------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- G N A T . S O C K E T S -- -- -- -- B o d y -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Ada Core Technologies, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- -- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write -- -- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, -- -- MA 02111-1307, USA. -- -- -- -- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this -- -- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, -- -- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be -- -- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not -- -- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be -- -- covered by the GNU Public License. -- -- -- -- GNAT is maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc (http://www.gnat.com). -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Ada.Streams; use Ada.Streams; with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions; with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation; with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion; with Interfaces.C.Strings; with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib; with GNAT.Sockets.Constants; with GNAT.Sockets.Thin; use GNAT.Sockets.Thin; with GNAT.Task_Lock; with GNAT.Sockets.Linker_Options; pragma Warnings (Off, GNAT.Sockets.Linker_Options); -- Need to include pragma Linker_Options which is platform dependent. with System; use System; package body GNAT.Sockets is use type C.int, System.Address; Finalized : Boolean := False; Initialized : Boolean := False; -- Correspondance tables Families : constant array (Family_Type) of C.int := (Family_Inet => Constants.AF_INET, Family_Inet6 => Constants.AF_INET6); Levels : constant array (Level_Type) of C.int := (Socket_Level => Constants.SOL_SOCKET, IP_Protocol_For_IP_Level => Constants.IPPROTO_IP, IP_Protocol_For_UDP_Level => Constants.IPPROTO_UDP, IP_Protocol_For_TCP_Level => Constants.IPPROTO_TCP); Modes : constant array (Mode_Type) of C.int := (Socket_Stream => Constants.SOCK_STREAM, Socket_Datagram => Constants.SOCK_DGRAM); Shutmodes : constant array (Shutmode_Type) of C.int := (Shut_Read => Constants.SHUT_RD, Shut_Write => Constants.SHUT_WR, Shut_Read_Write => Constants.SHUT_RDWR); Requests : constant array (Request_Name) of C.int := (Non_Blocking_IO => Constants.FIONBIO, N_Bytes_To_Read => Constants.FIONREAD); Options : constant array (Option_Name) of C.int := (Keep_Alive => Constants.SO_KEEPALIVE, Reuse_Address => Constants.SO_REUSEADDR, Broadcast => Constants.SO_BROADCAST, Send_Buffer => Constants.SO_SNDBUF, Receive_Buffer => Constants.SO_RCVBUF, Linger => Constants.SO_LINGER, Error => Constants.SO_ERROR, No_Delay => Constants.TCP_NODELAY, Add_Membership => Constants.IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, Drop_Membership => Constants.IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP, Multicast_TTL => Constants.IP_MULTICAST_TTL, Multicast_Loop => Constants.IP_MULTICAST_LOOP); Socket_Error_Id : constant Exception_Id := Socket_Error'Identity; Host_Error_Id : constant Exception_Id := Host_Error'Identity; Hex_To_Char : constant String (1 .. 16) := "0123456789ABCDEF"; -- Use to print in hexadecimal format function To_In_Addr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (C.int, In_Addr); function To_Int is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (In_Addr, C.int); ----------------------- -- Local subprograms -- ----------------------- function Resolve_Error (Error_Value : Integer; From_Errno : Boolean := True) return Error_Type; -- Associate an enumeration value (error_type) to en error value -- (errno). From_Errno prevents from mixing h_errno with errno. function To_Host_Name (N : String) return Host_Name_Type; function To_String (HN : Host_Name_Type) return String; -- Conversion functions function Port_To_Network (Port : C.unsigned_short) return C.unsigned_short; pragma Inline (Port_To_Network); -- Convert a port number into a network port number function Network_To_Port (Net_Port : C.unsigned_short) return C.unsigned_short renames Port_To_Network; -- Symetric operation function Image (Val : Inet_Addr_VN_Type; Hex : Boolean := False) return String; -- Output an array of inet address components either in -- hexadecimal or in decimal mode. function To_In_Addr (Addr : Inet_Addr_Type) return Thin.In_Addr; function To_Inet_Addr (Addr : In_Addr) return Inet_Addr_Type; -- Conversion functions function To_Host_Entry (Host : Hostent) return Host_Entry_Type; -- Conversion function function To_Timeval (Val : Duration) return Timeval; -- Separate Val in seconds and microseconds procedure Raise_Socket_Error (Error : Integer); -- Raise Socket_Error with an exception message describing -- the error code. procedure Raise_Host_Error (Error : Integer); -- Raise Host_Error exception with message describing error code -- (note hstrerror seems to be obsolete). -- Types needed for Socket_Set_Type type Socket_Set_Record is new Fd_Set; procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Socket_Set_Record, Socket_Set_Type); -- Types needed for Datagram_Socket_Stream_Type type Datagram_Socket_Stream_Type is new Root_Stream_Type with record Socket : Socket_Type; To : Sock_Addr_Type; From : Sock_Addr_Type; end record; type Datagram_Socket_Stream_Access is access all Datagram_Socket_Stream_Type; procedure Read (Stream : in out Datagram_Socket_Stream_Type; Item : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array; Last : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset); procedure Write (Stream : in out Datagram_Socket_Stream_Type; Item : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array); -- Types needed for Stream_Socket_Stream_Type type Stream_Socket_Stream_Type is new Root_Stream_Type with record Socket : Socket_Type; end record; type Stream_Socket_Stream_Access is access all Stream_Socket_Stream_Type; procedure Read (Stream : in out Stream_Socket_Stream_Type; Item : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array; Last : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset); procedure Write (Stream : in out Stream_Socket_Stream_Type; Item : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array); -------------------- -- Abort_Selector -- -------------------- procedure Abort_Selector (Selector : Selector_Type) is Buf : Character; Res : C.int; begin -- Send an empty array to unblock C select system call if Selector.In_Progress then Res := C_Write (C.int (Selector.W_Sig_Socket), Buf'Address, 1); end if; end Abort_Selector; ------------------- -- Accept_Socket -- ------------------- procedure Accept_Socket (Server : Socket_Type; Socket : out Socket_Type; Address : out Sock_Addr_Type) is Res : C.int; Sin : aliased Sockaddr_In; Len : aliased C.int := Sin'Size / 8; begin Res := C_Accept (C.int (Server), Sin'Address, Len'Access); if Res = Failure then Raise_Socket_Error (Socket_Errno); end if; Socket := Socket_Type (Res); Address.Addr := To_Inet_Addr (Sin.Sin_Addr); Address.Port := Port_Type (Network_To_Port (Sin.Sin_Port)); end Accept_Socket; --------------- -- Addresses -- --------------- function Addresses (E : Host_Entry_Type; N : Positive := 1) return Inet_Addr_Type is begin return E.Addresses (N); end Addresses; ---------------------- -- Addresses_Length -- ---------------------- function Addresses_Length (E : Host_Entry_Type) return Natural is begin return E.Addresses_Length; end Addresses_Length; ------------- -- Aliases -- ------------- function Aliases (E : Host_Entry_Type; N : Positive := 1) return String is begin return To_String (E.Aliases (N)); end Aliases; -------------------- -- Aliases_Length -- -------------------- function Aliases_Length (E : Host_Entry_Type) return Natural is begin return E.Aliases_Length; end Aliases_Length; ----------------- -- Bind_Socket -- ----------------- procedure Bind_Socket (Socket : Socket_Type; Address : Sock_Addr_Type) is Res : C.int; Sin : aliased Sockaddr_In; Len : aliased C.int := Sin'Size / 8; begin if Address.Family = Family_Inet6 then raise Socket_Error; end if; Sin.Sin_Family := C.unsigned_short (Families (Address.Family)); Sin.Sin_Port := Port_To_Network (C.unsigned_short (Address.Port)); Res := C_Bind (C.int (Socket), Sin'Address, Len); if Res = Failure then Raise_Socket_Error (Socket_Errno); end if; end Bind_Socket; -------------------- -- Check_Selector -- -------------------- procedure Check_Selector (Selector : in out Selector_Type; R_Socket_Set : in out Socket_Set_Type; W_Socket_Set : in out Socket_Set_Type; Status : out Selector_Status; Timeout : Duration := Forever) is Res : C.int; Len : C.int; RSet : aliased Fd_Set; WSet : aliased Fd_Set; TVal : aliased Timeval; TPtr : Timeval_Access; begin Status := Completed; -- No timeout or Forever is indicated by a null timeval pointer. if Timeout = Forever then TPtr := null; else TVal := To_Timeval (Timeout); TPtr := TVal'Unchecked_Access; end if; -- Copy R_Socket_Set in RSet and add read signalling socket. if R_Socket_Set = null then RSet := Null_Fd_Set; else RSet := Fd_Set (R_Socket_Set.all); end if; Set (RSet, C.int (Selector.R_Sig_Socket)); Len := Max (RSet) + 1; -- Copy W_Socket_Set in WSet. if W_Socket_Set = null then WSet := Null_Fd_Set; else WSet := Fd_Set (W_Socket_Set.all); end if; Len := C.int'Max (Max (RSet) + 1, Len); Selector.In_Progress := True; Res := C_Select (Len, RSet'Unchecked_Access, WSet'Unchecked_Access, null, TPtr); Selector.In_Progress := False; -- If Select was resumed because of read signalling socket, -- read this data and remove socket from set. if Is_Set (RSet, C.int (Selector.R_Sig_Socket)) then Clear (RSet, C.int (Selector.R_Sig_Socket)); declare Buf : Character; begin Res := C_Read (C.int (Selector.R_Sig_Socket), Buf'Address, 1); end; -- Select was resumed because of read signalling socket, but -- the call is said aborted only when there is no other read -- or write event. if Is_Empty (RSet) and then Is_Empty (WSet) then Status := Aborted; end if; elsif Res = 0 then Status := Expired; end if; if R_Socket_Set /= null then R_Socket_Set.all := Socket_Set_Record (RSet); end if; if W_Socket_Set /= null then W_Socket_Set.all := Socket_Set_Record (WSet); end if; end Check_Selector; ----------- -- Clear -- ----------- procedure Clear (Item : in out Socket_Set_Type; Socket : Socket_Type) is begin if Item = null then Item := new Socket_Set_Record; Empty (Fd_Set (Item.all)); end if; Clear (Fd_Set (Item.all), C.int (Socket)); end Clear; -------------------- -- Close_Selector -- -------------------- procedure Close_Selector (Selector : in out Selector_Type) is begin begin Close_Socket (Selector.R_Sig_Socket); exception when Socket_Error => null; end; begin Close_Socket (Selector.W_Sig_Socket); exception when Socket_Error => null; end; end Close_Selector; ------------------ -- Close_Socket -- ------------------ procedure Close_Socket (Socket : Socket_Type) is Res : C.int; begin Res := C_Close (C.int (Socket)); if Res = Failure then Raise_Socket_Error (Socket_Errno); end if; end Close_Socket; -------------------- -- Connect_Socket -- -------------------- procedure Connect_Socket (Socket : Socket_Type; Server : in out Sock_Addr_Type) is Res : C.int; Sin : aliased Sockaddr_In; Len : aliased C.int := Sin'Size / 8; begin if Server.Family = Family_Inet6 then raise Socket_Error; end if; Sin.Sin_Family := C.unsigned_short (Families (Server.Family)); Sin.Sin_Addr := To_In_Addr (Server.Addr); Sin.Sin_Port := Port_To_Network (C.unsigned_short (Server.Port)); Res := C_Connect (C.int (Socket), Sin'Address, Len); if Res = Failure then Raise_Socket_Error (Socket_Errno); end if; end Connect_Socket; -------------------- -- Control_Socket -- -------------------- procedure Control_Socket (Socket : Socket_Type; Request : in out Request_Type) is Arg : aliased C.int; Res : C.int; begin case Request.Name is when Non_Blocking_IO => Arg := C.int (Boolean'Pos (Request.Enabled)); when N_Bytes_To_Read => null; end case; Res := C_Ioctl (C.int (Socket), Requests (Request.Name), Arg'Unchecked_Access); if Res = Failure then Raise_Socket_Error (Socket_Errno); end if; case Request.Name is when Non_Blocking_IO => null; when N_Bytes_To_Read => Request.Size := Natural (Arg); end case; end Control_Socket; --------------------- -- Create_Selector -- --------------------- procedure Create_Selector (Selector : out Selector_Type) is S0 : C.int; S1 : C.int; S2 : C.int; Res : C.int; Sin : aliased Sockaddr_In; Len : aliased C.int := Sin'Size / 8; Err : Integer; begin -- We open two signalling sockets. One socket to send a signal -- to a another socket that always included in a C_Select -- socket set. When received, it resumes the task suspended in -- C_Select. -- Create a listening socket S0 := C_Socket (Constants.AF_INET, Constants.SOCK_STREAM, 0); if S0 = Failure then Raise_Socket_Error (Socket_Errno); end if; -- Sin is already correctly initialized. Bind the socket to any -- unused port. Res := C_Bind (S0, Sin'Address, Len); if Res = Failure then Err := Socket_Errno; Res := C_Close (S0); Raise_Socket_Error (Err); end if; -- Get the port used by the socket Res := C_Getsockname (S0, Sin'Address, Len'Access); if Res = Failure then Err := Socket_Errno; Res := C_Close (S0); Raise_Socket_Error (Err); end if; Res := C_Listen (S0, 2); if Res = Failure then Err := Socket_Errno; Res := C_Close (S0); Raise_Socket_Error (Err); end if; S1 := C_Socket (Constants.AF_INET, Constants.SOCK_STREAM, 0); if S1 = Failure then Err := Socket_Errno; Res := C_Close (S0); Raise_Socket_Error (Err); end if; -- Use INADDR_LOOPBACK Sin.Sin_Addr.S_B1 := 127; Sin.Sin_Addr.S_B2 := 0; Sin.Sin_Addr.S_B3 := 0; Sin.Sin_Addr.S_B4 := 1; -- Do a connect and accept the connection Res := C_Connect (S1, Sin'Address, Len); if Res = Failure then Err := Socket_Errno; Res := C_Close (S0); Res := C_Close (S1); Raise_Socket_Error (Err); end if; S2 := C_Accept (S0, Sin'Address, Len'Access); if S2 = Failure then Err := Socket_Errno; Res := C_Close (S0); Res := C_Close (S1); Raise_Socket_Error (Err); end if; Res := C_Close (S0); if Res = Failure then Raise_Socket_Error (Socket_Errno); end if; Selector.R_Sig_Socket := Socket_Type (S1); Selector.W_Sig_Socket := Socket_Type (S2); end Create_Selector; ------------------- -- Create_Socket -- ------------------- procedure Create_Socket (Socket : out Socket_Type; Family : Family_Type := Family_Inet; Mode : Mode_Type := Socket_Stream) is Res : C.int; begin Res := C_Socket (Families (Family), Modes (Mode), 0); if Res = Failure then Raise_Socket_Error (Socket_Errno); end if; Socket := Socket_Type (Res); end Create_Socket; ----------- -- Empty -- ----------- procedure Empty (Item : in out Socket_Set_Type) is begin if Item /= null then Free (Item); end if; end Empty; -------------- -- Finalize -- -------------- procedure Finalize is begin if not Finalized and then Initialized then Finalized := True; Thin.Finalize; end if; end Finalize; ----------------- -- Get_Address -- ----------------- function Get_Address (Stream : Stream_Access) return Sock_Addr_Type is begin if Stream = null then raise Socket_Error; elsif Stream.all in Datagram_Socket_Stream_Type then return Datagram_Socket_Stream_Type (Stream.all).From; else return Get_Peer_Name (Stream_Socket_Stream_Type (Stream.all).Socket); end if; end Get_Address; ------------------------- -- Get_Host_By_Address -- ------------------------- function Get_Host_By_Address (Address : Inet_Addr_Type; Family : Family_Type := Family_Inet) return Host_Entry_Type is pragma Unreferenced (Family); HA : aliased In_Addr := To_In_Addr (Address); Res : Hostent_Access; Err : Integer; begin -- This C function is not always thread-safe. Protect against -- concurrent access. Task_Lock.Lock; Res := C_Gethostbyaddr (HA'Address, HA'Size / 8, Constants.AF_INET); if Res = null then Err := Socket_Errno; Task_Lock.Unlock; Raise_Host_Error (Err); end if; -- Translate from the C format to the API format declare HE : Host_Entry_Type := To_Host_Entry (Res.all); begin Task_Lock.Unlock; return HE; end; end Get_Host_By_Address; ---------------------- -- Get_Host_By_Name -- ---------------------- function Get_Host_By_Name (Name : String) return Host_Entry_Type is HN : C.char_array := C.To_C (Name); Res : Hostent_Access; Err : Integer; begin -- This C function is not always thread-safe. Protect against -- concurrent access. Task_Lock.Lock; Res := C_Gethostbyname (HN); if Res = null then Err := Socket_Errno; Task_Lock.Unlock; Raise_Host_Error (Err); end if; -- Translate from the C format to the API format declare HE : Host_Entry_Type := To_Host_Entry (Res.all); begin Task_Lock.Unlock; return HE; end; end Get_Host_By_Name; ------------------- -- Get_Peer_Name -- ------------------- function Get_Peer_Name (Socket : Socket_Type) return Sock_Addr_Type is Sin : aliased Sockaddr_In; Len : aliased C.int := Sin'Size / 8; Res : Sock_Addr_Type (Family_Inet); begin if C_Getpeername (C.int (Socket), Sin'Address, Len'Access) = Failure then Raise_Socket_Error (Socket_Errno); end if; Res.Addr := To_Inet_Addr (Sin.Sin_Addr); Res.Port := Port_Type (Network_To_Port (Sin.Sin_Port)); return Res; end Get_Peer_Name; --------------------- -- Get_Socket_Name -- --------------------- function Get_Socket_Name (Socket : Socket_Type) return Sock_Addr_Type is Sin : aliased Sockaddr_In; Len : aliased C.int := Sin'Size / 8; Res : Sock_Addr_Type (Family_Inet); begin if C_Getsockname (C.int (Socket), Sin'Address, Len'Access) = Failure then Raise_Socket_Error (Socket_Errno); end if; Res.Addr := To_Inet_Addr (Sin.Sin_Addr); Res.Port := Port_Type (Network_To_Port (Sin.Sin_Port)); return Res; end Get_Socket_Name; ----------------------- -- Get_Socket_Option -- ----------------------- function Get_Socket_Option (Socket : Socket_Type; Level : Level_Type := Socket_Level; Name : Option_Name) return Option_Type is use type C.unsigned_char; V8 : aliased Two_Int; V4 : aliased C.int; V1 : aliased C.unsigned_char; Len : aliased C.int; Add : System.Address; Res : C.int; Opt : Option_Type (Name); begin case Name is when Multicast_Loop | Multicast_TTL => Len := V1'Size / 8; Add := V1'Address; when Keep_Alive | Reuse_Address | Broadcast | No_Delay | Send_Buffer | Receive_Buffer | Error => Len := V4'Size / 8; Add := V4'Address; when Linger | Add_Membership | Drop_Membership => Len := V8'Size / 8; Add := V8'Address; end case; Res := C_Getsockopt (C.int (Socket), Levels (Level), Options (Name), Add, Len'Unchecked_Access); if Res = Failure then Raise_Socket_Error (Socket_Errno); end if; case Name is when Keep_Alive | Reuse_Address | Broadcast | No_Delay => Opt.Enabled := (V4 /= 0); when Linger => Opt.Enabled := (V8 (V8'First) /= 0); Opt.Seconds := Natural (V8 (V8'Last)); when Send_Buffer | Receive_Buffer => Opt.Size := Natural (V4); when Error => Opt.Error := Resolve_Error (Integer (V4)); when Add_Membership | Drop_Membership => Opt.Multiaddr := To_Inet_Addr (To_In_Addr (V8 (V8'First))); Opt.Interface := To_Inet_Addr (To_In_Addr (V8 (V8'Last))); when Multicast_TTL => Opt.Time_To_Live := Integer (V1); when Multicast_Loop => Opt.Enabled := (V1 /= 0); end case; return Opt; end Get_Socket_Option; --------------- -- Host_Name -- --------------- function Host_Name return String is Name : aliased C.char_array (1 .. 64); Res : C.int; begin Res := C_Gethostname (Name'Address, Name'Length); if Res = Failure then Raise_Socket_Error (Socket_Errno); end if; return C.To_Ada (Name); end Host_Name; ----------- -- Image -- ----------- function Image (Val : Inet_Addr_VN_Type; Hex : Boolean := False) return String is -- The largest Inet_Addr_Comp_Type image occurs with IPv4. It -- has at most a length of 3 plus one '.' character. Buffer : String (1 .. 4 * Val'Length); Length : Natural := 1; Separator : Character; procedure Img10 (V : Inet_Addr_Comp_Type); -- Append to Buffer image of V in decimal format procedure Img16 (V : Inet_Addr_Comp_Type); -- Append to Buffer image of V in hexadecimal format procedure Img10 (V : Inet_Addr_Comp_Type) is Img : constant String := V'Img; Len : Natural := Img'Length - 1; begin Buffer (Length .. Length + Len - 1) := Img (2 .. Img'Last); Length := Length + Len; end Img10; procedure Img16 (V : Inet_Addr_Comp_Type) is begin Buffer (Length) := Hex_To_Char (Natural (V / 16) + 1); Buffer (Length + 1) := Hex_To_Char (Natural (V mod 16) + 1); Length := Length + 2; end Img16; -- Start of processing for Image begin if Hex then Separator := ':'; else Separator := '.'; end if; for J in Val'Range loop if Hex then Img16 (Val (J)); else Img10 (Val (J)); end if; if J /= Val'Last then Buffer (Length) := Separator; Length := Length + 1; end if; end loop; return Buffer (1 .. Length - 1); end Image; ----------- -- Image -- ----------- function Image (Value : Inet_Addr_Type) return String is begin if Value.Family = Family_Inet then return Image (Inet_Addr_VN_Type (Value.Sin_V4), Hex => False); else return Image (Inet_Addr_VN_Type (Value.Sin_V6), Hex => True); end if; end Image; ----------- -- Image -- ----------- function Image (Value : Sock_Addr_Type) return String is Port : constant String := Value.Port'Img; begin return Image (Value.Addr) & ':' & Port (2 .. Port'Last); end Image; ----------- -- Image -- ----------- function Image (Socket : Socket_Type) return String is begin return Socket'Img; end Image; --------------- -- Inet_Addr -- --------------- function Inet_Addr (Image : String) return Inet_Addr_Type is use Interfaces.C.Strings; Img : chars_ptr := New_String (Image); Res : C.int; Err : Integer; begin Res := C_Inet_Addr (Img); Err := Errno; Free (Img); if Res = Failure then Raise_Socket_Error (Err); end if; return To_Inet_Addr (To_In_Addr (Res)); end Inet_Addr; ---------------- -- Initialize -- ---------------- procedure Initialize (Process_Blocking_IO : Boolean := False) is begin if not Initialized then Initialized := True; Thin.Initialize (Process_Blocking_IO); end if; end Initialize; -------------- -- Is_Empty -- -------------- function Is_Empty (Item : Socket_Set_Type) return Boolean is begin return Item = null or else Is_Empty (Fd_Set (Item.all)); end Is_Empty; ------------ -- Is_Set -- ------------ function Is_Set (Item : Socket_Set_Type; Socket : Socket_Type) return Boolean is begin return Item /= null and then Is_Set (Fd_Set (Item.all), C.int (Socket)); end Is_Set; ------------------- -- Listen_Socket -- ------------------- procedure Listen_Socket (Socket : Socket_Type; Length : Positive := 15) is Res : C.int; begin Res := C_Listen (C.int (Socket), C.int (Length)); if Res = Failure then Raise_Socket_Error (Socket_Errno); end if; end Listen_Socket; ------------------- -- Official_Name -- ------------------- function Official_Name (E : Host_Entry_Type) return String is begin return To_String (E.Official); end Official_Name; --------------------- -- Port_To_Network -- --------------------- function Port_To_Network (Port : C.unsigned_short) return C.unsigned_short is use type C.unsigned_short; begin if Default_Bit_Order = High_Order_First then -- No conversion needed. On these platforms, htons() defaults -- to a null procedure. return Port; else -- We need to swap the high and low byte on this short to make -- the port number network compliant. return (Port / 256) + (Port mod 256) * 256; end if; end Port_To_Network; ---------------------- -- Raise_Host_Error -- ---------------------- procedure Raise_Host_Error (Error : Integer) is function Error_Message return String; -- We do not use a C function like strerror because hstrerror -- that would correspond seems to be obsolete. Return -- appropriate string for error value. function Error_Message return String is begin case Error is when Constants.HOST_NOT_FOUND => return "Host not found"; when Constants.TRY_AGAIN => return "Try again"; when Constants.NO_RECOVERY => return "No recovery"; when Constants.NO_ADDRESS => return "No address"; when others => return "Unknown error"; end case; end Error_Message; -- Start of processing for Raise_Host_Error begin Ada.Exceptions.Raise_Exception (Host_Error'Identity, Error_Message); end Raise_Host_Error; ------------------------ -- Raise_Socket_Error -- ------------------------ procedure Raise_Socket_Error (Error : Integer) is use type C.Strings.chars_ptr; function Image (E : Integer) return String; function Image (E : Integer) return String is Msg : String := E'Img & "] "; begin Msg (Msg'First) := '['; return Msg; end Image; begin Ada.Exceptions.Raise_Exception (Socket_Error'Identity, Image (Error) & Socket_Error_Message (Error)); end Raise_Socket_Error; ---------- -- Read -- ---------- procedure Read (Stream : in out Datagram_Socket_Stream_Type; Item : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array; Last : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset) is First : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset := Item'First; Index : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset := First - 1; Max : constant Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset := Item'Last; begin loop Receive_Socket (Stream.Socket, Item (First .. Max), Index, Stream.From); Last := Index; -- Exit when all or zero data received. Zero means that -- the socket peer is closed. exit when Index < First or else Index = Max; First := Index + 1; end loop; end Read; ---------- -- Read -- ---------- procedure Read (Stream : in out Stream_Socket_Stream_Type; Item : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array; Last : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset) is First : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset := Item'First; Index : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset := First - 1; Max : constant Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset := Item'Last; begin loop Receive_Socket (Stream.Socket, Item (First .. Max), Index); Last := Index; -- Exit when all or zero data received. Zero means that -- the socket peer is closed. exit when Index < First or else Index = Max; First := Index + 1; end loop; end Read; ------------------- -- Resolve_Error -- ------------------- function Resolve_Error (Error_Value : Integer; From_Errno : Boolean := True) return Error_Type is use GNAT.Sockets.Constants; begin if not From_Errno then case Error_Value is when HOST_NOT_FOUND => return Unknown_Host; when TRY_AGAIN => return Host_Name_Lookup_Failure; when NO_RECOVERY => return No_Address_Associated_With_Name; when NO_ADDRESS => return Unknown_Server_Error; when others => return Cannot_Resolve_Error; end case; end if; case Error_Value is when EACCES => return Permission_Denied; when EADDRINUSE => return Address_Already_In_Use; when EADDRNOTAVAIL => return Cannot_Assign_Requested_Address; when EAFNOSUPPORT => return Address_Family_Not_Supported_By_Protocol; when EALREADY => return Operation_Already_In_Progress; when EBADF => return Bad_File_Descriptor; when ECONNREFUSED => return Connection_Refused; when EFAULT => return Bad_Address; when EINPROGRESS => return Operation_Now_In_Progress; when EINTR => return Interrupted_System_Call; when EINVAL => return Invalid_Argument; when EIO => return Input_Output_Error; when EISCONN => return Transport_Endpoint_Already_Connected; when EMSGSIZE => return Message_Too_Long; when ENETUNREACH => return Network_Is_Unreachable; when ENOBUFS => return No_Buffer_Space_Available; when ENOPROTOOPT => return Protocol_Not_Available; when ENOTCONN => return Transport_Endpoint_Not_Connected; when EOPNOTSUPP => return Operation_Not_Supported; when EPROTONOSUPPORT => return Protocol_Not_Supported; when ESOCKTNOSUPPORT => return Socket_Type_Not_Supported; when ETIMEDOUT => return Connection_Timed_Out; when EWOULDBLOCK => return Resource_Temporarily_Unavailable; when others => return Cannot_Resolve_Error; end case; end Resolve_Error; ----------------------- -- Resolve_Exception -- ----------------------- function Resolve_Exception (Occurrence : Exception_Occurrence) return Error_Type is Id : Exception_Id := Exception_Identity (Occurrence); Msg : constant String := Exception_Message (Occurrence); First : Natural := Msg'First; Last : Natural; Val : Integer; begin while First <= Msg'Last and then Msg (First) not in '0' .. '9' loop First := First + 1; end loop; if First > Msg'Last then return Cannot_Resolve_Error; end if; Last := First; while Last < Msg'Last and then Msg (Last + 1) in '0' .. '9' loop Last := Last + 1; end loop; Val := Integer'Value (Msg (First .. Last)); if Id = Socket_Error_Id then return Resolve_Error (Val); elsif Id = Host_Error_Id then return Resolve_Error (Val, False); else return Cannot_Resolve_Error; end if; end Resolve_Exception; -------------------- -- Receive_Socket -- -------------------- procedure Receive_Socket (Socket : Socket_Type; Item : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array; Last : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset) is use type Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset; Res : C.int; begin Res := C_Recv (C.int (Socket), Item (Item'First)'Address, Item'Length, 0); if Res = Failure then Raise_Socket_Error (Socket_Errno); end if; Last := Item'First + Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset (Res - 1); end Receive_Socket; -------------------- -- Receive_Socket -- -------------------- procedure Receive_Socket (Socket : Socket_Type; Item : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array; Last : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset; From : out Sock_Addr_Type) is use type Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset; Res : C.int; Sin : aliased Sockaddr_In; Len : aliased C.int := Sin'Size / 8; begin Res := C_Recvfrom (C.int (Socket), Item (Item'First)'Address, Item'Length, 0, Sin'Unchecked_Access, Len'Unchecked_Access); if Res = Failure then Raise_Socket_Error (Socket_Errno); end if; Last := Item'First + Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset (Res - 1); From.Addr := To_Inet_Addr (Sin.Sin_Addr); From.Port := Port_Type (Network_To_Port (Sin.Sin_Port)); end Receive_Socket; ----------------- -- Send_Socket -- ----------------- procedure Send_Socket (Socket : Socket_Type; Item : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array; Last : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset) is use type Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset; Res : C.int; begin Res := C_Send (C.int (Socket), Item (Item'First)'Address, Item'Length, 0); if Res = Failure then Raise_Socket_Error (Socket_Errno); end if; Last := Item'First + Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset (Res - 1); end Send_Socket; ----------------- -- Send_Socket -- ----------------- procedure Send_Socket (Socket : Socket_Type; Item : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array; Last : out Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset; To : Sock_Addr_Type) is use type Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset; Res : C.int; Sin : aliased Sockaddr_In; Len : aliased C.int := Sin'Size / 8; begin Sin.Sin_Family := C.unsigned_short (Families (To.Family)); Sin.Sin_Addr := To_In_Addr (To.Addr); Sin.Sin_Port := Port_To_Network (C.unsigned_short (To.Port)); Res := C_Sendto (C.int (Socket), Item (Item'First)'Address, Item'Length, 0, Sin'Unchecked_Access, Len); if Res = Failure then Raise_Socket_Error (Socket_Errno); end if; Last := Item'First + Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset (Res - 1); end Send_Socket; --------- -- Set -- --------- procedure Set (Item : in out Socket_Set_Type; Socket : Socket_Type) is begin if Item = null then Item := new Socket_Set_Record'(Socket_Set_Record (Null_Fd_Set)); end if; Set (Fd_Set (Item.all), C.int (Socket)); end Set; ----------------------- -- Set_Socket_Option -- ----------------------- procedure Set_Socket_Option (Socket : Socket_Type; Level : Level_Type := Socket_Level; Option : Option_Type) is V8 : aliased Two_Int; V4 : aliased C.int; V1 : aliased C.unsigned_char; Len : aliased C.int; Add : System.Address := Null_Address; Res : C.int; begin case Option.Name is when Keep_Alive | Reuse_Address | Broadcast | No_Delay => V4 := C.int (Boolean'Pos (Option.Enabled)); Len := V4'Size / 8; Add := V4'Address; when Linger => V8 (V8'First) := C.int (Boolean'Pos (Option.Enabled)); V8 (V8'Last) := C.int (Option.Seconds); Len := V8'Size / 8; Add := V8'Address; when Send_Buffer | Receive_Buffer => V4 := C.int (Option.Size); Len := V4'Size / 8; Add := V4'Address; when Error => V4 := C.int (Boolean'Pos (True)); Len := V4'Size / 8; Add := V4'Address; when Add_Membership | Drop_Membership => V8 (V8'First) := To_Int (To_In_Addr (Option.Multiaddr)); V8 (V8'Last) := To_Int (To_In_Addr (Option.Interface)); Len := V8'Size / 8; Add := V8'Address; when Multicast_TTL => V1 := C.unsigned_char (Option.Time_To_Live); Len := V1'Size / 8; Add := V1'Address; when Multicast_Loop => V1 := C.unsigned_char (Boolean'Pos (Option.Enabled)); Len := V1'Size / 8; Add := V1'Address; end case; Res := C_Setsockopt (C.int (Socket), Levels (Level), Options (Option.Name), Add, Len); if Res = Failure then Raise_Socket_Error (Socket_Errno); end if; end Set_Socket_Option; --------------------- -- Shutdown_Socket -- --------------------- procedure Shutdown_Socket (Socket : Socket_Type; How : Shutmode_Type := Shut_Read_Write) is Res : C.int; begin Res := C_Shutdown (C.int (Socket), Shutmodes (How)); if Res = Failure then Raise_Socket_Error (Socket_Errno); end if; end Shutdown_Socket; ------------ -- Stream -- ------------ function Stream (Socket : Socket_Type; Send_To : Sock_Addr_Type) return Stream_Access is S : Datagram_Socket_Stream_Access; begin S := new Datagram_Socket_Stream_Type; S.Socket := Socket; S.To := Send_To; S.From := Get_Socket_Name (Socket); return Stream_Access (S); end Stream; ------------ -- Stream -- ------------ function Stream (Socket : Socket_Type) return Stream_Access is S : Stream_Socket_Stream_Access; begin S := new Stream_Socket_Stream_Type; S.Socket := Socket; return Stream_Access (S); end Stream; ---------- -- To_C -- ---------- function To_C (Socket : Socket_Type) return Integer is begin return Integer (Socket); end To_C; ------------------- -- To_Host_Entry -- ------------------- function To_Host_Entry (Host : Hostent) return Host_Entry_Type is use type C.size_t; Official : constant String := C.Strings.Value (Host.H_Name); Aliases : constant Chars_Ptr_Array := Chars_Ptr_Pointers.Value (Host.H_Aliases); -- H_Aliases points to a list of name aliases. The list is -- terminated by a NULL pointer. Addresses : constant In_Addr_Access_Array := In_Addr_Access_Pointers.Value (Host.H_Addr_List); -- H_Addr_List points to a list of binary addresses (in network -- byte order). The list is terminated by a NULL pointer. -- -- H_Length is not used because it is currently only set to 4. -- H_Addrtype is always AF_INET Result : Host_Entry_Type (Aliases_Length => Aliases'Length - 1, Addresses_Length => Addresses'Length - 1); -- The last element is a null pointer. Source : C.size_t; Target : Natural; begin Result.Official := To_Host_Name (Official); Source := Aliases'First; Target := Result.Aliases'First; while Target <= Result.Aliases_Length loop Result.Aliases (Target) := To_Host_Name (C.Strings.Value (Aliases (Source))); Source := Source + 1; Target := Target + 1; end loop; Source := Addresses'First; Target := Result.Addresses'First; while Target <= Result.Addresses_Length loop Result.Addresses (Target) := To_Inet_Addr (Addresses (Source).all); Source := Source + 1; Target := Target + 1; end loop; return Result; end To_Host_Entry; ------------------ -- To_Host_Name -- ------------------ function To_Host_Name (N : String) return Host_Name_Type is begin return (N'Length, N); end To_Host_Name; ---------------- -- To_In_Addr -- ---------------- function To_In_Addr (Addr : Inet_Addr_Type) return Thin.In_Addr is begin if Addr.Family = Family_Inet then return (S_B1 => C.unsigned_char (Addr.Sin_V4 (1)), S_B2 => C.unsigned_char (Addr.Sin_V4 (2)), S_B3 => C.unsigned_char (Addr.Sin_V4 (3)), S_B4 => C.unsigned_char (Addr.Sin_V4 (4))); end if; raise Socket_Error; end To_In_Addr; ------------------ -- To_Inet_Addr -- ------------------ function To_Inet_Addr (Addr : In_Addr) return Inet_Addr_Type is Result : Inet_Addr_Type; begin Result.Sin_V4 (1) := Inet_Addr_Comp_Type (Addr.S_B1); Result.Sin_V4 (2) := Inet_Addr_Comp_Type (Addr.S_B2); Result.Sin_V4 (3) := Inet_Addr_Comp_Type (Addr.S_B3); Result.Sin_V4 (4) := Inet_Addr_Comp_Type (Addr.S_B4); return Result; end To_Inet_Addr; --------------- -- To_String -- --------------- function To_String (HN : Host_Name_Type) return String is begin return HN.Name (1 .. HN.Length); end To_String; ---------------- -- To_Timeval -- ---------------- function To_Timeval (Val : Duration) return Timeval is S : Timeval_Unit := Timeval_Unit (Val); MS : Timeval_Unit := Timeval_Unit (1_000_000 * (Val - Duration (S))); begin return (S, MS); end To_Timeval; ----------- -- Write -- ----------- procedure Write (Stream : in out Datagram_Socket_Stream_Type; Item : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array) is First : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset := Item'First; Index : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset := First - 1; Max : constant Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset := Item'Last; begin loop Send_Socket (Stream.Socket, Item (First .. Max), Index, Stream.To); -- Exit when all or zero data sent. Zero means that the -- socket has been closed by peer. exit when Index < First or else Index = Max; First := Index + 1; end loop; if Index /= Max then raise Socket_Error; end if; end Write; ----------- -- Write -- ----------- procedure Write (Stream : in out Stream_Socket_Stream_Type; Item : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array) is First : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset := Item'First; Index : Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset := First - 1; Max : constant Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Offset := Item'Last; begin loop Send_Socket (Stream.Socket, Item (First .. Max), Index); -- Exit when all or zero data sent. Zero means that the -- socket has been closed by peer. exit when Index < First or else Index = Max; First := Index + 1; end loop; if Index /= Max then raise Socket_Error; end if; end Write; end GNAT.Sockets;