------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNU ADA RUN-TIME LIBRARY (GNARL) COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- S Y S T E M . T A S K _ P R I M I T I V E S . O P E R A T I O N S -- -- -- -- B o d y -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 1992-2003, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNARL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNARL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- -- Public License distributed with GNARL; see file COPYING. If not, write -- -- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, -- -- MA 02111-1307, USA. -- -- -- -- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this -- -- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, -- -- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be -- -- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not -- -- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be -- -- covered by the GNU Public License. -- -- -- -- GNARL was developed by the GNARL team at Florida State University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies, Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This is a NT (native) version of this package -- This package contains all the GNULL primitives that interface directly -- with the underlying OS. pragma Polling (Off); -- Turn off polling, we do not want ATC polling to take place during -- tasking operations. It causes infinite loops and other problems. with System.Tasking.Debug; -- used for Known_Tasks with Interfaces.C; -- used for int -- size_t with Interfaces.C.Strings; -- used for Null_Ptr with System.OS_Interface; -- used for various type, constant, and operations with System.Parameters; -- used for Size_Type with System.Tasking; -- used for Ada_Task_Control_Block -- Task_ID with System.Soft_Links; -- used for Defer/Undefer_Abort -- to initialize TSD for a C thread, in function Self -- Note that we do not use System.Tasking.Initialization directly since -- this is a higher level package that we shouldn't depend on. For example -- when using the restricted run time, it is replaced by -- System.Tasking.Restricted.Initialization with System.OS_Primitives; -- used for Delay_Modes with System.Task_Info; -- used for Unspecified_Task_Info with Unchecked_Conversion; with Unchecked_Deallocation; package body System.Task_Primitives.Operations is use System.Tasking.Debug; use System.Tasking; use Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C.Strings; use System.OS_Interface; use System.Parameters; use System.OS_Primitives; pragma Link_With ("-Xlinker --stack=0x800000,0x1000"); -- Change the stack size (8 MB) for tasking programs on Windows. This -- permit to have more than 30 tasks running at the same time. Note that -- we set the stack size for non tasking programs on System unit. package SSL renames System.Soft_Links; ---------------- -- Local Data -- ---------------- Environment_Task_ID : Task_ID; -- A variable to hold Task_ID for the environment task. Single_RTS_Lock : aliased RTS_Lock; -- This is a lock to allow only one thread of control in the RTS at -- a time; it is used to execute in mutual exclusion from all other tasks. -- Used mainly in Single_Lock mode, but also to protect All_Tasks_List Time_Slice_Val : Integer; pragma Import (C, Time_Slice_Val, "__gl_time_slice_val"); Dispatching_Policy : Character; pragma Import (C, Dispatching_Policy, "__gl_task_dispatching_policy"); FIFO_Within_Priorities : constant Boolean := Dispatching_Policy = 'F'; -- Indicates whether FIFO_Within_Priorities is set. Foreign_Task_Elaborated : aliased Boolean := True; -- Used to identified fake tasks (i.e., non-Ada Threads). ------------------------------------ -- The thread local storage index -- ------------------------------------ TlsIndex : DWORD; pragma Export (Ada, TlsIndex); -- To ensure that this variable won't be local to this package, since -- in some cases, inlining forces this variable to be global anyway. -------------------- -- Local Packages -- -------------------- package Specific is function Is_Valid_Task return Boolean; pragma Inline (Is_Valid_Task); -- Does executing thread have a TCB? procedure Set (Self_Id : Task_ID); pragma Inline (Set); -- Set the self id for the current task. end Specific; package body Specific is function Is_Valid_Task return Boolean is begin return TlsGetValue (TlsIndex) /= System.Null_Address; end Is_Valid_Task; procedure Set (Self_Id : Task_ID) is Succeeded : BOOL; begin Succeeded := TlsSetValue (TlsIndex, To_Address (Self_Id)); pragma Assert (Succeeded = True); end Set; end Specific; --------------------------------- -- Support for foreign threads -- --------------------------------- function Register_Foreign_Thread (Thread : Thread_Id) return Task_ID; -- Allocate and Initialize a new ATCB for the current Thread. function Register_Foreign_Thread (Thread : Thread_Id) return Task_ID is separate; ---------------------------------- -- Utility Conversion Functions -- ---------------------------------- function To_Task_Id is new Unchecked_Conversion (System.Address, Task_ID); function To_Address is new Unchecked_Conversion (Task_ID, System.Address); ---------------------------------- -- Condition Variable Functions -- ---------------------------------- procedure Initialize_Cond (Cond : access Condition_Variable); -- Initialize given condition variable Cond procedure Finalize_Cond (Cond : access Condition_Variable); -- Finalize given condition variable Cond. procedure Cond_Signal (Cond : access Condition_Variable); -- Signal condition variable Cond procedure Cond_Wait (Cond : access Condition_Variable; L : access RTS_Lock); -- Wait on conditional variable Cond, using lock L procedure Cond_Timed_Wait (Cond : access Condition_Variable; L : access RTS_Lock; Rel_Time : Duration; Timed_Out : out Boolean; Status : out Integer); -- Do timed wait on condition variable Cond using lock L. The duration -- of the timed wait is given by Rel_Time. When the condition is -- signalled, Timed_Out shows whether or not a time out occurred. -- Status is only valid if Timed_Out is False, in which case it -- shows whether Cond_Timed_Wait completed successfully. --------------------- -- Initialize_Cond -- --------------------- procedure Initialize_Cond (Cond : access Condition_Variable) is hEvent : HANDLE; begin hEvent := CreateEvent (null, True, False, Null_Ptr); pragma Assert (hEvent /= 0); Cond.all := Condition_Variable (hEvent); end Initialize_Cond; ------------------- -- Finalize_Cond -- ------------------- -- No such problem here, DosCloseEventSem has been derived. -- What does such refer to in above comment??? procedure Finalize_Cond (Cond : access Condition_Variable) is Result : BOOL; begin Result := CloseHandle (HANDLE (Cond.all)); pragma Assert (Result = True); end Finalize_Cond; ----------------- -- Cond_Signal -- ----------------- procedure Cond_Signal (Cond : access Condition_Variable) is Result : BOOL; begin Result := SetEvent (HANDLE (Cond.all)); pragma Assert (Result = True); end Cond_Signal; --------------- -- Cond_Wait -- --------------- -- Pre-assertion: Cond is posted -- L is locked. -- Post-assertion: Cond is posted -- L is locked. procedure Cond_Wait (Cond : access Condition_Variable; L : access RTS_Lock) is Result : DWORD; Result_Bool : BOOL; begin -- Must reset Cond BEFORE L is unlocked. Result_Bool := ResetEvent (HANDLE (Cond.all)); pragma Assert (Result_Bool = True); Unlock (L); -- No problem if we are interrupted here: if the condition is signaled, -- WaitForSingleObject will simply not block Result := WaitForSingleObject (HANDLE (Cond.all), Wait_Infinite); pragma Assert (Result = 0); Write_Lock (L); end Cond_Wait; --------------------- -- Cond_Timed_Wait -- --------------------- -- Pre-assertion: Cond is posted -- L is locked. -- Post-assertion: Cond is posted -- L is locked. procedure Cond_Timed_Wait (Cond : access Condition_Variable; L : access RTS_Lock; Rel_Time : Duration; Timed_Out : out Boolean; Status : out Integer) is Time_Out_Max : constant DWORD := 16#FFFF0000#; -- NT 4 cannot handle timeout values that are too large, -- e.g. DWORD'Last - 1 Time_Out : DWORD; Result : BOOL; Wait_Result : DWORD; begin -- Must reset Cond BEFORE L is unlocked. Result := ResetEvent (HANDLE (Cond.all)); pragma Assert (Result = True); Unlock (L); -- No problem if we are interrupted here: if the condition is signaled, -- WaitForSingleObject will simply not block if Rel_Time <= 0.0 then Timed_Out := True; Wait_Result := 0; else if Rel_Time >= Duration (Time_Out_Max) / 1000 then Time_Out := Time_Out_Max; else Time_Out := DWORD (Rel_Time * 1000); end if; Wait_Result := WaitForSingleObject (HANDLE (Cond.all), Time_Out); if Wait_Result = WAIT_TIMEOUT then Timed_Out := True; Wait_Result := 0; else Timed_Out := False; end if; end if; Write_Lock (L); -- Ensure post-condition if Timed_Out then Result := SetEvent (HANDLE (Cond.all)); pragma Assert (Result = True); end if; Status := Integer (Wait_Result); end Cond_Timed_Wait; ------------------ -- Stack_Guard -- ------------------ -- The underlying thread system sets a guard page at the -- bottom of a thread stack, so nothing is needed. -- ??? Check the comment above procedure Stack_Guard (T : ST.Task_ID; On : Boolean) is pragma Warnings (Off, T); pragma Warnings (Off, On); begin null; end Stack_Guard; -------------------- -- Get_Thread_Id -- -------------------- function Get_Thread_Id (T : ST.Task_ID) return OSI.Thread_Id is begin return T.Common.LL.Thread; end Get_Thread_Id; ---------- -- Self -- ---------- function Self return Task_ID is Self_Id : constant Task_ID := To_Task_Id (TlsGetValue (TlsIndex)); begin if Self_Id = null then return Register_Foreign_Thread (GetCurrentThread); else return Self_Id; end if; end Self; --------------------- -- Initialize_Lock -- --------------------- -- Note: mutexes and cond_variables needed per-task basis are -- initialized in Intialize_TCB and the Storage_Error is handled. -- Other mutexes (such as RTS_Lock, Memory_Lock...) used in -- the RTS is initialized before any status change of RTS. -- Therefore raising Storage_Error in the following routines -- should be able to be handled safely. procedure Initialize_Lock (Prio : System.Any_Priority; L : access Lock) is begin InitializeCriticalSection (L.Mutex'Access); L.Owner_Priority := 0; L.Priority := Prio; end Initialize_Lock; procedure Initialize_Lock (L : access RTS_Lock; Level : Lock_Level) is pragma Unreferenced (Level); begin InitializeCriticalSection (CRITICAL_SECTION (L.all)'Unrestricted_Access); end Initialize_Lock; ------------------- -- Finalize_Lock -- ------------------- procedure Finalize_Lock (L : access Lock) is begin DeleteCriticalSection (L.Mutex'Access); end Finalize_Lock; procedure Finalize_Lock (L : access RTS_Lock) is begin DeleteCriticalSection (CRITICAL_SECTION (L.all)'Unrestricted_Access); end Finalize_Lock; ---------------- -- Write_Lock -- ---------------- procedure Write_Lock (L : access Lock; Ceiling_Violation : out Boolean) is begin L.Owner_Priority := Get_Priority (Self); if L.Priority < L.Owner_Priority then Ceiling_Violation := True; return; end if; EnterCriticalSection (L.Mutex'Access); Ceiling_Violation := False; end Write_Lock; procedure Write_Lock (L : access RTS_Lock; Global_Lock : Boolean := False) is begin if not Single_Lock or else Global_Lock then EnterCriticalSection (CRITICAL_SECTION (L.all)'Unrestricted_Access); end if; end Write_Lock; procedure Write_Lock (T : Task_ID) is begin if not Single_Lock then EnterCriticalSection (CRITICAL_SECTION (T.Common.LL.L)'Unrestricted_Access); end if; end Write_Lock; --------------- -- Read_Lock -- --------------- procedure Read_Lock (L : access Lock; Ceiling_Violation : out Boolean) is begin Write_Lock (L, Ceiling_Violation); end Read_Lock; ------------ -- Unlock -- ------------ procedure Unlock (L : access Lock) is begin LeaveCriticalSection (L.Mutex'Access); end Unlock; procedure Unlock (L : access RTS_Lock; Global_Lock : Boolean := False) is begin if not Single_Lock or else Global_Lock then LeaveCriticalSection (CRITICAL_SECTION (L.all)'Unrestricted_Access); end if; end Unlock; procedure Unlock (T : Task_ID) is begin if not Single_Lock then LeaveCriticalSection (CRITICAL_SECTION (T.Common.LL.L)'Unrestricted_Access); end if; end Unlock; ----------- -- Sleep -- ----------- procedure Sleep (Self_ID : Task_ID; Reason : System.Tasking.Task_States) is pragma Unreferenced (Reason); begin pragma Assert (Self_ID = Self); if Single_Lock then Cond_Wait (Self_ID.Common.LL.CV'Access, Single_RTS_Lock'Access); else Cond_Wait (Self_ID.Common.LL.CV'Access, Self_ID.Common.LL.L'Access); end if; if Self_ID.Deferral_Level = 0 and then Self_ID.Pending_ATC_Level < Self_ID.ATC_Nesting_Level then Unlock (Self_ID); raise Standard'Abort_Signal; end if; end Sleep; ----------------- -- Timed_Sleep -- ----------------- -- This is for use within the run-time system, so abort is -- assumed to be already deferred, and the caller should be -- holding its own ATCB lock. procedure Timed_Sleep (Self_ID : Task_ID; Time : Duration; Mode : ST.Delay_Modes; Reason : System.Tasking.Task_States; Timedout : out Boolean; Yielded : out Boolean) is pragma Unreferenced (Reason); Check_Time : Duration := Monotonic_Clock; Rel_Time : Duration; Abs_Time : Duration; Result : Integer; Local_Timedout : Boolean; begin Timedout := True; Yielded := False; if Mode = Relative then Rel_Time := Time; Abs_Time := Duration'Min (Time, Max_Sensible_Delay) + Check_Time; else Rel_Time := Time - Check_Time; Abs_Time := Time; end if; if Rel_Time > 0.0 then loop exit when Self_ID.Pending_ATC_Level < Self_ID.ATC_Nesting_Level or else Self_ID.Pending_Priority_Change; if Single_Lock then Cond_Timed_Wait (Self_ID.Common.LL.CV'Access, Single_RTS_Lock'Access, Rel_Time, Local_Timedout, Result); else Cond_Timed_Wait (Self_ID.Common.LL.CV'Access, Self_ID.Common.LL.L'Access, Rel_Time, Local_Timedout, Result); end if; Check_Time := Monotonic_Clock; exit when Abs_Time <= Check_Time; if not Local_Timedout then -- Somebody may have called Wakeup for us Timedout := False; exit; end if; Rel_Time := Abs_Time - Check_Time; end loop; end if; end Timed_Sleep; ----------------- -- Timed_Delay -- ----------------- procedure Timed_Delay (Self_ID : Task_ID; Time : Duration; Mode : ST.Delay_Modes) is Check_Time : Duration := Monotonic_Clock; Rel_Time : Duration; Abs_Time : Duration; Result : Integer; Timedout : Boolean; begin -- Only the little window between deferring abort and -- locking Self_ID is the reason we need to -- check for pending abort and priority change below! SSL.Abort_Defer.all; if Single_Lock then Lock_RTS; end if; Write_Lock (Self_ID); if Mode = Relative then Rel_Time := Time; Abs_Time := Time + Check_Time; else Rel_Time := Time - Check_Time; Abs_Time := Time; end if; if Rel_Time > 0.0 then Self_ID.Common.State := Delay_Sleep; loop if Self_ID.Pending_Priority_Change then Self_ID.Pending_Priority_Change := False; Self_ID.Common.Base_Priority := Self_ID.New_Base_Priority; Set_Priority (Self_ID, Self_ID.Common.Base_Priority); end if; exit when Self_ID.Pending_ATC_Level < Self_ID.ATC_Nesting_Level; if Single_Lock then Cond_Timed_Wait (Self_ID.Common.LL.CV'Access, Single_RTS_Lock'Access, Rel_Time, Timedout, Result); else Cond_Timed_Wait (Self_ID.Common.LL.CV'Access, Self_ID.Common.LL.L'Access, Rel_Time, Timedout, Result); end if; Check_Time := Monotonic_Clock; exit when Abs_Time <= Check_Time; Rel_Time := Abs_Time - Check_Time; end loop; Self_ID.Common.State := Runnable; end if; Unlock (Self_ID); if Single_Lock then Unlock_RTS; end if; Yield; SSL.Abort_Undefer.all; end Timed_Delay; ------------ -- Wakeup -- ------------ procedure Wakeup (T : Task_ID; Reason : System.Tasking.Task_States) is pragma Unreferenced (Reason); begin Cond_Signal (T.Common.LL.CV'Access); end Wakeup; ----------- -- Yield -- ----------- procedure Yield (Do_Yield : Boolean := True) is begin if Do_Yield then Sleep (0); end if; end Yield; ------------------ -- Set_Priority -- ------------------ type Prio_Array_Type is array (System.Any_Priority) of Integer; pragma Atomic_Components (Prio_Array_Type); Prio_Array : Prio_Array_Type; -- Global array containing the id of the currently running task for -- each priority. -- -- Note: we assume that we are on a single processor with run-til-blocked -- scheduling. procedure Set_Priority (T : Task_ID; Prio : System.Any_Priority; Loss_Of_Inheritance : Boolean := False) is Res : BOOL; Array_Item : Integer; begin Res := SetThreadPriority (T.Common.LL.Thread, Interfaces.C.int (Underlying_Priorities (Prio))); pragma Assert (Res = True); if FIFO_Within_Priorities then -- Annex D requirement [RM D.2.2 par. 9]: -- If the task drops its priority due to the loss of inherited -- priority, it is added at the head of the ready queue for its -- new active priority. if Loss_Of_Inheritance and then Prio < T.Common.Current_Priority then Array_Item := Prio_Array (T.Common.Base_Priority) + 1; Prio_Array (T.Common.Base_Priority) := Array_Item; loop -- Let some processes a chance to arrive Yield; -- Then wait for our turn to proceed exit when Array_Item = Prio_Array (T.Common.Base_Priority) or else Prio_Array (T.Common.Base_Priority) = 1; end loop; Prio_Array (T.Common.Base_Priority) := Prio_Array (T.Common.Base_Priority) - 1; end if; end if; T.Common.Current_Priority := Prio; end Set_Priority; ------------------ -- Get_Priority -- ------------------ function Get_Priority (T : Task_ID) return System.Any_Priority is begin return T.Common.Current_Priority; end Get_Priority; ---------------- -- Enter_Task -- ---------------- -- There were two paths were we needed to call Enter_Task : -- 1) from System.Task_Primitives.Operations.Initialize -- 2) from System.Tasking.Stages.Task_Wrapper -- -- The thread initialisation has to be done only for the first case. -- -- This is because the GetCurrentThread NT call does not return the -- real thread handler but only a "pseudo" one. It is not possible to -- release the thread handle and free the system ressources from this -- "pseudo" handle. So we really want to keep the real thread handle -- set in System.Task_Primitives.Operations.Create_Task during the -- thread creation. procedure Enter_Task (Self_ID : Task_ID) is procedure Init_Float; pragma Import (C, Init_Float, "__gnat_init_float"); -- Properly initializes the FPU for x86 systems. begin Specific.Set (Self_ID); Init_Float; Self_ID.Common.LL.Thread_Id := GetCurrentThreadId; Lock_RTS; for J in Known_Tasks'Range loop if Known_Tasks (J) = null then Known_Tasks (J) := Self_ID; Self_ID.Known_Tasks_Index := J; exit; end if; end loop; Unlock_RTS; end Enter_Task; -------------- -- New_ATCB -- -------------- function New_ATCB (Entry_Num : Task_Entry_Index) return Task_ID is begin return new Ada_Task_Control_Block (Entry_Num); end New_ATCB; ------------------- -- Is_Valid_Task -- ------------------- function Is_Valid_Task return Boolean renames Specific.Is_Valid_Task; ----------------------------- -- Register_Foreign_Thread -- ----------------------------- function Register_Foreign_Thread return Task_ID is begin if Is_Valid_Task then return Self; else return Register_Foreign_Thread (GetCurrentThread); end if; end Register_Foreign_Thread; -------------------- -- Initialize_TCB -- -------------------- procedure Initialize_TCB (Self_ID : Task_ID; Succeeded : out Boolean) is begin -- Initialize thread ID to 0, this is needed to detect threads that -- are not yet activated. Self_ID.Common.LL.Thread := 0; Initialize_Cond (Self_ID.Common.LL.CV'Access); if not Single_Lock then Initialize_Lock (Self_ID.Common.LL.L'Access, ATCB_Level); end if; Succeeded := True; end Initialize_TCB; ----------------- -- Create_Task -- ----------------- procedure Create_Task (T : Task_ID; Wrapper : System.Address; Stack_Size : System.Parameters.Size_Type; Priority : System.Any_Priority; Succeeded : out Boolean) is hTask : HANDLE; TaskId : aliased DWORD; pTaskParameter : System.OS_Interface.PVOID; dwStackSize : DWORD; Result : DWORD; Entry_Point : PTHREAD_START_ROUTINE; function To_PTHREAD_START_ROUTINE is new Unchecked_Conversion (System.Address, PTHREAD_START_ROUTINE); begin pTaskParameter := To_Address (T); if Stack_Size = Unspecified_Size then dwStackSize := DWORD (Default_Stack_Size); elsif Stack_Size < Minimum_Stack_Size then dwStackSize := DWORD (Minimum_Stack_Size); else dwStackSize := DWORD (Stack_Size); end if; Entry_Point := To_PTHREAD_START_ROUTINE (Wrapper); hTask := CreateThread (null, dwStackSize, Entry_Point, pTaskParameter, DWORD (Create_Suspended), TaskId'Unchecked_Access); -- Step 1: Create the thread in blocked mode if hTask = 0 then raise Storage_Error; end if; -- Step 2: set its TCB T.Common.LL.Thread := hTask; -- Step 3: set its priority (child has inherited priority from parent) Set_Priority (T, Priority); if Time_Slice_Val = 0 or else FIFO_Within_Priorities then -- Here we need Annex E semantics so we disable the NT priority -- boost. A priority boost is temporarily given by the system to a -- thread when it is taken out of a wait state. SetThreadPriorityBoost (hTask, DisablePriorityBoost => True); end if; -- Step 4: Now, start it for good: Result := ResumeThread (hTask); pragma Assert (Result = 1); Succeeded := Result = 1; end Create_Task; ------------------ -- Finalize_TCB -- ------------------ procedure Finalize_TCB (T : Task_ID) is Self_ID : Task_ID := T; Result : DWORD; Succeeded : BOOL; Is_Self : constant Boolean := T = Self; procedure Free is new Unchecked_Deallocation (Ada_Task_Control_Block, Task_ID); begin if not Single_Lock then Finalize_Lock (T.Common.LL.L'Access); end if; Finalize_Cond (T.Common.LL.CV'Access); if T.Known_Tasks_Index /= -1 then Known_Tasks (T.Known_Tasks_Index) := null; end if; if Self_ID.Common.LL.Thread /= 0 then -- This task has been activated. Wait for the thread to terminate -- then close it. this is needed to release system ressources. Result := WaitForSingleObject (T.Common.LL.Thread, Wait_Infinite); pragma Assert (Result /= WAIT_FAILED); Succeeded := CloseHandle (T.Common.LL.Thread); pragma Assert (Succeeded = True); end if; Free (Self_ID); if Is_Self then Succeeded := TlsSetValue (TlsIndex, System.Null_Address); pragma Assert (Succeeded = True); end if; end Finalize_TCB; --------------- -- Exit_Task -- --------------- procedure Exit_Task is begin Specific.Set (null); end Exit_Task; ---------------- -- Abort_Task -- ---------------- procedure Abort_Task (T : Task_ID) is pragma Unreferenced (T); begin null; end Abort_Task; ---------------------- -- Environment_Task -- ---------------------- function Environment_Task return Task_ID is begin return Environment_Task_ID; end Environment_Task; -------------- -- Lock_RTS -- -------------- procedure Lock_RTS is begin Write_Lock (Single_RTS_Lock'Access, Global_Lock => True); end Lock_RTS; ---------------- -- Unlock_RTS -- ---------------- procedure Unlock_RTS is begin Unlock (Single_RTS_Lock'Access, Global_Lock => True); end Unlock_RTS; ---------------- -- Initialize -- ---------------- procedure Initialize (Environment_Task : Task_ID) is Discard : BOOL; pragma Unreferenced (Discard); begin Environment_Task_ID := Environment_Task; if Time_Slice_Val = 0 or else FIFO_Within_Priorities then -- Here we need Annex E semantics, switch the current process to the -- High_Priority_Class. Discard := OS_Interface.SetPriorityClass (GetCurrentProcess, High_Priority_Class); -- ??? In theory it should be possible to use the priority class -- Realtime_Prioriry_Class but we suspect a bug in the NT scheduler -- which prevents (in some obscure cases) a thread to get on top of -- the running queue by another thread of lower priority. For -- example cxd8002 ACATS test freeze. end if; TlsIndex := TlsAlloc; -- Initialize the lock used to synchronize chain of all ATCBs. Initialize_Lock (Single_RTS_Lock'Access, RTS_Lock_Level); Environment_Task.Common.LL.Thread := GetCurrentThread; Enter_Task (Environment_Task); end Initialize; --------------------- -- Monotonic_Clock -- --------------------- function Monotonic_Clock return Duration renames System.OS_Primitives.Monotonic_Clock; ------------------- -- RT_Resolution -- ------------------- function RT_Resolution return Duration is begin return 0.000_001; -- 1 micro-second end RT_Resolution; ---------------- -- Check_Exit -- ---------------- -- Dummy versions. The only currently working versions is for solaris -- (native). function Check_Exit (Self_ID : ST.Task_ID) return Boolean is pragma Unreferenced (Self_ID); begin return True; end Check_Exit; -------------------- -- Check_No_Locks -- -------------------- function Check_No_Locks (Self_ID : ST.Task_ID) return Boolean is pragma Unreferenced (Self_ID); begin return True; end Check_No_Locks; ------------------ -- Suspend_Task -- ------------------ function Suspend_Task (T : ST.Task_ID; Thread_Self : Thread_Id) return Boolean is begin if T.Common.LL.Thread /= Thread_Self then return SuspendThread (T.Common.LL.Thread) = NO_ERROR; else return True; end if; end Suspend_Task; ----------------- -- Resume_Task -- ----------------- function Resume_Task (T : ST.Task_ID; Thread_Self : Thread_Id) return Boolean is begin if T.Common.LL.Thread /= Thread_Self then return ResumeThread (T.Common.LL.Thread) = NO_ERROR; else return True; end if; end Resume_Task; end System.Task_Primitives.Operations;