------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- R T S F I N D -- -- -- -- B o d y -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 1992-2002, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- -- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write -- -- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, -- -- MA 02111-1307, USA. -- -- -- -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Atree; use Atree; with Casing; use Casing; with Csets; use Csets; with Debug; use Debug; with Einfo; use Einfo; with Elists; use Elists; with Fname; use Fname; with Fname.UF; use Fname.UF; with Lib; use Lib; with Lib.Load; use Lib.Load; with Namet; use Namet; with Nlists; use Nlists; with Nmake; use Nmake; with Output; use Output; with Opt; use Opt; with Restrict; use Restrict; with Sem; use Sem; with Sem_Ch7; use Sem_Ch7; with Sem_Util; use Sem_Util; with Sinfo; use Sinfo; with Stand; use Stand; with Snames; use Snames; with Tbuild; use Tbuild; with Uname; use Uname; package body Rtsfind is ---------------- -- Unit table -- ---------------- -- The unit table has one entry for each unit included in the definition -- of the type RTU_Id in the spec. The table entries are initialized in -- Initialize to set the Entity field to Empty, indicating that the -- corresponding unit has not yet been loaded. The fields are set when -- a unit is loaded to contain the defining entity for the unit, the -- unit name, and the unit number. type RT_Unit_Table_Record is record Entity : Entity_Id; Uname : Unit_Name_Type; Unum : Unit_Number_Type; Withed : Boolean; end record; RT_Unit_Table : array (RTU_Id) of RT_Unit_Table_Record; -------------------------- -- Runtime Entity Table -- -------------------------- -- There is one entry in the runtime entity table for each entity that is -- included in the definition of the RE_Id type in the spec. The entries -- are set by Initialize_Rtsfind to contain Empty, indicating that the -- entity has not yet been located. Once the entity is located for the -- first time, its ID is stored in this array, so that subsequent calls -- for the same entity can be satisfied immediately. RE_Table : array (RE_Id) of Entity_Id; -------------------------- -- Generation of WITH's -- -------------------------- -- When a unit is implicitly loaded as a result of a call to RTE, it -- is necessary to create an implicit with to ensure that the object -- is correctly loaded by the binder. Such with statements are only -- required when the request is from the extended main unit (if a -- client needs a with, that will be taken care of when the client -- is compiled. -- We always attach the with to the main unit. This is not perfectly -- accurate in terms of elaboration requirements, but it is close -- enough, since the units that are accessed using rtsfind do not -- have delicate elaboration requirements. -- The flag Withed in the unit table record is initially set to False. -- It is set True if a with has been generated for the main unit for -- the corresponding unit. ----------------------- -- Local Subprograms -- ----------------------- procedure Load_Fail (S : String; U_Id : RTU_Id; Ent_Name : String := ""); -- Internal procedure called if we can't find the entity or unit. -- The parameter is a detailed error message that is to be given. -- S is a reason for failing to compile the file. U_Id is the unit -- id, and Ent_Name, if non-null, is the associated entity name. function Get_Unit_Name (U_Id : RTU_Id) return Unit_Name_Type; -- Retrieves the Unit Name given a unit id represented by its -- enumaration value in RTU_Id. procedure Load_RTU (U_Id : RTU_Id; Use_Setting : Boolean := False); -- Load the unit whose Id is given if not already loaded. The unit is -- loaded, analyzed, and added to the with list, and the entry in -- RT_Unit_Table is updated to reflect the load. The second parameter -- indicates the initial setting for the Is_Potentially_Use_Visible -- flag of the entity for the loaded unit (if it is indeed loaded). -- A value of False means nothing special need be done. A value of -- True indicates that this flag must be set to True. It is needed -- only in the Text_IO_Kludge procedure, which may materialize an -- entity of Text_IO (or Wide_Text_IO) that was previously unknown. function RE_Chars (E : RE_Id) return Name_Id; -- Given a RE_Id value returns the Chars of the corresponding entity. ------------------- -- Get_Unit_Name -- ------------------- function Get_Unit_Name (U_Id : RTU_Id) return Unit_Name_Type is Uname_Chars : constant String := RTU_Id'Image (U_Id); begin Name_Len := Uname_Chars'Length; Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Uname_Chars; Set_Casing (All_Lower_Case); if U_Id in Ada_Child then Name_Buffer (4) := '.'; if U_Id in Ada_Calendar_Child then Name_Buffer (13) := '.'; elsif U_Id in Ada_Finalization_Child then Name_Buffer (17) := '.'; elsif U_Id in Ada_Real_Time_Child then Name_Buffer (14) := '.'; elsif U_Id in Ada_Streams_Child then Name_Buffer (12) := '.'; elsif U_Id in Ada_Text_IO_Child then Name_Buffer (12) := '.'; elsif U_Id in Ada_Wide_Text_IO_Child then Name_Buffer (17) := '.'; end if; elsif U_Id in Interfaces_Child then Name_Buffer (11) := '.'; elsif U_Id in System_Child then Name_Buffer (7) := '.'; if U_Id in System_Tasking_Child then Name_Buffer (15) := '.'; end if; if U_Id in System_Tasking_Restricted_Child then Name_Buffer (26) := '.'; end if; if U_Id in System_Tasking_Protected_Objects_Child then Name_Buffer (33) := '.'; end if; if U_Id in System_Tasking_Async_Delays_Child then Name_Buffer (28) := '.'; end if; end if; -- Add %s at end for spec Name_Buffer (Name_Len + 1) := '%'; Name_Buffer (Name_Len + 2) := 's'; Name_Len := Name_Len + 2; return Name_Find; end Get_Unit_Name; ---------------- -- Initialize -- ---------------- procedure Initialize is begin -- Initialize the unit table for J in RTU_Id loop RT_Unit_Table (J).Entity := Empty; end loop; for J in RE_Id loop RE_Table (J) := Empty; end loop; end Initialize; ------------ -- Is_RTE -- ------------ function Is_RTE (Ent : Entity_Id; E : RE_Id) return Boolean is E_Unit_Name : Unit_Name_Type; Ent_Unit_Name : Unit_Name_Type; S : Entity_Id; E1 : Entity_Id; E2 : Entity_Id; begin if No (Ent) then return False; -- If E has already a corresponding entity, check it directly, -- going to full views if they exist to deal with the incomplete -- and private type cases properly. elsif Present (RE_Table (E)) then E1 := Ent; if Is_Type (E1) and then Present (Full_View (E1)) then E1 := Full_View (E1); end if; E2 := RE_Table (E); if Is_Type (E2) and then Present (Full_View (E2)) then E2 := Full_View (E2); end if; return E1 = E2; end if; -- If the unit containing E is not loaded, we already know that -- the entity we have cannot have come from this unit. E_Unit_Name := Get_Unit_Name (RE_Unit_Table (E)); if not Is_Loaded (E_Unit_Name) then return False; end if; -- Here the unit containing the entity is loaded. We have not made -- an explicit call to RTE to get the entity in question, but we may -- have obtained a reference to it indirectly from some other entity -- in the same unit, or some other unit that references it. -- Get the defining unit of the entity S := Scope (Ent); if Ekind (S) /= E_Package then return False; end if; Ent_Unit_Name := Get_Unit_Name (Unit_Declaration_Node (S)); -- If the defining unit of the entity we are testing is not the -- unit containing E, then they cannot possibly match. if Ent_Unit_Name /= E_Unit_Name then return False; end if; -- If the units match, then compare the names (remember that no -- overloading is permitted in entities fetched using Rtsfind). if RE_Chars (E) = Chars (Ent) then RE_Table (E) := Ent; -- If front-end inlining is enabled, we may be within a body that -- contains inlined functions, which has not been retrieved through -- rtsfind, and therefore is not yet recorded in the RT_Unit_Table. -- Add the unit information now, it must be fully available. declare U : RT_Unit_Table_Record renames RT_Unit_Table (RE_Unit_Table (E)); begin if No (U.Entity) then U.Entity := S; U.Uname := E_Unit_Name; U.Unum := Get_Source_Unit (S); end if; end; return True; else return False; end if; end Is_RTE; ---------------------------- -- Is_Text_IO_Kludge_Unit -- ---------------------------- function Is_Text_IO_Kludge_Unit (Nam : Node_Id) return Boolean is Prf : Node_Id; Sel : Node_Id; begin if Nkind (Nam) /= N_Expanded_Name then return False; end if; Prf := Prefix (Nam); Sel := Selector_Name (Nam); if Nkind (Sel) /= N_Expanded_Name or else Nkind (Prf) /= N_Identifier or else Chars (Prf) /= Name_Ada then return False; end if; Prf := Prefix (Sel); Sel := Selector_Name (Sel); return Nkind (Prf) = N_Identifier and then (Chars (Prf) = Name_Text_IO or else Chars (Prf) = Name_Wide_Text_IO) and then Nkind (Sel) = N_Identifier and then Chars (Sel) in Text_IO_Package_Name; end Is_Text_IO_Kludge_Unit; --------------- -- Load_Fail -- --------------- procedure Load_Fail (S : String; U_Id : RTU_Id; Ent_Name : String := "") is begin Set_Standard_Error; Write_Str ("fatal error: run-time library configuration error"); Write_Eol; if Ent_Name /= "" then Write_Str ("cannot locate """); -- Copy name skipping initial RE_ or RO_XX characters if Ent_Name (1 .. 2) = "RE" then for J in 4 .. Ent_Name'Length loop Name_Buffer (J - 3) := Ent_Name (J); end loop; else for J in 7 .. Ent_Name'Length loop Name_Buffer (J - 6) := Ent_Name (J); end loop; end if; Name_Len := Ent_Name'Length - 3; Set_Casing (Mixed_Case); Write_Str (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len)); Write_Str (""" in file """); else Write_Str ("cannot load file """); end if; Write_Name (Get_File_Name (RT_Unit_Table (U_Id).Uname, Subunit => False)); Write_Str (""" ("); Write_Str (S); Write_Char (')'); Write_Eol; Set_Standard_Output; raise Unrecoverable_Error; end Load_Fail; -------------- -- Load_RTU -- -------------- procedure Load_RTU (U_Id : RTU_Id; Use_Setting : Boolean := False) is Loaded : Boolean; U : RT_Unit_Table_Record renames RT_Unit_Table (U_Id); Priv_Par : Elist_Id := New_Elmt_List; Lib_Unit : Node_Id; procedure Save_Private_Visibility; -- If the current unit is the body of child unit or the spec of a -- private child unit, the private declarations of the parent (s) -- are visible. If the unit to be loaded is another public sibling, -- its compilation will affect the visibility of the common ancestors. -- Indicate those that must be restored. procedure Restore_Private_Visibility; -- Restore the visibility of ancestors after compiling RTU. -------------------------------- -- Restore_Private_Visibility -- -------------------------------- procedure Restore_Private_Visibility is E_Par : Elmt_Id; begin E_Par := First_Elmt (Priv_Par); while Present (E_Par) loop if not In_Private_Part (Node (E_Par)) then Install_Private_Declarations (Node (E_Par)); end if; Next_Elmt (E_Par); end loop; end Restore_Private_Visibility; ----------------------------- -- Save_Private_Visibility -- ----------------------------- procedure Save_Private_Visibility is Par : Entity_Id; begin Par := Scope (Current_Scope); while Present (Par) and then Par /= Standard_Standard loop if Ekind (Par) = E_Package and then Is_Compilation_Unit (Par) and then In_Private_Part (Par) then Append_Elmt (Par, Priv_Par); end if; Par := Scope (Par); end loop; end Save_Private_Visibility; -- Start of processing for Load_RTU begin -- Nothing to do if unit is already loaded if Present (U.Entity) then return; end if; -- Otherwise we need to load the unit, First build unit name -- from the enumeration literal name in type RTU_Id. U.Uname := Get_Unit_Name (U_Id); U.Withed := False; Loaded := Is_Loaded (U.Uname); -- Now do the load call, note that setting Error_Node to Empty is -- a signal to Load_Unit that we will regard a failure to find the -- file as a fatal error, and that it should not output any kind -- of diagnostics, since we will take care of it here. U.Unum := Load_Unit (Load_Name => U.Uname, Required => False, Subunit => False, Error_Node => Empty); if U.Unum = No_Unit then Load_Fail ("unit not found", U_Id); elsif Fatal_Error (U.Unum) then Load_Fail ("parser errors", U_Id); end if; -- Make sure that the unit is analyzed declare Was_Analyzed : Boolean := Analyzed (Cunit (Current_Sem_Unit)); begin -- Pretend that the current unit is analysed, in case it is -- System or some such. This allows us to put some declarations, -- such as exceptions and packed arrays of Boolean, into System -- even though expanding them requires System... -- This is a bit odd but works fine. If the RTS unit does not depend -- in any way on the current unit, then it never gets back into the -- current unit's tree, and the change we make to the current unit -- tree is never noticed by anyone (it is undone in a moment). That -- is the normal situation. -- If the RTS Unit *does* depend on the current unit, for instance, -- when you are compiling System, then you had better have finished -- Analyzing the part of System that is depended on before you try -- to load the RTS Unit. This means having the System ordered in an -- appropriate manner. Set_Analyzed (Cunit (Current_Sem_Unit), True); if not Analyzed (Cunit (U.Unum)) then Save_Private_Visibility; Semantics (Cunit (U.Unum)); Restore_Private_Visibility; if Fatal_Error (U.Unum) then Load_Fail ("semantic errors", U_Id); end if; end if; -- Undo the pretence Set_Analyzed (Cunit (Current_Sem_Unit), Was_Analyzed); end; Lib_Unit := Unit (Cunit (U.Unum)); U.Entity := Defining_Entity (Lib_Unit); if Use_Setting then Set_Is_Potentially_Use_Visible (U.Entity, True); end if; end Load_RTU; -------------- -- RE_Chars -- -------------- function RE_Chars (E : RE_Id) return Name_Id is RE_Name_Chars : constant String := RE_Id'Image (E); begin -- Copy name skipping initial RE_ or RO_XX characters if RE_Name_Chars (1 .. 2) = "RE" then for J in 4 .. RE_Name_Chars'Last loop Name_Buffer (J - 3) := Fold_Lower (RE_Name_Chars (J)); end loop; Name_Len := RE_Name_Chars'Length - 3; else for J in 7 .. RE_Name_Chars'Last loop Name_Buffer (J - 6) := Fold_Lower (RE_Name_Chars (J)); end loop; Name_Len := RE_Name_Chars'Length - 6; end if; return Name_Find; end RE_Chars; --------- -- RTE -- --------- function RTE (E : RE_Id) return Entity_Id is U_Id : constant RTU_Id := RE_Unit_Table (E); U : RT_Unit_Table_Record renames RT_Unit_Table (U_Id); Lib_Unit : Node_Id; Pkg_Ent : Entity_Id; Ename : Name_Id; Ravenscar : constant Boolean := Restricted_Profile; -- The following flag is used to disable front-end inlining when RTE -- is invoked. This prevents the analysis of other runtime bodies when -- a particular spec is loaded through Rtsfind. This is both efficient, -- and it prevents spurious visibility conflicts between use-visible -- user entities, and entities in run-time packages. -- In No_Run_Time mode, subprograms marked Inlined_Always must be -- inlined, so in the case we retain the Front_End_Inlining mode. Save_Front_End_Inlining : Boolean; procedure Check_RPC; -- Reject programs that make use of distribution features not supported -- on the current target. On such targets (VMS, Vxworks, others?) we -- only provide a minimal body for System.Rpc that only supplies an -- implementation of partition_id. function Find_Local_Entity (E : RE_Id) return Entity_Id; -- This function is used when entity E is in this compilation's main -- unit. It gets the value from the already compiled declaration. function Make_Unit_Name (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id; -- If the unit is a child unit, build fully qualified name for use -- in with_clause. --------------- -- Check_RPC -- --------------- procedure Check_RPC is Body_Name : Unit_Name_Type; Unum : Unit_Number_Type; begin -- Bypass this check if debug flag -gnatdR set if Debug_Flag_RR then return; end if; -- Otherwise we need the check if we are going after one of -- the critical entities in System.RPC in stubs mode. if (Distribution_Stub_Mode = Generate_Receiver_Stub_Body or else Distribution_Stub_Mode = Generate_Caller_Stub_Body) and then (E = RE_Do_Rpc or else E = RE_Do_Apc or else E = RE_Params_Stream_Type or else E = RE_RPC_Receiver) then -- Load body of System.Rpc, and abort if this is the body that is -- provided by GNAT, for which these features are not supported -- on current target. We identify the gnat body by the presence -- of a local entity called Gnat in the first declaration. Lib_Unit := Unit (Cunit (U.Unum)); Body_Name := Get_Body_Name (Get_Unit_Name (Lib_Unit)); Unum := Load_Unit (Load_Name => Body_Name, Required => False, Subunit => False, Error_Node => Empty, Renamings => True); if Unum /= No_Unit then declare Decls : List_Id := Declarations (Unit (Cunit (Unum))); begin if Present (Decls) and then Nkind (First (Decls)) = N_Object_Declaration and then Chars (Defining_Identifier (First (Decls))) = Name_Gnat then Set_Standard_Error; Write_Str ("distribution feature not supported"); Write_Eol; raise Unrecoverable_Error; end if; end; end if; end if; end Check_RPC; ------------------------ -- Find_System_Entity -- ------------------------ function Find_Local_Entity (E : RE_Id) return Entity_Id is RE_Str : String renames RE_Id'Image (E); Ent : Entity_Id; Save_Nam : constant String := Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len); -- Save name buffer and length over call begin Name_Len := Natural'Max (0, RE_Str'Length - 3); Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := RE_Str (RE_Str'First + 3 .. RE_Str'Last); Ent := Entity_Id (Get_Name_Table_Info (Name_Find)); Name_Len := Save_Nam'Length; Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Save_Nam; return Ent; end Find_Local_Entity; -------------------- -- Make_Unit_Name -- -------------------- function Make_Unit_Name (N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is Nam : Node_Id; Scop : Entity_Id; begin Nam := New_Reference_To (U.Entity, Standard_Location); Scop := Scope (U.Entity); if Nkind (N) = N_Defining_Program_Unit_Name then while Scop /= Standard_Standard loop Nam := Make_Expanded_Name (Standard_Location, Chars => Chars (U.Entity), Prefix => New_Reference_To (Scop, Standard_Location), Selector_Name => Nam); Set_Entity (Nam, U.Entity); Scop := Scope (Scop); end loop; end if; return Nam; end Make_Unit_Name; -- Start of processing for RTE begin -- Check violation of no run time and ravenscar mode if No_Run_Time and then not OK_To_Use_In_No_Run_Time_Mode (U_Id) then if not Ravenscar or else not OK_To_Use_In_Ravenscar_Mode (U_Id) then Disallow_In_No_Run_Time_Mode (Current_Error_Node); return Empty; end if; end if; -- Doing a rtsfind in system.ads is special, as we cannot do this -- when compiling System itself. So if we are compiling system then -- we should already have acquired and processed the declaration -- of the entity. The test is to see if this compilation's main unit -- is System. If so, return the value from the already compiled -- declaration and otherwise do a regular find. -- Not pleasant, but these kinds of annoying recursion when -- writing an Ada compiler in Ada have to be broken somewhere! if Present (Main_Unit_Entity) and then Chars (Main_Unit_Entity) = Name_System and then Analyzed (Main_Unit_Entity) and then not Is_Child_Unit (Main_Unit_Entity) then return Find_Local_Entity (E); end if; Save_Front_End_Inlining := Front_End_Inlining; Front_End_Inlining := No_Run_Time; -- Load unit if unit not previously loaded if No (RE_Table (E)) then Load_RTU (U_Id); Lib_Unit := Unit (Cunit (U.Unum)); -- In the subprogram case, we are all done, the entity we want -- is the entity for the subprogram itself. Note that we do not -- bother to check that it is the entity that was requested. -- the only way that could fail to be the case is if runtime is -- hopelessly misconfigured, and it isn't worth testing for this. if Nkind (Lib_Unit) = N_Subprogram_Declaration then RE_Table (E) := U.Entity; -- Otherwise we must have the package case, and here we have to -- search the package entity chain for the entity we want. The -- entity we want must be present in this chain, or we have a -- misconfigured runtime. else pragma Assert (Nkind (Lib_Unit) = N_Package_Declaration); Ename := RE_Chars (E); Pkg_Ent := First_Entity (U.Entity); while Present (Pkg_Ent) loop if Ename = Chars (Pkg_Ent) then RE_Table (E) := Pkg_Ent; Check_RPC; goto Found; end if; Next_Entity (Pkg_Ent); end loop; -- If we didn't find the unit we want, something is wrong -- although in no run time mode, we already gave a suitable -- message, and so we simply return Empty, and the caller must -- be prepared to handle this if the RTE call is otherwise -- possible in high integrity mode. if No_Run_Time and then not OK_To_Use_In_No_Run_Time_Mode (U_Id) then Front_End_Inlining := Save_Front_End_Inlining; return Empty; else Load_Fail ("entity not in package", U_Id, RE_Id'Image (E)); raise Program_Error; end if; end if; end if; -- See if we have to generate a with for this entity. We generate -- a with if the current unit is part of the extended main code -- unit, and if we have not already added the with. The with is -- added to the appropriate unit (the current one). <> if (not U.Withed) and then In_Extended_Main_Code_Unit (Cunit_Entity (Current_Sem_Unit)) then U.Withed := True; declare Withn : Node_Id; Lib_Unit : Node_Id; begin Lib_Unit := Unit (Cunit (U.Unum)); Withn := Make_With_Clause (Standard_Location, Name => Make_Unit_Name (Defining_Unit_Name (Specification (Lib_Unit)))); Set_Library_Unit (Withn, Cunit (U.Unum)); Set_Corresponding_Spec (Withn, U.Entity); Set_First_Name (Withn, True); Set_Implicit_With (Withn, True); Mark_Rewrite_Insertion (Withn); Append (Withn, Context_Items (Cunit (Current_Sem_Unit))); end; end if; Front_End_Inlining := Save_Front_End_Inlining; return RE_Table (E); end RTE; -------------------- -- Text_IO_Kludge -- -------------------- procedure Text_IO_Kludge (Nam : Node_Id) is Chrs : Name_Id; type Name_Map_Type is array (Text_IO_Package_Name) of RTU_Id; Name_Map : Name_Map_Type := Name_Map_Type'( Name_Decimal_IO => Ada_Text_IO_Decimal_IO, Name_Enumeration_IO => Ada_Text_IO_Enumeration_IO, Name_Fixed_IO => Ada_Text_IO_Fixed_IO, Name_Float_IO => Ada_Text_IO_Float_IO, Name_Integer_IO => Ada_Text_IO_Integer_IO, Name_Modular_IO => Ada_Text_IO_Modular_IO); Wide_Name_Map : Name_Map_Type := Name_Map_Type'( Name_Decimal_IO => Ada_Wide_Text_IO_Decimal_IO, Name_Enumeration_IO => Ada_Wide_Text_IO_Enumeration_IO, Name_Fixed_IO => Ada_Wide_Text_IO_Fixed_IO, Name_Float_IO => Ada_Wide_Text_IO_Float_IO, Name_Integer_IO => Ada_Wide_Text_IO_Integer_IO, Name_Modular_IO => Ada_Wide_Text_IO_Modular_IO); begin -- Nothing to do if name is not identifier or a selected component -- whose selector_name is not an identifier. if Nkind (Nam) = N_Identifier then Chrs := Chars (Nam); elsif Nkind (Nam) = N_Selected_Component and then Nkind (Selector_Name (Nam)) = N_Identifier then Chrs := Chars (Selector_Name (Nam)); else return; end if; -- Nothing to do if name is not one of the Text_IO subpackages -- Otherwise look through loaded units, and if we find Text_IO -- or Wide_Text_IO already loaded, then load the proper child. if Chrs in Text_IO_Package_Name then for U in Main_Unit .. Last_Unit loop Get_Name_String (Unit_File_Name (U)); if Name_Len = 12 then -- Here is where we do the loads if we find one of the -- units Ada.Text_IO or Ada.Wide_Text_IO. An interesting -- detail is that these units may already be used (i.e. -- their In_Use flags may be set). Normally when the In_Use -- flag is set, the Is_Potentially_Use_Visible flag of all -- entities in the package is set, but the new entity we -- are mysteriously adding was not there to have its flag -- set at the time. So that's why we pass the extra parameter -- to RTU_Find, to make sure the flag does get set now. -- Given that those generic packages are in fact child units, -- we must indicate that they are visible. if Name_Buffer (1 .. 12) = "a-textio.ads" then Load_RTU (Name_Map (Chrs), In_Use (Cunit_Entity (U))); Set_Is_Visible_Child_Unit (RT_Unit_Table (Name_Map (Chrs)).Entity); elsif Name_Buffer (1 .. 12) = "a-witeio.ads" then Load_RTU (Wide_Name_Map (Chrs), In_Use (Cunit_Entity (U))); Set_Is_Visible_Child_Unit (RT_Unit_Table (Wide_Name_Map (Chrs)).Entity); end if; end if; end loop; end if; end Text_IO_Kludge; end Rtsfind;