{ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. (c) 2002 by Marco van de Voort members of the Free Pascal development team. Generic POSIX signal functions draft. Based on a few constants. See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} function fpsigaddset(var nset : tsigset;signo:cint): cint; Begin if (signo<=0) or (signo > SIG_MAXSIG) Then Begin fpseterrno(ESysEINVAL); exit(-1); End; nset[(signo-1) shr ln2bitsinword]:=nset[(signo-1) shr ln2bitsinword] OR (1 shl ((signo-1) and ln2bitmask)); fpsigaddset:=0; End; function fpsigdelset(var nset : tsigset;signo:cint): cint; Begin if (signo<=0) or (signo > SIG_MAXSIG) Then Begin fpseterrno(ESysEINVAL); exit(-1); End; nset[(signo-1) shr ln2bitsinword]:=nset[(signo-1) shr ln2bitsinword] AND NOT (1 shl ((signo-1) and ln2bitmask)); fpsigdelset:=0; End; function fpsigemptyset(var nset : tsigset):cint; var i :longint; Begin for i:=0 to wordsinsigset-1 DO nset[i]:=0; fpsigemptyset:=0; End; function fpsigfillset(var nset : tsigset):cint; var i :longint; Begin for i:=0 to wordsinsigset-1 DO nset[i]:=high(nset[i]); fpsigfillset:=0; End; function fpsigismember(const nset : tsigset;signo:cint): cint; Begin if (signo<=0) or (signo > SIG_MAXSIG) Then Begin fpseterrno(ESysEINVAL); exit(-1); End; if ((nset[(signo-1) shr ln2bitsinword]) and (1 shl ((signo-1) and ln2bitmask)))>0 Then fpsigismember:=1 else fpsigismember:=0; End;