------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- A S P E C T S -- -- -- -- S p e c -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2010, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. -- -- -- -- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted -- -- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, -- -- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. -- -- -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and -- -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; -- -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see -- -- . -- -- -- -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This package defines the aspects that are recognized by GNAT in aspect -- specifications. It also contains the subprograms for storing/retrieving -- aspect specifications from the tree. The semantic processing for aspect -- specifications is found in Sem_Ch13.Analyze_Aspect_Specifications. with Namet; use Namet; with Snames; use Snames; with Types; use Types; package Aspects is -- Type defining recognized aspects type Aspect_Id is (No_Aspect, -- Dummy entry for no aspect Aspect_Address, Aspect_Alignment, Aspect_Bit_Order, Aspect_Component_Size, Aspect_Dynamic_Predicate, Aspect_External_Tag, Aspect_Input, Aspect_Invariant, Aspect_Machine_Radix, Aspect_Object_Size, -- GNAT Aspect_Output, Aspect_Post, Aspect_Postcondition, Aspect_Pre, Aspect_Precondition, Aspect_Predicate, -- GNAT Aspect_Read, Aspect_Size, Aspect_Static_Predicate, Aspect_Storage_Pool, Aspect_Storage_Size, Aspect_Stream_Size, Aspect_Suppress, Aspect_Type_Invariant, Aspect_Unsuppress, Aspect_Value_Size, -- GNAT Aspect_Warnings, Aspect_Write, -- The following aspects correspond to library unit pragmas Aspect_All_Calls_Remote, Aspect_Compiler_Unit, -- GNAT Aspect_Elaborate_Body, Aspect_Preelaborate, Aspect_Preelaborate_05, -- GNAT Aspect_Pure, Aspect_Pure_05, -- GNAT Aspect_Remote_Call_Interface, Aspect_Remote_Types, Aspect_Shared_Passive, Aspect_Universal_Data, -- GNAT -- Remaining aspects have a static boolean value that turns the aspect -- on or off. They all correspond to pragmas, and the flag Aspect_Cancel -- is set on the pragma if the corresponding aspect is False. These are -- also Boolean aspects as defined below. Aspect_Ada_2005, -- GNAT Aspect_Ada_2012, -- GNAT Aspect_Atomic, Aspect_Atomic_Components, Aspect_Discard_Names, Aspect_Favor_Top_Level, -- GNAT Aspect_Inline, Aspect_Inline_Always, -- GNAT Aspect_No_Return, Aspect_Pack, Aspect_Persistent_BSS, -- GNAT Aspect_Preelaborable_Initialization, Aspect_Pure_Function, -- GNAT Aspect_Shared, -- GNAT (equivalent to Atomic) Aspect_Suppress_Debug_Info, -- GNAT Aspect_Unchecked_Union, Aspect_Universal_Aliasing, -- GNAT Aspect_Unmodified, -- GNAT Aspect_Unreferenced, -- GNAT Aspect_Unreferenced_Objects, -- GNAT Aspect_Volatile, Aspect_Volatile_Components); -- The following array indicates aspects that accept 'Class Class_Aspect_OK : constant array (Aspect_Id) of Boolean := (Aspect_Invariant => True, Aspect_Pre => True, Aspect_Predicate => True, Aspect_Post => True, others => False); -- The following subtype defines aspects corresponding to library unit -- pragmas, these can only validly appear as aspects for library units, -- and result in a corresponding pragma being inserted immediately after -- the occurrence of the aspect. subtype Library_Unit_Aspects is Aspect_Id range Aspect_All_Calls_Remote .. Aspect_Universal_Data; -- The following subtype defines aspects accepting an optional static -- boolean parameter indicating if the aspect should be active or -- cancelling. If the parameter is missing the effective value is True, -- enabling the aspect. If the parameter is present it must be a static -- expression of type Standard.Boolean. If the value is True, then the -- aspect is enabled. If it is False, the aspect is disabled. subtype Boolean_Aspects is Aspect_Id range Aspect_Ada_2005 .. Aspect_Id'Last; subtype Pre_Post_Aspects is Aspect_Id range Aspect_Post .. Aspect_Precondition; -- The following type is used for indicating allowed expression forms type Aspect_Expression is (Optional, -- Optional boolean expression Expression, -- Required non-boolean expression Name); -- Required name -- The following array indicates what argument type is required Aspect_Argument : constant array (Aspect_Id) of Aspect_Expression := (No_Aspect => Optional, Aspect_Address => Expression, Aspect_Alignment => Expression, Aspect_Bit_Order => Expression, Aspect_Component_Size => Expression, Aspect_Dynamic_Predicate => Expression, Aspect_External_Tag => Expression, Aspect_Input => Name, Aspect_Invariant => Expression, Aspect_Machine_Radix => Expression, Aspect_Object_Size => Expression, Aspect_Output => Name, Aspect_Post => Expression, Aspect_Postcondition => Expression, Aspect_Pre => Expression, Aspect_Precondition => Expression, Aspect_Predicate => Expression, Aspect_Read => Name, Aspect_Size => Expression, Aspect_Static_Predicate => Expression, Aspect_Storage_Pool => Name, Aspect_Storage_Size => Expression, Aspect_Stream_Size => Expression, Aspect_Suppress => Name, Aspect_Type_Invariant => Expression, Aspect_Unsuppress => Name, Aspect_Value_Size => Expression, Aspect_Warnings => Name, Aspect_Write => Name, Library_Unit_Aspects => Optional, Boolean_Aspects => Optional); ----------------------------------------- -- Table Linking Names and Aspect_Id's -- ----------------------------------------- type Aspect_Entry is record Nam : Name_Id; Asp : Aspect_Id; end record; -- Table linking aspect names and id's Aspect_Names : constant array (Integer range <>) of Aspect_Entry := ((Name_Ada_2005, Aspect_Ada_2005), (Name_Ada_2012, Aspect_Ada_2012), (Name_Address, Aspect_Address), (Name_Alignment, Aspect_Alignment), (Name_All_Calls_Remote, Aspect_All_Calls_Remote), (Name_Atomic, Aspect_Atomic), (Name_Atomic_Components, Aspect_Atomic_Components), (Name_Bit_Order, Aspect_Bit_Order), (Name_Compiler_Unit, Aspect_Compiler_Unit), (Name_Component_Size, Aspect_Component_Size), (Name_Discard_Names, Aspect_Discard_Names), (Name_Dynamic_Predicate, Aspect_Dynamic_Predicate), (Name_Elaborate_Body, Aspect_Elaborate_Body), (Name_External_Tag, Aspect_External_Tag), (Name_Favor_Top_Level, Aspect_Favor_Top_Level), (Name_Inline, Aspect_Inline), (Name_Inline_Always, Aspect_Inline_Always), (Name_Input, Aspect_Input), (Name_Invariant, Aspect_Invariant), (Name_Machine_Radix, Aspect_Machine_Radix), (Name_Object_Size, Aspect_Object_Size), (Name_Output, Aspect_Output), (Name_Pack, Aspect_Pack), (Name_Persistent_BSS, Aspect_Persistent_BSS), (Name_Post, Aspect_Post), (Name_Postcondition, Aspect_Postcondition), (Name_Pre, Aspect_Pre), (Name_Precondition, Aspect_Precondition), (Name_Predicate, Aspect_Predicate), (Name_Preelaborable_Initialization, Aspect_Preelaborable_Initialization), (Name_Preelaborate, Aspect_Preelaborate), (Name_Preelaborate_05, Aspect_Preelaborate_05), (Name_Pure, Aspect_Pure), (Name_Pure_05, Aspect_Pure_05), (Name_Pure_Function, Aspect_Pure_Function), (Name_Read, Aspect_Read), (Name_Remote_Call_Interface, Aspect_Remote_Call_Interface), (Name_Remote_Types, Aspect_Remote_Types), (Name_Shared, Aspect_Shared), (Name_Shared_Passive, Aspect_Shared_Passive), (Name_Size, Aspect_Size), (Name_Static_Predicate, Aspect_Static_Predicate), (Name_Storage_Pool, Aspect_Storage_Pool), (Name_Storage_Size, Aspect_Storage_Size), (Name_Stream_Size, Aspect_Stream_Size), (Name_Suppress, Aspect_Suppress), (Name_Suppress_Debug_Info, Aspect_Suppress_Debug_Info), (Name_Type_Invariant, Aspect_Type_Invariant), (Name_Unchecked_Union, Aspect_Unchecked_Union), (Name_Universal_Aliasing, Aspect_Universal_Aliasing), (Name_Universal_Data, Aspect_Universal_Data), (Name_Unmodified, Aspect_Unmodified), (Name_Unreferenced, Aspect_Unreferenced), (Name_Unreferenced_Objects, Aspect_Unreferenced_Objects), (Name_Unsuppress, Aspect_Unsuppress), (Name_Value_Size, Aspect_Value_Size), (Name_Volatile, Aspect_Volatile), (Name_Volatile_Components, Aspect_Volatile_Components), (Name_Warnings, Aspect_Warnings), (Name_Write, Aspect_Write)); function Get_Aspect_Id (Name : Name_Id) return Aspect_Id; pragma Inline (Get_Aspect_Id); -- Given a name Nam, returns the corresponding aspect id value. If the name -- does not match any aspect, then No_Aspect is returned as the result. --------------------------------------------------- -- Handling of Aspect Specifications in the Tree -- --------------------------------------------------- -- Several kinds of declaration node permit aspect specifications in Ada -- 2012 mode. If there was room in all the corresponding declaration nodes, -- we could just have a field Aspect_Specifications pointing to a list of -- nodes for the aspects (N_Aspect_Specification nodes). But there isn't -- room, so we adopt a different approach. -- The following subprograms provide access to a specialized interface -- implemented internally with a hash table in the body, that provides -- access to aspect specifications. function Permits_Aspect_Specifications (N : Node_Id) return Boolean; -- Returns True if the node N is a declaration node that permits aspect -- specifications in the grammar. It is possible for other nodes to have -- aspect specifications as a result of Rewrite or Replace calls. function Aspect_Specifications (N : Node_Id) return List_Id; -- Given a node N, returns the list of N_Aspect_Specification nodes that -- are attached to this declaration node. If the node is in the class of -- declaration nodes that permit aspect specifications, as defined by the -- predicate above, and if their Has_Aspects flag is set to True, then this -- will always be a non-empty list. If this flag is set to False, then -- No_List is returned. Normally, the only nodes that have Has_Aspects set -- True are the nodes for which Permits_Aspect_Specifications would return -- True (i.e. the declaration nodes defined in the RM as permitting the -- presence of Aspect_Specifications). However, it is possible for the -- flag Has_Aspects to be set on other nodes as a result of Rewrite and -- Replace calls, and this function may be used to retrieve the aspect -- specifications for the original rewritten node in such cases. procedure Set_Aspect_Specifications (N : Node_Id; L : List_Id); -- The node N must be in the class of declaration nodes that permit aspect -- specifications and the Has_Aspects flag must be False on entry. L must -- be a non-empty list of N_Aspect_Specification nodes. This procedure sets -- the Has_Aspects flag to True, and makes an entry that can be retrieved -- by a subsequent Aspect_Specifications call. It is an error to call this -- procedure with a node that does not permit aspect specifications, or a -- node that has its Has_Aspects flag set True on entry, or with L being an -- empty list or No_List. procedure Move_Aspects (From : Node_Id; To : Node_Id); -- Moves aspects from 'From' node to 'To' node. Has_Aspects (To) must be -- False on entry. If Has_Aspects (From) is False, the call has no effect. -- Otherwise the aspects are moved and on return Has_Aspects (To) is True, -- and Has_Aspects (From) is False. function Same_Aspect (A1 : Aspect_Id; A2 : Aspect_Id) return Boolean; -- Returns True if A1 and A2 are (essentially) the same aspect. This is not -- a simple equality test because e.g. Post and Postcondition are the same. -- This is used for detecting duplicate aspects. procedure Tree_Write; -- Writes contents of Aspect_Specifications hash table to the tree file procedure Tree_Read; -- Reads contents of Aspect_Specifications hash table from the tree file end Aspects;