LSymb : Natural; function Equal (Left, Right : Symbol_Data) return Boolean; -- Test for equality of symbols procedure Get (N : out Number); -- Read two bytes from the object file LSB first as unsigned 16 bit number procedure Get (N : out Natural); -- Read two bytes from the object file, LSByte first, as a Natural function Image (N : Integer) return String; -- Returns the image of N, without the initial space ----------- -- Equal -- ----------- function Equal (Left, Right : Symbol_Data) return Boolean is begin return Left.Name /= null and then Right.Name /= null and then Left.Name.all = Right.Name.all and then Left.Kind = Right.Kind and then Left.Present = Right.Present; end Equal; --------- -- Get -- --------- procedure Get (N : out Number) is C : Byte; LSByte : Number; begin Read (File, C); LSByte := Byte'Pos (C); Read (File, C); N := LSByte + (256 * Byte'Pos (C)); end Get; procedure Get (N : out Natural) is Result : Number; begin Get (Result); N := Natural (Result); end Get; ----------- -- Image -- ----------- function Image (N : Integer) return String is Result : constant String := N'Img; begin if Result (Result'First) = ' ' then return Result (Result'First + 1 .. Result'Last); else return Result; end if; end Image; ---------------- -- Initialize -- ---------------- procedure Initialize (Symbol_File : String; Reference : String; Symbol_Policy : Policy; Quiet : Boolean; Version : String; Success : out Boolean) is File : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type; Line : String (1 .. 1_000); Last : Natural; begin -- Record the symbol file name Symbol_File_Name := new String'(Symbol_File); -- Record the policy Sym_Policy := Symbol_Policy; -- Record the version (Major ID) if Version = "" then Major_ID := 1; Soft_Major_ID := True; else begin Major_ID := Integer'Value (Version); Soft_Major_ID := False; if Major_ID <= 0 then raise Constraint_Error; end if; exception when Constraint_Error => if not Quiet then Put_Line ("Version """ & Version & """ is illegal."); Put_Line ("On VMS, version must be a positive number"); end if; Success := False; return; end; end if; Minor_ID := 0; Soft_Minor_ID := Sym_Policy /= Autonomous; -- Empty the symbol tables Symbol_Table.Set_Last (Original_Symbols, 0); Symbol_Table.Set_Last (Complete_Symbols, 0); -- Assume that everything will be fine Success := True; -- If policy is Compliant or Controlled, attempt to read the reference -- file. If policy is Restricted, attempt to read the symbol file. if Sym_Policy /= Autonomous then case Sym_Policy is when Autonomous => null; when Compliant | Controlled => begin Open (File, In_File, Reference); exception when Ada.Text_IO.Name_Error => Success := False; return; when X : others => if not Quiet then Put_Line ("could not open """ & Reference & """"); Put_Line (Exception_Message (X)); end if; Success := False; return; end; when Restricted => begin Open (File, In_File, Symbol_File); exception when Ada.Text_IO.Name_Error => Success := False; return; when X : others => if not Quiet then Put_Line ("could not open """ & Symbol_File & """"); Put_Line (Exception_Message (X)); end if; Success := False; return; end; end case; -- Read line by line while not End_Of_File (File) loop Get_Line (File, Line, Last); -- Ignore empty lines if Last = 0 then null; -- Ignore lines starting with "case_sensitive=" elsif Last > Case_Sensitive'Length and then Line (1 .. Case_Sensitive'Length) = Case_Sensitive then null; -- Line starting with "SYMBOL_VECTOR=(" elsif Last > Symbol_Vector'Length and then Line (1 .. Symbol_Vector'Length) = Symbol_Vector then -- SYMBOL_VECTOR=(<symbol>=DATA) if Last > Symbol_Vector'Length + Equal_Data'Length and then Line (Last - Equal_Data'Length + 1 .. Last) = Equal_Data then Symbol_Table.Increment_Last (Original_Symbols); Original_Symbols.Table (Symbol_Table.Last (Original_Symbols)) := (Name => new String'(Line (Symbol_Vector'Length + 1 .. Last - Equal_Data'Length)), Kind => Data, Present => True); -- SYMBOL_VECTOR=(<symbol>=PROCEDURE) elsif Last > Symbol_Vector'Length + Equal_Procedure'Length and then Line (Last - Equal_Procedure'Length + 1 .. Last) = Equal_Procedure then Symbol_Table.Increment_Last (Original_Symbols); Original_Symbols.Table (Symbol_Table.Last (Original_Symbols)) := (Name => new String'(Line (Symbol_Vector'Length + 1 .. Last - Equal_Procedure'Length)), Kind => Proc, Present => True); -- Anything else is incorrectly formatted else if not Quiet then Put_Line ("symbol file """ & Reference & """ is incorrectly formatted:"); Put_Line ("""" & Line (1 .. Last) & """"); end if; Close (File); Success := False; return; end if; -- Lines with "gsmatch=equal,<Major_ID>,<Minor_Id> elsif Last > Gsmatch'Length and then Line (1 .. Gsmatch'Length) = Gsmatch then declare Start : Positive := Gsmatch'Length + 1; Finish : Positive := Start; OK : Boolean := True; ID : Integer; begin loop if Line (Finish) not in '0' .. '9' or else Finish >= Last - 1 then OK := False; exit; end if; exit when Line (Finish + 1) = ','; Finish := Finish + 1; end loop; if OK then ID := Integer'Value (Line (Start .. Finish)); OK := ID /= 0; -- If Soft_Major_ID is True, it means that -- Library_Version was not specified. if Soft_Major_ID then Major_ID := ID; -- If the Major ID in the reference file is different -- from the Library_Version, then the Minor ID will be 0 -- because there is no point in taking the Minor ID in -- the reference file, or incrementing it. So, we set -- Soft_Minor_ID to False, so that we don't modify -- the Minor_ID later. elsif Major_ID /= ID then Soft_Minor_ID := False; end if; Start := Finish + 2; Finish := Start; loop if Line (Finish) not in '0' .. '9' then OK := False; exit; end if; exit when Finish = Last; Finish := Finish + 1; end loop; -- Only set Minor_ID if Soft_Minor_ID is True (see above) if OK and then Soft_Minor_ID then Minor_ID := Integer'Value (Line (Start .. Finish)); end if; end if; -- If OK is not True, that means the line is not correctly -- formatted. if not OK then if not Quiet then Put_Line ("symbol file """ & Reference & """ is incorrectly formatted"); Put_Line ("""" & Line (1 .. Last) & """"); end if; Close (File); Success := False; return; end if; end; -- Anything else is incorrectly formatted else if not Quiet then Put_Line ("unexpected line in symbol file """ & Reference & """"); Put_Line ("""" & Line (1 .. Last) & """"); end if; Close (File); Success := False; return; end if; end loop; Close (File); end if; end Initialize; ------------- -- Process -- ------------- procedure Process (Object_File : String; Success : out Boolean) is begin -- Open the object file with Byte_IO. Return with Success = False if -- this fails. begin Open (File, In_File, Object_File); exception when others => Put_Line ("*** Unable to open object file """ & Object_File & """"); Success := False; return; end; -- Assume that the object file has a correct format Success := True; -- Get the different sections one by one from the object file while not End_Of_File (File) loop Get (Code); Get (Number_Of_Characters); Number_Of_Characters := Number_Of_Characters - 4; -- If this is not a Global Symbol Definition section, skip to the -- next section. if Code /= GSD then for J in 1 .. Number_Of_Characters loop Read (File, B); end loop; else -- Skip over the next 4 bytes Get (Dummy); Get (Dummy); Number_Of_Characters := Number_Of_Characters - 4; -- Get each subsection in turn loop Get (Code); Get (Nchars); Get (Dummy); Get (Flags); Number_Of_Characters := Number_Of_Characters - 8; Nchars := Nchars - 8; -- If this is a symbol and the V_DEF flag is set, get the -- symbol. if Code = C_SYM and then ((Flags and V_DEF_Mask) /= 0) then -- First, reach the symbol length for J in 1 .. 25 loop Read (File, B); Nchars := Nchars - 1; Number_Of_Characters := Number_Of_Characters - 1; end loop; Length := Byte'Pos (B); LSymb := 0; -- Get the symbol characters for J in 1 .. Nchars loop Read (File, B); Number_Of_Characters := Number_Of_Characters - 1; if Length > 0 then LSymb := LSymb + 1; Symbol (LSymb) := B; Length := Length - 1; end if; end loop; -- Create the new Symbol declare S_Data : Symbol_Data; begin S_Data.Name := new String'(Symbol (1 .. LSymb)); -- The symbol kind (Data or Procedure) depends on the -- V_NORM flag. if (Flags and V_NORM_Mask) = 0 then S_Data.Kind := Data; else S_Data.Kind := Proc; end if; -- Put the new symbol in the table Symbol_Table.Increment_Last (Complete_Symbols); Complete_Symbols.Table (Symbol_Table.Last (Complete_Symbols)) := S_Data; end; else -- As it is not a symbol subsection, skip to the next -- subsection. for J in 1 .. Nchars loop Read (File, B); Number_Of_Characters := Number_Of_Characters - 1; end loop; end if; -- Exit the GSD section when number of characters reaches 0 exit when Number_Of_Characters = 0; end loop; end if; end loop; -- The object file has been processed, close it Close (File); exception -- For any exception, output an error message, close the object file -- and return with Success = False. when X : others => Put_Line ("unexpected exception raised while processing """ & Object_File & """"); Put_Line (Exception_Information (X)); Close (File); Success := False; end Process; -------------- -- Finalize -- -------------- procedure Finalize (Quiet : Boolean; Success : out Boolean) is File : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type; -- The symbol file S_Data : Symbol_Data; -- A symbol Cur : Positive := 1; -- Most probable index in the Complete_Symbols of the current symbol -- in Original_Symbol. Found : Boolean; begin -- Nothing to be done if Initialize has never been called if Symbol_File_Name = null then Success := False; else -- First find if the symbols in the reference symbol file are also -- in the object files. Note that this is not done if the policy is -- Autonomous, because no reference symbol file has been read. -- Expect the first symbol in the symbol file to also be the first -- in Complete_Symbols. Cur := 1; for Index_1 in 1 .. Symbol_Table.Last (Original_Symbols) loop S_Data := Original_Symbols.Table (Index_1); Found := False; First_Object_Loop : for Index_2 in Cur .. Symbol_Table.Last (Complete_Symbols) loop if Equal (S_Data, Complete_Symbols.Table (Index_2)) then Cur := Index_2 + 1; Complete_Symbols.Table (Index_2).Present := False; Found := True; exit First_Object_Loop; end if; end loop First_Object_Loop; -- If the symbol could not be found between Cur and Last, try -- before Cur. if not Found then Second_Object_Loop : for Index_2 in 1 .. Cur - 1 loop if Equal (S_Data, Complete_Symbols.Table (Index_2)) then Cur := Index_2 + 1; Complete_Symbols.Table (Index_2).Present := False; Found := True; exit Second_Object_Loop; end if; end loop Second_Object_Loop; end if; -- If the symbol is not found, mark it as such in the table if not Found then if (not Quiet) or else Sym_Policy = Controlled then Put_Line ("symbol """ & S_Data.Name.all & """ is no longer present in the object files"); end if; if Sym_Policy = Controlled or else Sym_Policy = Restricted then Success := False; return; elsif Soft_Minor_ID then Minor_ID := Minor_ID + 1; Soft_Minor_ID := False; end if; Original_Symbols.Table (Index_1).Present := False; Free (Original_Symbols.Table (Index_1).Name); if Soft_Minor_ID then Minor_ID := Minor_ID + 1; Soft_Minor_ID := False; end if; end if; end loop; if Sym_Policy /= Restricted then -- Append additional symbols, if any, to the Original_Symbols -- table. for Index in 1 .. Symbol_Table.Last (Complete_Symbols) loop S_Data := Complete_Symbols.Table (Index); if S_Data.Present then if Sym_Policy = Controlled then Put_Line ("symbol """ & S_Data.Name.all & """ is not in the reference symbol file"); Success := False; return; elsif Soft_Minor_ID then Minor_ID := Minor_ID + 1; Soft_Minor_ID := False; end if; Symbol_Table.Increment_Last (Original_Symbols); Original_Symbols.Table (Symbol_Table.Last (Original_Symbols)) := S_Data; Complete_Symbols.Table (Index).Present := False; end if; end loop; -- Create the symbol file Create (File, Ada.Text_IO.Out_File, Symbol_File_Name.all); Put (File, Case_Sensitive); Put_Line (File, "yes"); -- Put a line in the symbol file for each symbol in symbol table for Index in 1 .. Symbol_Table.Last (Original_Symbols) loop if Original_Symbols.Table (Index).Present then Put (File, Symbol_Vector); Put (File, Original_Symbols.Table (Index).Name.all); if Original_Symbols.Table (Index).Kind = Data then Put_Line (File, Equal_Data); else Put_Line (File, Equal_Procedure); end if; Free (Original_Symbols.Table (Index).Name); end if; end loop; Put (File, Case_Sensitive); Put_Line (File, "NO"); -- Put the version IDs Put (File, Gsmatch); Put (File, Image (Major_ID)); Put (File, ','); Put_Line (File, Image (Minor_ID)); -- And we are done Close (File); -- Reset both tables Symbol_Table.Set_Last (Original_Symbols, 0); Symbol_Table.Set_Last (Complete_Symbols, 0); -- Clear the symbol file name Free (Symbol_File_Name); end if; Success := True; end if; exception when X : others => Put_Line ("unexpected exception raised while finalizing """ & Symbol_File_Name.all & """"); Put_Line (Exception_Information (X)); Success := False; end Finalize; end Symbols;