{ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. Copyright (c) 1999-2000 by Peter Vreman Copyright (c) 2006 by Jonas Maebe members of the Free Pascal development team. Generic *nix TThread implementation See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} { What follows, is a short description on my implementation of TThread. Most information can also be found by reading the source and accompanying comments. A thread is created using BeginThread, which in turn calls pthread_create. So the threads here are always posix threads. Posix doesn't define anything for suspending threads as this is inherintly unsafe. Just don't suspend threads at points they cannot control. Therefore, I didn't implement .Suspend() if its called from outside the threads execution flow (except on Linux _without_ NPTL). The implementation for .suspend uses an RTLEvent, which is initialized at thread creation. If the thread tries to suspend itself, we simply let it wait on the Event until it is unblocked by someone else who calls .Resume. Johannes Berg , Sunday, November 16 2003 } { ok, so this is a hack, but it works nicely. Just never use a multiline argument with WRITE_DEBUG! } {.$DEFINE DEBUG_MT} {$MACRO ON} {$IFDEF DEBUG_MT} {$define WRITE_DEBUG := writeln} // actually write something {$ELSE} {$define WRITE_DEBUG := //} // just comment out those lines {$ENDIF} var ThreadsInited: boolean = false; const // stupid, considering its not even implemented... Priorities: array [TThreadPriority] of Integer = (-20,-19,-10,0,9,18,19); procedure DoneThreads; begin ThreadsInited := false; end; function ThreadFunc(parameter: Pointer): ptrint; var LThread: TThread; LFreeOnTerminate: boolean; {$ifdef DEBUG_MT} lErrorAddr, lErrorBase: Pointer; {$endif} begin WRITE_DEBUG('ThreadFunc is here...'); LThread := TThread(parameter); WRITE_DEBUG('thread initing, parameter = ', ptruint(LThread)); try // wait until AfterConstruction has been called, so we cannot // free ourselves before TThread.Create has finished // (since that one may check our VTM in case of $R+, and // will call the AfterConstruction method in all cases) // LThread.Suspend; WRITE_DEBUG('AfterConstruction should have been called for ',ptruint(lthread)); if LThread.FInitialSuspended then begin WRITE_DEBUG('thread ', ptruint(LThread), ' waiting for RTLEvent ', ptruint(LThread.FSuspendEvent)); RtlEventWaitFor(LThread.FSuspendEvent); if not(LThread.FTerminated) then begin if not LThread.FSuspended then begin LThread.FInitialSuspended := false; CurrentThreadVar := LThread; WRITE_DEBUG('going into LThread.Execute'); LThread.Execute; end else WRITE_DEBUG('thread ', ptruint(LThread), ' initially created suspended, resumed, but still suspended?!'); end else WRITE_DEBUG('initially created suspended, but already terminated'); end else begin LThread.FSuspendedInternal := true; WRITE_DEBUG('waiting for SuspendedInternal - ', LThread.ClassName); RtlEventWaitFor(LThread.FSuspendEvent); CurrentThreadVar := LThread; WRITE_DEBUG('going into LThread.Execute - ', LThread.ClassName); LThread.Execute; end; except on e: exception do begin LThread.FFatalException := TObject(AcquireExceptionObject); {$ifdef DEBUG_MT} lErrorAddr:=ExceptAddr; lErrorBase:=ExceptFrames^; writeln(stderr,'Exception caught in thread $',hexstr(LThread), ' at $',hexstr(lErrorAddr)); writeln(stderr,BackTraceStrFunc(lErrorAddr)); dump_stack(stderr,lErrorBase); writeln(stderr); {$endif} // not sure if we should really do this... // but .Destroy was called, so why not try FreeOnTerminate? if e is EThreadDestroyCalled then LThread.FFreeOnTerminate := true; end; end; WRITE_DEBUG('thread done running'); Result := LThread.FReturnValue; WRITE_DEBUG('Result is ',Result); LFreeOnTerminate := LThread.FreeOnTerminate; LThread.DoTerminate; LThread.FFinished := True; if LFreeOnTerminate then begin WRITE_DEBUG('Thread ',ptruint(lthread),' should be freed'); LThread.Free; WRITE_DEBUG('Thread freed'); WRITE_DEBUG('thread func calling EndThread'); // we can never come here if the thread has already been joined, because // this function is the thread's main function (so it would have terminated // already in case it was joined) EndThread(Result); end; end; { TThread } procedure TThread.SysCreate(CreateSuspended: Boolean; const StackSize: SizeUInt); begin FSuspendEvent := RtlEventCreate; WRITE_DEBUG('thread ', ptruint(self), ' created RTLEvent ', ptruint(FSuspendEvent)); FSuspended := CreateSuspended; FThreadReaped := false; FInitialSuspended := CreateSuspended; FFatalException := nil; FSuspendedInternal := not CreateSuspended; WRITE_DEBUG('creating thread, self = ',ptruint(self)); FHandle:= BeginThread(@ThreadFunc, Pointer(Self), FThreadID, StackSize); if FHandle = TThreadID(0) then raise EThread.create('Failed to create new thread'); WRITE_DEBUG('TThread.Create done, fhandle = ', ptruint(fhandle)); end; procedure TThread.SysDestroy; begin if not assigned(FSuspendEvent) then { exception in constructor } exit; if (FHandle = TThreadID(0)) then { another exception in constructor } begin RtlEventDestroy(FSuspendEvent); exit; end; if (FThreadID = GetCurrentThreadID) then begin if not(FFreeOnTerminate) and not FFinished then raise EThreadDestroyCalled.Create('A thread cannot destroy itself except by setting FreeOnTerminate and leaving!'); FFreeOnTerminate := false; end else begin // if someone calls .Free on a thread with not(FreeOnTerminate), there // is no problem. Otherwise, FreeOnTerminate must be set to false so // when ThreadFunc exits the main runloop, it does not try to Free // itself again FFreeOnTerminate := false; { you can't join yourself, so only for FThreadID<>GetCurrentThreadID } { and you can't join twice -> make sure we didn't join already } if not FThreadReaped then begin Terminate; if (FSuspendedInternal or FInitialSuspended) then Resume; WaitFor; end; end; RtlEventDestroy(FSuspendEvent); FFatalException.Free; FFatalException := nil; { threadvars have been released by cthreads.ThreadMain -> DoneThread, or } { or will be released (in case of FFreeOnTerminate) after this destructor } { has exited by ThreadFunc->EndThread->cthreads.CEndThread->DoneThread) } end; procedure TThread.SetSuspended(Value: Boolean); begin if Value <> FSuspended then if Value then Suspend else Resume; end; procedure TThread.Suspend; begin if FThreadID = GetCurrentThreadID then begin if not FSuspended and (InterLockedExchange(longint(FSuspended),longint(longbool(true))) = longint(longbool(false))) then RtlEventWaitFor(FSuspendEvent) end else begin Raise EThread.create('Suspending one thread from inside another one is unsupported (because it is unsafe and deadlock prone) by *nix and posix operating systems'); end; end; procedure TThread.Resume; begin if FSuspendedInternal and (InterLockedExchange(longint(FSuspendedInternal),ord(false)) = longint(longbool(true))) then begin WRITE_DEBUG('resuming thread after TThread construction',ptruint(self)); RtlEventSetEvent(FSuspendEvent); end else begin if FSuspended and { don't compare with ord(true) or ord(longbool(true)), } { becaue a longbool's "true" value is anyting <> false } (InterLockedExchange(longint(FSuspended),longint(false)) <> longint(longbool(false))) then begin WRITE_DEBUG('resuming ',ptruint(self)); RtlEventSetEvent(FSuspendEvent); end end end; function TThread.WaitFor: Integer; begin WRITE_DEBUG('waiting for thread ',ptruint(FHandle)); If (MainThreadID=GetCurrentThreadID) then { FFinished is set after DoTerminate, which does a synchronize of OnTerminate, so make sure synchronize works (or indeed any other synchronize that may be in progress) } While not FFinished do CheckSynchronize(100); WaitFor := WaitForThreadTerminate(FHandle, 0); { should actually check for errors in WaitForThreadTerminate, but no } { error api is defined for that function } FThreadReaped:=true; WRITE_DEBUG('thread terminated'); end; procedure TThread.CallOnTerminate; begin // no need to check if FOnTerminate <> nil, because // thats already done in DoTerminate FOnTerminate(self); end; procedure TThread.DoTerminate; begin if Assigned(FOnTerminate) then Synchronize(@CallOnTerminate); end; function TThread.GetPriority: TThreadPriority; var P: Integer; I: TThreadPriority; begin P := ThreadGetPriority(FHandle); Result := tpNormal; for I := Low(TThreadPriority) to High(TThreadPriority) do if Priorities[I] = P then Result := I; end; procedure TThread.SetPriority(Value: TThreadPriority); begin ThreadSetPriority(FHandle, Priorities[Value]); end;