uses dos; var dirinfo:searchrec; function IntToStr(I: Longint): String; { Convert any integer type to a string } var S: string[11]; begin Str(I, S); IntToStr := S; end; procedure write_error(errorstring:string); var h,m,s,j,mo,ta,dummy:word; stri:string; begin gettime(h,m,s,dummy); getdate(j,mo,ta,dummy); stri:=inttostr(j)+':'+inttostr(mo)+':'+inttostr(ta)+' '+inttostr(h)+':'+inttostr(m)+':'+inttostr(s); writeln(stri,' ',errorstring); end; procedure readprgfiles; var i:word; begin FindFirst('*.pp',anyfile, DirInfo); while doserror = 0 do begin inc(i); writeln(; write_error(; {without this function the program works} FindNext(DirInfo); end; write_error('fertig'); end; BEGIN readprgfiles; END.