program getrev; { The purpose of this program is to parse the output of svn info several files and to extract the lastest date and revision The program expects a single parameter, being the name of the text file } procedure Usage; begin Writeln(paramstr(0),' requires exactly one parameter'); Writeln('This paramaeter must be the name of the file'); Writeln('Generated by svn info files > filename'); halt(1); end; var filename, fileurl, line, date, lastdate, revision, oldrevstring, olddate : string; f : text; p, io : longint; rev, lastrev, oldrev : longint; begin if paramcount<>1 then Usage; filename:=paramstr(1); {$i-} assign(f,filename); reset(f); io:=ioresult; if io<>0 then begin Writeln('Unable to open ',filename,' for reading, io=',io); halt(2); end; lastrev:=0; lastdate:='0'; while not eof(f) do begin readln(f,line); p:=pos('URL: ',line); if p>0 then begin fileurl:=copy(line,p+length('URL: '),length(line)); writeln('fileurl=',fileurl); end; p:=pos('Last Changed Date: ',line); if p>0 then begin date:=copy(line,p+length('Last Changed Date: '),length(line)); p:=pos(' ',date); if p>0 then date:=copy(date,1,p-1); writeln('date=',date); if date>lastdate then lastdate:=date; end; p:=pos('Last Changed Rev: ',line); if p>0 then begin revision:=copy(line,p+length('Last Changed Rev: '),length(line)); writeln('rev=',revision); val(revision,rev); if rev>lastrev then lastrev:=rev; end; end; close(f); assign(f,''); io:=ioresult; reset(f); io:=ioresult; if io<>0 then begin Writeln(' reset failed, io=',io); end else begin readln(f,oldrevstring); close(f); writeln('oldrevstring ',oldrevstring); if oldrevstring[1]='''' then oldrevstring:=copy(oldrevstring,2,length(oldrevstring)); p:=length(oldrevstring); if oldrevstring[p]='''' then oldrevstring:=copy(oldrevstring,1,p-1); p:=pos(' rev ',oldrevstring); if p>0 then begin val(copy(oldrevstring,p+5,length(oldrevstring)),oldrev); olddate:=copy(oldrevstring,1,p-1); Writeln('Old values ',olddate,' ',oldrev); if (olddate >= lastdate) and (oldrev >= lastrev) then begin Writeln('New values ',lastdate,' ',lastrev); Writeln('Keeing old values'); lastrev:=oldrev; lastdate:=olddate; end; end; end; Writeln(' set to ''',lastdate,' rev ',lastrev,''''); assign(f,''); rewrite(f); io:=ioresult; if io <> 0 then begin Writeln('Error opening for writing'); halt(3); end; Writeln(f,'''',lastdate,' rev ',lastrev,''''); close(f); end.