{ Basic Windows stuff This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. Copyright (c) 2002-2005 by Free Pascal development team See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} { Platform specific information } type {$ifdef CPU64} THandle = QWord; ULONG_PTR = QWord; {$else CPU64} THandle = DWord; ULONG_PTR = DWord; {$endif CPU64} TThreadID = DWord; SIZE_T = ULONG_PTR; TOSTimestamp = Int64; { the fields of this record are os dependent } { and they shouldn't be used in a program } { only the type TCriticalSection is important } PRTLCriticalSection = ^TRTLCriticalSection; {$ifndef WINCE} TRTLCriticalSection = packed record DebugInfo : pointer; LockCount : longint; RecursionCount : longint; OwningThread : THandle; LockSemaphore : THandle; SpinCount : ULONG_PTR; end; {$else WINCE} //CE only TRTLCriticalSection = packed record LockCount : DWord ; // Nesting count on critical section OwnerThread : THandle; // Handle of owner thread hCrit : THandle; // Handle to this critical section needtrap : DWORD; // Trap in when freeing critical section dwContentions : DWORD ; // Count of contentions end; {$endif WINCE} {$if defined(WIN32) or defined(WIN64)} {$define HAS_ENTRYINFORMATION_OS} TEntryInformationOS = record {$ifdef WIN32} asm_exit : Procedure;stdcall; {$endif WIN32} TlsKeyAddr : PDWord; SysInstance: {$ifdef CPU64}PQWord{$else}PLongInt{$endif}; WideInitTables : Pointer; end; {$endif WIN32 or WIN64} const {$ifdef WINCE} KernelDLL = 'coredll'; ApiSuffix = 'W'; {$else WINCE} KernelDLL = 'kernel32'; ApiSuffix = 'A'; {$endif WINCE} function OleStrToString(source: PWideChar) : UnicodeString;inline; procedure OleStrToStrVar(source : PWideChar;var dest : UnicodeString);inline; procedure OleStrToStrVar(source : PWideChar;var dest : AnsiString);inline; function StringToOleStr(const source : ansistring) : PWideChar;inline; function StringToOleStr(const source : UnicodeString) : PWideChar;inline; type TStartupInfo = record cb : DWord; lpReserved : Pointer; lpDesktop : Pointer; lpTitle : Pointer; dwX : DWord; dwY : DWord; dwXSize : DWord; dwYSize : DWord; dwXCountChars : DWord; dwYCountChars : DWord; dwFillAttribute : DWord; dwFlags : DWord; wShowWindow : Word; cbReserved2 : Word; lpReserved2 : Pointer; hStdInput : THandle; hStdOutput : THandle; hStdError : THandle; end; { package stuff } type PLibModule = ^TLibModule; TLibModule = record Next: PLibModule; Instance: THandle; CodeInstance: THandle; DataInstance: THandle; ResInstance: THandle; Reserved: PtrInt; end; var LibModuleList: PLibModule = nil; {$ifdef FPC_USE_WIN64_SEH} procedure _fpc_local_unwind(frame,target: Pointer);compilerproc; {$endif FPC_USE_WIN64_SEH} {$ifdef FPC_SECTION_THREADVARS} function fpc_tls_add(addr: pointer):pointer;compilerproc; {$endif FPC_SECTION_THREADVARS}