{$mode objfpc}{$H+} {$ifdef go32v2} {$define USE_INTERNAL_UNICODE} {$endif} {$ifdef USE_INTERNAL_UNICODE} {$define USE_FPWIDESTRING_UNIT} {$define USE_UNICODEDUCET_UNIT} {$define USE_CPALL_UNIT} {$endif} uses {$ifndef USE_INTERNAL_UNICODE} {$ifdef unix} {$ifdef darwin}iosxwstr{$else}cwstring{$endif}, {$endif unix} {$endif ndef USE_INTERNAL_UNICODE} {$ifdef USE_UNICODEDUCET_UNIT} unicodeducet, {$endif} {$ifdef USE_FPWIDESTRING_UNIT} fpwidestring, {$endif} {$ifdef USE_CPALL_UNIT} cpall, {$endif} Classes, SysUtils; const buffer : array[1..20334] of char=( 'U','T','F','-','8',' ','d','e','c','o','d','e','r',' ','c', 'a','p','a','b','i','l','i','t','y',' ','a','n','d',' ','s', 't','r','e','s','s',' ','t','e','s','t',#010,'-','-','-','-', '-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-', '-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-', '-','-','-','-','-','-',#010,#010,'M','a','r','k','u','s',' ', 'K','u','h','n',' ','<','h','t','t','p',':','/','/','w','w', 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WideVersion:=WideVersion+UTF8Decode(LineBuffer)+#10; //This test checks the bytes needed calculation and //the conversion itself to return the same amount of bytes needed. BytesUsed1:=Length(UTF8Decode(LineBuffer)); BytesUsed2:=UTF8ToUnicode(nil,0,pchar(LineBuffer),Length(LineBuffer)); if BytesUsed1<>(BytesUsed2-1) then //UTF8ToUnicode includes terminating #0 -> -1 begin writeln(UTF8Decode(linebuffer)); writeln('error at ',j,': ',BytesUsed1,' <> ',BytesUsed2-1); halt(1); end; SetLength(LineBuffer2,4096); tmpwide:=UTF8Decode(LineBuffer); // UnicodeToUTF8 includes terminating #0 -> length-1 if length(tmpwide)>0 then setlength(LineBuffer2,UnicodeToUTF8(@LineBuffer2[1],length(LineBuffer2),punicodechar(@tmpwide[1]),length(tmpwide))-1) else setlength(LineBuffer2,0); cnvwide:=UTF8Decode(LineBuffer2); if (cnvwide <> tmpwide) then begin writeln(j); writeln('org (len: ',length(tmpwide),'): "',tmpwide,'"'); writeln('new (len: ',length(cnvwide),'): "',cnvwide,'"'); halt(2); end; SetLength(LineBuffer,4096); TargetPosition:=1; end else begin if Buffer[j]<>#13 then begin LineBuffer[TargetPosition]:=Buffer[j]; inc(TargetPosition); end; end; end; end; begin dotest; end.