/* Factoring with Pollard's rho method. Copyright 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ #include #include #include #include "gmp.h" int flag_verbose = 0; static unsigned add[] = {4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 6, 2, 6}; void factor_using_division (mpz_t t, unsigned int limit) { mpz_t q, r; unsigned long int f; int ai; unsigned *addv = add; unsigned int failures; if (flag_verbose) { printf ("[trial division (%u)] ", limit); fflush (stdout); } mpz_init (q); mpz_init (r); f = mpz_scan1 (t, 0); mpz_div_2exp (t, t, f); while (f) { printf ("2 "); fflush (stdout); --f; } for (;;) { mpz_tdiv_qr_ui (q, r, t, 3); if (mpz_cmp_ui (r, 0) != 0) break; mpz_set (t, q); printf ("3 "); fflush (stdout); } for (;;) { mpz_tdiv_qr_ui (q, r, t, 5); if (mpz_cmp_ui (r, 0) != 0) break; mpz_set (t, q); printf ("5 "); fflush (stdout); } failures = 0; f = 7; ai = 0; while (mpz_cmp_ui (t, 1) != 0) { mpz_tdiv_qr_ui (q, r, t, f); if (mpz_cmp_ui (r, 0) != 0) { f += addv[ai]; if (mpz_cmp_ui (q, f) < 0) break; ai = (ai + 1) & 7; failures++; if (failures > limit) break; } else { mpz_swap (t, q); printf ("%lu ", f); fflush (stdout); failures = 0; } } mpz_clear (q); mpz_clear (r); } void factor_using_division_2kp (mpz_t t, unsigned int limit, unsigned long p) { mpz_t r; mpz_t f; unsigned int k; if (flag_verbose) { printf ("[trial division (%u)] ", limit); fflush (stdout); } mpz_init (r); mpz_init_set_ui (f, 2 * p); mpz_add_ui (f, f, 1); for (k = 1; k < limit; k++) { mpz_tdiv_r (r, t, f); while (mpz_cmp_ui (r, 0) == 0) { mpz_tdiv_q (t, t, f); mpz_tdiv_r (r, t, f); mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, f); fflush (stdout); fputc (' ', stdout); } mpz_add_ui (f, f, 2 * p); } mpz_clear (f); mpz_clear (r); } void factor_using_pollard_rho (mpz_t n, int a_int, unsigned long p) { mpz_t x, x1, y, P; mpz_t a; mpz_t g; mpz_t t1, t2; int k, l, c, i; if (flag_verbose) { printf ("[pollard-rho (%d)] ", a_int); fflush (stdout); } mpz_init (g); mpz_init (t1); mpz_init (t2); mpz_init_set_si (a, a_int); mpz_init_set_si (y, 2); mpz_init_set_si (x, 2); mpz_init_set_si (x1, 2); k = 1; l = 1; mpz_init_set_ui (P, 1); c = 0; while (mpz_cmp_ui (n, 1) != 0) { S2: if (p != 0) { mpz_powm_ui (x, x, p, n); mpz_add (x, x, a); } else { mpz_mul (x, x, x); mpz_add (x, x, a); mpz_mod (x, x, n); } mpz_sub (t1, x1, x); mpz_mul (t2, P, t1); mpz_mod (P, t2, n); c++; if (c == 20) { c = 0; mpz_gcd (g, P, n); if (mpz_cmp_ui (g, 1) != 0) goto S4; mpz_set (y, x); } S3: k--; if (k > 0) goto S2; mpz_gcd (g, P, n); if (mpz_cmp_ui (g, 1) != 0) goto S4; mpz_set (x1, x); k = l; l = 2 * l; for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { if (p != 0) { mpz_powm_ui (x, x, p, n); mpz_add (x, x, a); } else { mpz_mul (x, x, x); mpz_add (x, x, a); mpz_mod (x, x, n); } } mpz_set (y, x); c = 0; goto S2; S4: do { if (p != 0) { mpz_powm_ui (y, y, p, n); mpz_add (y, y, a); } else { mpz_mul (y, y, y); mpz_add (y, y, a); mpz_mod (y, y, n); } mpz_sub (t1, x1, y); mpz_gcd (g, t1, n); } while (mpz_cmp_ui (g, 1) == 0); mpz_div (n, n, g); /* divide by g, before g is overwritten */ if (!mpz_probab_prime_p (g, 3)) { do { mp_limb_t a_limb; mpn_random (&a_limb, (mp_size_t) 1); a_int = (int) a_limb; } while (a_int == -2 || a_int == 0); if (flag_verbose) { printf ("[composite factor--restarting pollard-rho] "); fflush (stdout); } factor_using_pollard_rho (g, a_int, p); } else { mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, g); fflush (stdout); fputc (' ', stdout); } mpz_mod (x, x, n); mpz_mod (x1, x1, n); mpz_mod (y, y, n); if (mpz_probab_prime_p (n, 3)) { mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, n); fflush (stdout); fputc (' ', stdout); break; } } mpz_clear (g); mpz_clear (P); mpz_clear (t2); mpz_clear (t1); mpz_clear (a); mpz_clear (x1); mpz_clear (x); mpz_clear (y); } void factor (mpz_t t, unsigned long p) { unsigned int division_limit; if (mpz_sgn (t) == 0) return; /* Set the trial division limit according the size of t. */ division_limit = mpz_sizeinbase (t, 2); if (division_limit > 1000) division_limit = 1000 * 1000; else division_limit = division_limit * division_limit; if (p != 0) factor_using_division_2kp (t, division_limit / 10, p); else factor_using_division (t, division_limit); if (mpz_cmp_ui (t, 1) != 0) { if (flag_verbose) { printf ("[is number prime?] "); fflush (stdout); } if (mpz_probab_prime_p (t, 3)) mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, t); else factor_using_pollard_rho (t, 1, p); } } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { mpz_t t; unsigned long p; int i; if (argc > 1 && !strcmp (argv[1], "-v")) { flag_verbose = 1; argv++; argc--; } mpz_init (t); if (argc > 1) { p = 0; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (!strncmp (argv[i], "-Mp", 3)) { p = atoi (argv[i] + 3); mpz_set_ui (t, 1); mpz_mul_2exp (t, t, p); mpz_sub_ui (t, t, 1); } else if (!strncmp (argv[i], "-2kp", 4)) { p = atoi (argv[i] + 4); continue; } else { mpz_set_str (t, argv[i], 0); } if (mpz_cmp_ui (t, 0) == 0) puts ("-"); else { factor (t, p); puts (""); } } } else { for (;;) { mpz_inp_str (t, stdin, 0); if (feof (stdin)) break; mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, t); printf (" = "); factor (t, 0); puts (""); } } exit (0); }