{ %RESULT=210 } { Source provided for Free Pascal Bug Report 2318 } { Submitted by "Sergey Kosarevsky" on 2003-01-09 } { e-mail: netsurfer@au.ru } {$R+} Type tObject=Object Constructor Init; Function GetVMT:Pointer;Static; Destructor Done;Virtual; End; Constructor tObject.Init; Begin End; Function tObject.GetVMT:Pointer; Begin GetVMT:=self; End; Destructor tObject.Done; Begin End; Var O:tObject; Begin //O.Init; { No init done, the object check should give an RTE 210 } if (O.GetVMT= nil) or (O.getVMT<>tObject.GetVMT) then begin Writeln('Problem with static methods'); halt(1); end; End.