-- --
-- --
-- M A K E G P R --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line;
with Ada.Strings.Fixed; use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
with Csets;
with Gnatvsn;
with GNAT.Directory_Operations; use GNAT.Directory_Operations;
with GNAT.Dynamic_Tables;
with GNAT.Expect; use GNAT.Expect;
with GNAT.HTable;
with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib;
with GNAT.Regpat; use GNAT.Regpat;
with Makeutl; use Makeutl;
with MLib.Tgt; use MLib.Tgt;
with Namet; use Namet;
with Output; use Output;
with Opt; use Opt;
with Osint; use Osint;
with Prj; use Prj;
with Prj.Com; use Prj.Com;
with Prj.Pars;
with Prj.Util; use Prj.Util;
with Snames; use Snames;
with System;
with System.Case_Util; use System.Case_Util;
with Table;
with Types; use Types;
package body Makegpr is
Max_In_Archives : constant := 50;
-- The maximum number of arguments for a single invocation of the
-- Archive Indexer (ar).
Cpp_Linker : constant String := "c++linker";
-- The name of a linking script, built one the fly, when there are C++
-- sources and the C++ compiler is not g++.
No_Argument : aliased Argument_List := (1 .. 0 => null);
-- Null argument list representing case of no arguments
FD : Process_Descriptor;
-- The process descriptor used when invoking a non GNU compiler with -M
-- and getting the output with GNAT.Expect.
Line_Matcher : constant Pattern_Matcher := Compile ("^.*?\n", Single_Line);
-- Pattern for GNAT.Expect for the invocation of a non GNU compiler with -M
Name_Ide : Name_Id;
Name_Compiler_Command : Name_Id;
-- Names of package IDE and its attribute Compiler_Command.
-- Set up by Initialize.
Unique_Compile : Boolean := False;
-- True when switch -u is used on the command line
type Source_Index_Rec is record
Project : Project_Id;
Id : Other_Source_Id;
Found : Boolean := False;
end record;
-- Used as Source_Indexes component to check if archive needs to be rebuilt
type Source_Index_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Source_Index_Rec;
type Source_Indexes_Ref is access Source_Index_Array;
procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
(Source_Index_Array, Source_Indexes_Ref);
Initial_Source_Index_Count : constant Positive := 20;
Source_Indexes : Source_Indexes_Ref :=
new Source_Index_Array (1 .. Initial_Source_Index_Count);
-- A list of the Other_Source_Ids of a project file, with an indication
-- that they have been found in the archive dependency file.
Last_Source : Natural := 0;
-- The index of the last valid component of Source_Indexes
Compiler_Names : array (Programming_Language) of String_Access;
-- The names of the compilers to be used. Set up by Get_Compiler.
-- Used to display the commands spawned.
Compiler_Paths : array (Programming_Language) of String_Access;
-- The path names of the compiler to be used. Set up by Get_Compiler.
-- Used to spawn compiling/linking processes.
Compiler_Is_Gcc : array (Programming_Language) of Boolean;
-- An indication that a compiler is a GCC compiler, to be able to use
-- specific GCC switches.
Archive_Builder_Path : String_Access := null;
-- The path name of the archive builder (ar). To be used when spawning
-- ar commands.
Archive_Indexer_Path : String_Access := null;
-- The path name of the archive indexer (ranlib), if it exists.
Copyright_Output : Boolean := False;
Usage_Output : Boolean := False;
-- Flags to avoid multiple displays of Copyright notice and of Usage
Output_File_Name : String_Access := null;
-- The name given after a switch -o
Output_File_Name_Expected : Boolean := False;
-- True when last switch was -o
Project_File_Name : String_Access := null;
-- The name of the project file specified with switch -P
Project_File_Name_Expected : Boolean := False;
-- True when last switch was -P
Naming_String : aliased String := "naming";
Builder_String : aliased String := "builder";
Compiler_String : aliased String := "compiler";
Binder_String : aliased String := "binder";
Linker_String : aliased String := "linker";
-- Name of packages to be checked when parsing/processing project files
List_Of_Packages : aliased String_List :=
(Naming_String 'Access,
Builder_String 'Access,
Compiler_String 'Access,
Binder_String 'Access,
Linker_String 'Access);
Packages_To_Check : constant String_List_Access := List_Of_Packages'Access;
-- List of the packages to be checked when parsing/processing project files
Main_Project : Project_Id;
-- The project id of the main project
type Processor is (None, Linker, Compiler);
Current_Processor : Processor := None;
-- This variable changes when switches -*args are used
Current_Language : Programming_Language := Lang_Ada;
-- The compiler language to consider when Processor is Compiler
package Comp_Opts is new GNAT.Dynamic_Tables
(Table_Component_Type => String_Access,
Table_Index_Type => Integer,
Table_Low_Bound => 1,
Table_Initial => 20,
Table_Increment => 100);
Options : array (Programming_Language) of Comp_Opts.Instance;
-- Tables to store compiling options for the different compilers
package Linker_Options is new Table.Table
(Table_Component_Type => String_Access,
Table_Index_Type => Integer,
Table_Low_Bound => 1,
Table_Initial => 20,
Table_Increment => 100,
Table_Name => "Makegpr.Linker_Options");
-- Table to store the linking options
package Library_Opts is new Table.Table
(Table_Component_Type => String_Access,
Table_Index_Type => Integer,
Table_Low_Bound => 1,
Table_Initial => 20,
Table_Increment => 100,
Table_Name => "Makegpr.Library_Opts");
-- Table to store the linking options
package Ada_Mains is new Table.Table
(Table_Component_Type => String_Access,
Table_Index_Type => Integer,
Table_Low_Bound => 1,
Table_Initial => 20,
Table_Increment => 100,
Table_Name => "Makegpr.Ada_Mains");
-- Table to store the Ada mains, either specified on the command line
-- or found in attribute Main of the main project file.
package Other_Mains is new Table.Table
(Table_Component_Type => Other_Source,
Table_Index_Type => Integer,
Table_Low_Bound => 1,
Table_Initial => 20,
Table_Increment => 100,
Table_Name => "Makegpr.Other_Mains");
-- Table to store the mains of languages other than Ada, either specified
-- on the command line or found in attribute Main of the main project file.
package Sources_Compiled is new GNAT.HTable.Simple_HTable
(Header_Num => Header_Num,
Element => Boolean,
No_Element => False,
Key => Name_Id,
Hash => Hash,
Equal => "=");
package X_Switches is new Table.Table
(Table_Component_Type => String_Access,
Table_Index_Type => Integer,
Table_Low_Bound => 1,
Table_Initial => 2,
Table_Increment => 100,
Table_Name => "Makegpr.X_Switches");
-- Table to store the -X switches to be passed to gnatmake
Initial_Argument_Count : constant Positive := 20;
type Boolean_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Boolean;
type Booleans is access Boolean_Array;
procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Boolean_Array, Booleans);
Arguments : Argument_List_Access :=
new Argument_List (1 .. Initial_Argument_Count);
-- Used to store lists of arguments to be used when spawning a process
Arguments_Displayed : Booleans :=
new Boolean_Array (1 .. Initial_Argument_Count);
-- For each argument in Arguments, indicate if the argument should be
-- displayed when procedure Display_Command is called.
Last_Argument : Natural := 0;
-- Index of the last valid argument in Arguments
package Cache_Args is new Table.Table
(Table_Component_Type => String_Access,
Table_Index_Type => Integer,
Table_Low_Bound => 1,
Table_Initial => 200,
Table_Increment => 50,
Table_Name => "Makegpr.Cache_Args");
-- A table to cache arguments, to avoid multiple allocation of the same
-- strings. It is not possible to use a hash table, because String is
-- an unconstrained type.
-- Various switches used when spawning processes:
Dash_B_String : aliased String := "-B";
Dash_B : constant String_Access := Dash_B_String'Access;
Dash_c_String : aliased String := "-c";
Dash_c : constant String_Access := Dash_c_String'Access;
Dash_cargs_String : aliased String := "-cargs";
Dash_cargs : constant String_Access := Dash_cargs_String'Access;
Dash_f_String : aliased String := "-f";
Dash_f : constant String_Access := Dash_f_String'Access;
Dash_k_String : aliased String := "-k";
Dash_k : constant String_Access := Dash_k_String'Access;
Dash_largs_String : aliased String := "-largs";
Dash_largs : constant String_Access := Dash_largs_String'Access;
Dash_M_String : aliased String := "-M";
Dash_M : constant String_Access := Dash_M_String'Access;
Dash_margs_String : aliased String := "-margs";
Dash_margs : constant String_Access := Dash_margs_String'Access;
Dash_o_String : aliased String := "-o";
Dash_o : constant String_Access := Dash_o_String'Access;
Dash_P_String : aliased String := "-P";
Dash_P : constant String_Access := Dash_P_String'Access;
Dash_q_String : aliased String := "-q";
Dash_q : constant String_Access := Dash_q_String'Access;
Dash_u_String : aliased String := "-u";
Dash_u : constant String_Access := Dash_u_String'Access;
Dash_v_String : aliased String := "-v";
Dash_v : constant String_Access := Dash_v_String'Access;
Dash_vP1_String : aliased String := "-vP1";
Dash_vP1 : constant String_Access := Dash_vP1_String'Access;
Dash_vP2_String : aliased String := "-vP2";
Dash_vP2 : constant String_Access := Dash_vP2_String'Access;
Dash_x_String : aliased String := "-x";
Dash_x : constant String_Access := Dash_x_String'Access;
r_String : aliased String := "r";
r : constant String_Access := r_String'Access;
CPATH : constant String := "CPATH";
-- The environment variable to set when compiler is a GCC compiler
-- to indicate the include directory path.
Current_Include_Paths : array (Programming_Language) of String_Access;
-- A cache for the paths of included directories, to avoid setting
-- env var CPATH unnecessarily.
C_Plus_Plus_Is_Used : Boolean := False;
-- True when there are sources in C++
Link_Options_Switches : Argument_List_Access := null;
-- The link options coming from the attributes Linker'Linker_Options in
-- project files imported, directly or indirectly, by the main project.
Total_Number_Of_Errors : Natural := 0;
-- Used when Keep_Going is True (switch -k) to keep the total number
-- of compilation/linking errors, to report at the end of execution.
Need_To_Rebuild_Global_Archive : Boolean := False;
Error_Header : constant String := "*** ERROR: ";
-- The beginning of error message, when Keep_Going is True
Need_To_Relink : Boolean := False;
-- True when an executable of a language other than Ada need to be linked
Global_Archive_Exists : Boolean := False;
-- True if there is a non empty global archive, to prevent creation
-- of such archives.
Path_Option : String_Access;
-- The path option switch, when supported
package Lib_Path is new Table.Table
(Table_Component_Type => Character,
Table_Index_Type => Integer,
Table_Low_Bound => 1,
Table_Initial => 200,
Table_Increment => 50,
Table_Name => "Makegpr.Lib_Path");
-- A table to compute the path to put in the path option switch, when it
-- is supported.
procedure Add_Archives (For_Gnatmake : Boolean);
-- Add to Arguments the list of archives for linking an executable
procedure Add_Argument (Arg : String_Access; Display : Boolean);
procedure Add_Argument (Arg : String; Display : Boolean);
-- Add an argument to Arguments. Reallocate if necessary.
procedure Add_Arguments (Args : Argument_List; Display : Boolean);
-- Add a list of arguments to Arguments. Reallocate if necessary
procedure Add_Option (Arg : String);
-- Add a switch for the Ada, C or C++ compiler, or for the linker.
-- The table where this option is stored depends on the values of
-- Current_Processor and Current_Language.
procedure Add_Search_Directories
(Data : Project_Data;
Language : Programming_Language);
-- Either add to the Arguments the necessary -I switches needed to
-- compile, or, when compiler is gcc/g++, set up the C*INCLUDE_PATH
-- environment variable, if necessary.
procedure Add_Source_Id (Project : Project_Id; Id : Other_Source_Id);
-- Add a source id to Source_Indexes, with Found set to False
procedure Add_Switches
(Data : Project_Data;
Proc : Processor;
Language : Other_Programming_Language;
File_Name : Name_Id);
-- Add to Arguments the switches, if any, for a source (attribute Switches)
-- or language (attribute Default_Switches), coming from package Compiler
-- or Linker (depending on Proc) of a specified project file.
procedure Build_Global_Archive;
-- Build the archive for the main project
procedure Build_Library (Project : Project_Id; Unconditionally : Boolean);
-- Build the library for a library project. If Unconditionally is
-- False, first check if the library is up to date, and build it only
-- if it is not.
procedure Check (Option : String);
-- Check that a switch coming from a project file is not the concatenation
-- of several valid switch, for example "-g -v". If it is, issue a warning.
procedure Check_Archive_Builder;
-- Check if the archive builder (ar) is there
procedure Check_Compilation_Needed
(Source : Other_Source;
Need_To_Compile : out Boolean);
-- Check if a source of a language other than Ada needs to be compiled or
-- recompiled.
procedure Check_For_C_Plus_Plus;
-- Check if C++ is used in at least one project
procedure Compile
(Source_Id : Other_Source_Id;
Data : Project_Data;
Local_Errors : in out Boolean);
-- Compile one non-Ada source
procedure Compile_Individual_Sources;
-- Compile the sources specified on the command line, when in
-- Unique_Compile mode.
procedure Compile_Link_With_Gnatmake (Mains_Specified : Boolean);
-- Compile/Link with gnatmake when there are Ada sources in the main
-- project. Arguments may already contain options to be used by
-- gnatmake. Used for both Ada mains and mains of other languages.
-- When Compile_Only is True, do not use the linking options
procedure Compile_Sources;
-- Compile the sources of languages other than Ada, if necessary
procedure Copyright;
-- Output the Copyright notice
procedure Create_Archive_Dependency_File
(Name : String;
First_Source : Other_Source_Id);
-- Create the archive dependency file for a library project
procedure Create_Global_Archive_Dependency_File (Name : String);
-- Create the archive depenency file for the main project
procedure Display_Command
(Name : String;
Path : String_Access;
CPATH : String_Access := null);
-- Display the command for a spawned process, if in Verbose_Mode or
-- not in Quiet_Output.
procedure Get_Compiler (For_Language : Programming_Language);
-- Find the compiler name and path name for a specified programming
-- language, if not already done. Results are in the corresponding
-- elements of arrays Compiler_Names and Compiler_Paths. Name of compiler
-- is found in package IDE of the main project, or defaulted.
-- Fail if compiler cannot be found on the path. For the Ada language,
-- gnatmake, rather than the Ada compiler is returned.
procedure Get_Imported_Directories
(Project : Project_Id;
Data : in out Project_Data);
-- Find the necessary switches -I to be used when compiling sources
-- of languages other than Ada, in a specified project file. Cache the
-- result in component Imported_Directories_Switches of the project data.
-- For gcc/g++ compilers, get the value of the C*_INCLUDE_PATH, instead.
procedure Initialize;
-- Do the necessary package initialization and process the command line
-- arguments.
function Is_Included_In_Global_Archive
(Object_Name : Name_Id;
Project : Project_Id) return Boolean;
-- Return True if the object Object_Name is not overridden by a source
-- in a project extending project Project.
procedure Link_Executables;
-- Link executables
procedure Report_Error (S1 : String; S2 : String := ""; S3 : String := "");
-- Report an error. If Keep_Going is False, just call Osint.Fail.
-- If Keep_Going is True, display the error and increase the total number
-- of errors.
procedure Report_Total_Errors (Kind : String);
-- If Total_Number_Of_Errors is not zero, report it, and fail
procedure Scan_Arg (Arg : String);
-- Process one command line argument
function Strip_CR_LF (Text : String) return String;
-- Remove characters ASCII.CR and ASCII.LF from a String
procedure Usage;
-- Display the usage
-- Add_Archives --
procedure Add_Archives (For_Gnatmake : Boolean) is
Last_Arg : constant Natural := Last_Argument;
-- The position of the last argument before adding the archives.
-- Used to reverse the order of the arguments added when processing
-- the archives.
procedure Recursive_Add_Archives (Project : Project_Id);
-- Recursive procedure to add the archive of a project file, if any,
-- then call itself for the project imported.
-- Recursive_Add_Archives --
procedure Recursive_Add_Archives (Project : Project_Id) is
Data : Project_Data;
Imported : Project_List;
Prj : Project_Id;
procedure Add_Archive_Path;
-- For a library project or the main project, add the archive
-- path to the arguments.
-- Add_Archive_Path --
procedure Add_Archive_Path is
Increment : Positive;
Prev_Last : Positive;
if Data.Library then
-- If it is a library project file, nothing to do if
-- gnatmake will be invoked, because gnatmake will take
-- care of it, even if the library is not an Ada library.
if not For_Gnatmake then
if Data.Library_Kind = Static then
(Get_Name_String (Data.Library_Dir) &
Directory_Separator &
"lib" & Get_Name_String (Data.Library_Name) &
'.' & Archive_Ext,
-- As we first insert in the reverse order,
-- -L
is put after -l
("-l" & Get_Name_String (Data.Library_Name),
Get_Name_String (Data.Library_Dir);
("-L" & Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len),
-- If there is a run path option, prepend this
-- directory to the library path. It is probable
-- that the order of the directories in the path
-- option is not important, but just in case
-- put the directories in the same order as the
-- libraries.
if Path_Option /= null then
-- If it is not the first directory, make room
-- at the beginning of the table, including
-- for a path separator.
if Lib_Path.Last > 0 then
Increment := Name_Len + 1;
Prev_Last := Lib_Path.Last;
Lib_Path.Set_Last (Prev_Last + Increment);
for Index in reverse 1 .. Prev_Last loop
Lib_Path.Table (Index + Increment) :=
Lib_Path.Table (Index);
end loop;
Lib_Path.Table (Increment) := Path_Separator;
-- If it is the first directory, just set
-- Last to the length of the directory.
Lib_Path.Set_Last (Name_Len);
end if;
-- Put the directory at the beginning of the
-- table.
for Index in 1 .. Name_Len loop
Lib_Path.Table (Index) := Name_Buffer (Index);
end loop;
end if;
end if;
end if;
-- For a non-library project, the only archive needed
-- is the one for the main project, if there is one.
elsif Project = Main_Project and then Global_Archive_Exists then
(Get_Name_String (Data.Object_Directory) &
Directory_Separator &
"lib" & Get_Name_String (Data.Name) &
'.' & Archive_Ext,
end if;
end Add_Archive_Path;
-- Nothing to do when there is no project specified
if Project /= No_Project then
Data := Projects.Table (Project);
-- Nothing to do if the project has already been processed
if not Data.Seen then
-- Mark the project as processed, to avoid processing it again
Projects.Table (Project).Seen := True;
Recursive_Add_Archives (Data.Extends);
Imported := Data.Imported_Projects;
-- Call itself recursively for all imported projects
while Imported /= Empty_Project_List loop
Prj := Project_Lists.Table (Imported).Project;
if Prj /= No_Project then
while Projects.Table (Prj).Extended_By /= No_Project loop
Prj := Projects.Table (Prj).Extended_By;
end loop;
Recursive_Add_Archives (Prj);
end if;
Imported := Project_Lists.Table (Imported).Next;
end loop;
-- If there is sources of language other than Ada in this
-- project, add the path of the archive to Arguments.
if Project = Main_Project
or else Data.Other_Sources_Present
end if;
end if;
end if;
end Recursive_Add_Archives;
-- Start of processing for Add_Archives
-- First, mark all projects as not processed
for Project in 1 .. Projects.Last loop
Projects.Table (Project).Seen := False;
end loop;
-- Take care of the run path option
if Path_Option = null then
Path_Option := MLib.Linker_Library_Path_Option;
end if;
Lib_Path.Set_Last (0);
-- Add archives in the reverse order
Recursive_Add_Archives (Main_Project);
-- And reverse the order
First : Positive := Last_Arg + 1;
Last : Natural := Last_Argument;
Temp : String_Access;
while First < Last loop
Temp := Arguments (First);
Arguments (First) := Arguments (Last);
Arguments (Last) := Temp;
First := First + 1;
Last := Last - 1;
end loop;
end Add_Archives;
-- Add_Argument --
procedure Add_Argument (Arg : String_Access; Display : Boolean) is
-- Nothing to do if no argument is specified or if argument is empty
if Arg /= null or else Arg'Length = 0 then
-- Reallocate arrays if necessary
if Last_Argument = Arguments'Last then
New_Arguments : constant Argument_List_Access :=
new Argument_List
(1 .. Last_Argument +
New_Arguments_Displayed : constant Booleans :=
new Boolean_Array
(1 .. Last_Argument +
New_Arguments (Arguments'Range) := Arguments.all;
-- To avoid deallocating the strings, nullify all components
-- of Arguments before calling Free.
Arguments.all := (others => null);
Free (Arguments);
Arguments := New_Arguments;
New_Arguments_Displayed (Arguments_Displayed'Range) :=
Free (Arguments_Displayed);
Arguments_Displayed := New_Arguments_Displayed;
end if;
-- Add the argument and its display indication
Last_Argument := Last_Argument + 1;
Arguments (Last_Argument) := Arg;
Arguments_Displayed (Last_Argument) := Display;
end if;
end Add_Argument;
procedure Add_Argument (Arg : String; Display : Boolean) is
Argument : String_Access := null;
-- Nothing to do if argument is empty
if Arg'Length > 0 then
-- Check if the argument is already in the Cache_Args table.
-- If it is already there, reuse the allocated value.
for Index in 1 .. Cache_Args.Last loop
if Cache_Args.Table (Index).all = Arg then
Argument := Cache_Args.Table (Index);
end if;
end loop;
-- If the argument is not in the cache, create a new entry in the
-- cache.
if Argument = null then
Argument := new String'(Arg);
Cache_Args.Table (Cache_Args.Last) := Argument;
end if;
-- And add the argument
Add_Argument (Argument, Display);
end if;
end Add_Argument;
-- Add_Arguments --
procedure Add_Arguments (Args : Argument_List; Display : Boolean) is
-- Reallocate the arrays, if necessary
if Last_Argument + Args'Length > Arguments'Last then
New_Arguments : constant Argument_List_Access :=
new Argument_List
(1 .. Last_Argument + Args'Length +
New_Arguments_Displayed : constant Booleans :=
new Boolean_Array
(1 .. Last_Argument +
Args'Length +
New_Arguments (1 .. Last_Argument) :=
Arguments (1 .. Last_Argument);
-- To avoid deallocating the strings, nullify all components
-- of Arguments before calling Free.
Arguments.all := (others => null);
Free (Arguments);
Arguments := New_Arguments;
New_Arguments_Displayed (1 .. Last_Argument) :=
Arguments_Displayed (1 .. Last_Argument);
Free (Arguments_Displayed);
Arguments_Displayed := New_Arguments_Displayed;
end if;
-- Add the new arguments and the display indications
Arguments (Last_Argument + 1 .. Last_Argument + Args'Length) := Args;
Arguments_Displayed (Last_Argument + 1 .. Last_Argument + Args'Length) :=
(others => Display);
Last_Argument := Last_Argument + Args'Length;
end Add_Arguments;
-- Add_Option --
procedure Add_Option (Arg : String) is
Option : constant String_Access := new String'(Arg);
case Current_Processor is
when None =>
when Linker =>
-- Add option to the linker table
Linker_Options.Table (Linker_Options.Last) := Option;
when Compiler =>
-- Add option to the compiler option table, depending on the
-- value of Current_Language.
Comp_Opts.Increment_Last (Options (Current_Language));
Options (Current_Language).Table
(Comp_Opts.Last (Options (Current_Language))) := Option;
end case;
end Add_Option;
-- Add_Source_Id --
procedure Add_Source_Id (Project : Project_Id; Id : Other_Source_Id) is
-- Reallocate the array, if necessary
if Last_Source = Source_Indexes'Last then
New_Indexes : constant Source_Indexes_Ref :=
new Source_Index_Array
(1 .. Source_Indexes'Last +
New_Indexes (Source_Indexes'Range) := Source_Indexes.all;
Free (Source_Indexes);
Source_Indexes := New_Indexes;
end if;
Last_Source := Last_Source + 1;
Source_Indexes (Last_Source) := (Project, Id, False);
end Add_Source_Id;
-- Add_Search_Directories --
procedure Add_Search_Directories
(Data : Project_Data;
Language : Programming_Language)
-- If a GNU compiler is used, set the CPATH environment variable,
-- if it does not already has the correct value.
if Compiler_Is_Gcc (Language) then
if Current_Include_Paths (Language) /= Data.Include_Path then
Current_Include_Paths (Language) := Data.Include_Path;
Setenv (CPATH, Data.Include_Path.all);
end if;
Add_Arguments (Data.Imported_Directories_Switches.all, Verbose_Mode);
end if;
end Add_Search_Directories;
-- Add_Switches --
procedure Add_Switches
(Data : Project_Data;
Proc : Processor;
Language : Other_Programming_Language;
File_Name : Name_Id)
Switches : Variable_Value;
-- The switches, if any, for the file/language
Pkg : Package_Id;
-- The id of the package where to look for the switches
Defaults : Array_Element_Id;
-- The Default_Switches associative array
Switches_Array : Array_Element_Id;
-- The Switches associative array
Element_Id : String_List_Id;
Element : String_Element;
-- First, choose the proper package
case Proc is
when None =>
raise Program_Error;
when Linker =>
Pkg := Value_Of (Name_Linker, Data.Decl.Packages);
when Compiler =>
Pkg := Value_Of (Name_Compiler, Data.Decl.Packages);
end case;
-- Get the Switches ("file name"), if they exist
Switches_Array := Prj.Util.Value_Of
(Name => Name_Switches,
In_Arrays =>
Packages.Table (Pkg).Decl.Arrays);
Switches :=
(Index => File_Name,
Src_Index => 0,
In_Array => Switches_Array);
-- Otherwise, get the Default_Switches ("language"), if they exist
if Switches = Nil_Variable_Value then
Defaults := Prj.Util.Value_Of
(Name => Name_Default_Switches,
In_Arrays => Packages.Table (Pkg).Decl.Arrays);
Switches := Prj.Util.Value_Of
(Index => Lang_Name_Ids (Language),
Src_Index => 0,
In_Array => Defaults);
end if;
-- If there are switches, add them to Arguments
if Switches /= Nil_Variable_Value then
Element_Id := Switches.Values;
while Element_Id /= Nil_String loop
Element := String_Elements.Table (Element_Id);
if Element.Value /= No_Name then
Get_Name_String (Element.Value);
if not Quiet_Output then
-- When not in quiet output (no -q), check that the switch
-- is not the concatenation of several valid switches,
-- such as "-g -v". If it is, issue a warning.
Check (Option => Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
end if;
Add_Argument (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len), True);
end if;
Element_Id := Element.Next;
end loop;
end if;
end Add_Switches;
-- Build_Global_Archive --
procedure Build_Global_Archive is
Data : Project_Data := Projects.Table (Main_Project);
Source_Id : Other_Source_Id;
Source : Other_Source;
Success : Boolean;
Archive_Name : constant String :=
"lib" & Get_Name_String (Data.Name) & '.' & Archive_Ext;
-- The name of the archive file for this project
Archive_Dep_Name : constant String :=
"lib" & Get_Name_String (Data.Name) & ".deps";
-- The name of the archive dependency file for this project
Need_To_Rebuild : Boolean := Need_To_Rebuild_Global_Archive;
-- When True, archive will be rebuilt
File : Prj.Util.Text_File;
Object_Path : Name_Id;
Time_Stamp : Time_Stamp_Type;
Saved_Last_Argument : Natural;
First_Object : Natural;
Discard : Boolean;
Change_Dir (Get_Name_String (Data.Object_Directory));
if not Need_To_Rebuild then
if Verbose_Mode then
Write_Str (" Checking ");
Write_Line (Archive_Name);
end if;
-- If the archive does not exist, of course it needs to be built
if not Is_Regular_File (Archive_Name) then
Need_To_Rebuild := True;
if Verbose_Mode then
Write_Line (" -> archive does not exist");
end if;
-- Archive does exist
-- Check the archive dependency file
Open (File, Archive_Dep_Name);
-- If the archive dependency file does not exist, we need to
-- to rebuild the archive and to create its dependency file.
if not Is_Valid (File) then
Need_To_Rebuild := True;
if Verbose_Mode then
Write_Str (" -> archive dependency file ");
Write_Str (Archive_Dep_Name);
Write_Line (" does not exist");
end if;
-- Put all sources of language other than Ada in
-- Source_Indexes.
for Proj in 1 .. Projects.Last loop
Data := Projects.Table (Proj);
if not Data.Library then
Last_Source := 0;
Source_Id := Data.First_Other_Source;
while Source_Id /= No_Other_Source loop
Add_Source_Id (Proj, Source_Id);
Source_Id := Other_Sources.Table (Source_Id).Next;
end loop;
end if;
end loop;
-- Read the dependency file, line by line
while not End_Of_File (File) loop
Get_Line (File, Name_Buffer, Name_Len);
-- First line is the path of the object file
Object_Path := Name_Find;
Source_Id := No_Other_Source;
-- Check if this object file is for a source of this project
for S in 1 .. Last_Source loop
Source_Id := Source_Indexes (S).Id;
Source := Other_Sources.Table (Source_Id);
if (not Source_Indexes (S).Found)
and then Source.Object_Path = Object_Path
-- We have found the object file: get the source
-- data, and mark it as found.
Source_Indexes (S).Found := True;
end if;
end loop;
-- If it is not for a source of this project, then the
-- archive needs to be rebuilt.
if Source_Id = No_Other_Source then
Need_To_Rebuild := True;
if Verbose_Mode then
Write_Str (" -> ");
Write_Str (Get_Name_String (Object_Path));
Write_Line (" is not an object of any project");
end if;
end if;
-- The second line is the time stamp of the object file.
-- If there is no next line, then the dependency file is
-- truncated, and the archive need to be rebuilt.
if End_Of_File (File) then
Need_To_Rebuild := True;
if Verbose_Mode then
Write_Str (" -> archive dependency file ");
Write_Line (" is truncated");
end if;
end if;
Get_Line (File, Name_Buffer, Name_Len);
-- If the line has the wrong number of characters, then
-- the dependency file is incorrectly formatted, and the
-- archive needs to be rebuilt.
if Name_Len /= Time_Stamp_Length then
Need_To_Rebuild := True;
if Verbose_Mode then
Write_Str (" -> archive dependency file ");
Write_Line (" is incorrectly formatted (time stamp)");
end if;
end if;
Time_Stamp := Time_Stamp_Type (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
-- If the time stamp in the dependency file is different
-- from the time stamp of the object file, then the archive
-- needs to be rebuilt.
if Time_Stamp /= Source.Object_TS then
Need_To_Rebuild := True;
if Verbose_Mode then
Write_Str (" -> time stamp of ");
Write_Str (Get_Name_String (Object_Path));
Write_Str (" is incorrect in the archive");
Write_Line (" dependency file");
end if;
end if;
end loop;
Close (File);
end if;
end if;
end if;
if not Need_To_Rebuild then
if Verbose_Mode then
Write_Line (" -> up to date");
end if;
-- No need to create a global archive, if there is no object
-- file to put into.
Global_Archive_Exists := Last_Source /= 0;
-- Archive needs to be rebuilt
-- If archive already exists, first delete it
-- Comment needed on why we discard result???
if Is_Regular_File (Archive_Name) then
Delete_File (Archive_Name, Discard);
end if;
Last_Argument := 0;
-- Start with the options found in MLib.Tgt (usually just "rc")
Add_Arguments (Archive_Builder_Options.all, True);
-- Followed by the archive name
Add_Argument (Archive_Name, True);
First_Object := Last_Argument;
-- Followed by all the object files of the non library projects
for Proj in 1 .. Projects.Last loop
Data := Projects.Table (Proj);
if not Data.Library then
Source_Id := Data.First_Other_Source;
while Source_Id /= No_Other_Source loop
Source := Other_Sources.Table (Source_Id);
-- Only include object file name that have not been
-- overriden in extending projects.
if Is_Included_In_Global_Archive
(Source.Object_Name, Proj)
(Get_Name_String (Source.Object_Path), Verbose_Mode);
end if;
Source_Id := Source.Next;
end loop;
end if;
end loop;
-- No need to create a global archive, if there is no object
-- file to put into.
Global_Archive_Exists := Last_Argument > First_Object;
if Global_Archive_Exists then
-- If the archive is built, then linking will need to occur
-- unconditionally.
Need_To_Relink := True;
-- Spawn the archive builder (ar)
Saved_Last_Argument := Last_Argument;
Last_Argument := First_Object + Max_In_Archives;
if Last_Argument > Saved_Last_Argument then
Last_Argument := Saved_Last_Argument;
end if;
Display_Command (Archive_Builder, Archive_Builder_Path);
Arguments (1 .. Last_Argument),
exit when not Success;
exit when Last_Argument = Saved_Last_Argument;
Arguments (1) := r;
Arguments (3 .. Saved_Last_Argument - Last_Argument + 2) :=
Arguments (Last_Argument + 1 .. Saved_Last_Argument);
Saved_Last_Argument := Saved_Last_Argument - Last_Argument + 2;
end loop;
-- If the archive was built, run the archive indexer (ranlib)
-- if there is one.
if Success then
-- If the archive was built, run the archive indexer (ranlib),
-- if there is one.
if Archive_Indexer_Path /= null then
Last_Argument := 0;
Add_Argument (Archive_Name, True);
Display_Command (Archive_Indexer, Archive_Indexer_Path);
(Archive_Indexer_Path.all, Arguments (1 .. 1), Success);
if not Success then
-- Running ranlib failed, delete the dependency file,
-- if it exists.
if Is_Regular_File (Archive_Dep_Name) then
Delete_File (Archive_Dep_Name, Success);
end if;
-- And report the error
("running" & Archive_Indexer & " for project """,
Get_Name_String (Data.Name),
""" failed");
end if;
end if;
-- The archive was correctly built, create its dependency file
Create_Global_Archive_Dependency_File (Archive_Dep_Name);
-- Building the archive failed, delete dependency file if one
-- exists.
if Is_Regular_File (Archive_Dep_Name) then
Delete_File (Archive_Dep_Name, Success);
end if;
-- And report the error
("building archive for project """,
Get_Name_String (Data.Name),
""" failed");
end if;
end if;
end if;
end Build_Global_Archive;
-- Build_Library --
procedure Build_Library (Project : Project_Id; Unconditionally : Boolean) is
Data : constant Project_Data := Projects.Table (Project);
Source_Id : Other_Source_Id;
Source : Other_Source;
Archive_Name : constant String :=
"lib" & Get_Name_String (Data.Name) & '.' & Archive_Ext;
-- The name of the archive file for this project
Archive_Dep_Name : constant String :=
"lib" & Get_Name_String (Data.Name) & ".deps";
-- The name of the archive dependency file for this project
Need_To_Rebuild : Boolean := Unconditionally;
-- When True, archive will be rebuilt
File : Prj.Util.Text_File;
Object_Name : Name_Id;
Time_Stamp : Time_Stamp_Type;
Driver_Name : Name_Id := No_Name;
Lib_Opts : Argument_List_Access := No_Argument'Unrestricted_Access;
-- If Unconditionally is False, check if the archive need to be built
if not Need_To_Rebuild then
if Verbose_Mode then
Write_Str (" Checking ");
Write_Line (Archive_Name);
end if;
-- If the archive does not exist, of course it needs to be built
if not Is_Regular_File (Archive_Name) then
Need_To_Rebuild := True;
if Verbose_Mode then
Write_Line (" -> archive does not exist");
end if;
-- Archive does exist
-- Check the archive dependency file
Open (File, Archive_Dep_Name);
-- If the archive dependency file does not exist, we need to
-- to rebuild the archive and to create its dependency file.
if not Is_Valid (File) then
Need_To_Rebuild := True;
if Verbose_Mode then
Write_Str (" -> archive dependency file ");
Write_Str (Archive_Dep_Name);
Write_Line (" does not exist");
end if;
-- Put all sources of language other than Ada in Source_Indexes
Last_Source := 0;
Source_Id := Data.First_Other_Source;
while Source_Id /= No_Other_Source loop
Add_Source_Id (Project, Source_Id);
Source_Id := Other_Sources.Table (Source_Id).Next;
end loop;
-- Read the dependency file, line by line
while not End_Of_File (File) loop
Get_Line (File, Name_Buffer, Name_Len);
-- First line is the name of an object file
Object_Name := Name_Find;
Source_Id := No_Other_Source;
-- Check if this object file is for a source of this project
for S in 1 .. Last_Source loop
if (not Source_Indexes (S).Found) and then
(Source_Indexes (S).Id).Object_Name =
-- We have found the object file: get the source
-- data, and mark it as found.
Source_Id := Source_Indexes (S).Id;
Source := Other_Sources.Table (Source_Id);
Source_Indexes (S).Found := True;
end if;
end loop;
-- If it is not for a source of this project, then the
-- archive needs to be rebuilt.
if Source_Id = No_Other_Source then
Need_To_Rebuild := True;
if Verbose_Mode then
Write_Str (" -> ");
Write_Str (Get_Name_String (Object_Name));
Write_Line (" is not an object of the project");
end if;
end if;
-- The second line is the time stamp of the object file.
-- If there is no next line, then the dependency file is
-- truncated, and the archive need to be rebuilt.
if End_Of_File (File) then
Need_To_Rebuild := True;
if Verbose_Mode then
Write_Str (" -> archive dependency file ");
Write_Line (" is truncated");
end if;
end if;
Get_Line (File, Name_Buffer, Name_Len);
-- If the line has the wrong number of character, then
-- the dependency file is incorrectly formatted, and the
-- archive needs to be rebuilt.
if Name_Len /= Time_Stamp_Length then
Need_To_Rebuild := True;
if Verbose_Mode then
Write_Str (" -> archive dependency file ");
Write_Line (" is incorrectly formatted (time stamp)");
end if;
end if;
Time_Stamp := Time_Stamp_Type (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
-- If the time stamp in the dependency file is different
-- from the time stamp of the object file, then the archive
-- needs to be rebuilt.
if Time_Stamp /= Source.Object_TS then
Need_To_Rebuild := True;
if Verbose_Mode then
Write_Str (" -> time stamp of ");
Write_Str (Get_Name_String (Object_Name));
Write_Str (" is incorrect in the archive");
Write_Line (" dependency file");
end if;
end if;
end loop;
Close (File);
if not Need_To_Rebuild then
-- Now, check if all object files of the project have been
-- accounted for. If any of them is not in the dependency
-- file, the archive needs to be rebuilt.
for Index in 1 .. Last_Source loop
if not Source_Indexes (Index).Found then
Need_To_Rebuild := True;
if Verbose_Mode then
Source_Id := Source_Indexes (Index).Id;
Source := Other_Sources.Table (Source_Id);
Write_Str (" -> ");
Write_Str (Get_Name_String (Source.Object_Name));
Write_Str (" is not in the archive ");
Write_Line ("dependency file");
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
if (not Need_To_Rebuild) and Verbose_Mode then
Write_Line (" -> up to date");
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
-- Build the library if necessary
if Need_To_Rebuild then
-- If a library is built, then linking will need to occur
-- unconditionally.
Need_To_Relink := True;
Last_Argument := 0;
-- If there are sources in Ada, then gnatmake will build the
-- library, so nothing to do.
if not Data.Languages (Lang_Ada) then
-- Get all the object files of the project
Source_Id := Data.First_Other_Source;
while Source_Id /= No_Other_Source loop
Source := Other_Sources.Table (Source_Id);
(Get_Name_String (Source.Object_Name), Verbose_Mode);
Source_Id := Source.Next;
end loop;
-- If it is a library, it need to be built it the same way
-- Ada libraries are built.
if Data.Library_Kind = Static then
(Ofiles => Arguments (1 .. Last_Argument),
Afiles => No_Argument,
Output_File => Get_Name_String (Data.Library_Name),
Output_Dir => Get_Name_String (Data.Library_Dir));
-- Link with g++ if C++ is one of the languages, otherwise
-- building the library may fail with unresolved symbols.
if C_Plus_Plus_Is_Used then
if Compiler_Names (Lang_C_Plus_Plus) = null then
Get_Compiler (Lang_C_Plus_Plus);
end if;
if Compiler_Is_Gcc (Lang_C_Plus_Plus) then
Name_Len := 0;
(Compiler_Names (Lang_C_Plus_Plus).all);
Driver_Name := Name_Find;
end if;
end if;
-- If Library_Options is specified, add these options
Library_Options : constant Variable_Value :=
if not Library_Options.Default then
Current : String_List_Id := Library_Options.Values;
Element : String_Element;
while Current /= Nil_String loop
Element := String_Elements.Table (Current);
Get_Name_String (Element.Value);
if Name_Len /= 0 then
Library_Opts.Table (Library_Opts.Last) :=
new String'(Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
end if;
Current := Element.Next;
end loop;
end if;
Lib_Opts :=
new Argument_List'(Argument_List
(Library_Opts.Table (1 .. Library_Opts.Last)));
(Ofiles => Arguments (1 .. Last_Argument),
Foreign => Arguments (1 .. Last_Argument),
Afiles => No_Argument,
Options => No_Argument,
Options_2 => Lib_Opts.all,
Interfaces => No_Argument,
Lib_Filename => Get_Name_String (Data.Library_Name),
Lib_Dir => Get_Name_String (Data.Library_Dir),
Symbol_Data => No_Symbols,
Driver_Name => Driver_Name,
Lib_Version => "",
Auto_Init => False);
end if;
end if;
-- Create fake empty archive, so we can check its time stamp later
Archive : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type;
use Ada.Text_IO;
Create (Archive, Out_File, Archive_Name);
Close (Archive);
(Archive_Dep_Name, Data.First_Other_Source);
end if;
end Build_Library;
-- Check --
procedure Check (Option : String) is
First : Positive := Option'First;
Last : Natural;
for Index in Option'First + 1 .. Option'Last - 1 loop
if Option (Index) = ' ' and then Option (Index + 1) = '-' then
Write_Str ("warning: switch """);
Write_Str (Option);
Write_Str (""" is suspicious; consider using ");
Last := First;
while Last <= Option'Last loop
if Option (Last) = ' ' then
if First /= Option'First then
Write_Str (", ");
end if;
Write_Char ('"');
Write_Str (Option (First .. Last - 1));
Write_Char ('"');
while Last <= Option'Last and then Option (Last) = ' ' loop
Last := Last + 1;
end loop;
First := Last;
if Last = Option'Last then
if First /= Option'First then
Write_Str (", ");
end if;
Write_Char ('"');
Write_Str (Option (First .. Last));
Write_Char ('"');
end if;
Last := Last + 1;
end if;
end loop;
Write_Line (" instead");
end if;
end loop;
end Check;
-- Check_Archive_Builder --
procedure Check_Archive_Builder is
-- First, make sure that the archive builder (ar) is on the path
if Archive_Builder_Path = null then
Archive_Builder_Path := Locate_Exec_On_Path (Archive_Builder);
if Archive_Builder_Path = null then
("unable to locate archive builder """,
end if;
-- If there is an archive indexer (ranlib), try to locate it on the
-- path. Don't fail if it is not found.
if Archive_Indexer /= "" then
Archive_Indexer_Path := Locate_Exec_On_Path (Archive_Indexer);
end if;
end if;
end Check_Archive_Builder;
-- Check_Compilation_Needed --
procedure Check_Compilation_Needed
(Source : Other_Source;
Need_To_Compile : out Boolean)
Source_Name : constant String := Get_Name_String (Source.File_Name);
Source_Path : constant String := Get_Name_String (Source.Path_Name);
Object_Name : constant String := Get_Name_String (Source.Object_Name);
Dep_Name : constant String := Get_Name_String (Source.Dep_Name);
Source_In_Dependencies : Boolean := False;
-- Set True if source was found in dependency file of its object file
Dep_File : Prj.Util.Text_File;
Start : Natural;
Finish : Natural;
-- Assume the worst, so that statement "return;" may be used if there
-- is any problem.
Need_To_Compile := True;
if Verbose_Mode then
Write_Str (" Checking ");
Write_Str (Source_Name);
Write_Line (" ... ");
end if;
-- If object file does not exist, of course source need to be compiled
if Source.Object_TS = Empty_Time_Stamp then
if Verbose_Mode then
Write_Str (" -> object file ");
Write_Str (Object_Name);
Write_Line (" does not exist");
end if;
end if;
-- If the object file has been created before the last modification
-- of the source, the source need to be recompiled.
if Source.Object_TS < Source.Source_TS then
if Verbose_Mode then
Write_Str (" -> object file ");
Write_Str (Object_Name);
Write_Line (" has time stamp earlier than source");
end if;
end if;
-- If there is no dependency file, then the source needs to be
-- recompiled and the dependency file need to be created.
if Source.Dep_TS = Empty_Time_Stamp then
if Verbose_Mode then
Write_Str (" -> dependency file ");
Write_Str (Dep_Name);
Write_Line (" does not exist");
end if;
end if;
-- The source needs to be recompiled if the source has been modified
-- after the dependency file has been created.
if Source.Dep_TS < Source.Source_TS then
if Verbose_Mode then
Write_Str (" -> dependency file ");
Write_Str (Dep_Name);
Write_Line (" has time stamp earlier than source");
end if;
end if;
-- Look for all dependencies
Open (Dep_File, Dep_Name);
-- If dependency file cannot be open, we need to recompile the source
if not Is_Valid (Dep_File) then
if Verbose_Mode then
Write_Str (" -> could not open dependency file ");
Write_Line (Dep_Name);
end if;
end if;
End_Of_File_Reached : Boolean := False;
if End_Of_File (Dep_File) then
End_Of_File_Reached := True;
end if;
Get_Line (Dep_File, Name_Buffer, Name_Len);
exit when Name_Len > 0 and then Name_Buffer (1) /= '#';
end loop;
-- If dependency file contains only empty lines or comments, then
-- dependencies are unknown, and the source needs to be recompiled.
if End_Of_File_Reached then
if Verbose_Mode then
Write_Str (" -> dependency file ");
Write_Str (Dep_Name);
Write_Line (" is empty");
end if;
Close (Dep_File);
end if;
Start := 1;
Finish := Index (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len), ": ");
-- First line must start with name of object file, followed by colon
if Finish = 0 or else Name_Buffer (1 .. Finish - 1) /= Object_Name then
if Verbose_Mode then
Write_Str (" -> dependency file ");
Write_Str (Dep_Name);
Write_Line (" has wrong format");
end if;
Close (Dep_File);
Start := Finish + 2;
-- Process each line
Line_Loop : loop
Line : constant String := Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
Last : constant Natural := Name_Len;
Name_Loop : loop
-- Find the beginning of the next source path name
while Start < Last and then Line (Start) = ' ' loop
Start := Start + 1;
end loop;
-- Go to next line when there is a continuation character \
-- at the end of the line.
exit Name_Loop when Start = Last
and then Line (Start) = '\';
-- We should not be at the end of the line, without
-- a continuation character \.
if Start = Last then
if Verbose_Mode then
Write_Str (" -> dependency file ");
Write_Str (Dep_Name);
Write_Line (" has wrong format");
end if;
Close (Dep_File);
end if;
-- Look for the end of the source path name
Finish := Start;
while Finish < Last and then Line (Finish + 1) /= ' ' loop
Finish := Finish + 1;
end loop;
-- Check this source
Src_Name : constant String :=
(Name => Line (Start .. Finish),
Case_Sensitive => False);
Src_TS : Time_Stamp_Type;
-- If it is original source, set Source_In_Dependencies
if Src_Name = Source_Path then
Source_In_Dependencies := True;
end if;
Name_Len := 0;
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (Src_Name);
Src_TS := File_Stamp (Name_Find);
-- If the source does not exist, we need to recompile
if Src_TS = Empty_Time_Stamp then
if Verbose_Mode then
Write_Str (" -> source ");
Write_Str (Src_Name);
Write_Line (" does not exist");
end if;
Close (Dep_File);
-- If the source has been modified after the object file,
-- we need to recompile.
elsif Src_TS > Source.Object_TS then
if Verbose_Mode then
Write_Str (" -> source ");
Write_Str (Src_Name);
(" has time stamp later than object file");
end if;
Close (Dep_File);
end if;
-- If the source path name ends the line, we are done.
exit Line_Loop when Finish = Last;
-- Go get the next source on the line
Start := Finish + 1;
end loop Name_Loop;
-- If we are here, we had a continuation character \ at the end
-- of the line, so we continue with the next line.
Get_Line (Dep_File, Name_Buffer, Name_Len);
Start := 1;
end loop Line_Loop;
end if;
Close (Dep_File);
-- If the original sources were not in the dependency file, then we
-- need to recompile. It may mean that we are using a different source
-- (different variant) for this object file.
if not Source_In_Dependencies then
if Verbose_Mode then
Write_Str (" -> source ");
Write_Str (Source_Path);
Write_Line (" is not in the dependencies");
end if;
end if;
-- If we are here, then everything is OK, and we don't need
-- to recompile.
if Verbose_Mode then
Write_Line (" -> up to date");
end if;
Need_To_Compile := False;
end Check_Compilation_Needed;
-- Check_For_C_Plus_Plus --
procedure Check_For_C_Plus_Plus is
C_Plus_Plus_Is_Used := False;
for Project in 1 .. Projects.Last loop
if Projects.Table (Project).Languages (Lang_C_Plus_Plus) then
C_Plus_Plus_Is_Used := True;
end if;
end loop;
end Check_For_C_Plus_Plus;
-- Compile --
procedure Compile
(Source_Id : Other_Source_Id;
Data : in Project_Data;
Local_Errors : in out Boolean)
Source : Other_Source := Other_Sources.Table (Source_Id);
Success : Boolean;
CPATH : String_Access := null;
-- If the compiler is not known yet, get its path name
if Compiler_Names (Source.Language) = null then
Get_Compiler (Source.Language);
end if;
-- For non GCC compilers, get the dependency file, first calling the
-- compiler with the switch -M.
if not Compiler_Is_Gcc (Source.Language) then
Last_Argument := 0;
-- Add the source name, preceded by -M
Add_Argument (Dash_M, True);
Add_Argument (Get_Name_String (Source.Path_Name), True);
-- Add the compiling switches for this source found in
-- package Compiler of the project file, if they exist.
(Data, Compiler, Source.Language, Source.File_Name);
-- Add the compiling switches for the language specified
-- on the command line, if any.
J in 1 .. Comp_Opts.Last (Options (Source.Language))
Add_Argument (Options (Source.Language).Table (J), True);
end loop;
-- Finally, add imported directory switches for this project file
Add_Search_Directories (Data, Source.Language);
-- And invoke the compiler using GNAT.Expect
(Compiler_Names (Source.Language).all,
Compiler_Paths (Source.Language));
Compiler_Paths (Source.Language).all,
Arguments (1 .. Last_Argument),
Buffer_Size => 0,
Err_To_Out => True);
Dep_File : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type;
Result : Expect_Match;
Status : Integer;
-- Create the dependency file
Create (Dep_File, Out_File, Get_Name_String (Source.Dep_Name));
Expect (FD, Result, Line_Matcher);
exit when Result = Expect_Timeout;
S : constant String := Strip_CR_LF (Expect_Out (FD));
-- Each line of the output is put in the dependency
-- file, including errors. If there are errors, the
-- syntax of the dependency file will be incorrect and
-- recompilation will occur automatically the next time
-- the dependencies are checked.
Put_Line (Dep_File, S);
end loop;
-- If we are here, it means we had a timeout, so the
-- dependency file may be incomplete. It is safer to
-- delete it, otherwise the dependencies may be wrong.
Close (FD, Status);
Close (Dep_File);
Delete_File (Get_Name_String (Source.Dep_Name), Success);
when Process_Died =>
-- This is the normal outcome. Just close the file
Close (FD, Status);
Close (Dep_File);
when others =>
-- Something wrong happened. It is safer to delete the
-- dependency file, otherwise the dependencies may be wrong.
Close (FD, Status);
if Is_Open (Dep_File) then
Close (Dep_File);
end if;
Delete_File (Get_Name_String (Source.Dep_Name), Success);
-- If we cannot spawn the compiler, then the dependencies are
-- not updated. It is safer then to delete the dependency file,
-- otherwise the dependencies may be wrong.
when Invalid_Process =>
Delete_File (Get_Name_String (Source.Dep_Name), Success);
end if;
Last_Argument := 0;
-- For GCC compilers, make sure the language is always specified to
-- to the GCC driver, in case the extension is not recognized by the
-- GCC driver as a source of the language.
if Compiler_Is_Gcc (Source.Language) then
Add_Argument (Dash_x, Verbose_Mode);
(Lang_Names (Source.Language), Verbose_Mode);
end if;
Add_Argument (Dash_c, True);
-- Add the compiling switches for this source found in
-- package Compiler of the project file, if they exist.
(Data, Compiler, Source.Language, Source.File_Name);
-- Specify the source to be compiled
Add_Argument (Get_Name_String (Source.Path_Name), True);
-- If non static library project, compile with the PIC option if there
-- is one (when there is no PIC option, function MLib.Tgt.PIC_Option
-- returns an empty string, and Add_Argument with an empty string has
-- no effect).
if Data.Library and then Data.Library_Kind /= Static then
Add_Argument (PIC_Option, True);
end if;
-- Indicate the name of the object
Add_Argument (Dash_o, True);
Add_Argument (Get_Name_String (Source.Object_Name), True);
-- When compiler is GCC, use the magic switch that creates
-- the dependency file in the correct format.
if Compiler_Is_Gcc (Source.Language) then
("-Wp,-MD," & Get_Name_String (Source.Dep_Name),
end if;
-- Add the compiling switches for the language specified
-- on the command line, if any.
for J in 1 .. Comp_Opts.Last (Options (Source.Language)) loop
Add_Argument (Options (Source.Language).Table (J), True);
end loop;
-- Finally, add the imported directory switches for this
-- project file (or, for gcc compilers, set up the CPATH env var
-- if needed).
Add_Search_Directories (Data, Source.Language);
-- Set CPATH, if compiler is GCC
if Compiler_Is_Gcc (Source.Language) then
CPATH := Current_Include_Paths (Source.Language);
end if;
-- And invoke the compiler
(Name => Compiler_Names (Source.Language).all,
Path => Compiler_Paths (Source.Language),
(Compiler_Paths (Source.Language).all,
Arguments (1 .. Last_Argument),
-- Case of successful compilation
if Success then
-- Update the time stamp of the object file
Source.Object_TS := File_Stamp (Source.Object_Name);
-- Do some sanity checks
if Source.Object_TS = Empty_Time_Stamp then
Local_Errors := True;
("object file ",
Get_Name_String (Source.Object_Name),
" has not been created");
elsif Source.Object_TS < Source.Source_TS then
Local_Errors := True;
("object file ",
Get_Name_String (Source.Object_Name),
" has not been modified");
-- Everything looks fine, update the Other_Sources table
Other_Sources.Table (Source_Id) := Source;
end if;
-- Compilation failed
Local_Errors := True;
("compilation of ",
Get_Name_String (Source.Path_Name),
" failed");
end if;
end Compile;
-- Compile_Individual_Sources --
procedure Compile_Individual_Sources is
Data : Project_Data := Projects.Table (Main_Project);
Source_Id : Other_Source_Id;
Source : Other_Source;
Source_Name : Name_Id;
Project_Name : String := Get_Name_String (Data.Name);
Dummy : Boolean := False;
Ada_Is_A_Language : constant Boolean := Data.Languages (Lang_Ada);
To_Mixed (Project_Name);
Compile_Only := True;
Get_Imported_Directories (Main_Project, Data);
Projects.Table (Main_Project) := Data;
-- Compilation will occur in the object directory
Change_Dir (Get_Name_String (Data.Object_Directory));
if not Data.Other_Sources_Present then
if Ada_Is_A_Language then
Main : constant String := Mains.Next_Main;
exit when Main'Length = 0;
Ada_Mains.Table (Ada_Mains.Last) := new String'(Main);
end loop;
("project ", Project_Name, " contains no source");
end if;
Main : constant String := Mains.Next_Main;
Name_Len := Main'Length;
exit when Name_Len = 0;
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Main;
Canonical_Case_File_Name (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
Source_Name := Name_Find;
if not Sources_Compiled.Get (Source_Name) then
Sources_Compiled.Set (Source_Name, True);
Source_Id := Data.First_Other_Source;
while Source_Id /= No_Other_Source loop
Source := Other_Sources.Table (Source_Id);
exit when Source.File_Name = Source_Name;
Source_Id := Source.Next;
end loop;
if Source_Id = No_Other_Source then
if Ada_Is_A_Language then
Ada_Mains.Table (Ada_Mains.Last) := new String'(Main);
" is not a valid source of project ",
end if;
Compile (Source_Id, Data, Dummy);
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
if Ada_Mains.Last > 0 then
-- Invoke gnatmake for all Ada sources
Last_Argument := 0;
Add_Argument (Dash_u, True);
for Index in 1 .. Ada_Mains.Last loop
Add_Argument (Ada_Mains.Table (Index), True);
end loop;
Compile_Link_With_Gnatmake (Mains_Specified => False);
end if;
end Compile_Individual_Sources;
-- Compile_Link_With_Gnatmake --
procedure Compile_Link_With_Gnatmake (Mains_Specified : Boolean) is
Data : constant Project_Data := Projects.Table (Main_Project);
Success : Boolean;
-- Array Arguments may already contain some arguments, so we don't
-- set Last_Argument to 0.
-- Get the gnatmake to invoke
Get_Compiler (Lang_Ada);
-- Specify the project file
Add_Argument (Dash_P, True);
Add_Argument (Get_Name_String (Data.Path_Name), True);
-- Add the -X switches, if any
for Index in 1 .. X_Switches.Last loop
Add_Argument (X_Switches.Table (Index), True);
end loop;
-- If Mains_Specified is True, find the mains in package Mains
if Mains_Specified then
Main : constant String := Mains.Next_Main;
exit when Main'Length = 0;
Add_Argument (Main, True);
end loop;
end if;
-- Specify output file name, if any was specified on the command line
if Output_File_Name /= null then
Add_Argument (Dash_o, True);
Add_Argument (Output_File_Name, True);
end if;
-- Transmit some switches to gnatmake
-- -c
if Compile_Only then
Add_Argument (Dash_c, True);
end if;
-- -k
if Keep_Going then
Add_Argument (Dash_k, True);
end if;
-- -f
if Force_Compilations then
Add_Argument (Dash_f, True);
end if;
-- -v
if Verbose_Mode then
Add_Argument (Dash_v, True);
end if;
-- -q
if Quiet_Output then
Add_Argument (Dash_q, True);
end if;
-- -vP1 and -vP2
case Current_Verbosity is
when Default =>
when Medium =>
Add_Argument (Dash_vP1, True);
when High =>
Add_Argument (Dash_vP2, True);
end case;
-- If there are compiling options for Ada, transmit them to gnatmake
if Comp_Opts.Last (Options (Lang_Ada)) /= 0 then
Add_Argument (Dash_cargs, True);
for Arg in 1 .. Comp_Opts.Last (Options (Lang_Ada)) loop
Add_Argument (Options (Lang_Ada).Table (Arg), True);
end loop;
end if;
if not Compile_Only then
-- Linking options
if Linker_Options.Last /= 0 then
Add_Argument (Dash_largs, True);
Add_Argument (Dash_largs, Verbose_Mode);
end if;
-- Add the archives
Add_Archives (For_Gnatmake => True);
-- If there are linking options from the command line,
-- transmit them to gnatmake.
for Arg in 1 .. Linker_Options.Last loop
Add_Argument (Linker_Options.Table (Arg), True);
end loop;
end if;
-- And invoke gnatmake
(Compiler_Names (Lang_Ada).all, Compiler_Paths (Lang_Ada));
(Compiler_Paths (Lang_Ada).all,
Arguments (1 .. Last_Argument),
-- Report an error if call to gnatmake failed
if not Success then
("invocation of ", Compiler_Names (Lang_Ada).all, " failed");
end if;
end Compile_Link_With_Gnatmake;
-- Compile_Sources --
procedure Compile_Sources is
Data : Project_Data;
Source_Id : Other_Source_Id;
Source : Other_Source;
Local_Errors : Boolean := False;
-- Set to True when there is a compilation error. Used only when
-- Keep_Going is True, to inhibit the building of the archive.
Need_To_Compile : Boolean;
-- Set to True when a source needs to be compiled/recompiled.
Need_To_Rebuild_Archive : Boolean := Force_Compilations;
-- True when the archive needs to be built/rebuilt unconditionally
-- Loop through project files
for Project in 1 .. Projects.Last loop
Local_Errors := False;
Data := Projects.Table (Project);
-- Nothing to do when no sources of language other than Ada
if (not Data.Virtual) and then Data.Other_Sources_Present then
-- If the imported directory switches are unknown, compute them
if not Data.Include_Data_Set then
Get_Imported_Directories (Project, Data);
Data.Include_Data_Set := True;
Projects.Table (Project) := Data;
end if;
Need_To_Rebuild_Archive := Force_Compilations;
-- Compilation will occur in the object directory
Change_Dir (Get_Name_String (Data.Object_Directory));
Source_Id := Data.First_Other_Source;
-- Process each source one by one
while Source_Id /= No_Other_Source loop
Source := Other_Sources.Table (Source_Id);
Need_To_Compile := Force_Compilations;
-- Check if compilation is needed
if not Need_To_Compile then
Check_Compilation_Needed (Source, Need_To_Compile);
end if;
-- Proceed, if compilation is needed
if Need_To_Compile then
-- If a source is compiled/recompiled, of course the
-- archive will need to be built/rebuilt.
Need_To_Rebuild_Archive := True;
Compile (Source_Id, Data, Local_Errors);
end if;
-- Next source, if any
Source_Id := Source.Next;
end loop;
if Need_To_Rebuild_Archive and then (not Data.Library) then
Need_To_Rebuild_Global_Archive := True;
end if;
-- If there was no compilation error and -c was not used,
-- build / rebuild the archive if necessary.
if not Local_Errors
and then Data.Library
and then not Data.Languages (Lang_Ada)
and then not Compile_Only
Build_Library (Project, Need_To_Rebuild_Archive);
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end Compile_Sources;
-- Copyright --
procedure Copyright is
-- Only output the Copyright notice once
if not Copyright_Output then
Copyright_Output := True;
Write_Str ("GPRMAKE ");
Write_Str (Gnatvsn.Gnat_Version_String);
Write_Str (" Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.");
end if;
end Copyright;
-- Create_Archive_Dependency_File --
procedure Create_Archive_Dependency_File
(Name : String;
First_Source : Other_Source_Id)
Source_Id : Other_Source_Id := First_Source;
Source : Other_Source;
Dep_File : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type;
use Ada.Text_IO;
-- Create the file in Append mode, to avoid automatic insertion of
-- an end of line if file is empty.
Create (Dep_File, Append_File, Name);
while Source_Id /= No_Other_Source loop
Source := Other_Sources.Table (Source_Id);
Put_Line (Dep_File, Get_Name_String (Source.Object_Name));
Put_Line (Dep_File, String (Source.Object_TS));
Source_Id := Source.Next;
end loop;
Close (Dep_File);
when others =>
if Is_Open (Dep_File) then
Close (Dep_File);
end if;
end Create_Archive_Dependency_File;
-- Create_Global_Archive_Dependency_File --
procedure Create_Global_Archive_Dependency_File (Name : String) is
Source_Id : Other_Source_Id;
Source : Other_Source;
Dep_File : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type;
use Ada.Text_IO;
-- Create the file in Append mode, to avoid automatic insertion of
-- an end of line if file is empty.
Create (Dep_File, Append_File, Name);
-- Get all the object files of non-Ada sources in non-library projects
for Project in 1 .. Projects.Last loop
if not Projects.Table (Project).Library then
Source_Id := Projects.Table (Project).First_Other_Source;
while Source_Id /= No_Other_Source loop
Source := Other_Sources.Table (Source_Id);
-- Put only those object files that are in the global archive
if Is_Included_In_Global_Archive
(Source.Object_Name, Project)
Put_Line (Dep_File, Get_Name_String (Source.Object_Path));
Put_Line (Dep_File, String (Source.Object_TS));
end if;
Source_Id := Source.Next;
end loop;
end if;
end loop;
Close (Dep_File);
when others =>
if Is_Open (Dep_File) then
Close (Dep_File);
end if;
end Create_Global_Archive_Dependency_File;
-- Display_Command --
procedure Display_Command
(Name : String;
Path : String_Access;
CPATH : String_Access := null)
-- Only display the command in Verbose Mode (-v) or when
-- not in Quiet Output (no -q).
if Verbose_Mode or (not Quiet_Output) then
-- In Verbose Mode output the full path of the spawned process
if Verbose_Mode then
if CPATH /= null then
Write_Str ("CPATH = ");
Write_Line (CPATH.all);
end if;
Write_Str (Path.all);
Write_Str (Name);
end if;
-- Display only the arguments for which the display flag is set
-- (in Verbose Mode, the display flag is set for all arguments)
for Arg in 1 .. Last_Argument loop
if Arguments_Displayed (Arg) then
Write_Char (' ');
Write_Str (Arguments (Arg).all);
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end Display_Command;
-- Get_Compiler --
procedure Get_Compiler (For_Language : Programming_Language) is
Data : constant Project_Data := Projects.Table (Main_Project);
Ide : constant Package_Id :=
Value_Of (Name_Ide, In_Packages => Data.Decl.Packages);
-- The id of the package IDE in the project file
Compiler : constant Variable_Value :=
(Name => Lang_Name_Ids (For_Language),
Index => 0,
Attribute_Or_Array_Name => Name_Compiler_Command,
In_Package => Ide);
-- The value of Compiler_Command ("language") in package IDE, if defined
-- No need to do it again if the compiler is known for this language
if Compiler_Names (For_Language) = null then
-- If compiler command is not defined for this language in package
-- IDE, use the default compiler for this language.
if Compiler = Nil_Variable_Value then
Compiler_Names (For_Language) :=
Default_Compiler_Names (For_Language);
Compiler_Names (For_Language) :=
new String'(Get_Name_String (Compiler.Value));
end if;
-- Check we have a GCC compiler (name ends with "gcc" or "g++")
Comp_Name : constant String := Compiler_Names (For_Language).all;
Last3 : String (1 .. 3);
if Comp_Name'Length >= 3 then
Last3 := Comp_Name (Comp_Name'Last - 2 .. Comp_Name'Last);
Compiler_Is_Gcc (For_Language) :=
(Last3 = "gcc") or (Last3 = "g++");
Compiler_Is_Gcc (For_Language) := False;
end if;
-- Locate the compiler on the path
Compiler_Paths (For_Language) :=
Locate_Exec_On_Path (Compiler_Names (For_Language).all);
-- Fail if compiler cannot be found
if Compiler_Paths (For_Language) = null then
if For_Language = Lang_Ada then
("unable to locate """,
Compiler_Names (For_Language).all,
("unable to locate " & Lang_Display_Names (For_Language).all,
" compiler """, Compiler_Names (For_Language).all & '"');
end if;
end if;
end if;
end Get_Compiler;
-- Get_Imported_Directories --
procedure Get_Imported_Directories
(Project : Project_Id;
Data : in out Project_Data)
Imported_Projects : Project_List := Data.Imported_Projects;
Path_Length : Natural := 0;
Position : Natural := 0;
procedure Add (Source_Dirs : String_List_Id);
-- Add a list of source directories
procedure Recursive_Get_Dirs (Prj : Project_Id);
-- Recursive procedure to get the source directories of this project
-- file and of the project files it imports, in the correct order.
-- Add --
procedure Add (Source_Dirs : String_List_Id) is
Element_Id : String_List_Id := Source_Dirs;
Element : String_Element;
Add_Arg : Boolean := True;
-- Add each source directory path name, preceded by "-I" to Arguments
while Element_Id /= Nil_String loop
Element := String_Elements.Table (Element_Id);
if Element.Value /= No_Name then
Get_Name_String (Element.Value);
if Name_Len > 0 then
-- Remove a trailing directory separator: this may cause
-- problems on Windows.
if Name_Len > 1
and then Name_Buffer (Name_Len) = Directory_Separator
Name_Len := Name_Len - 1;
end if;
Arg : constant String :=
"-I" & Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
-- Check if directory is already in the list.
-- If it is, no need to put it again.
for Index in 1 .. Last_Argument loop
if Arguments (Index).all = Arg then
Add_Arg := False;
end if;
end loop;
if Add_Arg then
if Path_Length /= 0 then
Path_Length := Path_Length + 1;
end if;
Path_Length := Path_Length + Name_Len;
Add_Argument (Arg, True);
end if;
end if;
end if;
Element_Id := Element.Next;
end loop;
end Add;
-- Recursive_Get_Dirs --
procedure Recursive_Get_Dirs (Prj : Project_Id) is
Data : Project_Data;
Imported : Project_List;
-- Nothing to do if project is undefined
if Prj /= No_Project then
Data := Projects.Table (Prj);
-- Nothing to do if project has already been processed
if not Data.Seen then
-- Mark the project as processed, to avoid multiple processing
-- of the same project.
Projects.Table (Prj).Seen := True;
-- Add the source directories of this project
if not Data.Virtual then
Add (Data.Source_Dirs);
end if;
Recursive_Get_Dirs (Data.Extends);
Imported := Data.Imported_Projects;
-- Call itself for all imported projects, if any
while Imported /= Empty_Project_List loop
Recursive_Get_Dirs (Project_Lists.Table (Imported).Project);
Imported := Project_Lists.Table (Imported).Next;
end loop;
end if;
end if;
end Recursive_Get_Dirs;
-- Start of processing for Get_Imported_Directories
-- First, mark all project as not processed
for J in 1 .. Projects.Last loop
Projects.Table (J).Seen := False;
end loop;
-- Empty Arguments
Last_Argument := 0;
-- Process this project individually, project data are already known
Projects.Table (Project).Seen := True;
Add (Data.Source_Dirs);
Recursive_Get_Dirs (Data.Extends);
while Imported_Projects /= Empty_Project_List loop
Recursive_Get_Dirs (Project_Lists.Table (Imported_Projects).Project);
Imported_Projects := Project_Lists.Table (Imported_Projects).Next;
end loop;
Data.Imported_Directories_Switches :=
new Argument_List'(Arguments (1 .. Last_Argument));
-- Create the Include_Path, from the Arguments
Data.Include_Path := new String (1 .. Path_Length);
Data.Include_Path (1 .. Arguments (1)'Length - 2) :=
Arguments (1)(Arguments (1)'First + 2 .. Arguments (1)'Last);
Position := Arguments (1)'Length - 2;
for Arg in 2 .. Last_Argument loop
Position := Position + 1;
Data.Include_Path (Position) := Path_Separator;
(Position + 1 .. Position + Arguments (Arg)'Length - 2) :=
Arguments (Arg)(Arguments (Arg)'First + 2 .. Arguments (Arg)'Last);
Position := Position + Arguments (Arg)'Length - 2;
end loop;
Last_Argument := 0;
end Get_Imported_Directories;
-- Gprmake --
procedure Gprmake is
if Verbose_Mode then
Write_Str ("Parsing Project File """);
Write_Str (Project_File_Name.all);
Write_Str (""".");
end if;
-- Parse and process project files for other languages (not for Ada)
(Project => Main_Project,
Project_File_Name => Project_File_Name.all,
Packages_To_Check => Packages_To_Check,
Process_Languages => Other_Languages);
-- Fail if parsing/processing was unsuccessful
if Main_Project = No_Project then
Osint.Fail ("""", Project_File_Name.all, """ processing failed");
end if;
if Verbose_Mode then
Write_Str ("Parsing of Project File """);
Write_Str (Project_File_Name.all);
Write_Str (""" is finished.");
end if;
-- If -f was specified, we will certainly need to link (except when
-- -u or -c were specified, of course).
Need_To_Relink := Force_Compilations;
if Unique_Compile then
if Mains.Number_Of_Mains = 0 then
("No source specified to compile in 'unique compile' mode");
Report_Total_Errors ("compilation");
end if;
Data : constant Prj.Project_Data := Projects.Table (Main_Project);
if Data.Library and then Mains.Number_Of_Mains /= 0 then
("Cannot specify mains on the command line " &
"for a Library Project");
end if;
-- First check for C++, to link libraries with g++,
-- rather than gcc.
-- Compile sources and build archives for library project,
-- if necessary.
-- When Keep_Going is True, if we had some errors, fail now,
-- reporting the number of compilation errors.
-- Do not attempt to link.
Report_Total_Errors ("compilation");
-- If -c was not specified, link the executables,
-- if there are any.
if not Compile_Only and then not Data.Library then
end if;
-- When Keep_Going is True, if we had some errors, fail, reporting
-- the number of linking errors.
Report_Total_Errors ("linking");
end if;
end Gprmake;
-- Initialize --
procedure Initialize is
-- Do some necessary package initializations
-- Set Name_Ide and Name_Compiler_Command
Name_Len := 0;
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("ide");
Name_Ide := Name_Find;
Name_Len := 0;
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("compiler_command");
Name_Compiler_Command := Name_Find;
-- Make sure the -X switch table is empty
X_Switches.Set_Last (0);
-- Get the command line arguments
Scan_Args : for Next_Arg in 1 .. Argument_Count loop
Scan_Arg (Argument (Next_Arg));
end loop Scan_Args;
-- Fail if command line ended with "-P"
if Project_File_Name_Expected then
Osint.Fail ("project file name missing after -P");
-- Or if it ended with "-o"
elsif Output_File_Name_Expected then
Osint.Fail ("output file name missing after -o");
end if;
-- If no project file was specified, display the usage and fail
if Project_File_Name = null then
Exit_Program (E_Success);
end if;
-- To be able of finding libgnat.a in MLib.Tgt, we need to have the
-- default search dirs established in Osint.
end Initialize;
-- Is_Included_In_Global_Archive --
function Is_Included_In_Global_Archive
(Object_Name : Name_Id;
Project : Project_Id) return Boolean
Data : Project_Data := Projects.Table (Project);
Source : Other_Source_Id;
while Data.Extended_By /= No_Project loop
Data := Projects.Table (Data.Extended_By);
Source := Data.First_Other_Source;
while Source /= No_Other_Source loop
if Other_Sources.Table (Source).Object_Name = Object_Name then
return False;
Source := Other_Sources.Table (Source).Next;
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
return True;
end Is_Included_In_Global_Archive;
-- Link_Executables --
procedure Link_Executables is
Data : constant Project_Data := Projects.Table (Main_Project);
Mains_Specified : constant Boolean := Mains.Number_Of_Mains /= 0;
-- True if main sources were specified on the command line
Object_Dir : constant String := Get_Name_String (Data.Object_Directory);
-- Path of the object directory of the main project
Source_Id : Other_Source_Id;
Source : Other_Source;
Success : Boolean;
Linker_Name : String_Access;
Linker_Path : String_Access;
-- The linker name and path, when linking is not done by gnatlink
Link_Done : Boolean := False;
-- Set to True when the linker is invoked directly (not through
-- gnatmake) to be able to report if mains were up to date at the end
-- of execution.
procedure Add_C_Plus_Plus_Link_For_Gnatmake;
-- Add the --LINK= switch for gnatlink, depending on the C++ compiler
procedure Check_Time_Stamps (Exec_Time_Stamp : Time_Stamp_Type);
-- Check if there is an archive that is more recent than the executable
-- to decide if we need to relink.
procedure Choose_C_Plus_Plus_Link_Process;
-- If the C++ compiler is not g++, create the correct script to link
procedure Link_Foreign
(Main : String;
Main_Id : Name_Id;
Source : Other_Source);
-- Link a non-Ada main, when there is no Ada code
-- Add_C_Plus_Plus_Link_For_Gnatmake --
procedure Add_C_Plus_Plus_Link_For_Gnatmake is
if Compiler_Is_Gcc (Lang_C_Plus_Plus) then
("--LINK=" & Compiler_Names (Lang_C_Plus_Plus).all,
("--LINK=" &
Object_Dir & Directory_Separator &
end if;
end Add_C_Plus_Plus_Link_For_Gnatmake;
-- Check_Time_Stamps --
procedure Check_Time_Stamps (Exec_Time_Stamp : Time_Stamp_Type) is
Prj_Data : Project_Data;
for Prj in 1 .. Projects.Last loop
Prj_Data := Projects.Table (Prj);
-- There is an archive only in project
-- files with sources other than Ada
-- sources.
if Data.Other_Sources_Present then
Archive_Path : constant String :=
(Prj_Data.Object_Directory) &
Directory_Separator &
"lib" &
Get_Name_String (Prj_Data.Name) &
'.' & Archive_Ext;
Archive_TS : Time_Stamp_Type;
Name_Len := 0;
Archive_TS := File_Stamp (Name_Find);
-- If the archive is later than the
-- executable, we need to relink.
if Archive_TS /= Empty_Time_Stamp
and then
Exec_Time_Stamp < Archive_TS
Need_To_Relink := True;
if Verbose_Mode then
Write_Str (" -> ");
Write_Str (Archive_Path);
Write_Str (" has time stamp ");
Write_Str ("later than ");
Write_Line ("executable");
end if;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end Check_Time_Stamps;
-- Choose_C_Plus_Plus_Link_Process --
procedure Choose_C_Plus_Plus_Link_Process is
if Compiler_Names (Lang_C_Plus_Plus) = null then
Get_Compiler (Lang_C_Plus_Plus);
end if;
if not Compiler_Is_Gcc (Lang_C_Plus_Plus) then
Change_Dir (Object_Dir);
File : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type;
use Ada.Text_IO;
Create (File, Out_File, Cpp_Linker);
Put_Line (File, "#!/bin/sh");
Put_Line (File, "LIBGCC=`gcc -print-libgcc-file-name`");
Compiler_Names (Lang_C_Plus_Plus).all &
" $* ${LIBGCC}");
Close (File);
Set_Executable (Cpp_Linker);
end if;
end Choose_C_Plus_Plus_Link_Process;
-- Link_Foreign --
procedure Link_Foreign
(Main : String;
Main_Id : Name_Id;
Source : Other_Source)
Executable_Name : constant String :=
(Project => Main_Project,
Main => Main_Id,
Index => 0,
Ada_Main => False));
-- File name of the executable
Executable_Path : constant String :=
(Data.Exec_Directory) &
Directory_Separator &
-- Path name of the executable
Exec_Time_Stamp : Time_Stamp_Type;
-- Now, check if the executable is up to date. It is considered
-- up to date if its time stamp is not earlier that the time stamp
-- of any archive. Only do that if we don't know if we need to link.
if not Need_To_Relink then
-- Get the time stamp of the executable
Name_Len := 0;
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (Executable_Path);
Exec_Time_Stamp := File_Stamp (Name_Find);
if Verbose_Mode then
Write_Str (" Checking executable ");
Write_Line (Executable_Name);
end if;
-- If executable does not exist, we need to link
if Exec_Time_Stamp = Empty_Time_Stamp then
Need_To_Relink := True;
if Verbose_Mode then
Write_Line (" -> not found");
end if;
-- Otherwise, get the time stamps of each archive. If one of
-- them is found later than the executable, we need to relink.
Check_Time_Stamps (Exec_Time_Stamp);
end if;
-- If Need_To_Relink is False, we are done
if Verbose_Mode and (not Need_To_Relink) then
Write_Line (" -> up to date");
end if;
end if;
-- Prepare to link
if Need_To_Relink then
Link_Done := True;
Last_Argument := 0;
-- Specify the executable path name
Add_Argument (Dash_o, True);
(Get_Name_String (Data.Exec_Directory) &
Directory_Separator &
(Project => Main_Project,
Main => Main_Id,
Index => 0,
Ada_Main => False)),
-- Specify the object file of the main source
(Object_Dir & Directory_Separator &
Get_Name_String (Source.Object_Name),
-- Add all the archives, in a correct order
Add_Archives (For_Gnatmake => False);
-- Add the switches specified in package Linker of
-- the main project.
(Data => Data,
Proc => Linker,
Language => Source.Language,
File_Name => Main_Id);
-- Add the switches specified in attribute
-- Linker_Options of packages Linker.
if Link_Options_Switches = null then
Link_Options_Switches :=
new Argument_List'
(Linker_Options_Switches (Main_Project));
end if;
Add_Arguments (Link_Options_Switches.all, True);
-- Add the linking options specified on the
-- command line.
for Arg in 1 .. Linker_Options.Last loop
Add_Argument (Linker_Options.Table (Arg), True);
end loop;
-- If there are shared libraries and the run path
-- option is supported, add the run path switch.
if Lib_Path.Last > 0 then
(Path_Option.all &
String (Lib_Path.Table (1 .. Lib_Path.Last)),
end if;
-- And invoke the linker
Display_Command (Linker_Name.all, Linker_Path);
Arguments (1 .. Last_Argument),
if not Success then
Report_Error ("could not link ", Main);
end if;
end if;
end Link_Foreign;
-- Start of processing of Link_Executables
-- If no mains specified, get mains from attribute Main, if it exists
if not Mains_Specified then
Element_Id : String_List_Id := Data.Mains;
Element : String_Element;
while Element_Id /= Nil_String loop
Element := String_Elements.Table (Element_Id);
if Element.Value /= No_Name then
Mains.Add_Main (Get_Name_String (Element.Value));
end if;
Element_Id := Element.Next;
end loop;
end if;
if Mains.Number_Of_Mains = 0 then
-- If the attribute Main is an empty list or not specified,
-- there is nothing to do.
if Verbose_Mode then
Write_Line ("No main to link");
end if;
end if;
-- Check if -o was used for several mains
if Output_File_Name /= null and then Mains.Number_Of_Mains > 1 then
Osint.Fail ("cannot specify an executable name for several mains");
end if;
-- Check how we are going to do the link
if not Data.Other_Sources_Present then
-- Only Ada sources in the main project, and even maybe not
if not Data.Languages (Lang_Ada) then
-- Fail if the main project has no source of any language
("project """,
Get_Name_String (Data.Name),
""" has no sources, so no main can be linked");
-- Only Ada sources in the main project, call gnatmake directly
Last_Argument := 0;
-- Choose correct linker if there is C++ code in other projects
if C_Plus_Plus_Is_Used then
Add_Argument (Dash_largs, Verbose_Mode);
Add_Argument (Dash_margs, Verbose_Mode);
end if;
Compile_Link_With_Gnatmake (Mains_Specified);
end if;
-- There are other language sources. First check if there are also
-- sources in Ada.
if Data.Languages (Lang_Ada) then
-- There is a mix of Ada and other language sources in the main
-- project. Any main that is not a source of the other languages
-- will be deemed to be an Ada main.
-- Find the mains of the other languages and the Ada mains.
Ada_Mains.Set_Last (0);
Other_Mains.Set_Last (0);
-- For each main
Main : constant String := Mains.Next_Main;
Main_Id : Name_Id;
exit when Main'Length = 0;
-- Get the main file name
Name_Len := 0;
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (Main);
Canonical_Case_File_Name (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
Main_Id := Name_Find;
Source_Id := Data.First_Other_Source;
-- Check if it is a source of a language other than Ada
while Source_Id /= No_Other_Source loop
Source := Other_Sources.Table (Source_Id);
exit when Source.File_Name = Main_Id;
Source_Id := Source.Next;
end loop;
-- If it is not, put it in the list of Ada mains
if Source_Id = No_Other_Source then
Ada_Mains.Table (Ada_Mains.Last) := new String'(Main);
-- Otherwise, put it in the list of other mains
Other_Mains.Table (Other_Mains.Last) := Source;
end if;
end loop;
-- If C++ is one of the other language, create the shell script
-- to do the link.
if C_Plus_Plus_Is_Used then
end if;
-- Call gnatmake with the necessary switches for each non-Ada
-- main, if there are some.
for Main in 1 .. Other_Mains.Last loop
Source : constant Other_Source := Other_Mains.Table (Main);
Last_Argument := 0;
-- Add -o if -o was specified
if Output_File_Name = null then
Add_Argument (Dash_o, True);
(Project => Main_Project,
Main => Other_Mains.Table (Main).File_Name,
Index => 0,
Ada_Main => False)),
end if;
-- Call gnatmake with the -B switch
Add_Argument (Dash_B, True);
-- Add to the linking options the object file of the source
Add_Argument (Dash_largs, Verbose_Mode);
(Get_Name_String (Source.Object_Name), Verbose_Mode);
-- If C++ is one of the language, add the --LINK switch
-- to the linking switches.
if C_Plus_Plus_Is_Used then
end if;
-- Add -margs so that the following switches are for
-- gnatmake
Add_Argument (Dash_margs, Verbose_Mode);
-- And link with gnatmake
Compile_Link_With_Gnatmake (Mains_Specified => False);
end loop;
-- If there are also Ada mains, call gnatmake for all these mains
if Ada_Mains.Last /= 0 then
Last_Argument := 0;
-- Put all the Ada mains as the first arguments
for Main in 1 .. Ada_Mains.Last loop
Add_Argument (Ada_Mains.Table (Main).all, True);
end loop;
-- If C++ is one of the languages, add the --LINK switch to
-- the linking switches.
if Data.Languages (Lang_C_Plus_Plus) then
Add_Argument (Dash_largs, Verbose_Mode);
Add_Argument (Dash_margs, Verbose_Mode);
end if;
-- And link with gnatmake
Compile_Link_With_Gnatmake (Mains_Specified => False);
end if;
-- No Ada source in main project
-- First, get the linker to invoke
if Data.Languages (Lang_C_Plus_Plus) then
Get_Compiler (Lang_C_Plus_Plus);
Linker_Name := Compiler_Names (Lang_C_Plus_Plus);
Linker_Path := Compiler_Paths (Lang_C_Plus_Plus);
Get_Compiler (Lang_C);
Linker_Name := Compiler_Names (Lang_C);
Linker_Path := Compiler_Paths (Lang_C);
end if;
Link_Done := False;
-- Get each main, check if it is a source of the main project,
-- and if it is, invoke the linker.
Main : constant String := Mains.Next_Main;
Main_Id : Name_Id;
exit when Main'Length = 0;
-- Get the file name of the main
Name_Len := 0;
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (Main);
Canonical_Case_File_Name (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
Main_Id := Name_Find;
Source_Id := Data.First_Other_Source;
-- Check if it is a source of the main project file
while Source_Id /= No_Other_Source loop
Source := Other_Sources.Table (Source_Id);
exit when Source.File_Name = Main_Id;
Source_Id := Source.Next;
end loop;
-- Report an error if it is not
if Source_Id = No_Other_Source then
(Main, "is not a source of project ",
Get_Name_String (Data.Name));
Link_Foreign (Main, Main_Id, Source);
end if;
end loop;
-- If no linking was done, report it, except in Quiet Output
if (Verbose_Mode or (not Quiet_Output)) and (not Link_Done) then
if Mains.Number_Of_Mains = 1 then
-- If there is only one executable, report its name too
Write_Str (": """);
Main : constant String := Mains.Next_Main;
Main_Id : Name_Id;
Name_Len := 0;
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (Main);
Main_Id := Name_Find;
(Project => Main_Project,
Main => Main_Id,
Index => 0,
Ada_Main => False)));
Write_Line (""" up to date");
Write_Line (": all executables up to date");
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end Link_Executables;
-- Report_Error --
procedure Report_Error
(S1 : String;
S2 : String := "";
S3 : String := "")
-- If Keep_Going is True, output error message preceded by error header
if Keep_Going then
Total_Number_Of_Errors := Total_Number_Of_Errors + 1;
Write_Str (Error_Header);
Write_Str (S1);
Write_Str (S2);
Write_Str (S3);
-- Otherwise just fail
Osint.Fail (S1, S2, S3);
end if;
end Report_Error;
-- Report_Total_Errors --
procedure Report_Total_Errors (Kind : String) is
if Total_Number_Of_Errors /= 0 then
if Total_Number_Of_Errors = 1 then
("One ", Kind, " error");
("Total of" & Total_Number_Of_Errors'Img,
' ' & Kind & " errors");
end if;
end if;
end Report_Total_Errors;
-- Scan_Arg --
procedure Scan_Arg (Arg : String) is
pragma Assert (Arg'First = 1);
if Arg'Length = 0 then
end if;
-- If preceding switch was -P, a project file name need to be
-- specified, not a switch.
if Project_File_Name_Expected then
if Arg (1) = '-' then
Osint.Fail ("project file name missing after -P");
Project_File_Name_Expected := False;
Project_File_Name := new String'(Arg);
end if;
-- If preceding switch was -o, an executable name need to be
-- specified, not a switch.
elsif Output_File_Name_Expected then
if Arg (1) = '-' then
Osint.Fail ("output file name missing after -o");
Output_File_Name_Expected := False;
Output_File_Name := new String'(Arg);
end if;
-- Set the processor/language for the following switches
-- -c???args: Compiler arguments
elsif Arg'Length >= 6
and then Arg (Arg'First .. Arg'First + 1) = "-c"
and then Arg (Arg'Last - 3 .. Arg'Last) = "args"
OK : Boolean := False;
Args_String : constant String :=
Arg (Arg'First + 2 .. Arg'Last - 4);
for Lang in Programming_Language loop
if Args_String = Lang_Args (Lang).all then
OK := True;
Current_Language := Lang;
end if;
end loop;
if OK then
Current_Processor := Compiler;
Osint.Fail ("illegal option """, Arg, """");
end if;
elsif Arg = "-largs" then
Current_Processor := Linker;
-- -gargs: gprmake
elsif Arg = "-gargs" then
Current_Processor := None;
-- A special test is needed for the -o switch within a -largs since
-- that is another way to specify the name of the final executable.
elsif Current_Processor = Linker and then Arg = "-o" then
("switch -o not allowed within a -largs. Use -o directly.");
-- If current processor is not gprmake directly, store the option in
-- the appropriate table.
elsif Current_Processor /= None then
Add_Option (Arg);
-- Switches start with '-'
elsif Arg (1) = '-' then
if Arg = "-c" then
Compile_Only := True;
elsif Arg = "-f" then
Force_Compilations := True;
elsif Arg = "-h" then
elsif Arg = "-k" then
Keep_Going := True;
elsif Arg = "-o" then
if Output_File_Name /= null then
Osint.Fail ("cannot specify several -o switches");
Output_File_Name_Expected := True;
end if;
elsif Arg'Length >= 2 and then Arg (2) = 'P' then
if Project_File_Name /= null then
Osint.Fail ("cannot have several project files specified");
elsif Arg'Length = 2 then
Project_File_Name_Expected := True;
Project_File_Name := new String'(Arg (3 .. Arg'Last));
end if;
elsif Arg = "-q" then
Quiet_Output := True;
elsif Arg = "-u" then
Unique_Compile := True;
Compile_Only := True;
elsif Arg = "-v" then
Verbose_Mode := True;
elsif Arg'Length = 4 and then Arg (1 .. 3) = "-vP"
and then Arg (4) in '0' .. '2'
case Arg (4) is
when '0' =>
Current_Verbosity := Prj.Default;
when '1' =>
Current_Verbosity := Prj.Medium;
when '2' =>
Current_Verbosity := Prj.High;
when others =>
end case;
elsif Arg'Length >= 3 and then Arg (2) = 'X'
and then Is_External_Assignment (Arg)
-- Is_External_Assignment has side effects when it returns True
-- Record the -X switch, so that they can be passed to gnatmake,
-- if gnatmake is called.
X_Switches.Table (X_Switches.Last) := new String'(Arg);
Osint.Fail ("illegal option """, Arg, """");
end if;
-- Not a switch: must be a main
Mains.Add_Main (Arg);
end if;
end Scan_Arg;
-- Strip_CR_LF --
function Strip_CR_LF (Text : String) return String is
To : String (1 .. Text'Length);
Index_To : Natural := 0;
for Index in Text'Range loop
if (Text (Index) /= ASCII.CR) and then (Text (Index) /= ASCII.LF) then
Index_To := Index_To + 1;
To (Index_To) := Text (Index);
end if;
end loop;
return To (1 .. Index_To);
end Strip_CR_LF;
-- Usage --
procedure Usage is
if not Usage_Output then
Usage_Output := True;
Write_Str ("Usage: ");
Write_Str (" -P [opts] [name] {");
for Lang in Programming_Language loop
Write_Str ("[-c");
Write_Str (Lang_Args (Lang).all);
Write_Str ("args opts] ");
end loop;
Write_Str ("[-largs opts] [-gargs opts]}");
Write_Str (" name is zero or more file names");
-- GPRMAKE switches
Write_Str ("gprmake switches:");
-- Line for -c
Write_Str (" -c Compile only");
-- Line for -f
Write_Str (" -f Force recompilations");
-- Line for -k
Write_Str (" -k Keep going after compilation errors");
-- Line for -o
Write_Str (" -o name Choose an alternate executable name");
-- Line for -P
Write_Str (" -Pproj Use GNAT Project File proj");
-- Line for -q
Write_Str (" -q Be quiet/terse");
-- Line for -u
(" -u Unique compilation. Only compile the given files");
-- Line for -v
Write_Str (" -v Verbose output");
-- Line for -vPx
Write_Str (" -vPx Specify verbosity when parsing Project Files");
-- Line for -X
Write_Str (" -Xnm=val Specify an external reference for " &
"Project Files");
-- Lines for -c*args
for Lang in Programming_Language loop
Column : Positive := 13 + Lang_Args (Lang)'Length;
-- " -cargs opts" is the minimum and is 13 character long
Write_Str (" -c");
Write_Str (Lang_Args (Lang).all);
Write_Str ("args opts");
Write_Char (' ');
Column := Column + 1;
exit when Column >= 17;
end loop;
Write_Str ("opts are passed to the ");
Write_Str (Lang_Display_Names (Lang).all);
Write_Str (" compiler");
end loop;
-- Line for -largs
Write_Str (" -largs opts opts are passed to the linker");
-- Line for -gargs
Write_Str (" -gargs opts opts directly interpreted by gprmake");
end if;
end Usage;
Makeutl.Do_Fail := Report_Error'Access;
end Makegpr;