$! vmstest.com -- DCL script to perform test/Makefile actions for VMS $! $! Usage: $! $ set default [-.test] $! $ @[-.vms]vmstest.com bigtest $! This assumes that newly built gawk.exe is in the next directory up. $ $! 3.1.7: changed to share code among many common tests, and $! to put results for test foo into _foo.tmp instead of tmp. $! $! 4.0.71: New tests: $! functab1,functab2,functab3,id,incdupe,incdupe2, incdupe3,include2 $! symtab1,symtab2,symtab3,symtab4,symtab5,symtab6 $! $! 4.0.75: New tests $! basic: rri1,getline5,incdupe4,incdupe5,incdupe6,incdupe7 $! ext: colonwarn,reginttrad,symtab7,symtab8,symtab9 $ $ echo = "write sys$output" $ cmp = "diff/Output=_NL:/Maximum=1" $ delsym = "delete/symbol/local/nolog" $ igncascmp = "''cmp'/Ignore=Case" $ sumslp = "edit/Sum" $ rm = "delete/noConfirm/noLog" $ mv = "rename/New_Vers" $ gawk = "$sys$disk:[-]gawk" $ AWKPATH_srcdir = "define/User AWKPATH sys$disk:[]" $ AWKLIBPATH_dir = "define/User AWKLIBPATH sys$disk:[-]" $ $! Make sure that the default directory exists on a search list. $ def_dir = f$environment("default") $ create/dir 'def_dir' $ listdepth = 0 $ pipeok = 0 $ floatmode = -1 ! 0: D_float, 1: G_float, 2: IEEE T_float $ $ list = p1+" "+p2+" "+p3+" "+p4+" "+p5+" "+p6+" "+p7+" "+p8 $ list = f$edit(list,"TRIM,LOWERCASE") $ if list.eqs."" then list = "all" ! bigtest $ gosub list_of_tests $ echo "done." $ exit $ $all: $bigtest: echo "bigtest..." $ ! omits "printlang" and "extra" $ list = "basic unix_tests gawk_ext vms_tests charset_tests" - + " machine_tests" $ gosub list_of_tests $ return $ $basic: echo "basic..." $ list = "msg addcomma anchgsub argarray arrayparm arrayref" - + " arrymem1 arrayprm2 arrayprm3 arryref2 arryref3" - + " arryref4 arryref5 arynasty arynocls aryprm1 aryprm2" - + " aryprm3 aryprm4 aryprm5 aryprm6 aryprm7 aryprm8" - + " arysubnm asgext awkpath back89 backgsub childin" - + " clobber closebad clsflnam compare compare2 concat1" $ gosub list_of_tests $ list = "concat2 concat3 concat4 convfmt datanonl defref" - + " delargv delarprm delarpm2 delfunc dfastress dynlj" - + " eofsplit exitval1" - + " exitval2 fcall_exit fcall_exit2 fldchg fldchgnf" - + " fnamedat fnarray fnarray2 fnaryscl fnasgnm fnmisc" - + " fordel forref forsimp fsbs fsspcoln fsrs fstabplus" - + " funsemnl funsmnam funstack getline getline2 getline3" - + " getline4 getline5" $ gosub list_of_tests $ list = "getlnbuf getnr2tb getnr2tm gsubasgn gsubtest" - + " gsubtst2 gsubtst3 gsubtst4 gsubtst5 gsubtst6" - + " gsubtst7 gsubtst8 hex" - + " hsprint inputred intest intprec iobug1" - + " leaddig leadnl litoct longsub longwrds"- + " manglprm math membug1 messages minusstr mmap8k" - + " mtchi18n nasty nasty2 negexp negrange nested" - + " nfldstr nfneg" $ gosub list_of_tests $ list = "nfset nlfldsep nlinstr nlstrina noeffect nofile" - + " nofmtch noloop1 noloop2 nonl noparms nors nulrsend" - + " numindex numsubstr octsub ofmt ofmtbig ofmtfidl" - + " ofmta ofmts ofs1 onlynl opasnidx opasnslf paramdup" - + " paramres paramtyp paramuninitglobal parse1 parsefld" - + " parseme pcntplus" - + " posix2008sub prdupval prec printf0 printf1 prmarscl" $ gosub list_of_tests $ list = "prmreuse prt1eval prtoeval rand range1 rebt8b1" - + " redfilnm regeq regexprange regrange reindops reparse resplit rri1 rs rsnul1nl" - + " rsnulbig rsnulbig2 rstest1 rstest2 rstest3 rstest4" - + " rstest5 rswhite scalar sclforin sclifin sortempty" - + " splitargv splitarr splitdef splitvar splitwht" - + " strcat1 strtod strnum1 subamp subi18n" $ gosub list_of_tests $ list = "subsepnm subslash substr swaplns synerr1 synerr2" - + " tradanch tweakfld uninit2 uninit3 uninit4 uninit5" - + " uninitialized unterm uparrfs wideidx wideidx2" - + " widesub widesub2 widesub3 widesub4 wjposer1 zeroe0" - + " zeroflag zero2" $ gosub list_of_tests $ return $ $unix: $unix_tests: echo "unix_tests..." $ list = "fflush getlnhd localenl pid pipeio1 pipeio2" - + " poundbang rtlen rtlen01 space strftlng" $ gosub list_of_tests $ return $ $gnu: $gawk_ext: echo "gawk_ext... (gawk.extensions)" $ list = "aadelete1 aadelete2 aarray1 aasort aasorti" - + " argtest arraysort backw badargs beginfile1 binmode1" - + " colonwarn clos1way charasbytes delsub devfd devfd1 devfd2 dumpvars exit" - + " fieldwdth fpat1 fpat2 fpat3 fpatnull funlen functab1" - + " functab2 functab3 fsfwfs" - + " fwtest fwtest2 fwtest3" - + " gensub gensub2 getlndir gnuops2 gnuops3 gnureops" - + " icasefs id icasers igncdym igncfs ignrcase ignrcas2" - + " incdupe incdupe2 incdupe3 incdupe4 incdupe5 incdupe6 incdupe7" $ gosub list_of_tests $ list = "include2 indirectcall lint lintold lintwarn match1" - + " match2 match3 manyfiles mbprintf3 mbstr1" - + " nastyparm next nondec" - + " nondec2 patsplit posix profile1 procinfs printfbad1" - + " printfbad2 printfbad3 profile2 profile3 pty1" - + " regx8bit rebuf reginttrad reint reint2 rsstart1 rsstart2 rsstart3 rstest6" - + " shadow sortfor sortu split_after_fpat splitarg4" - + " strtonum strftime switch2 symtab1 symtab2 symtab3" - + " symtab4 symtab5 symtab6 symtab7 symtab8 symtab9" $ gosub list_of_tests $ return $ $vms: $vms_tests: echo "vms_tests..." $ list = "vms_cmd vms_io1 vms_io2" $ gosub list_of_tests $ return $ $locale_tests: $charset_tests: echo "charset_tests..." $ ! without i18n kit, VMS only supports the C locale $ ! and several of these fail $ list = "asort asorti fmttest fnarydel fnparydl lc_num1 mbfw1" - + " mbprintf1 mbprintf2 rebt8b2 rtlenmb sort1 sprintfc" $ gosub list_of_tests $ return $ $hardware: $machine_tests: echo "machine_tests..." $ ! these depend upon the floating point format in use $ list = "double1 double2 fmtspcl intformat" $ gosub list_of_tests $ return $ $extra: echo "extra..." $ list = "regtest inftest inet" $ gosub list_of_tests $ return $ $inet: echo "inet..." $ type sys$input: The inet tests only work if gawk has been built with TCP/IP socket support and your system supports the services "discard" at port 9 and "daytimed" at port 13. $ list = "inetechu inetecht inetdayu inetdayt" $ gosub list_of_tests $ return $! $extension: echo "extension...." $ list = "inplace1 filefuncs fnmatch fts functab4 ordchr" - + " readdir revout revtwoway rwarray time" gosub list_of_tests return $ $! list_of_tests: process 'list', a space-separated list of tests. $! Some tests assign their own 'list' and call us recursively, $! so we have to emulate a local stack to prevent the current list $! from being clobbered by nested execution. We do this by making $! and operating on list1, list2, &c depending upon call depth. $! Lower level tests access higher numbered entries; the lower $! entries in use by caller or caller's caller are kept intact. $list_of_tests: $ listdepth = listdepth + 1 ! increment calling depth $ list'listdepth' = f$edit(list,"COMPRESS,TRIM") $next_test: $ test = f$element(0," ",list'listdepth') $ list'listdepth' = list'listdepth' - test - " " $ gosub 'test' $ if list'listdepth'.nes."" then goto next_test $ listdepth = listdepth - 1 ! reset $ return $ $ $! common tests, not needing special set up: gawk -f 'test'.awk 'test'.in $addcomma: $anchgsub: $arrayprm2: $arryref2: $aryprm8: $asgext: $backgsub: $backw: $concat1: $concat2: $concat3: $datanonl: $delarpm2: $fldchg: $fldchgnf: $fmttest: $fordel: $fpat1: $fpat3: $fpatnull: $fsfwfs: $fsrs: $funlen: $funstack: $fwtest: $fwtest2: $fwtest3: $gensub: $getline3: $getline4: $getnr2tb: $getnr2tm: $gsubtest: $gsubtst2: $gsubtst4: $gsubtst5: $gsubtst7: $gsubtst8: $hex: $icasers: $igncfs: $igncdym: $indirectcall: $inputred: $leadnl: $manglprm: $match3: $membug1: $nested: $nfset: $nlfldsep: $nlinstr: $noloop1: $noloop2: $nulrsend: $ofmt: $ofmtfidl: $ofmts: $ofs1: $onlynl: $parse1: $parsefld: $prdupval: $prec: $prtoeval: $range1: $rebuf: $regeq: $reindops: $reparse: $rsnul1nl: $rsstart1: $rstest1: $rstest2: $rstest3: $rstest6: $rswhite: $sortempty: $sortfor: $split_after_fpat: $splitarg4: $splitargv: $splitarr: $splitvar: $sprintfc: $strcat1: $strtod: $subsepnm: $swaplns: $uparrfs: $wjposer1: $zeroe0: $! common with 'test'.in $ echo "''test'" $ gawk -f 'test'.awk 'test'.in >_'test'.tmp $ cmp 'test'.ok sys$disk:[]_'test'.tmp $ if $status then rm _'test'.tmp; $ return $ $! more common tests, without a data file: gawk -f 'test'.awk $aarray1: $aasort: $aasorti: $arrayref: $arraysort: $arrymem1: $arynasty: $arysubnm: $asort: $asorti: $closebad: $compare2: $convfmt: $delargv: $delarprm: $delsub: $dynlj: $fnarydel: $fnparydl: $fpat2: $forref: $forsimp: $funsemnl: $gensub2: $gnuops2: $gnuops3: $gnureops: $hsprint: $icasefs: $intest: $match1: $math: $minusstr: $negrange: $nlstrina: $nondec: $octsub: $ofmta: $paramtyp: $paramuninitglobal: $patsplit: $pcntplus: $printf1: $procinfs: $prt1eval: $rebt8b1: $rebt8b2: $regexprange: $regrange: $regx8bit: $sort1: $sortu: $splitdef: $splitwht: $strnum1: $strtonum: $substr: $switch2: $zero2: $zeroflag: $! common without 'test'.in $ echo "''test'" $ gawk -f 'test'.awk >_'test'.tmp $ cmp 'test'.ok sys$disk:[]_'test'.tmp $ if $status then rm _'test'.tmp; $ return $ $colonwarn: echo "''test'" $ gawk -f 'test'.awk 1 < 'test'.in > _'test'.tmp $ gawk -f 'test'.awk 2 < 'test'.in > _'test'_2.tmp $ gawk -f 'test'.awk 3 < 'test'.in > _'test'_3.tmp $ append _'test'_2.tmp,_'test'_3.tmp _'test'.tmp $ cmp 'test'.ok sys$disk:[]_'test'.tmp;1 $ if $status then rm _'test'*.tmp;* $ return $ $double1: $double2: $lc_num1: $mbprintf1: $ echo "''test' skipped" $ return $ $getline5: echo "''test'" $ ! Use of echo and rm inside the awk script makes it necessary $ ! for some temporary redefinitions. The VMS gawk.exe also creates $ ! multiple output files. Only the first contains the data. $ old_echo = echo $ old_rm = rm $ echo = "pipe write sys$output" $ rm = "!" $ gawk -f 'test'.awk > _'test'.tmp $ echo = old_echo $ rm = old_rm $ delsym old_echo $ delsym old_rm $ cmp 'test'.ok sys$disk:[]_'test'.tmp;1 $ if $status then rm _'test'.tmp;*,f.;* $ return $ $msg: $ ! first show gawk's version (without copyright notice) $ gawk --version >_msg.tmp $ gawk "FNR == 1 {print; exit}" _msg.tmp $ rm _msg.tmp; $ echo "Any output from ""DIF"" is bad news, although some differences" $ echo "in floating point values are probably benign -- in particular," $ echo "some systems may omit a leading zero and the floating point" $ echo "precision may lead to slightly different output in a few cases." $ echo "" $ return $ $printlang: $! the default locale is C, with LC_LANG and LC_ALL left empty; $! showing that at the very beginning may cause some confusion about $! whether gawk requires those, so we don't run this as the first test $ gawk -f printlang.awk $ return $ $poundbang: $pty1: $ echo "''test': not supported" $ return $ $ $messages: echo "''test'" $ set noOn $ gawk -f 'test'.awk > _out2 >& _out3 $ cmp out1.ok sys$disk:[]_out1. $ if $status then rm _out1.; $ cmp out2.ok sys$disk:[]_out2. $ if $status then rm _out2.; $ cmp out3.ok sys$disk:[]_out3. $ if $status then rm _out3.; $ set On $ return $ $argarray: echo "argarray" $ define/User TEST "test" !this is useless... $ gawk -f argarray.awk ./argarray.in - >_argarray.tmp just a test $ cmp argarray.ok sys$disk:[]_argarray.tmp $ if $status then rm _argarray.tmp; $ return $ $fstabplus: echo "fstabplus" $ gawk -f fstabplus.awk >_fstabplus.tmp 1 2 $ cmp fstabplus.ok sys$disk:[]_fstabplus.tmp $ if $status then rm _fstabplus.tmp; $ return $ $longwrds: echo "longwrds" $ gawk -v "SORT=sort sys$input: _longwrds.tmp" -f longwrds.awk longwrds.in >_NL: $ cmp longwrds.ok sys$disk:[]_longwrds.tmp $ if $status then rm _longwrds.tmp; $ return $ $fieldwdth: echo "fieldwdth" $ gawk -v "FIELDWIDTHS=2 3 4" "{ print $2}" >_fieldwdth.tmp 123456789 $ cmp fieldwdth.ok sys$disk:[]_fieldwdth.tmp $ if $status then rm _fieldwdth.tmp; $ return $ $ignrcase: echo "ignrcase" $ gawk -v "IGNORECASE=1" "{ sub(/y/, """"); print}" >_ignrcase.tmp xYz $ cmp ignrcase.ok sys$disk:[]_ignrcase.tmp $ if $status then rm _ignrcase.tmp; $ return $ $regtest: $ if f$search("regtest.com").eqs."" $ then echo "regtest: not available" $ else echo "regtest" $ echo "Some of the output from regtest is very system specific, do not" $ echo "be distressed if your output differs from that distributed." $ echo "Manual inspection is called for." $ @regtest.com $ endif $ return $ $posix: echo "posix" $ gawk -f posix.awk >_posix.tmp 1:2,3 4 $ cmp posix.ok sys$disk:[]_posix.tmp $ if $status then rm _posix.tmp; $ return $ $manyfiles: echo "manyfiles" $!! this used to use a hard-coded value of 300 simultaneously open $!! files, but if our open file quota is generous enough then that $!! wouldn't exercise the ability to handle more than the maximum $!! number allowed at once $ f_cnt = 300 $ chnlc = f$getsyi("CHANNELCNT") $ fillm = f$getjpi("","FILLM") $ if fillm.ge.chnlc then fillm = chnlc - 1 $ if fillm.ge.f_cnt then f_cnt = fillm + 10 $ if f$search("[.junk]*.*").nes."" then rm [.junk]*.*;* $ if f$parse("[.junk]").eqs."" then create/Dir/Prot=(O:rwed) [.junk] $ gawk -- "BEGIN {for (i = 1; i <= ''f_cnt'; i++) print i, i}" >_manyfiles.dat $ echo "(processing ''f_cnt' files; this may take quite a while)" $ set noOn ! continue even if gawk fails $ gawk -f manyfiles.awk _manyfiles.dat _manyfiles.dat $ set On $ define/User sys$error _NL: $ define/User sys$output _manyfiles.tmp $ search/Match=Nor/Output=_NL:/Log [.junk]*.* "" $!/Log output: "%SEARCH-S-NOMATCH, - <#> records" plus 1 line summary $ gawk -v "F_CNT=''f_cnt'" -f - _manyfiles.tmp $deck !some input begins with "$" $4 != 2 {++count} END {if (NR != F_CNT+1 || count != 1) {print "\nFailed!"}} $eod $ rm _manyfiles.tmp;,_manyfiles.dat;,[.junk]*.*;*,[]junk.dir; $ return $ $compare: echo "compare" $ gawk -f compare.awk 0 1 compare.in >_compare.tmp $ cmp compare.ok sys$disk:[]_compare.tmp $ if $status then rm _compare.tmp; $ return $ $rs: echo "rs" $ gawk -v "RS=" "{ print $1, $2}" rs.in >_rs.tmp $ cmp rs.ok sys$disk:[]_rs.tmp $ if $status then rm _rs.tmp; $ return $ $fsbs: echo "fsbs" $ gawk -v "FS=\" "{ print $1, $2 }" fsbs.in >_fsbs.tmp $ cmp fsbs.ok sys$disk:[]_fsbs.tmp $ if $status then rm _fsbs.tmp; $ return $ $inftest: echo "inftest" $ !! echo "This test is very machine specific..." $ set noOn $ gawk -f inftest.awk >_inftest.tmp $ !! cmp inftest.ok sys$disk:[]_inftest.tmp !just care that gawk doesn't crash... $ if $status then rm _inftest.tmp; $ set On $ return $ $getline2: echo "getline2" $ gawk -f getline2.awk getline2.awk getline2.awk >_getline2.tmp $ cmp getline2.ok sys$disk:[]_getline2.tmp $ if $status then rm _getline2.tmp; $ return $ $rand: echo "rand" $ echo "The following line should just be 19 random numbers between 1 and 100" $ echo "" $ gawk -f rand.awk $ return $ $negexp: echo "negexp" $ gawk "BEGIN { a = -2; print 10^a }" >_negexp.tmp $ cmp negexp.ok sys$disk:[]_negexp.tmp $ if $status then rm _negexp.tmp; $ return $ $awkpath: echo "awkpath" $ define/User AWK_LIBRARY [],[.lib] $ gawk -f awkpath.awk >_awkpath.tmp $ cmp awkpath.ok sys$disk:[]_awkpath.tmp $ if $status then rm _awkpath.tmp; $ return $ $argtest: echo "argtest" $ gawk -f argtest.awk -x -y abc >_argtest.tmp $ cmp argtest.ok sys$disk:[]_argtest.tmp $ if $status then rm _argtest.tmp; $ return $ $badargs: echo "badargs" $ on error then continue $ gawk -f 2>&1 >_badargs.too $! search/Match=Nor _badargs.too "patchlevel" /Output=_badargs.tmp $ gawk "/patchlevel/{next}; {gsub(""\"""",""'""); print}" <_badargs.too >_badargs.tmp $ cmp badargs.ok sys$disk:[]_badargs.tmp $ if $status then rm _badargs.tmp;,_badargs.too; $ return $ $nonl: echo "nonl" $ ! This one might fail, depending on the tool used to unpack the $ ! distribution. Some will add a final newline if the file lacks one. $ AWKPATH_srcdir $ gawk --lint -f nonl.awk _NL: >_nonl.tmp 2>&1 $ cmp nonl.ok sys$disk:[]_nonl.tmp $ if $status then rm _nonl.tmp; $ return $ $defref: echo "defref" $ set noOn $ AWKPATH_srcdir $ gawk --lint -f defref.awk >_defref.tmp 2>&1 $ if .not. $status then call exit_code '$status' _defref.tmp $ set On $ cmp defref.ok sys$disk:[]_defref.tmp $ if $status then rm _defref.tmp; $ return $ $nofmtch: echo "nofmtch" $ AWKPATH_srcdir $ gawk --lint -f nofmtch.awk >_nofmtch.tmp 2>&1 $ cmp nofmtch.ok sys$disk:[]_nofmtch.tmp $ if $status then rm _nofmtch.tmp; $ return $ $strftime: echo "strftime" $ ! this test could fail on slow machines or on a second boundary, $ ! so if it does, double check the actual results $ ! This test needs SYS$TIMEZONE_NAME and SYS$TIMEZONE_RULE $ ! to be properly defined. $ ! This test now needs GNV Corutils to work $ date_bin = "gnv$gnu:[bin]gnv$date.exe" $ if f$search(date_bin) .eqs. "" $ then $ echo "''test' skipped" $ return $ endif $ date := $'date_bin' $!! date | gawk -v "OUTPUT"=_strftime.tmp -f strftime.awk $ now = f$time() $ wkd = f$extract(0,3,f$cvtime(now,,"WEEKDAY")) $ mon = f$cvtime(now,"ABSOLUTE","MONTH") $ mon = f$extract(0,1,mon) + f$edit(f$extract(1,2,mon),"LOWERCASE") $ day = f$cvtime(now,,"DAY") $ tim = f$extract(0,8,f$cvtime(now,,"TIME")) $! Can not use tz as it shows up in the C environment. $ timezone = f$trnlnm("SYS$TIMEZONE_NAME") $ yr = f$cvtime(now,,"YEAR") $ if f$trnlnm("FTMP").nes."" then close/noLog ftmp $ open/Write ftmp strftime.in $ write ftmp wkd," ",mon," ",day," ",tim," ",timezone," ",yr $ close ftmp $ gawk -v "OUTPUT"=_strftime.tmp -f strftime.awk strftime.in $ set noOn $ cmp strftime.ok sys$disk:[]_strftime.tmp $ if $status then rm _strftime.tmp;,strftime.ok;*,strftime.in;* $ set On $ return $ $litoct: echo "litoct" $ gawk --traditional -f litoct.awk >_litoct.tmp ab $ cmp litoct.ok sys$disk:[]_litoct.tmp $ if $status then rm _litoct.tmp; $ return $ $resplit: echo "resplit" $ gawk -- "{ FS = "":""; $0 = $0; print $2 }" >_resplit.tmp a:b:c d:e:f $ cmp resplit.ok sys$disk:[]_resplit.tmp $ if $status then rm _resplit.tmp; $ return $ $intprec: echo "intprec" $ gawk -f intprec.awk >_intprec.tmp 2>&1 $ cmp intprec.ok sys$disk:[]_intprec.tmp $ if $status then rm _intprec.tmp; $ return $ $incdupe: echo "''test'" $ set noOn $ gawk --lint -i inclib -i inclib.awk "BEGIN {print sandwich(""a"", ""b"", ""c"")}" > _'test'.tmp 2>&1 $ if .not. $status then call exit_code '$status' _'test'.tmp $ cmp 'test'.ok sys$disk:[]_'test'.tmp $ if $status then rm _'test'.tmp;* $ set On $ return $ $incdupe2: echo "''test'" $ set noOn $ gawk --lint -f inclib -f inclib.awk >_'test'.tmp 2>&1 $ if .not. $status then call exit_code '$status' _'test'.tmp $ cmp 'test'.ok sys$disk:[]_'test'.tmp $ if $status then rm _'test'.tmp;* $ set On $ return $ $incdupe3: echo "''test'" $ gawk --lint -f hello -f hello.awk >_'test'.tmp 2>&1 $ cmp 'test'.ok sys$disk:[]_'test'.tmp $ if $status then rm _'test'.tmp;* $ return $ $incdupe4: echo "''test'" $ set NoOn $ gawk --lint -f hello -i hello.awk >_'test'.tmp 2>&1 $ if .not. $status then call exit_code '$status' _'test'.tmp $ cmp 'test'.ok sys$disk:[]_'test'.tmp $ if $status then rm _'test'.tmp;* $ set On $ return $ $incdupe5: echo "''test'" $ set NoOn $ gawk --lint -i hello -f hello.awk >_'test'.tmp 2>&1 $ if .not. $status then call exit_code '$status' _'test'.tmp $ cmp 'test'.ok sys$disk:[]_'test'.tmp $ if $status then rm _'test'.tmp;* $ set On $ return $ $incdupe6: echo "''test'" $ set NoOn $ gawk --lint -i inchello -f hello.awk >_'test'.tmp 2>&1 $ if .not. $status then call exit_code '$status' _'test'.tmp $ cmp 'test'.ok sys$disk:[]_'test'.tmp $ if $status then rm _'test'.tmp;* $ set On $ return $ $incdupe7: echo "''test'" $ set NoOn $ gawk --lint -f hello -i inchello >_'test'.tmp 2>&1 $ if .not. $status then call exit_code '$status' _'test'.tmp $ cmp 'test'.ok sys$disk:[]_'test'.tmp $ if $status then rm _'test'.tmp;* $ set On $ return $ $include2: echo "''test'" $ gawk -i inclib "BEGIN {print sandwich(""a"", ""b"", ""c"")}" >_'test'.tmp 2>&1 $ cmp 'test'.ok sys$disk:[]_'test'.tmp $ if $status then rm _'test'.tmp;* $ return $ $id: $symtab1: $symtab2: $symtab3: echo "''test'" $ set noOn $ gawk -f 'test'.awk >_'test'.tmp 2>&1 $ if .not. $status then call exit_code '$status' _'test'.tmp $ cmp 'test'.ok sys$disk:[]_'test'.tmp $ if $status then rm _'test'.tmp;* $ set On $ return $ $symtab4: $symtab5: $symtab7: echo "''test'" $ set noOn $ gawk -f 'test'.awk <'test'.in >_'test'.tmp 2>&1 $ if .not. $status then call exit_code '$status' _'test'.tmp $ cmp 'test'.ok sys$disk:[]_'test'.tmp $ if $status then rm _'test'.tmp;* $ set On $ return $ $symtab6: echo "''test'" $ set noOn $ gawk -d__'test'.tmp -f 'test'.awk $ pipe search __'test'.tmp "ENVIRON","PROCINFO" /match=nor > _'test'.tmp $ cmp 'test'.ok sys$disk:[]_'test'.tmp $ if $status then rm _'test'.tmp;*,__'test'.tmp;* $ set On $ return $ $symtab8: echo "''test'" $ set noOn $ gawk -d__'test'.tmp -f 'test'.awk 'test'.in > _'test'.tmp $ pipe search __'test'.tmp "ENVIRON","PROCINFO","FILENAME" /match=nor > ___'test'.tmp $ convert/append ___'test'.tmp _'test'.tmp $ cmp 'test'.ok sys$disk:[]_'test'.tmp $ if $status then rm _'test'.tmp;*,__'test'.tmp;*,___'test'.tmp;* $ set On $ return $ $!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $! This awk script performs some cleanup by doing "system (rm testit.txt)". This is $! good for Unix but a pain for VMS as we must specify version number when deleting $! a file. The workaround is to define "rm" as a VMS comment and deleting the file $! outside of the awk script. $! Additionally each awk "system" call results in a new version of the output file. $! so we need to compensate for that as well. $!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $symtab9: echo "''test'" $ old_rm = rm ! Remember old definition of rm $ rm = "!" ! Redefine rm to something harmless $ gawk -f 'test'.awk >_'test'.tmp $ rm = old_rm ! Restore old value $ delsym old_rm $ cmp 'test'.ok sys$disk:[]_'test'.tmp;-0 ! -0 is the lowest version $ if $status then rm _'test'.tmp;*,testit.txt;* $ return $ $childin: echo "''test'" $ cat = "type sys$input" $ gawk -f 'test'.awk < 'test'.in > _'test'.tmp $ delsym cat $ cmp 'test'.ok sys$disk:[]_'test'.tmp $ if $status then rm _'test'.tmp; $ return $ $noeffect: echo "noeffect" $ AWKPATH_srcdir $ gawk --lint -f noeffect.awk >_noeffect.tmp 2>&1 $ cmp noeffect.ok sys$disk:[]_noeffect.tmp $ if $status then rm _noeffect.tmp; $ return $ $numsubstr: echo "numsubstr" $ AWKPATH_srcdir $ gawk -f numsubstr.awk numsubstr.in >_numsubstr.tmp $ cmp numsubstr.ok sys$disk:[]_numsubstr.tmp $ if $status then rm _numsubstr.tmp; $ return $ $prmreuse: echo "prmreuse" $ if f$search("prmreuse.ok").eqs."" then create prmreuse.ok $ gawk -f prmreuse.awk >_prmreuse.tmp $ cmp prmreuse.ok sys$disk:[]_prmreuse.tmp $ if $status then rm _prmreuse.tmp; $ return $ $fflush: $ echo "fflush: not supported" $ return $!!fflush: echo "fflush" $ ! hopelessly Unix-specific $!! @fflush.sh >_fflush.tmp $ cmp fflush.ok sys$disk:[]_fflush.tmp $ if $status then rm _fflush.tmp; $ return $ $getlnhd: $ echo "getlnhd skipped" $ return $!!getlnhd: echo "getlnhd" $ gawk -f getlnhd.awk >_getlnhd.tmp $ cmp getlnhd.ok sys$disk:[]_getlnhd.tmp $ if $status then rm _getlnhd.tmp; $ return $ $tweakfld: echo "tweakfld" $ gawk -f tweakfld.awk tweakfld.in >_tweakfld.tmp $ if f$search("errors.cleanup").nes."" then rm errors.cleanup;* $ cmp tweakfld.ok sys$disk:[]_tweakfld.tmp $ if $status then rm _tweakfld.tmp; $ return $ $clsflnam: echo "clsflnam" $ if f$search("clsflnam.ok").eqs."" then create clsflnam.ok $ gawk -f clsflnam.awk clsflnam.in >_clsflnam.tmp 2>&1 $ cmp clsflnam.ok sys$disk:[]_clsflnam.tmp $ if $status then rm _clsflnam.tmp; $ return $ $mmap8k: echo "mmap8k" $ gawk "{ print }" mmap8k.in >_mmap8k.tmp $ cmp mmap8k.in sys$disk:[]_mmap8k.tmp $ if $status then rm _mmap8k.tmp; $ return $ $eofsplit: echo "eofsplit" $ if f$search("eofsplit.ok").eqs."" then create eofsplit.ok $ gawk -f eofsplit.awk >_eofsplit.tmp $ cmp eofsplit.ok sys$disk:[]_eofsplit.tmp $ if $status then rm _eofsplit.tmp; $ return $ $back89: echo "back89" $ gawk "/a\8b/" back89.in >_back89.tmp $ cmp back89.ok sys$disk:[]_back89.tmp $ if $status then rm _back89.tmp; $ return $ $tradanch: echo "tradanch" $ if f$search("tradanch.ok").eqs."" then create tradanch.ok $ gawk --traditional -f tradanch.awk tradanch.in >_tradanch.tmp $ cmp tradanch.ok sys$disk:[]_tradanch.tmp $ if $status then rm _tradanch.tmp; $ return $ $reginttrad: echo "''test'" $ gawk --traditional -r -f 'test'.awk >_'test'.tmp $ cmp 'test'.ok sys$disk:[]_'test'.tmp $ if $status then rm _'test'.tmp; $ return $ $pid: echo "pid" $ pid = f$integer("%x" + f$getjpi("","PID")) $ ppid = f$integer("%x" + f$getjpi("","OWNER")) $ gawk -v "ok_pid=''pid'" -v "ok_ppid=''ppid'" -f pid.awk >_pid.tmp >& _NL: $ cmp pid.ok sys$disk:[]_pid.tmp $ if $status then rm _pid.tmp; $ return $ $strftlng: echo "strftlng" $ define/User TZ "UTC" !useless $ gawk -f strftlng.awk >_strftlng.tmp $ cmp strftlng.ok sys$disk:[]_strftlng.tmp $ if $status then rm _strftlng.tmp; $ return $ $nfldstr: echo "nfldstr" $ if f$search("nfldstr.ok").eqs."" then create nfldstr.ok $ gawk "$1 == 0 { print ""bug"" }" >_nfldstr.tmp $ cmp nfldstr.ok sys$disk:[]_nfldstr.tmp $ if $status then rm _nfldstr.tmp; $ return $ $nors: echo "nors" $!! there's no straightforward way to supply non-terminated input on the fly $!! @echo A B C D E | tr -d '\12' | $(AWK) '{ print $$NF }' - $(srcdir)/nors.in > _$@ $!! so just read a line from sys$input instead $ gawk "{ print $NF }" - nors.in >_nors.tmp A B C D E $ cmp nors.ok sys$disk:[]_nors.tmp $ if $status then rm _nors.tmp; $ return $ $reint: echo "reint" $ gawk --re-interval -f reint.awk reint.in >_reint.tmp $ cmp reint.ok sys$disk:[]_reint.tmp $ if $status then rm _reint.tmp; $ return $ $noparms: echo "noparms" $ set noOn $ AWKPATH_srcdir $ gawk -f noparms.awk >_noparms.tmp 2>&1 $ if .not. $status then call exit_code '$status' _noparms.tmp $ set On $ cmp noparms.ok sys$disk:[]_noparms.tmp $ if $status then rm _noparms.tmp; $ return $ $pipeio1: echo "pipeio1" $ cat = "TYPE" !close enough, as long as we avoid .LIS default suffix $ define/User test1 []test1. $ define/User test2 []test2. $ gawk -f pipeio1.awk >_pipeio1.tmp $ rm test1.;,test2.; $ cmp pipeio1.ok sys$disk:[]_pipeio1.tmp $ if $status then rm _pipeio1.tmp; $ return $ $pipeio2: $ echo "pipeio2 skipped" $ return $!!pipeio2: echo "pipeio2" $ cat = "gawk -- {print}" $ tr = "??" !unfortunately, no trivial substitution available... $ gawk -v "SRCDIR=." -f pipeio2.awk >_pipeio2.tmp $ cmp pipeio2.ok sys$disk:[]_pipeio2.tmp $ if $status then rm _pipeio2.tmp; $ return $ $clobber: echo "clobber" $ gawk -f clobber.awk >_clobber.tmp $ cmp clobber.ok sys$disk:[]seq. $ if $status then rm seq.;* $ cmp clobber.ok sys$disk:[]_clobber.tmp $ if $status then rm _clobber.tmp; $ return $ $nasty: echo "nasty" $ set noOn $ gawk -f nasty.awk >_nasty.tmp $ call fixup_LRL nasty.ok $ call fixup_LRL _nasty.tmp "purge" $ cmp nasty.ok sys$disk:[]_nasty.tmp $ if $status $ then $ rm _nasty.tmp; $ file = "lcl_root:[]nasty.ok" $ if f$search(file) .nes. "" then rm 'file';* $ endif $ set On $ return $ $nasty2: echo "nasty2" $ set noOn $ gawk -f nasty2.awk >_nasty2.tmp $ call fixup_LRL nasty2.ok $ call fixup_LRL _nasty2.tmp "purge" $ cmp nasty2.ok sys$disk:[]_nasty2.tmp $ if $status $ then $ rm _nasty2.tmp; $ file = "lcl_root:[]nasty2.ok" $ if f$search(file) .nes. "" then rm 'file';* $ endif $ set On $ return $ $aadelete1: $aadelete2: $arrayparm: $fnaryscl: $functab1: $functab2: $functab3: $nastyparm: $opasnslf: $opasnidx: $printfbad1: $prmarscl: $subslash: $ echo "''test'" $ set noOn $ gawk -f 'test'.awk >_'test'.tmp 2>&1 $ if .not. $status then call exit_code '$status' _'test'.tmp $ set On $ cmp 'test'.ok sys$disk:[]_'test'.tmp $ if $status then rm _'test'.tmp; $ return $ $arynocls: echo "arynocls" $ gawk -v "INPUT"=arynocls.in -f arynocls.awk >_arynocls.tmp $ cmp arynocls.ok sys$disk:[]_arynocls.tmp $ if $status then rm _arynocls.tmp; $ return $ $getlnbuf: echo "getlnbuf" $ gawk -f getlnbuf.awk getlnbuf.in >_getlnbuf.tmp $ gawk -f gtlnbufv.awk getlnbuf.in >_getlnbuf.too $ cmp getlnbuf.ok sys$disk:[]_getlnbuf.tmp $ if $status then rm _getlnbuf.tmp; $ cmp getlnbuf.ok sys$disk:[]_getlnbuf.too $ if $status then rm _getlnbuf.too; $ return $ $lint: echo "lint" $ AWKPATH_srcdir $ gawk -f lint.awk >_lint.tmp 2>&1 $ cmp lint.ok sys$disk:[]_lint.tmp $ if $status then rm _lint.tmp; $ return $ $lintold: echo "lintold" $ AWKPATH_srcdir $ gawk -f lintold.awk --lint-old _lintold.tmp 2>&1 $ cmp lintold.ok sys$disk:[]_lintold.tmp $ if $status then rm _lintold.tmp; $ return $ $ofmtbig: echo "ofmtbig" $ set noOn $ gawk -f ofmtbig.awk ofmtbig.in >_ofmtbig.tmp 2>&1 $ set On $ cmp ofmtbig.ok sys$disk:[]_ofmtbig.tmp $ if $status then rm _ofmtbig.tmp; $ return $ $inetechu: echo "inetechu" $ echo "this test is for establishing UDP connections" $ set noOn $ gawk -- "BEGIN {print """" |& ""/inet/udp/0/""}" $ set On $ return $ $inetecht: echo "inetecht" $ echo "this test is for establishing TCP connections" $ set noOn $ gawk -- "BEGIN {print """" |& ""/inet/tcp/0/""}" $ set On $ return $ $inetdayu: echo "inetdayu" $ echo "this test is for bidirectional UDP transmission" $ set noOn $ gawk -f - _NL: BEGIN { print "" |& "/inet/udp/0/"; "/inet/udp/0/" |& getline; print $0} $ set On $ return $ $inetdayt: echo "inetdayt" $ echo "this test is for bidirectional TCP transmission" $ set noOn $ gawk -f - _NL: BEGIN { print "" |& "/inet/tcp/0/"; "/inet/tcp/0/" |& getline; print $0} $ set On $ return $ $redfilnm: echo "redfilnm" $ gawk -f redfilnm.awk srcdir="." redfilnm.in >_redfilnm.tmp $ cmp redfilnm.ok sys$disk:[]_redfilnm.tmp $ if $status then rm _redfilnm.tmp; $ return $ $leaddig: echo "leaddig" $ gawk -v "x=2E" -f leaddig.awk >_leaddig.tmp $ cmp leaddig.ok sys$disk:[]_leaddig.tmp $ if $status then rm _leaddig.tmp; $ return $ $clos1way: $ echo "clos1way: not supported" $ return $!!clos1way: echo "clos1way" $ gawk -f clos1way.awk >_clos1way.tmp $ cmp clos1way.ok sys$disk:[]_clos1way.tmp $ if $status then rm _clos1way.tmp; $ return $ $shadow: echo "shadow" $ set noOn $ AWKPATH_srcdir $ gawk --lint -f shadow.awk >_shadow.tmp 2>&1 $ set On $ cmp shadow.ok sys$disk:[]_shadow.tmp $ if $status then rm _shadow.tmp; $ return $ $lintwarn: echo "lintwarn" $ set noOn $ AWKPATH_srcdir $ gawk --lint -f lintwarn.awk >_lintwarn.tmp 2>&1 $ if .not. $status then call exit_code '$status' _lintwarn.tmp $ set On $ cmp lintwarn.ok sys$disk:[]_lintwarn.tmp $ if $status then rm _lintwarn.tmp; $ return $ $longsub: echo "longsub" $ set noOn $ gawk -f longsub.awk longsub.in >_longsub.tmp $!! the records here are too long for DIFF to handle $!! so assume success as long as gawk doesn't crash $!! call fixup_LRL longsub.ok $!! call fixup_LRL _longsub.tmp "purge" $!! cmp longsub.ok sys$disk:[]_longsub.tmp $ if $status then rm _longsub.tmp; $ set On $ return $ $arrayprm3: echo "arrayprm3" $ gawk -f arrayprm3.awk arrayprm3.in >_arrayprm3.tmp $ cmp arrayprm3.ok sys$disk:[]_arrayprm3.tmp $ if $status then rm _arrayprm3.tmp; $ return $ $arryref3: $arryref4: $arryref5: $aryprm1: $aryprm2: $aryprm3: $aryprm4: $aryprm5: $aryprm6: $aryprm7: $dfastress: $nfneg: $numindex: $scalar: $sclforin: $sclifin: $ echo "''test'" $ set noOn $ gawk -f 'test'.awk 'test'.in >_'test'.tmp 2>&1 $ if .not. $status then call exit_code '$status' _'test'.tmp $ set On $ cmp 'test'.ok sys$disk:[]_'test'.tmp $ if $status then rm _'test'.tmp; $ return $ $ ! $ ! For tests requiring exit code 2 $ ! $ echo "''test'" $ set noOn $ gawk -f 'test'.awk <'test'.in >_'test'.tmp 2>&1 $ if .not. $status then call exit_code '$status' _'test'.tmp $ set On $ cmp 'test'.ok sys$disk:[]_'test'.tmp $ if $status then rm _'test'.tmp; $ return $ $exitval2: echo "exitval2 skipped" $ return $!!exitval2: echo "exitval2" $ gawk -f exitval2.awk exitval2.in >_exitval2.tmp $ cmp exitval2.ok sys$disk:[]_exitval2.tmp $ if $status then rm _exitval2.tmp; $ return $ $delfunc: $fcall_exit2: $fnamedat: $fnarray2: $fnasgnm: $fnmisc: $gsubasgn: $unterm: $ echo "''test'" $ set noOn $ gawk -f 'test'.awk 'test'.in >_'test'.tmp 2>&1 $ if .not. $status then call exit_code '$status' _'test'.tmp $ set On $ cmp 'test'.ok sys$disk:[]_'test'.tmp $ if $status then rm _'test'.tmp; $ return $ $getline: echo "getline skipped" $ return $!!getline: echo "getline" $ gawk -f getline.awk getline.in >_getline.tmp $ cmp getline.ok sys$disk:[]_getline.tmp $ if $status then rm _getline.tmp; $ return $ $gsubtst3: echo "gsubtst3" $ gawk --re-interval -f gsubtst3.awk gsubtst3.in >_gsubtst3.tmp $ cmp gsubtst3.ok sys$disk:[]_gsubtst3.tmp $ if $status then rm _gsubtst3.tmp; $ return $ $! FIXME: gawk generates an extra, empty output file while running this test... $iobug1: echo "iobug1" $ cat = "TYPE sys$input:" $ true = "exit 1" !success $ oldout = f$search("_iobug1.tmp;") $ gawk -f iobug1.awk iobug1.in >_iobug1.tmp $ badout = f$search("_iobug1.tmp;-1") $ if badout.nes."" .and. badout.nes.oldout then rm 'badout' $ cmp iobug1.ok sys$disk:[]_iobug1.tmp $ if $status then rm _iobug1.tmp; $ return $ $rstest4: echo "rstest4 skipped" $ return $!!rstest4: echo "rstest4" $ gawk -f rstest4.awk rstest4.in >_rstest4.tmp $ cmp rstest4.ok sys$disk:[]_rstest4.tmp $ if $status then rm _rstest4.tmp; $ return $ $rstest5: echo "rstest5 skipped" $ return $!!rstest5: echo "rstest5" $ gawk -f rstest5.awk rstest5.in >_rstest5.tmp $ cmp rstest5.ok sys$disk:[]_rstest5.tmp $ if $status then rm _rstest5.tmp; $ return $ $fcall_exit: $fnarray: $funsmnam: $match2: $paramdup: $paramres: $parseme: $synerr1: $synerr2: $ echo "''test'" $ set noOn $ gawk -f 'test'.awk >_'test'.tmp 2>&1 $ if .not. $status then call exit_code '$status' _'test'.tmp $ set On $ cmp 'test'.ok sys$disk:[]_'test'.tmp $ if $status then rm _'test'.tmp; $ return $ $uninit2: $uninit3: $uninit4: $uninit5: $uninitialized: $ echo "''test'" $ gawk --lint -f 'test'.awk 'test'.in >_'test'.tmp 2>&1 $ cmp 'test'.ok sys$disk:[]_'test'.tmp $ if $status then rm _'test'.tmp; $ return $ $space: echo "space" $ set noOn $ gawk -f " " space.awk >_space.tmp 2>&1 $ if .not. $status then call exit_code '$status' _space.tmp $ set On $! we get a different error from what space.ok expects $ gawk "{gsub(""file specification syntax error"", ""no such file or directory""); print}" - _space.tmp >_space.too $ rm _space.tmp; $ mv _space.too _space.tmp $ igncascmp space.ok sys$disk:[]_space.tmp $ if $status then rm _space.tmp; $ return $ $posix2008sub: $printf0: $ echo "''test'" $ gawk --posix -f 'test'.awk >_'test'.tmp $ cmp 'test'.ok sys$disk:[]_'test'.tmp $ if $status then rm _'test'.tmp; $ return $ $rsnulbig: echo "rsnulbig" $ if .not.pipeok $ then echo "Without the PIPE command, ''test' can't be run." $ On warning then return $ pipe echo "With PIPE, this will probably take quite a while..." $ On warning then $ $ pipeok = 1 $ else echo "This will probably take quite a while too..." $ endif $ set noOn $ pipe - gawk -- "BEGIN {for (i = 1; i <= 128*64+1; i++) print ""abcdefgh123456\n""}" | - gawk -- "BEGIN {RS = """"; ORS = ""\n\n""}; {print}" | - gawk -- "/^[^a]/; END {print NR}" >_rsnulbig.tmp $ set On $ cmp rsnulbig.ok sys$disk:[]_rsnulbig.tmp $ if $status then rm _rsnulbig.tmp; $ return $ $rsnulbig2: echo "rsnulbig2" $ if .not.pipeok $ then echo "Without the PIPE command, ''test' can't be run." $ On warning then return $ pipe echo "With PIPE, this will probably take quite a while..." $ On warning then $ $ pipeok = 1 $ else echo "This will probably take quite a while too..." $ endif $ set noOn $ pipe - gawk -- "BEGIN {ORS=""""; n=""\n""; for (i=1; i<=10; i++) n=(n n); for (i=1; i<=128; i++) print n; print ""abc\n""}" | - gawk -- "BEGIN {RS=""""; ORS=""\n\n"" }; {print}" | - gawk -- "/^[^a]/; END {print NR}" >_rsnulbig2.tmp $ set On $ cmp rsnulbig2.ok sys$disk:[]_rsnulbig2.tmp $ if $status then rm _rsnulbig2.tmp; $ return $ $subamp: $wideidx: $widesub2: $widesub3: $ echo "''test'" $ gosub define_gawklocale $ gawk -f 'test'.awk 'test'.in >_'test'.tmp $ cmp 'test'.ok sys$disk:[]_'test'.tmp $ if $status then rm _'test'.tmp; $ return $ $ignrcas2: $!!lc_num1: $wideidx2: $widesub: $widesub4: $ echo "''test'" $ gosub define_gawklocale $ gawk -f 'test'.awk >_'test'.tmp $ cmp 'test'.ok sys$disk:[]_'test'.tmp $ if $status then rm _'test'.tmp; $ return $ $! This test is somewhat suspect for vms due to exit code manipulation $exitval1: echo "exitval1" $ gawk -f exitval1.awk >_exitval1.tmp 2>&1 $ if $status then call exit_code '$status' _exitval1.tmp $ cmp exitval1.ok sys$disk:[]_exitval1.tmp $ if $status then rm _exitval1.tmp; $ return $ $fsspcoln: echo "fsspcoln" $ gawk -f fsspcoln.awk "FS=[ :]+" fsspcoln.in >_forspcoln.tmp $ cmp fsspcoln.ok sys$disk:[]_forspcoln.tmp $ if $status then rm _forspcoln.tmp; $ return $ $getlndir: echo "getlndir" $ ! assume we're running in the test subdirectory; we don't want to $ ! perform a messy conversion of [] into its file specification $ gawk -v "SRCDIR=[-]test.dir" -f getlndir.awk >_getlndir.tmp $! getlndir.ok expects "Is a directory", we see "is a directory" $ igncascmp getlndir.ok sys$disk:[]_getlndir.tmp $ if $status then rm _getlndir.tmp; $ return $ $rsstart2: echo "rsstart2" $ gawk -f rsstart2.awk rsstart1.in >_rsstart2.tmp $ cmp rsstart2.ok sys$disk:[]_rsstart2.tmp $ if $status then rm _rsstart2.tmp; $ return $ $! rsstart3 fails, presumeably due to PIPE's use of print file format $rsstart3: echo "rsstart3 skipped" $ return $!!rsstart3: echo "rsstart3" $ if .not.pipeok $ then echo "Without the PIPE command, ''test' can't be run." $ On warning then return $ pipe echo "With PIPE, ''test' will finish quickly." $ On warning then $ $ pipeok = 1 $ endif $ ! head rsstart1.in | gawk -f rsstart2.awk >_rsstart3.tmp $ ! splitting this into two steps would make it the same as rsstart2 $ set noOn $ pipe - gawk -- "FNR <= 10" rsstart1.in | - gawk -f rsstart2.awk >_rsstart3.tmp $ set On $ cmp rsstart3.ok sys$disk:[]_rsstart3.tmp $ if $status then rm _rsstart3.tmp; $ return $ $rtlen: $rtlen01: $rtlenmb: $ echo "''test'" $ if .not.pipeok $ then echo "Without the PIPE command, ''test' can't be run." $ On warning then return $ pipe echo "With PIPE, ''test' will finish quickly." $ On warning then $ $ pipeok = 1 $ endif $ f = "''test'.ok" $ if test.eqs."rtlen" .or. test.eqs."rtlenmb" $ then $ if test.eqs."rtlenmb" then GAWKLOCALE = "en_US.UTF-8" $ pipe - gawk -- "BEGIN {printf ""0\n\n\n1\n\n\n\n\n2\n\n""; exit}" | - gawk -- "BEGIN {RS=""""}; {print length(RT)}" >_'test'.tmp $ if test.eqs."rtlenmb" then delet_/Symbol/Local GAWKLOCALE $ if test.eqs."rtlenmb" then f = "rtlen.ok" $ else $ call/Output=_rtlen01.tmp do__rtlen01 $ ! first test yields 1 instead of 0 due to forced newline $ gawk -- "FNR==1 {sub(""1"",""0"")}; {print}" _rtlen01.tmp >_rtlen01.too $ rm _rtlen01.tmp; $ mv _rtlen01.too _rtlen01.tmp $ endif $ cmp 'f' sys$disk:[]_'test'.tmp $ if $status then rm _'test'.tmp; $ return $ $do__rtlen01: subroutine $ gawk = gawk !PIPE won't propagate local symbols from outer procedure $ pipe - gawk -- "BEGIN {printf ""0""; exit}" | - gawk -- "BEGIN {RS=""""}; {print length(RT)}" $ pipe - gawk -- "BEGIN {printf ""0\n""; exit}" | - gawk -- "BEGIN {RS=""""}; {print length(RT)}" $ pipe - gawk -- "BEGIN {printf ""0\n\n""; exit}" | - gawk -- "BEGIN {RS=""""}; {print length(RT)}" $ endsubroutine !do__rtlen01 $ $nondec2: echo "nondec2" $ gawk --non-decimal-data -v "a=0x1" -f nondec2.awk >_nondec2.tmp $ cmp nondec2.ok sys$disk:[]_nondec2.tmp $ if $status then rm _nondec2.tmp; $ return $ $nofile: echo "nofile" $! gawk "{}" no/such/file >_nofile.tmp 2>&1 $! nofile.ok expects no/such/file, but using that name in the test would $! yield "file specification syntax error" instead of "no such file..." $ set noOn $ gawk "{}" no-such-file >_nofile.tmp 2>&1 $ if .not. $status then call exit_code '$status' _nofile.tmp $ set On $! restore altered file name $ gawk "{gsub(""no-such-file"", ""no/such/file""); print}" _nofile.tmp >_nofile.too $ rm _nofile.tmp; $ mv _nofile.too _nofile.tmp $! nofile.ok expects "No such file ...", we see "no such file ..." $ igncascmp nofile.ok sys$disk:[]_nofile.tmp $ if $status then rm _nofile.tmp; $ return $ $binmode1: echo "binmode1" $ gawk -v "BINMODE=3" "BEGIN { print BINMODE }" >_binmode1.tmp $ cmp binmode1.ok sys$disk:[]_binmode1.tmp $ if $status then rm _binmode1.tmp; $ return $ $subi18n: echo "''test'" $ define/User GAWKLOCALE "en_US.UTF-8" $ gawk -f 'test'.awk > _'test'.tmp $ cmp 'test'.ok sys$disk:[]_'test'.tmp $ if $status then rm _'test'.tmp; $ return $ $rri1: $concat4: echo "''test'" $ define/User GAWKLOCALE "en_US.UTF-8" $ gawk -f 'test'.awk 'test'.in > _'test'.tmp $ cmp 'test'.ok sys$disk:[]_'test'.tmp $ if $status then rm _'test'.tmp; $ return $ $devfd: echo "devfd: not supported" $ return $!!devfd: echo "devfd" $ gawk 1 /dev/fd/4 /dev/fd/5 4< /devfd.in4 5< devfd.in5 >_devfd.tmp $ cmp devfd.ok sys$disk:[]_devfd.tmp $ if $status then rm _devfd.tmp; $ return $ $devfd1: echo "devfd1: not supported" $ return $!!devfd1: echo "devfd1" $ gawk -f devfd1.awk 4< devfd.in1 5< devfd.in2 >_devfd1.tmp $ cmp devfd1.ok sys$disk:[]_devfd1.tmp $ if $status then rm _devfd1.tmp; $ return $ $devfd2: echo "devfd2: not supported" $ return $!!devfd2: echo "devfd2" $! The program text is the '1' which will print each record. How compact can you get? $ gawk 1 /dev/fd/4 /dev/fd/5 4< /devfd.in1 5< devfd.in2 >_devfd2.tmp $ cmp devfd2.ok sys$disk:[]_devfd2.tmp $ if $status then rm _devfd2.tmp; $ return $ $charasbytes: $! This test used "od" on Unix to verify the result. As this is not available $! we must try as best as possible using DUMP and SEARCH, instead of comparing $! to charasbytes.ok $! $ echo "''test'" $ gawk -b -f 'test'.awk 'test'.in >_'test'.tmp $ pipe dump/byte/block=count:1 _charasbytes.tmp | - search sys$pipe /noout " 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A 5A 5A 5A" $ if $severity .eq. 1 then rm _'test'.tmp;* $ return $ $mixed1: echo "mixed1" $ set noOn $ gawk -f /dev/null --source "BEGIN {return junk}" >_mixed1.tmp 2>&1 $ if .not. $status then call exit_code '$status' _mixed1.tmp $ set On $ cmp mixed1.ok sys$disk:[]_mixed1.tmp $ if $status then rm _mixed1.tmp; $ return $ $mtchi18n: echo "mtchi18n" $ define/User GAWKLOCALE "ru_RU.UTF-8" $ gawk -f mtchi18n.awk mtchi18n.in >_mtchi18n.tmp $ cmp mtchi18n.ok sys$disk:[]_mtchi18n.tmp $ if $status then rm _mtchi18n.tmp; $ return $ $reint2: echo "reint2" $ gosub define_gawklocale $ gawk --re-interval -f reint2.awk reint2.in >_reint2.tmp $ cmp reint2.ok sys$disk:[]_reint2.tmp $ if $status then rm _reint2.tmp; $ return $ $localenl: echo "localenl skipped" $ return $!!localenl: echo "localenl" $ @localenl.com /Output=_localenl.tmp ! sh ./localenl.sh >tmp. $ cmp localenl.ok sys$disk:[]_localenl.tmp $ if $status then rm _localenl.tmp; $ return $ $mbprintf1: echo "mbprintf1 skipped" $ return $!!mbprintf1: echo "mbprintf1" $! Makefile test exports this, but we don't want to impact user's environment $ define/User GAWKLOCALE "en_US.UTF-8" $ gawk -f mbprintf1.awk mbprintf1.in >_mbprintf1.tmp $ cmp mbprintf1.ok sys$disk:[]_mbprintf1.tmp $ if $status then rm _mbprintf1.tmp; $ return $ $mbprintf2: echo "mbprintf2" $! Makefile test exports this, ... $ define/User GAWKLOCALE "ja_JP.UTF-8" $ gawk -f mbprintf2.awk >_mbprintf2.tmp $ cmp mbprintf2.ok sys$disk:[]_mbprintf2.tmp $ if $status then rm _mbprintf2.tmp; $ return $ $mbprintf3: echo "mbprintf3" $! Makefile test exports this, ... $ define/User GAWKLOCALE "en_US.UTF-8" $ gawk -f mbprintf3.awk mbprintf3.in >_mbprintf2.tmp $ cmp mbprintf3.ok sys$disk:[]_mbprintf2.tmp $ if $status then rm _mbprintf2.tmp; $ return $ $mbfw1: echo "mbfw1 skipped" $ return $!!mbfw1: echo "mbfw1" $! Makefile test exports this, ... $ define/User GAWKLOCALE "en_US.UTF-8" $ gawk -f mbfw1.awk mbfw1.in >_mbfw1.tmp $ cmp mbfw1.ok sys$disk:[]_mbfw1.tmp $ if $status then rm _mbfw1.tmp; $ return $ $gsubtst6: echo "gsubtst6" $ define/User GAWKLOCALE "C" $ gawk -f gsubtst6.awk >_gsubtst6.tmp $ cmp gsubtst6.ok sys$disk:[]_gsubtst6.tmp $ if $status then rm _gsubtst6.tmp; $ return $ $mbstr1: echo "mbstr1" $ gosub define_gawklocale $ AWKPATH_srcdir $ gawk -f mbstr1.awk >_mbstr1.tmp $ cmp mbstr1.ok sys$disk:[]_mbstr1.tmp $ if $status then rm _mbstr1.tmp; $ return $ $printfbad2: $printfbad3: $ echo "''test'" $ set noOn $ gawk --lint -f 'test'.awk 'test'.in >_'test'.tmp 2>&1 $ set On $ cmp 'test'.ok sys$disk:[]_'test'.tmp $ if $status then rm _'test'.tmp; $ return $ $fmtspcl: echo "fmtspcl: not supported" $ return $!!fmtspcl: $! fmtspcl ought to work if gawk was compiled to use IEEE floating point $ if floatmode.lt.0 then gosub calc_floatmode $ if floatmode.lt.2 $ then echo "fmtspcl: not supported" $ else echo "fmtspcl" $ gawk -f fmtspcl.awk >_fmtspcl.tmp 2>&1 $ cmp fmtspcl.ok sys$disk:[]_fmtspcl.tmp $ if $status then rm _fmtspcl.tmp; $ endif $ return $ $intformat: echo "intformat" $! note: we use the Alpha value for D_float; VAX value is slightly higher $! due to not losing precision by being processed via G_float $ huge_0 = "1.70141183460469213e+38" ! D_float $ huge_1 = "8.98846567431157854e+307" ! G_float $ huge_2 = "1.79769313486231570e+308" ! IEEE T_float $ if floatmode.lt.0 then gosub calc_floatmode $ hugeval = huge_'floatmode' $ set noOn $ gawk -v "HUGEVAL=''hugeval'" -f intformat.awk >_intformat.tmp 2>&1 $ set On $ cmp intformat.ok sys$disk:[]_intformat.tmp $ if $status then rm _intformat.tmp; $ return $ $! ugh... BEGINFILE functionality works fine, but test is heavily Unix-centric $beginfile1: echo "beginfile1" $ ! complications: "." is a filename, not the current directory $ ! (even "[]" is actually "[].", that same filename, but we can $ ! handle hacking it more easily); $ ! "no/such/file" yields syntax error rather than no such file $ ! when subdirectories no/ and no/such/ don't exist; $ ! vms test suite doesn't generate Makefile; $ ! "is a directory" and "no such file" aren't capitalized $ ! gawk -f beginfile1.awk beginfile1.awk . ./no/such/file "Makefile" >_beginfile1.tmp 2>&1 $ gawk -f beginfile1.awk beginfile1.awk [] ./no-such-file "Makefile.in" >_beginfile1.tmp 2>&1 $ gawk -f - _beginfile1.tmp >_beginfile1.too { if (gsub("\\[\\]",".")) gsub("no such file or directory","is a directory") gsub("no-such-file","file"); gsub("Makefile.in","Makefile"); print } $ rm _beginfile1.tmp; $ mv _beginfile1.too _beginfile1.tmp $ igncascmp beginfile1.ok sys$disk:[]_beginfile1.tmp $ if $status then rm _beginfile1.tmp; $ return $ $dumpvars: echo "dumpvars" $ gawk --dump-variables 1 _NL: 2>&1 $ mv awkvars.out _dumpvars.tmp $ cmp dumpvars.ok sys$disk:[]_dumpvars.tmp $ if $status then rm _dumpvars.tmp; $ return $ $profile1: echo "''test'" $ ! FIXME: for both gawk invocations which pipe output to SORT, $ ! two output files get created; the top version has real output $ ! but there's also an empty lower version. $ oldout = f$search("_''test'.tmp1") $ gawk --pretty-print -v "sortcmd=SORT sys$intput: sys$output:" - -f xref.awk dtdgport.awk > _'test'.tmp1 $ badout = f$search("_''test'.tmp1;-1") $ if badout.nes."" .and. badout.nes.oldout then rm 'badout' $ oldout = f$search("_''test'.tmp2") $ gawk -v "sortcmd=SORT sys$intput: sys$output:" - -f awkprof.out dtdgport.awk > _'test'.tmp2 $ badout = f$search("_''test'.tmp2;-1") $ if badout.nes."" .and. badout.nes.oldout then rm 'badout' $ cmp _'test'.tmp1 sys$disk:[]_'test'.tmp2 $ if $status then rm _'test'.tmp%;,awkprof.out; $ return $ $profile2: echo "''test'" $ gawk --profile -v "sortcmd=SORT sys$input: sys$output:" - -f xref.awk dtdgport.awk > _NL: $ ! sed _profile2.tmp $ sumslp awkprof.out /update=sys$input: /output=_'test'.tmp -1,2 / $ rm awkprof.out; $ cmp 'test'.ok sys$disk:[]_'test'.tmp $ if $status then rm _'test'.tmp;* $ return $ $profile3: echo "''test'" $ gawk --profile -f 'test'.awk > _NL: $ ! sed _profile3.tmp $ sumslp awkprof.out /update=sys$input: /output=_'test'.tmp -1,2 / $ rm awkprof.out; $ cmp 'test'.ok sys$disk:[]_'test'.tmp $ if $status then rm _'test'.tmp;* $ return $ $next: echo "next" $ set noOn $ gawk "{next}" _NL: > _next.tmp 2>&1 $ gawk "function f() {next}; {f()}" _NL: >>_next.tmp 2>&1 $ gawk "function f() {next}; BEGIN{f()}" _NL: >>_next.tmp 2>&1 $ gawk "function f() {next}; {f()}; END{f()}" _NL: >>_next.tmp 2>&1 $ gawk "function f() {next}; BEGINFILE{f()}" _NL: >>_next.tmp 2>&1 $ gawk "function f() {next}; {f()}; ENDFILE{f()}" _NL: >>_next.tmp 2>&1 $ set On $ cmp next.ok sys$disk:[]_next.tmp $ if $status then rm _next.tmp; $ return $ $exit: echo "exit" $ if .not.pipeok $ then echo "Without the PIPE command, ''test' can't be run." $ On warning then return $ pipe echo "PIPE command is available; running exit test" $ On warning then $ $ pipeok = 1 $ else echo "PIPE command is available; running exit test" $ endif $ set noOn $ call/Output=_exit.tmp do__exit $ set On $ cmp exit.ok sys$disk:[]_exit.tmp $ if $status then rm _exit.tmp; $ return $ $do__exit: subroutine $ gawk = gawk !PIPE won't propagate local symbols from outer procedure $ x = "BEGIN{print 1; exit; print 2}; NR>1{print}; END{print 3; exit; print 4}" $ pipe gawk -- "BEGIN { print ""a\nb"" }" | gawk -- "''x'" $ echo "-- 1" $ x = "function f(){exit}; END{print NR;f();print NR}" $ pipe gawk -- "BEGIN { print ""a\nb"" }" | gawk -- "''x'" $ echo "-- 2" $ x = "function f(){exit}; NR>1 {f()}; END{print NR; f();print NR}" $ pipe gawk -- "BEGIN { print ""a\nb"" }" | gawk -- "''x'" $ echo "-- 3" $ x = "function f(){exit}; NR>1 {f()}; END{print NR;print NR}" $ pipe gawk -- "BEGIN { print ""a\nb"" }" | gawk -- "''x'" $ echo "-- 4" $ x = "function f(){exit}; BEGINFILE {f()}; NR>1 {f()}; END{print NR}" $ pipe gawk -- "BEGIN { print ""a\nb"" }" | gawk -- "''x'" $ echo "-- 5" $! Ugh; extra quotes are needed here to end up with """" after "''y'" $! expansion and finally "" when gawk actually sees its command line. $ y = "function strip(f) { sub(/.*\//, """""""", f); return f };" $ x = "BEGINFILE{if(++i==1) exit;}; END{print i, strip(FILENAME)}" $ gawk "''y'''x'" /dev/null exit.sh $ echo "-- 6" $ x = "BEGINFILE{if(++i==1) exit;}; ENDFILE{print i++}; END{print i, strip(FILENAME)}" $ gawk "''y'''x'" /dev/null exit.sh $ echo "-- 7" $ x = "function f(){exit}; BEGINFILE{i++ && f()}; END{print NR,strip(FILENAME)}" $ gawk "''y'''x'" /dev/null exit.sh $ echo "-- 8" $ x = "function f(){exit}; BEGINFILE{i++ && f()}; ENDFILE{print i}; END{print NR,strip(FILENAME)}" $ gawk "''y'''x'" /dev/null exit.sh $ echo "-- 9" $ x = "function f(){exit}; BEGINFILE{i++}; ENDFILE{f(); print i}; END{print NR,strip(FILENAME)}" $ gawk "''y'''x'" /dev/null exit.sh $ echo "-- 10" $ x = "function f(){exit}; BEGINFILE{i++}; ENDFILE{i>1 && f(); print i, strip(FILENAME)}" $ gawk "''y'''x'" /dev/null exit.sh $ echo "-- 11" $ endsubroutine !do__exit $ $vms_cmd: echo "vms_cmd" $ if f$search("vms_cmd.ok").eqs."" $ then create vms_cmd.ok World! $ endif $ gawk /Commands="BEGIN { print ""World!"" }" _NL: /Output=_vms_cmd.tmp $ cmp vms_cmd.ok sys$disk:[]_vms_cmd.tmp $ if $status then rm _vms_cmd.tmp;,vms_cmd.ok;* $ return $ $vms_io1: echo "vms_io1" $ if f$search("vms_io1.ok").eqs."" $ then create vms_io1.ok Hello $ endif $ ! define/User dbg$input sys$command: $ gawk -f - >_vms_io1.tmp # prior to 3.0.4, gawk crashed doing any redirection after closing stdin BEGIN { print "Hello" >"/dev/stdout" } $ cmp vms_io1.ok sys$disk:[]_vms_io1.tmp $ if $status then rm _vms_io1.tmp;,vms_io1.ok;* $ return $ $vms_io2: echo "vms_io2" $ if f$search("vms_io2.ok").eqs."" $ then create vms_io2.ok xyzzy $ endif $ ! VAXCRTL created all files in stream_LF format unless explicitly $ ! overridden by the program; with DECC$SHR, a new version of an $ ! existing file inherits the previous version's record format; $ ! for gawk versions older than 3.1.7, that resulted in $ ! "can't redirect to `File' (invalid record attributes)" $ ! when an awk program used >"File" (internally, not on command line) $ ! and File already existed as a batch log file or PIPE output file $ create /FDL=sys$input: _vms_io2.vfc file organization sequential record format VFC ! variable with fixed control area (default size 2 bytes) carriage_control print $ set noOn $ ! define/User dbg$input sys$command: $ gawk -- "BEGIN { print ""xyzzy"" >""_vms_io2.vfc"" }" >_vms_io2.tmp 2>&1 $ set On $ cmp _NL: sys$disk:[]_vms_io2.tmp $ if $status then rm _vms_io2.tmp; $ cmp vms_io2.ok sys$disk:[]_vms_io2.vfc $ if $status then rm _vms_io2.vfc;*,vms_io2.ok;* $ return $! $! $inplace1: $ set process/parse=extended ! ODS-5 only $ echo "''test'" $ filefunc_file = "[-]gawkapi.o" $ open/write awkfile _'test'.awk $ write awkfile "@load ""inplace""" $! write awkfile "BEGIN {print ""before""}" $ write awkfile " {gsub(/foo/, ""bar""); print}" $! write awkfile "END {print ""after""}" $ close awkfile $ copy inplace^.1.in _'test'.1 $ copy inplace^.2.in _'test'.2 $ set noOn $ AWKLIBPATH_dir $ gawk -f _'test'.awk _'test'.1 _'test'.1.tmp 2>&1 $ if .not. $status then call exit_code '$status' _'test'.1.tmp $ AWKLIBPATH_dir $ gawk -f _'test'.awk _'test'.2 _'test'.2.tmp 2>&1 $ if .not. $status then call exit_code '$status' _'test'.2.tmp $ set On $ cmp 'test'.1.ok sys$disk:[]_'test'.1.tmp $ if $status then rm _'test'.1.tmp;,_'test'.1; $ cmp 'test'.2.ok sys$disk:[]_'test'.2.tmp $ if $status then rm _'test'.2.tmp;,_'test'.2;,_'test'.awk; $ return $! $filefuncs: $fnmatch: $functab4: $ordchr: $revout: $revtwoway: $time: $ echo "''test'" $ filefunc_file = "[-]gawkapi.o" $ open/write gapi 'filefunc_file' $ close gapi $ set noOn $ AWKLIBPATH_dir $ gawk -f 'test'.awk 'test'.in >_'test'.tmp 2>&1 $ if .not. $status then call exit_code '$status' _'test'.tmp $ set On $ cmp 'test'.ok sys$disk:[]_'test'.tmp $ if $status then rm _'test'.tmp; $ if f$search(filefunc_file) .nes. "" then rm 'filefunc_file';* $ return $! $rwarray: $ echo "''test'" $ set noOn $ AWKLIBPATH_dir $ gawk -f 'test'.awk 'test'.in >_'test'.tmp 2>&1 $ if .not. $status then call exit_code '$status' _'test'.tmp $ set On $ cmp orig.out new.out $ if $status $ then $ open/append tout _'test'.tmp $ write tout "old and new are equal - GOOD" $ close tout $ endif $ cmp 'test'.ok sys$disk:[]_'test'.tmp $ if $status then rm _'test'.tmp;,orig.bin;,orig.out;,new.out; $ return $! $readdir: $fts: $ echo "''test'" $ set noOn $ AWKLIBPATH_dir $ gawk -f 'test'.awk >_'test'.tmp 2>&1 $ if .not. $status $ then $ call exit_code '$status' _'test'.tmp $ write sys$output _'test'.tmp $ else $ if f$search("_''test'.tmp") .nes. "" then rm _'test'.tmp;* $ if f$search("_''test'.") .nes. "" then rm _'test'.;* $ endif $ set On $ return $ $clean: $ if f$search("_*.*") .nes."" then rm _*.tmp;* $ if f$search("_*.too") .nes."" then rm _*.too;* $ if f$search("out%.") .nes."" then rm out%.;* $ if f$search("strftime.in").nes."" then rm strftime.in;* $ if f$search("strftime.ok").nes."" then rm strftime.ok;* $ if f$search("test%.") .nes."" then rm test%.;* $ if f$search("seq.") .nes."" then rm seq.;* $ if f$search("_pid.in") .nes."" then rm _pid.in;* $ if f$search("[.junk]*.*").nes."" then rm [.junk]*.*;* $ if f$parse("[.junk]") .nes."" then rm []junk.dir;1 $ if f$search("_vms_io2.vfc") .nes."" then rm _vms_io2.vfc;* $ return $ $! try to determine what type of double precision floating point gawk uses $calc_floatmode: $ ! this is fragile; it might break if gawk changes overflow handling $ Set noOn $ gawk -- "BEGIN {print 10^308}" >_NL: 2>&1 $ if $status $ then floatmode = 2 ! IEEE T_float $ else gawk -- "BEGIN {print 10^307}" >_NL: 2>&1 $ if $status $ then floatmode = 1 ! Alpha/VAX G_float $ else floatmode = 0 ! VAX D_float $ endif $ endif $ Set On $ return $ $! assign temporary value to logical name GAWKLOCALE unless it already has one $! [ -z "$GAWKLOCALE" ] && GAWKLOCALE=en_US.UTF-8 $define_gawklocale: $ ! gawk uses the C run-time libary's getenv() function to look up $ ! GAWKLOCALE, so a symbol provides another way to supply the value; $ ! we don't want to override logical or symbol if either is present $ if f$trnlnm("GAWKLOCALE").eqs."" $ then $ if f$type(gawklocale).nes."STRING" .or. "''gawklocale'".eqs."" $ then $ define/User GAWKLOCALE "en_US.UTF-8" $ endif $ endif $ return $ $! make sure that the specified file's longest-record-length field is set; $! otherwise DIFF will choke if any record is longer than 512 bytes $fixup_LRL: subroutine $ lrl = 0 !VMS V5.5-2 didn't support the LRL argument yet $ define/user sys$error _NL: $ define/user sys$output _NL: $ lrl = f$file_attribute(p1,"LRL") $ if lrl.eq.0 then lrl = f$file_attribute(p1,"MRS") $ if lrl.eq.0 $ then convert/fdl=sys$input: 'p1' *.* file organization sequential record format stream_lf size 32767 $ if $status .and. p2.eqs."purge" then rm 'p1';-1 $ else cmp _NL: _NL: !deassign/user sys${error,output} $ endif $ endsubroutine !fixup_LRL $ $! add a fake "EXIT CODE" record to the end of the temporary output file $! to simulate the ``|| echo EXIT CODE $$? >>_$@'' shell script usage $! Unix code = vms_code & (255 * 2^3) >> 3 $exit_code: subroutine $ unix_status = (p1 .and. %x7f8) / 8 $ if f$trnlnm("FTMP").nes."" then close/noLog ftmp $ open/Append ftmp 'p2' $ write ftmp "EXIT CODE: ",'unix_status' $ close ftmp $ endsubroutine !exit_code $ $!NOTREACHED $ exit