{ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. Copyright (c) 2002 by Marco van de Voort. A few general purpose routines. General purpose enough for *BSD and Linux at least. See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} function InternalCreateShellArgV(cmd:pChar; len:longint):ppchar; { Create an argv which executes a command in a shell using /bin/sh -c } const Shell = '/bin/sh'#0'-c'#0; var pp,p : ppchar; // temp : string; !! Never pass a local var back!! begin getmem(pp,4*sizeof(pointer)); p:=pp; p^:=@Shell[1]; inc(p); p^:=@Shell[9]; inc(p); getmem(p^,len+1); move(cmd^,p^^,len); pchar(p^)[len]:=#0; inc(p); p^:=Nil; InternalCreateShellArgV:=pp; end; function CreateShellArgV(const prog:string):ppchar; begin CreateShellArgV:=InternalCreateShellArgV(@prog[1],length(prog)); end; function CreateShellArgV(const prog:RawByteString):ppchar; { Create an argv which executes a command in a shell using /bin/sh -c using a AnsiString; } begin CreateShellArgV:=InternalCreateShellArgV(@prog[1],length(prog)); // if ppc works like delphi this also work when @prog[1] is invalid (len=0) end; procedure FreeShellArgV(p:ppchar); begin if (p<>nil) then begin freemem(p[2]); freemem(p); end; end; Function fpgetenv(name:string):Pchar; [public, alias : 'FPC_SYSC_FPGETENV']; { Searches the environment for a string with name p and returns a pchar to it's value. A pchar is used to accomodate for strings of length > 255 } Begin {$ifndef FPC_USE_LIBC} name:=name+'='; {Else HOST will also find HOSTNAME, etc} {$else} name:=name+#0; {$endif} fpgetenv:=fpgetenv(@name[1]); end;