------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- G N A T . S O C K E T S . T H I N -- -- -- -- S p e c -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 2001 Ada Core Technologies, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- -- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write -- -- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, -- -- MA 02111-1307, USA. -- -- -- -- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this -- -- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, -- -- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be -- -- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not -- -- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be -- -- covered by the GNU Public License. -- -- -- -- GNAT is maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc (http://www.gnat.com). -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- This version is for NT. with Interfaces.C.Pointers; with Interfaces.C.Strings; with GNAT.Sockets.Constants; with System; package GNAT.Sockets.Thin is -- ??? far more comments required ??? package C renames Interfaces.C; use type C.int; -- So that we can declare the Failure constant below. Success : constant C.int := 0; Failure : constant C.int := -1; function Socket_Errno return Integer; -- Returns last socket error number. function Socket_Error_Message (Errno : Integer) return String; -- Returns the error message string for the error number Errno. If -- Errno is not known it returns "Unknown system error". type Socket_Fd_Array is array (C.unsigned range 1 .. 64) of C.int; pragma Convention (C, Socket_Fd_Array); type Fd_Set is record fd_count : C.unsigned; fd_array : Socket_Fd_Array; end record; pragma Convention (C, Fd_Set); Null_Fd_Set : constant Fd_Set := (0, (others => 0)); type Fd_Set_Access is access all Fd_Set; pragma Convention (C, Fd_Set_Access); type Timeval_Unit is new C.long; pragma Convention (C, Timeval_Unit); type Timeval is record Tv_Sec : Timeval_Unit; Tv_Usec : Timeval_Unit; end record; pragma Convention (C, Timeval); type Timeval_Access is access all Timeval; pragma Convention (C, Timeval_Access); Immediat : constant Timeval := (0, 0); type Int_Access is access all C.int; pragma Convention (C, Int_Access); -- Access to C integers type Chars_Ptr_Array is array (C.size_t range <>) of aliased C.Strings.chars_ptr; package Chars_Ptr_Pointers is new C.Pointers (C.size_t, C.Strings.chars_ptr, Chars_Ptr_Array, C.Strings.Null_Ptr); -- Arrays of C (char *) type In_Addr is record S_B1, S_B2, S_B3, S_B4 : C.unsigned_char; end record; pragma Convention (C, In_Addr); -- Internet address type In_Addr_Access is access all In_Addr; pragma Convention (C, In_Addr_Access); -- Access to internet address Inaddr_Any : aliased constant In_Addr := (others => 0); -- Any internet address (all the interfaces) type In_Addr_Access_Array is array (C.size_t range <>) of aliased In_Addr_Access; pragma Convention (C, In_Addr_Access_Array); package In_Addr_Access_Pointers is new C.Pointers (C.size_t, In_Addr_Access, In_Addr_Access_Array, null); -- Array of internet addresses type Sockaddr is record Sa_Family : C.unsigned_short; Sa_Data : C.char_array (1 .. 14); end record; pragma Convention (C, Sockaddr); -- Socket address type Sockaddr_Access is access all Sockaddr; pragma Convention (C, Sockaddr_Access); -- Access to socket address type Sockaddr_In is record Sin_Family : C.unsigned_short := Constants.AF_INET; Sin_Port : C.unsigned_short := 0; Sin_Addr : In_Addr := Inaddr_Any; Sin_Zero : C.char_array (1 .. 8) := (others => C.char'Val (0)); end record; pragma Convention (C, Sockaddr_In); -- Internet socket address type Sockaddr_In_Access is access all Sockaddr_In; pragma Convention (C, Sockaddr_In_Access); -- Access to internet socket address type Hostent is record H_Name : C.Strings.chars_ptr; H_Aliases : Chars_Ptr_Pointers.Pointer; H_Addrtype : C.short; H_Length : C.short; H_Addr_List : In_Addr_Access_Pointers.Pointer; end record; pragma Convention (C, Hostent); -- Host entry type Hostent_Access is access all Hostent; pragma Convention (C, Hostent_Access); -- Access to host entry type Two_Int is array (0 .. 1) of C.int; pragma Convention (C, Two_Int); -- Used with pipe() function C_Accept (S : C.int; Addr : System.Address; Addrlen : access C.int) return C.int; function C_Bind (S : C.int; Name : System.Address; Namelen : C.int) return C.int; function C_Close (Fd : C.int) return C.int; function C_Connect (S : C.int; Name : System.Address; Namelen : C.int) return C.int; function C_Gethostbyaddr (Addr : System.Address; Length : C.int; Typ : C.int) return Hostent_Access; function C_Gethostbyname (Name : C.char_array) return Hostent_Access; function C_Gethostname (Name : System.Address; Namelen : C.int) return C.int; function C_Getpeername (S : C.int; Name : System.Address; Namelen : access C.int) return C.int; function C_Getsockname (S : C.int; Name : System.Address; Namelen : access C.int) return C.int; function C_Getsockopt (S : C.int; Level : C.int; Optname : C.int; Optval : System.Address; Optlen : access C.int) return C.int; function C_Inet_Addr (Cp : C.Strings.chars_ptr) return C.int; function C_Ioctl (S : C.int; Req : C.int; Arg : Int_Access) return C.int; function C_Listen (S, Backlog : C.int) return C.int; function C_Read (Fildes : C.int; Buf : System.Address; Nbyte : C.int) return C.int; function C_Recv (S : C.int; Buf : System.Address; Len : C.int; Flags : C.int) return C.int; function C_Recvfrom (S : C.int; Buf : System.Address; Len : C.int; Flags : C.int; From : Sockaddr_In_Access; Fromlen : access C.int) return C.int; function C_Select (Nfds : C.int; Readfds : Fd_Set_Access; Writefds : Fd_Set_Access; Exceptfds : Fd_Set_Access; Timeout : Timeval_Access) return C.int; function C_Send (S : C.int; Buf : System.Address; Len : C.int; Flags : C.int) return C.int; function C_Sendto (S : C.int; Msg : System.Address; Len : C.int; Flags : C.int; To : Sockaddr_In_Access; Tolen : C.int) return C.int; function C_Setsockopt (S : C.int; Level : C.int; Optname : C.int; Optval : System.Address; Optlen : C.int) return C.int; function C_Shutdown (S : C.int; How : C.int) return C.int; function C_Socket (Domain : C.int; Typ : C.int; Protocol : C.int) return C.int; function C_Strerror (Errnum : C.int) return C.Strings.chars_ptr; function C_System (Command : System.Address) return C.int; function C_Write (Fildes : C.int; Buf : System.Address; Nbyte : C.int) return C.int; function WSAStartup (WS_Version : Interfaces.C.int; WSADataAddress : System.Address) return Interfaces.C.int; procedure WSACleanup; procedure Clear (Item : in out Fd_Set; Socket : in C.int); procedure Empty (Item : in out Fd_Set); function Is_Empty (Item : Fd_Set) return Boolean; function Is_Set (Item : Fd_Set; Socket : C.int) return Boolean; function Max (Item : Fd_Set) return C.int; procedure Set (Item : in out Fd_Set; Socket : in C.int); procedure Finalize; procedure Initialize (Process_Blocking_IO : Boolean := False); private pragma Import (Stdcall, C_Accept, "accept"); pragma Import (Stdcall, C_Bind, "bind"); pragma Import (Stdcall, C_Close, "closesocket"); pragma Import (Stdcall, C_Connect, "connect"); pragma Import (Stdcall, C_Gethostbyaddr, "gethostbyaddr"); pragma Import (Stdcall, C_Gethostbyname, "gethostbyname"); pragma Import (Stdcall, C_Gethostname, "gethostname"); pragma Import (Stdcall, C_Getpeername, "getpeername"); pragma Import (Stdcall, C_Getsockname, "getsockname"); pragma Import (Stdcall, C_Getsockopt, "getsockopt"); pragma Import (Stdcall, C_Inet_Addr, "inet_addr"); pragma Import (Stdcall, C_Ioctl, "ioctlsocket"); pragma Import (Stdcall, C_Listen, "listen"); pragma Import (C, C_Read, "_read"); pragma Import (Stdcall, C_Recv, "recv"); pragma Import (Stdcall, C_Recvfrom, "recvfrom"); pragma Import (Stdcall, C_Select, "select"); pragma Import (Stdcall, C_Send, "send"); pragma Import (Stdcall, C_Sendto, "sendto"); pragma Import (Stdcall, C_Setsockopt, "setsockopt"); pragma Import (Stdcall, C_Shutdown, "shutdown"); pragma Import (Stdcall, C_Socket, "socket"); pragma Import (C, C_Strerror, "strerror"); pragma Import (C, C_System, "_system"); pragma Import (C, C_Write, "_write"); pragma Import (Stdcall, Socket_Errno, "WSAGetLastError"); pragma Import (Stdcall, WSAStartup, "WSAStartup"); pragma Import (Stdcall, WSACleanup, "WSACleanup"); end GNAT.Sockets.Thin;