{ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. Copyright (c) 2020,2021 by the Free Pascal development team. System unit for The WebAssembly System Interface (WASI). See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} unit system; interface {$define FPC_IS_SYSTEM} {$I systemh.inc} const LineEnding = #10; LFNSupport = true; DirectorySeparator = '/'; DriveSeparator = ''; ExtensionSeparator = '.'; PathSeparator = ':'; AllowDirectorySeparators : set of char = ['\','/']; AllowDriveSeparators : set of char = []; { FileNameCaseSensitive and FileNameCasePreserving are defined below! } maxExitCode = 65535; MaxPathLen = 4096; AllFilesMask = '*'; const UnusedHandle = -1; StdInputHandle = 0; StdOutputHandle = 1; StdErrorHandle = 2; FileNameCaseSensitive : boolean = true; FileNameCasePreserving: boolean = true; CtrlZMarksEOF: boolean = false; (* #26 not considered as end of file *) sLineBreak = LineEnding; DefaultTextLineBreakStyle : TTextLineBreakStyle = tlbsLF; var argc: longint; argv: PPChar; procedure DebugWrite(const P: PChar); procedure DebugWriteLn(const P: PChar); procedure DebugWriteChar(Ch: Char); procedure DebugWriteHexDigit(d: Byte); procedure DebugWriteHexByte(b: Byte); procedure DebugWriteHexWord(w: Word); procedure DebugWriteHexLongWord(lw: LongWord); implementation {$I wasitypes.inc} {$I wasiprocs.inc} {$I system.inc} var argv_size, argv_buf_size: __wasi_size_t; argv_buf: Pointer; function GetProcessID: SizeUInt; begin end; Procedure Randomize; Begin End; procedure System_exit; begin __wasi_proc_exit(ExitCode); End; procedure Setup_PreopenedDirs; var fd: __wasi_fd_t; prestat: __wasi_prestat_t; res: __wasi_errno_t; prestat_dir_name: PChar; begin fd:=3; repeat res:=__wasi_fd_prestat_get(fd, @prestat); if res=__WASI_ERRNO_SUCCESS then begin if (prestat.tag=__WASI_PREOPENTYPE_DIR) and (prestat.u.dir.pr_name_len>0) then begin //GetMem(prestat_dir_name,prestat.u.dir.pr_name_len+1); //if __wasi_fd_prestat_dir_name(fd,PByte(prestat_dir_name),prestat.u.dir.pr_name_len)=__WASI_ERRNO_SUCCESS then //begin // prestat_dir_name[prestat.u.dir.pr_name_len]:=#0; // //Writeln(prestat_dir_name); //end //else // FreeMem(prestat_dir_name,prestat.u.dir.pr_name_len+1); end; end; Inc(fd); until res<>__WASI_ERRNO_SUCCESS; end; procedure setup_arguments; begin if argv<>nil then exit; if __wasi_args_sizes_get(@argc, @argv_buf_size)<>__WASI_ERRNO_SUCCESS then begin argc:=0; argv:=nil; exit; end; argv_size:=(argc+1)*SizeOf(PChar); GetMem(argv, argv_size); GetMem(argv_buf, argv_buf_size); if __wasi_args_get(Pointer(argv), argv_buf)<>__WASI_ERRNO_SUCCESS then begin FreeMem(argv, argv_size); FreeMem(argv_buf, argv_buf_size); argc:=0; argv:=nil; end; end; Function ParamCount: Longint; Begin if argv=nil then setup_arguments; paramcount := argc - 1; End; function paramstr(l: longint) : string; begin if argv=nil then setup_arguments; if (l>=0) and (l+1<=argc) then paramstr:=strpas(argv[l]) else paramstr:=''; end; procedure SysInitStdIO; begin OpenStdIO(Input,fmInput,StdInputHandle); OpenStdIO(Output,fmOutput,StdOutputHandle); OpenStdIO(ErrOutput,fmOutput,StdErrorHandle); OpenStdIO(StdOut,fmOutput,StdOutputHandle); OpenStdIO(StdErr,fmOutput,StdErrorHandle); end; function CheckInitialStkLen(stklen : SizeUInt) : SizeUInt; begin end; procedure DebugWrite(const P: PChar); var our_iov: __wasi_ciovec_t; our_nwritten: longint; begin our_iov.buf := PByte(P); our_iov.buf_len := StrLen(P); __wasi_fd_write(1, @our_iov, 1, @our_nwritten); end; procedure DebugWriteLn(const P: PChar); begin DebugWrite(P); DebugWriteChar(#10); end; procedure DebugWriteChar(Ch: Char); var CharArr: array [0..1] of Char; begin CharArr[0] := Ch; CharArr[1] := #0; DebugWrite(@CharArr); end; procedure DebugWriteHexDigit(d: Byte); const HexDigits: array [0..15] of Char = '0123456789ABCDEF'; begin DebugWriteChar(HexDigits[d]); end; procedure DebugWriteHexByte(b: Byte); begin DebugWriteHexDigit(b shr 4); DebugWriteHexDigit(b and 15); end; procedure DebugWriteHexWord(w: Word); begin DebugWriteHexByte(w shr 8); DebugWriteHexByte(Byte(w)); end; procedure DebugWriteHexLongWord(lw: LongWord); begin DebugWriteHexWord(lw shr 16); DebugWriteHexWord(Word(lw)); end; begin { To be set if this is a GUI or console application } IsConsole := TRUE; {$ifdef FPC_HAS_FEATURE_DYNLIBS} { If dynlibs feature is disabled, IsLibrary is a constant, which can thus not be set to a value } { To be set if this is a library and not a program } IsLibrary := FALSE; {$endif def FPC_HAS_FEATURE_DYNLIBS} { Setup heap } InitHeap; SysInitExceptions; initunicodestringmanager; { Setup stdin, stdout and stderr } SysInitStdIO; { Reset IO Error } InOutRes:=0; {$ifdef FPC_HAS_FEATURE_THREADING} InitSystemThreads; {$endif} Setup_PreopenedDirs end.