{ Source provided for Free Pascal Bug Report 3216 } { Submitted by "Mark Honman" on 2004-07-17 } { e-mail: wania_mark@yahoo.co.uk } program OLEVariantPropertyBug; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} uses Classes; type TShowProblem = class function GetValue(Index : integer) : OleVariant; stdcall; property IWontCompile[Index : integer] : OleVariant read GetValue; end; { Note : if any of the following is changed, the problem disappears * make it a scalar (non-indexed) property * remove the stdcall directive * change the type of the property to something else although quite obscure, it would be very useful to have this fixed as it will greatly assist in interfacing to external OLE objects - in this case the ADO library for access to MS SQL Server. Identified with FPC 1.9.3 on Windows ME. } function TShowProblem.GetValue(Index : integer) : OleVariant; stdcall; begin end; begin end.