This is the h2pas program, a utility to convert C header files to pascal units. It is part of the Free Pascal distribution. COMPILING To compile the program, a simple 'make' should be sufficient; you need GNU make for this. When using TP, a simple tpc h2pas.pas should also be possible. USAGE h2pas [-p] [-t] [-o outputfilename] [-l libname] [-u unitname] filename -t : Prepend 'T' to all type names in typedef definitions. This may help when the C header use uppercase types and lowercase variables of the same name. -p : Use 'P' instead of ^ as a pointer symbol; This will convert ^char to pchar ^longint to plongint etc. It will also define a PSOMETYPE pointer for each SOMETYPE struct type definition in the header file. Thus typedef struct somestruct { ... } Will be converted to somestruct = record ... end; PSomestruct = ^Somestruct; If the -t options is used, the -p option takes care of that too. -l : In the implementation part, the external functions will be written with 'external libname;' behind it. If you omit this option, all functions will be declared as cdecl; external; -o : specify the outputname. By default, the inputname is used, with extension '.pp'. -u : Specify the unit name. By default, the outputname is used, without extension. -v : Replaces pointer types in parameter list by call by reference parameters: void p(int *i) => procedure p(var i : longint); Enjoy !