/* * symbol.c - routines for symbol table management and code allocation */ /* * Copyright (C) 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991-2013 the Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This file is part of GAWK, the GNU implementation of the * AWK Programming Language. * * GAWK is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GAWK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include "awk.h" extern SRCFILE *srcfiles; extern INSTRUCTION *rule_list; #define HASHSIZE 1021 static int func_count; /* total number of functions */ static int var_count; /* total number of global variables and functions */ static NODE *symbol_list; static void (*install_func)(NODE *) = NULL; static NODE *make_symbol(char *name, NODETYPE type); static NODE *install(char *name, NODE *parm, NODETYPE type); static void free_bcpool(INSTRUCTION *pl); static AWK_CONTEXT *curr_ctxt = NULL; static int ctxt_level; static NODE *global_table, *param_table; NODE *symbol_table, *func_table; /* Use a flag to avoid a strcmp() call inside install() */ static bool installing_specials = false; /* init_symbol_table --- make sure the symbol tables are initialized */ void init_symbol_table() { getnode(global_table); memset(global_table, '\0', sizeof(NODE)); null_array(global_table); getnode(param_table); memset(param_table, '\0', sizeof(NODE)); null_array(param_table); installing_specials = true; func_table = install_symbol(estrdup("FUNCTAB", 7), Node_var_array); symbol_table = install_symbol(estrdup("SYMTAB", 6), Node_var_array); installing_specials = false; } /* * install_symbol: * Install a global name in the symbol table, even if it is already there. * Caller must check against redefinition if that is desired. */ NODE * install_symbol(char *name, NODETYPE type) { return install(name, NULL, type); } /* * lookup --- find the most recent global or param node for name * installed by install_symbol */ NODE * lookup(const char *name) { NODE *n; NODE *tmp; NODE *tables[5]; /* manual init below, for z/OS */ int i; /* ``It's turtles, all the way down.'' */ tables[0] = param_table; /* parameters shadow everything */ tables[1] = global_table; /* SYMTAB and FUNCTAB found first, can't be redefined */ tables[2] = func_table; /* then functions */ tables[3] = symbol_table; /* then globals */ tables[4] = NULL; tmp = make_string(name, strlen(name)); n = NULL; for (i = 0; tables[i] != NULL; i++) { if (tables[i]->table_size == 0) continue; if ((do_posix || do_traditional) && tables[i] == global_table) continue; n = in_array(tables[i], tmp); if (n != NULL) { unref(tmp); return n; } } unref(tmp); return n; /* NULL */ } /* make_params --- allocate function parameters for the symbol table */ NODE * make_params(char **pnames, int pcount) { NODE *p, *parms; int i; if (pcount <= 0 || pnames == NULL) return NULL; emalloc(parms, NODE *, pcount * sizeof(NODE), "make_params"); memset(parms, '\0', pcount * sizeof(NODE)); for (i = 0, p = parms; i < pcount; i++, p++) { p->type = Node_param_list; p->param = pnames[i]; /* shadows pname and vname */ p->param_cnt = i; } return parms; } /* install_params --- install function parameters into the symbol table */ void install_params(NODE *func) { int i, pcount; NODE *parms; if (func == NULL) return; assert(func->type == Node_func); if ((pcount = func->param_cnt) <= 0 || (parms = func->fparms) == NULL ) return; for (i = 0; i < pcount; i++) (void) install(parms[i].param, parms + i, Node_param_list); } /* * remove_params --- remove function parameters out of the symbol table. */ void remove_params(NODE *func) { NODE *parms, *p; int i, pcount; if (func == NULL) return; assert(func->type == Node_func); if ((pcount = func->param_cnt) <= 0 || (parms = func->fparms) == NULL ) return; for (i = pcount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { NODE *tmp; NODE *tmp2; p = parms + i; assert(p->type == Node_param_list); tmp = make_string(p->vname, strlen(p->vname)); tmp2 = in_array(param_table, tmp); if (tmp2 != NULL && tmp2->dup_ent != NULL) { tmp2->dup_ent = tmp2->dup_ent->dup_ent; } else { (void) assoc_remove(param_table, tmp); } unref(tmp); } assoc_clear(param_table); /* shazzam! */ } /* remove_symbol --- remove a symbol from the symbol table */ NODE * remove_symbol(NODE *r) { NODE *n = in_array(symbol_table, r); if (n == NULL) return n; n = dupnode(n); (void) assoc_remove(symbol_table, r); return n; } /* destroy_symbol --- remove a symbol from symbol table * and free all associated memory. */ void destroy_symbol(NODE *r) { r = remove_symbol(r); if (r == NULL) return; switch (r->type) { case Node_func: if (r->param_cnt > 0) { NODE *n; int i; int pcount = r->param_cnt; /* function parameters of type Node_param_list */ for (i = 0; i < pcount; i++) { n = r->fparms + i; efree(n->param); } efree(r->fparms); } break; case Node_ext_func: bcfree(r->code_ptr); break; case Node_var_array: assoc_clear(r); break; case Node_var: unref(r->var_value); break; default: /* Node_param_list -- YYABORT */ return; } efree(r->vname); freenode(r); } /* make_symbol --- allocates a global symbol for the symbol table. */ static NODE * make_symbol(char *name, NODETYPE type) { NODE *r; getnode(r); memset(r, '\0', sizeof(NODE)); if (type == Node_var_array) null_array(r); else if (type == Node_var) r->var_value = dupnode(Nnull_string); r->vname = name; r->type = type; return r; } /* install --- install a global name or function parameter in the symbol table */ static NODE * install(char *name, NODE *parm, NODETYPE type) { NODE *r; NODE **aptr; NODE *table; NODE *n_name; NODE *prev; n_name = make_string(name, strlen(name)); table = symbol_table; if (type == Node_param_list) { table = param_table; } else if (type == Node_func || type == Node_ext_func) { table = func_table; } else if (installing_specials) { table = global_table; } if (parm != NULL) { r = parm; } else { /* global symbol */ r = make_symbol(name, type); if (type == Node_func) func_count++; if (type != Node_ext_func && table != global_table) var_count++; /* total, includes Node_func */ } if (type == Node_param_list) { prev = in_array(table, n_name); if (prev == NULL) goto simple; r->dup_ent = prev->dup_ent; prev->dup_ent = r; } else { simple: /* the simple case */ aptr = assoc_lookup(table, n_name); unref(*aptr); *aptr = r; } unref(n_name); if (install_func) (*install_func)(r); return r; } /* comp_symbol --- compare two (variable or function) names */ static int comp_symbol(const void *v1, const void *v2) { const NODE *const *npp1, *const *npp2; const NODE *n1, *n2; npp1 = (const NODE *const *) v1; npp2 = (const NODE *const *) v2; n1 = *npp1; n2 = *npp2; return strcmp(n1->vname, n2->vname); } typedef enum { FUNCTION = 1, VARIABLE } SYMBOL_TYPE; /* get_symbols --- return a list of optionally sorted symbols */ static NODE ** get_symbols(SYMBOL_TYPE what, bool sort) { int i; NODE **table; NODE **list; NODE *r; long count = 0; long max; NODE *the_table; /* * assoc_list() returns an array with two elements per awk array * element. Elements i and i+1 in the C array represent the key * and value of element j in the awk array. Thus the loops use += 2 * to go through the awk array. */ if (what == FUNCTION) { the_table = func_table; max = the_table->table_size * 2; list = assoc_list(the_table, "@unsorted", ASORTI); emalloc(table, NODE **, (func_count + 1) * sizeof(NODE *), "get_symbols"); for (i = count = 0; i < max; i += 2) { r = list[i+1]; if (r->type == Node_ext_func) continue; assert(r->type == Node_func); table[count++] = r; } } else { /* what == VARIABLE */ update_global_values(); the_table = symbol_table; max = the_table->table_size * 2; list = assoc_list(the_table, "@unsorted", ASORTI); emalloc(table, NODE **, (var_count + 1) * sizeof(NODE *), "get_symbols"); for (i = count = 0; i < max; i += 2) { r = list[i+1]; if (r->type == Node_val) /* non-variable in SYMTAB */ continue; table[count++] = r; } } efree(list); if (sort && count > 1) qsort(table, count, sizeof(NODE *), comp_symbol); /* Shazzam! */ table[count] = NULL; /* null terminate the list */ return table; } /* variable_list --- list of global variables */ NODE ** variable_list() { return get_symbols(VARIABLE, true); } /* function_list --- list of functions */ NODE ** function_list(bool sort) { return get_symbols(FUNCTION, sort); } /* print_vars --- print names and values of global variables */ void print_vars(NODE **table, int (*print_func)(FILE *, const char *, ...), FILE *fp) { int i; NODE *r; assert(table != NULL); for (i = 0; (r = table[i]) != NULL; i++) { if (r->type == Node_func || r->type == Node_ext_func) continue; print_func(fp, "%s: ", r->vname); if (r->type == Node_var_array) print_func(fp, "array, %ld elements\n", assoc_length(r)); else if (r->type == Node_var_new) print_func(fp, "untyped variable\n"); else if (r->type == Node_var) valinfo(r->var_value, print_func, fp); } } /* foreach_func --- execute given function for each awk function in table. */ int foreach_func(NODE **table, int (*pfunc)(INSTRUCTION *, void *), void *data) { int i; NODE *r; int ret = 0; assert(table != NULL); for (i = 0; (r = table[i]) != NULL; i++) { if ((ret = pfunc(r->code_ptr, data)) != 0) break; } return ret; } /* release_all_vars --- free all variable memory */ void release_all_vars() { assoc_clear(symbol_table); assoc_clear(func_table); assoc_clear(global_table); } /* append_symbol --- append symbol to the list of symbols * installed in the symbol table. */ void append_symbol(NODE *r) { NODE *p; getnode(p); p->lnode = r; p->rnode = symbol_list->rnode; symbol_list->rnode = p; } /* release_symbol --- free symbol list and optionally remove symbol from symbol table */ void release_symbols(NODE *symlist, int keep_globals) { NODE *p, *next; for (p = symlist->rnode; p != NULL; p = next) { if (! keep_globals) { /* destroys globals, function, and params * if still in symbol table */ destroy_symbol(p->lnode); } next = p->rnode; freenode(p); } symlist->rnode = NULL; } /* load_symbols --- fill in symbols' information */ void load_symbols() { NODE *r; NODE *tmp; NODE *sym_array; NODE **aptr; long i, j, max; NODE *user, *extension, *untyped, *scalar, *array; NODE **list; NODE *tables[4]; if (PROCINFO_node == NULL) return; tables[0] = func_table; tables[1] = symbol_table; tables[2] = global_table; tables[3] = NULL; tmp = make_string("identifiers", 11); aptr = assoc_lookup(PROCINFO_node, tmp); getnode(sym_array); memset(sym_array, '\0', sizeof(NODE)); /* PPC Mac OS X wants this */ null_array(sym_array); unref(*aptr); *aptr = sym_array; sym_array->parent_array = PROCINFO_node; sym_array->vname = estrdup("identifiers", 11); make_aname(sym_array); user = make_string("user", 4); extension = make_string("extension", 9); scalar = make_string("scalar", 6); untyped = make_string("untyped", 7); array = make_string("array", 5); for (i = 0; tables[i] != NULL; i++) { list = assoc_list(tables[i], "@unsorted", ASORTI); max = tables[i]->table_size * 2; if (max == 0) continue; for (j = 0; j < max; j += 2) { r = list[j+1]; if ( r->type == Node_ext_func || r->type == Node_func || r->type == Node_var || r->type == Node_var_array || r->type == Node_var_new) { tmp = make_string(r->vname, strlen(r->vname)); aptr = assoc_lookup(sym_array, tmp); unref(tmp); unref(*aptr); switch (r->type) { case Node_ext_func: *aptr = dupnode(extension); break; case Node_func: *aptr = dupnode(user); break; case Node_var: *aptr = dupnode(scalar); break; case Node_var_array: *aptr = dupnode(array); break; case Node_var_new: *aptr = dupnode(untyped); break; default: cant_happen(); break; } } } efree(list); } unref(user); unref(extension); unref(scalar); unref(untyped); unref(array); } #define pool_size d.dl #define freei x.xi static INSTRUCTION *pool_list; /* INSTR_CHUNK must be > largest code size (3) */ #define INSTR_CHUNK 127 /* bcfree --- deallocate instruction */ void bcfree(INSTRUCTION *cp) { cp->opcode = 0; cp->nexti = pool_list->freei; pool_list->freei = cp; } /* bcalloc --- allocate a new instruction */ INSTRUCTION * bcalloc(OPCODE op, int size, int srcline) { INSTRUCTION *cp; if (size > 1) { /* wide instructions Op_rule, Op_func_call .. */ emalloc(cp, INSTRUCTION *, (size + 1) * sizeof(INSTRUCTION), "bcalloc"); cp->pool_size = size; cp->nexti = pool_list->nexti; pool_list->nexti = cp++; } else { INSTRUCTION *pool; pool = pool_list->freei; if (pool == NULL) { INSTRUCTION *last; emalloc(cp, INSTRUCTION *, (INSTR_CHUNK + 1) * sizeof(INSTRUCTION), "bcalloc"); cp->pool_size = INSTR_CHUNK; cp->nexti = pool_list->nexti; pool_list->nexti = cp; pool = ++cp; last = &pool[INSTR_CHUNK - 1]; for (; cp <= last; cp++) { cp->opcode = 0; cp->nexti = cp + 1; } --cp; cp->nexti = NULL; } cp = pool; pool_list->freei = cp->nexti; } memset(cp, 0, size * sizeof(INSTRUCTION)); cp->opcode = op; cp->source_line = srcline; return cp; } /* new_context --- create a new execution context. */ AWK_CONTEXT * new_context() { AWK_CONTEXT *ctxt; emalloc(ctxt, AWK_CONTEXT *, sizeof(AWK_CONTEXT), "new_context"); memset(ctxt, 0, sizeof(AWK_CONTEXT)); ctxt->srcfiles.next = ctxt->srcfiles.prev = & ctxt->srcfiles; ctxt->rule_list.opcode = Op_list; ctxt->rule_list.lasti = & ctxt->rule_list; return ctxt; } /* set_context --- change current execution context. */ static void set_context(AWK_CONTEXT *ctxt) { pool_list = & ctxt->pools; symbol_list = & ctxt->symbols; srcfiles = & ctxt->srcfiles; rule_list = & ctxt->rule_list; install_func = ctxt->install_func; curr_ctxt = ctxt; } /* * push_context: * * Switch to the given context after saving the current one. The set * of active execution contexts forms a stack; the global or main context * is at the bottom of the stack. */ void push_context(AWK_CONTEXT *ctxt) { ctxt->prev = curr_ctxt; /* save current source and sourceline */ if (curr_ctxt != NULL) { curr_ctxt->sourceline = sourceline; curr_ctxt->source = source; } sourceline = 0; source = NULL; set_context(ctxt); ctxt_level++; } /* pop_context --- switch to previous execution context. */ void pop_context() { AWK_CONTEXT *ctxt; assert(curr_ctxt != NULL); if (curr_ctxt->prev == NULL) fatal(_("can not pop main context")); ctxt = curr_ctxt->prev; /* restore source and sourceline */ sourceline = ctxt->sourceline; source = ctxt->source; set_context(ctxt); ctxt_level--; } /* in_main_context --- are we in the main context ? */ int in_main_context() { assert(ctxt_level > 0); return (ctxt_level == 1); } /* free_context --- free context structure and related data. */ void free_context(AWK_CONTEXT *ctxt, bool keep_globals) { SRCFILE *s, *sn; if (ctxt == NULL) return; assert(curr_ctxt != ctxt); /* free all code including function codes */ free_bcpool(& ctxt->pools); /* free symbols */ release_symbols(& ctxt->symbols, keep_globals); /* free srcfiles */ for (s = & ctxt->srcfiles; s != & ctxt->srcfiles; s = sn) { sn = s->next; if (s->stype != SRC_CMDLINE && s->stype != SRC_STDIN) efree(s->fullpath); efree(s->src); efree(s); } efree(ctxt); } /* free_bc_internal --- free internal memory of an instruction. */ static void free_bc_internal(INSTRUCTION *cp) { NODE *m; switch(cp->opcode) { case Op_func_call: if (cp->func_name != NULL) efree(cp->func_name); break; case Op_push_re: case Op_match_rec: case Op_match: case Op_nomatch: m = cp->memory; if (m->re_reg != NULL) refree(m->re_reg); if (m->re_exp != NULL) unref(m->re_exp); if (m->re_text != NULL) unref(m->re_text); freenode(m); break; case Op_token: /* token lost during error recovery in yyparse */ if (cp->lextok != NULL) efree(cp->lextok); break; case Op_push_i: m = cp->memory; unref(m); break; case Op_store_var: m = cp->initval; if (m != NULL) unref(m); break; case Op_illegal: cant_happen(); default: break; } } /* free_bcpool --- free list of instruction memory pools */ static void free_bcpool(INSTRUCTION *pl) { INSTRUCTION *pool, *tmp; for (pool = pl->nexti; pool != NULL; pool = tmp) { INSTRUCTION *cp, *last; long psiz; psiz = pool->pool_size; if (psiz == INSTR_CHUNK) last = pool + psiz; else last = pool + 1; for (cp = pool + 1; cp <= last ; cp++) { if (cp->opcode != 0) free_bc_internal(cp); } tmp = pool->nexti; efree(pool); } memset(pl, 0, sizeof(INSTRUCTION)); }