{ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. Copyright (c) 2002 by Peter Vreman, member of the Free Pascal development team. pthreads threading support implementation See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} {$mode objfpc} {$ifdef linux} { we can combine both compile-time linking and dynamic loading, in order to: a) solve a problem on some systems with dynamically loading libpthread if it's not linked at compile time b) still enabling dynamically checking whether or not certain functions are available (could also be implemented via weak linking) } {$linklib pthread} {$define dynpthreads} // Useless on BSD, since they are in libc {$endif} { sem_init is best, since it does not consume any file descriptors. } { sem_open is second best, since it consumes only one file descriptor } { per semaphore. } { If neither is available, pipe is used as fallback, which consumes 2 } { file descriptors per semaphore. } { Darwin doesn't support nameless semaphores in at least } { Mac OS X 10.4.8/Darwin 8.8 } {$if not defined(darwin) and not defined(iphonesim)} {$define has_sem_init} {$define has_sem_getvalue} {$else } {$if defined(darwin) or defined(iphonesim)} {$define has_sem_open} {$endif} {$endif} {$if defined(linux) or defined(aix) or defined(android)} {$define has_sem_timedwait} {$endif} unit cthreads; interface {$S-} {$ifndef dynpthreads} // If you have problems compiling this on FreeBSD 5.x {$linklib c} // try adding -Xf {$if not defined(Darwin) and not defined(iphonesim) and not defined(Android)} {$ifndef haiku} {$linklib pthread} {$endif haiku} {$endif darwin} {$endif} {$define basicevents_with_pthread_cond} Procedure SetCThreadManager; implementation Uses {$if defined(Linux) and not defined(Android)} Linux, {$endif} BaseUnix, unix, unixtype, initc {$ifdef dynpthreads} ,dl {$endif} ; {***************************************************************************** System unit import *****************************************************************************} procedure fpc_threaderror; [external name 'FPC_THREADERROR']; {***************************************************************************** Generic overloaded *****************************************************************************} { Include OS specific parts. } {$i pthread.inc} Type PINTRTLEvent = ^TINTRTLEvent; TINTRTLEvent = record condvar: pthread_cond_t; mutex: pthread_mutex_t; isset: boolean; end; TTryWaitResult = (tw_error, tw_semwasunlocked, tw_semwaslocked); {***************************************************************************** Threadvar support *****************************************************************************} const threadvarblocksize : dword = 0; var TLSKey, CleanupKey : pthread_key_t; procedure CInitThreadvar(var offset : dword;size : dword); begin {$ifdef cpusparc} {$define threadvarblocksize_set} threadvarblocksize:=align(threadvarblocksize,16); {$endif cpusparc} {$ifdef cpusparc64} {$define threadvarblocksize_set} threadvarblocksize:=align(threadvarblocksize,16); {$endif cpusparc64} {$ifdef cpupowerpc} {$define threadvarblocksize_set} threadvarblocksize:=align(threadvarblocksize,8); {$endif cpupowerc} {$ifdef cpui386} {$define threadvarblocksize_set} threadvarblocksize:=align(threadvarblocksize,8); {$endif cpui386} {$ifdef cpuarm} {$define threadvarblocksize_set} threadvarblocksize:=align(threadvarblocksize,4); {$endif cpuarm} {$ifdef cpum68k} {$define threadvarblocksize_set} threadvarblocksize:=align(threadvarblocksize,2); {$endif cpum68k} {$ifdef cpux86_64} {$define threadvarblocksize_set} threadvarblocksize:=align(threadvarblocksize,16); {$endif cpux86_64} {$ifdef cpupowerpc64} {$define threadvarblocksize_set} threadvarblocksize:=align(threadvarblocksize,16); {$endif cpupowerpc64} {$ifdef cpuaarch64} {$define threadvarblocksize_set} threadvarblocksize:=align(threadvarblocksize,16); {$endif cpuaarch64} {$ifdef cpuriscv} {$define threadvarblocksize_set} threadvarblocksize:=align(threadvarblocksize,16); {$endif cpuriscv} {$ifdef cpumips} {$define threadvarblocksize_set} threadvarblocksize:=align(threadvarblocksize,16); {$endif cpumips} {$ifdef cpuxtensa} {$define threadvarblocksize_set} threadvarblocksize:=align(threadvarblocksize,16); {$endif cpuxtensa} {$ifndef threadvarblocksize_set} {$error threadvarblocksize must be set! } {$endif threadvarblocksize_set} offset:=threadvarblocksize; inc(threadvarblocksize,size); end; procedure CAllocateThreadVars; var dataindex : pointer; begin {$ifndef FPC_SECTION_THREADVARS} { we've to allocate the memory from system } { because the FPC heap management uses } { exceptions which use threadvars but } { these aren't allocated yet ... } { allocate room on the heap for the thread vars } DataIndex:=Pointer(Fpmmap(nil,threadvarblocksize,3,MAP_PRIVATE+MAP_ANONYMOUS,-1,0)); FillChar(DataIndex^,threadvarblocksize,0); pthread_setspecific(tlskey,dataindex); {$endif FPC_SECTION_THREADVARS} end; procedure CthreadCleanup(p: pointer); cdecl; {$ifdef DEBUG_MT} var s: string[100]; // not an ansistring {$endif DEBUG_MT} begin {$ifdef DEBUG_MT} s := 'finishing externally started thread'#10; fpwrite(0,s[1],length(s)); {$endif DEBUG_MT} { Restore tlskey value as it may already have been set to null, in which case a) DoneThread can't release the memory b) accesses to threadvars from DoneThread or anything it calls would allocate new threadvar memory } pthread_setspecific(tlskey,p); { clean up } DoneThread; { the pthread routine that calls us is supposed to do this, but doesn't at least on Mac OS X 10.6 } pthread_setspecific(CleanupKey,nil); pthread_setspecific(tlskey,nil); end; procedure HookThread; begin { Allocate local thread vars, this must be the first thing, because the exception management and io depends on threadvars } CAllocateThreadVars; { we cannot know the stack size of the current thread, so pretend it is really large to prevent spurious stack overflow errors } InitThread(1000000000); { instruct the pthreads system to clean up this thread when it exits. Use current tlskey as value so that if tlskey is cleared before CleanupKey is called, we still know its value (the order in which pthread tls data is zeroed by pthreads is undefined, and under some systems the tlskey is cleared first) } pthread_setspecific(CleanupKey,pthread_getspecific(tlskey)); end; function CRelocateThreadvar(offset : dword) : pointer; var P : Pointer; begin P:=pthread_getspecific(tlskey); { a thread which we did not create? } if (P=Nil) then begin HookThread; // If this also goes wrong: bye bye threadvars... P:=pthread_getspecific(tlskey); end; CRelocateThreadvar:=P+Offset; end; procedure CReleaseThreadVars; begin {$ifndef FPC_SECTION_THREADVARS} Fpmunmap(pointer(pthread_getspecific(tlskey)),threadvarblocksize); {$endif FPC_SECTION_THREADVARS} end; { Include OS independent Threadvar initialization } {***************************************************************************** Thread starting *****************************************************************************} type pthreadinfo = ^tthreadinfo; tthreadinfo = record f : tthreadfunc; p : pointer; stklen : cardinal; end; function ThreadMain(param : pointer) : pointer;cdecl; var ti : tthreadinfo; nset: tsigset; {$if defined(linux) and not defined(FPC_USE_LIBC)} nlibcset: tlibc_sigset; {$endif linux/no FPC_USE_LIBC} {$ifdef DEBUG_MT} // in here, don't use write/writeln before having called // InitThread! I wonder if anyone ever debugged these routines, // because they will have crashed if DEBUG_MT was enabled! // this took me the good part of an hour to figure out // why it was crashing all the time! // this is kind of a workaround, we simply write(2) to fd 0 s: string[100]; // not an ansistring {$endif DEBUG_MT} begin {$ifdef DEBUG_MT} s := 'New thread started, initing threadvars'#10; fpwrite(0,s[1],length(s)); {$endif DEBUG_MT} { unblock all signals we are interested in (may be blocked by } { default in new threads on some OSes, see #9073) } fpsigemptyset(nset); fpsigaddset(nset,SIGSEGV); fpsigaddset(nset,SIGBUS); fpsigaddset(nset,SIGFPE); fpsigaddset(nset,SIGILL); {$if defined(linux) and not defined(FPC_USE_LIBC)} { sigset_t has a different size for linux/kernel and linux/libc } fillchar(nlibcset,sizeof(nlibcset),0); if (sizeof(nlibcset)>sizeof(nset)) then move(nset,nlibcset,sizeof(nset)) else move(nset,nlibcset,sizeof(nlibcset)); pthread_sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK,@nlibcset,nil); {$else linux} pthread_sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK,@nset,nil); {$endif linux} { Allocate local thread vars, this must be the first thing, because the exception management and io depends on threadvars } CAllocateThreadVars; { Copy parameter to local data } {$ifdef DEBUG_MT} s := 'New thread started, initialising ...'#10; fpwrite(0,s[1],length(s)); {$endif DEBUG_MT} ti:=pthreadinfo(param)^; { Initialize thread } InitThread(ti.stklen); dispose(pthreadinfo(param)); { Start thread function } {$ifdef DEBUG_MT} writeln('Jumping to thread function'); {$endif DEBUG_MT} ThreadMain:=pointer(ti.f(ti.p)); DoneThread; pthread_exit(ThreadMain); end; var TLSInitialized : longbool = FALSE; Procedure InitCTLS; begin if (InterLockedExchange(longint(TLSInitialized),ord(true)) = 0) then begin { We're still running in single thread mode, setup the TLS } pthread_key_create(@TLSKey,nil); InitThreadVars(@CRelocateThreadvar); { used to clean up threads that we did not create ourselves: a) the default value for a key (and hence also this one) in new threads is NULL, and if it's still like that when the thread terminates, nothing will happen b) if it's non-NULL, the destructor routine will be called when the thread terminates -> we will set it to 1 if the threadvar relocation routine is called from a thread we did not create, so that we can clean up everything at the end } pthread_key_create(@CleanupKey,@CthreadCleanup); end end; function CBeginThread(sa : Pointer;stacksize : PtrUInt; ThreadFunction : tthreadfunc;p : pointer; creationFlags : dword; var ThreadId : TThreadId) : TThreadID; var ti : pthreadinfo; thread_attr : pthread_attr_t; begin {$ifdef DEBUG_MT} writeln('Creating new thread'); {$endif DEBUG_MT} { Initialize multithreading if not done } if not TLSInitialized then InitCTLS; if not IsMultiThread then begin { We're still running in single thread mode, lazy initialize thread support } LazyInitThreading; IsMultiThread:=true; end; { the only way to pass data to the newly created thread in a MT safe way, is to use the heap } new(ti); ti^.f:=ThreadFunction; ti^.p:=p; ti^.stklen:=stacksize; { call pthread_create } {$ifdef DEBUG_MT} writeln('Starting new thread'); {$endif DEBUG_MT} pthread_attr_init(@thread_attr); {$if not defined(HAIKU)and not defined(BEOS) and not defined(ANDROID)} {$if defined (solaris) or defined (netbsd) } pthread_attr_setinheritsched(@thread_attr, PTHREAD_INHERIT_SCHED); {$else not solaris} pthread_attr_setinheritsched(@thread_attr, PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED); {$endif not solaris} {$ifend} // will fail under linux -- apparently unimplemented pthread_attr_setscope(@thread_attr, PTHREAD_SCOPE_PROCESS); // don't create detached, we need to be able to join (waitfor) on // the newly created thread! //pthread_attr_setdetachstate(@thread_attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); // set the stack size if (pthread_attr_setstacksize(@thread_attr, stacksize)<>0) or // and create the thread (pthread_create(ppthread_t(@threadid), @thread_attr, @ThreadMain,ti) <> 0) then begin dispose(ti); threadid := TThreadID(0); end; CBeginThread:=threadid; pthread_attr_destroy(@thread_attr); {$ifdef DEBUG_MT} writeln('BeginThread returning ',ptrint(CBeginThread)); {$endif DEBUG_MT} end; procedure CEndThread(ExitCode : DWord); begin DoneThread; pthread_detach(pthread_t(pthread_self())); pthread_exit(pointer(ptrint(ExitCode))); end; function CSuspendThread (threadHandle : TThreadID) : dword; begin { pthread_kill(SIGSTOP) cannot be used, because posix-compliant implementations then freeze the entire process instead of only the target thread. Suspending a particular thread is not supported by posix nor by most *nix implementations, presumably because of concerns mentioned in E.4 at http://pauillac.inria.fr/~xleroy/linuxthreads/faq.html#E and in http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/guide/misc/threadPrimitiveDeprecation.html } // result := pthread_kill(threadHandle,SIGSTOP); result:=dword(-1); end; function CResumeThread (threadHandle : TThreadID) : dword; begin result:=dword(-1); end; procedure sched_yield; cdecl; external 'c' name 'sched_yield'; procedure CThreadSwitch; {give time to other threads} begin { At least on Mac OS X, the pthread_yield_np calls through to this. } { Further, sched_yield is in POSIX and supported on FreeBSD 4+, } { Linux, Mac OS X and Solaris, while the thread-specific yield } { routines are called differently everywhere and non-standard. } sched_yield; end; function CKillThread (threadHandle : TThreadID) : dword; begin pthread_detach(pthread_t(threadHandle)); {$ifndef android} CKillThread := pthread_cancel(pthread_t(threadHandle)); {$else} CKillThread := dword(-1); {$endif} end; function CCloseThread (threadHandle : TThreadID) : dword; begin result:=0; end; function CWaitForThreadTerminate (threadHandle : TThreadID; TimeoutMs : longint) : dword; {0=no timeout} var LResultP: Pointer; begin pthread_join(pthread_t(threadHandle), @LResultP); CWaitForThreadTerminate := dword(LResultP); end; function CThreadSetPriority (threadHandle : TThreadID; Prio: longint): boolean; {-15..+15, 0=normal} begin {$Warning ThreadSetPriority needs to be implemented} result:=false; end; function CThreadGetPriority (threadHandle : TThreadID): Integer; begin {$Warning ThreadGetPriority needs to be implemented} result:=0; end; function CGetCurrentThreadId : TThreadID; begin CGetCurrentThreadId := TThreadID (pthread_self()); end; procedure CSetThreadDebugNameA(threadHandle: TThreadID; const ThreadName: AnsiString); {$if defined(Linux) or defined(Android)} var CuttedName: AnsiString; {$endif} begin {$if defined(Linux) or defined(Android)} if ThreadName = '' then Exit; {$ifdef dynpthreads} if Assigned(pthread_setname_np) then {$endif dynpthreads} begin // length restricted to 16 characters including terminating null byte CuttedName:=Copy(ThreadName, 1, 15); if threadHandle=TThreadID(-1) then begin pthread_setname_np(pthread_self(), @CuttedName[1]); end else begin pthread_setname_np(pthread_t(threadHandle), @CuttedName[1]); end; end; {$else} {$Warning SetThreadDebugName needs to be implemented} {$endif} end; procedure CSetThreadDebugNameU(threadHandle: TThreadID; const ThreadName: UnicodeString); begin {$if defined(Linux) or defined(Android)} {$ifdef dynpthreads} if Assigned(pthread_setname_np) then {$endif dynpthreads} begin CSetThreadDebugNameA(threadHandle, AnsiString(ThreadName)); end; {$else} {$Warning SetThreadDebugName needs to be implemented} {$endif} end; {***************************************************************************** Delphi/Win32 compatibility *****************************************************************************} procedure CInitCriticalSection(var CS); var MAttr : pthread_mutexattr_t; res: longint; begin res:=pthread_mutexattr_init(@MAttr); if res=0 then begin res:=pthread_mutexattr_settype(@MAttr,longint(_PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE)); if res=0 then res := pthread_mutex_init(@CS,@MAttr) else { No recursive mutex support :/ } fpc_threaderror end else res:= pthread_mutex_init(@CS,NIL); pthread_mutexattr_destroy(@MAttr); if res <> 0 then fpc_threaderror; end; procedure CEnterCriticalSection(var CS); begin if pthread_mutex_lock(@CS) <> 0 then fpc_threaderror end; function CTryEnterCriticalSection(var CS):longint; begin if pthread_mutex_Trylock(@CS)=0 then result:=1 // succes else result:=0; // failure end; procedure CLeaveCriticalSection(var CS); begin if pthread_mutex_unlock(@CS) <> 0 then fpc_threaderror end; procedure CDoneCriticalSection(var CS); begin { unlock as long as unlocking works to unlock it if it is recursive some Delphi code might call this function with a locked mutex } while pthread_mutex_unlock(@CS)=0 do ; if pthread_mutex_destroy(@CS) <> 0 then fpc_threaderror; end; {***************************************************************************** Semaphore routines *****************************************************************************} type TPthreadCondition = pthread_cond_t; TPthreadMutex = pthread_mutex_t; Tbasiceventstate=record FCondVar: TPthreadCondition; {$if defined(Linux) and not defined(Android)} FAttr: pthread_condattr_t; FClockID: longint; {$ifend} FEventSection: TPthreadMutex; FWaiters: longint; FIsSet, FManualReset, FDestroying : Boolean; end; plocaleventstate = ^tbasiceventstate; // peventstate=pointer; Const wrSignaled = 0; wrTimeout = 1; wrAbandoned= 2; wrError = 3; function IntBasicEventCreate(EventAttributes : Pointer; AManualReset,InitialState : Boolean;const Name : ansistring):pEventState; var MAttr : pthread_mutexattr_t; res : cint; {$if defined(Linux) and not defined(Android)} timespec: ttimespec; {$ifend} begin new(plocaleventstate(result)); plocaleventstate(result)^.FManualReset:=AManualReset; plocaleventstate(result)^.FWaiters:=0; plocaleventstate(result)^.FDestroying:=False; plocaleventstate(result)^.FIsSet:=InitialState; {$if defined(Linux) and not defined(Android)} res := pthread_condattr_init(@plocaleventstate(result)^.FAttr); if (res <> 0) then begin FreeMem(result); fpc_threaderror; end; if clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, @timespec) = 0 then begin res := pthread_condattr_setclock(@plocaleventstate(result)^.FAttr, CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW); end else begin res := -1; // No support for CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW end; if (res = 0) then begin plocaleventstate(result)^.FClockID := CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW; end else begin res := pthread_condattr_setclock(@plocaleventstate(result)^.FAttr, CLOCK_MONOTONIC); if (res = 0) then begin plocaleventstate(result)^.FClockID := CLOCK_MONOTONIC; end else begin pthread_condattr_destroy(@plocaleventstate(result)^.FAttr); FreeMem(result); fpc_threaderror; end; end; res := pthread_cond_init(@plocaleventstate(result)^.FCondVar, @plocaleventstate(result)^.FAttr); if (res <> 0) then begin pthread_condattr_destroy(@plocaleventstate(result)^.FAttr); FreeMem(result); fpc_threaderror; end; {$else} res := pthread_cond_init(@plocaleventstate(result)^.FCondVar, nil); if (res <> 0) then begin FreeMem(result); fpc_threaderror; end; {$ifend} res:=pthread_mutexattr_init(@MAttr); if res=0 then begin res:=pthread_mutexattr_settype(@MAttr,longint(_PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE)); if Res=0 then Res:=pthread_mutex_init(@plocaleventstate(result)^.feventsection,@MAttr) else res:=pthread_mutex_init(@plocaleventstate(result)^.feventsection,nil); end else res:=pthread_mutex_init(@plocaleventstate(result)^.feventsection,nil); pthread_mutexattr_destroy(@MAttr); if res <> 0 then begin pthread_cond_destroy(@plocaleventstate(result)^.FCondVar); {$if defined(Linux) and not defined(Android)} pthread_condattr_destroy(@plocaleventstate(result)^.FAttr); {$ifend} FreeMem(result); fpc_threaderror; end; end; procedure Intbasiceventdestroy(state:peventstate); begin { safely mark that we are destroying this event } pthread_mutex_lock(@plocaleventstate(state)^.feventsection); plocaleventstate(state)^.FDestroying:=true; { send a signal to all threads that are waiting } pthread_cond_broadcast(@plocaleventstate(state)^.FCondVar); pthread_mutex_unlock(@plocaleventstate(state)^.feventsection); { now wait until they've finished their business } while (plocaleventstate(state)^.FWaiters <> 0) do cThreadSwitch; { and clean up } pthread_cond_destroy(@plocaleventstate(state)^.Fcondvar); {$if defined(Linux) and not defined(Android)} pthread_condattr_destroy(@plocaleventstate(state)^.FAttr); {$ifend} pthread_mutex_destroy(@plocaleventstate(state)^.FEventSection); dispose(plocaleventstate(state)); end; procedure IntbasiceventResetEvent(state:peventstate); begin pthread_mutex_lock(@plocaleventstate(state)^.feventsection); plocaleventstate(state)^.fisset:=false; pthread_mutex_unlock(@plocaleventstate(state)^.feventsection); end; procedure IntbasiceventSetEvent(state:peventstate); begin pthread_mutex_lock(@plocaleventstate(state)^.feventsection); plocaleventstate(state)^.Fisset:=true; if not(plocaleventstate(state)^.FManualReset) then pthread_cond_signal(@plocaleventstate(state)^.Fcondvar) else pthread_cond_broadcast(@plocaleventstate(state)^.Fcondvar); pthread_mutex_unlock(@plocaleventstate(state)^.feventsection); end; function IntbasiceventWaitFor(Timeout : Cardinal;state:peventstate) : longint; var timespec: ttimespec; errres: cint; isset: boolean; tnow : timeval; begin { safely check whether we are being destroyed, if so immediately return. } { otherwise (under the same mutex) increase the number of waiters } pthread_mutex_lock(@plocaleventstate(state)^.feventsection); if (plocaleventstate(state)^.FDestroying) then begin pthread_mutex_unlock(@plocaleventstate(state)^.feventsection); result := wrAbandoned; exit; end; { not a regular inc() because it may happen simulatneously with the } { interlockeddecrement() at the end } interlockedincrement(plocaleventstate(state)^.FWaiters); //Wait without timeout using pthread_cond_wait if Timeout = $FFFFFFFF then begin while (not plocaleventstate(state)^.FIsSet) and (not plocaleventstate(state)^.FDestroying) do pthread_cond_wait(@plocaleventstate(state)^.Fcondvar, @plocaleventstate(state)^.feventsection); end else begin //Wait with timeout using pthread_cond_timedwait {$if defined(Linux) and not defined(Android)} if clock_gettime(plocaleventstate(state)^.FClockID, @timespec) <> 0 then begin Result := Ord(wrError); Exit; end; timespec.tv_sec := timespec.tv_sec + (clong(timeout) div 1000); timespec.tv_nsec := ((clong(timeout) mod 1000) * 1000000) + (timespec.tv_nsec); {$else} // TODO: FIX-ME: Also use monotonic clock for other *nix targets fpgettimeofday(@tnow, nil); timespec.tv_sec := tnow.tv_sec + (clong(timeout) div 1000); timespec.tv_nsec := ((clong(timeout) mod 1000) * 1000000) + (tnow.tv_usec * 1000); {$ifend} if timespec.tv_nsec >= 1000000000 then begin inc(timespec.tv_sec); dec(timespec.tv_nsec, 1000000000); end; errres := 0; while (not plocaleventstate(state)^.FDestroying) and (not plocaleventstate(state)^.FIsSet) and (errres<>ESysETIMEDOUT) do errres := pthread_cond_timedwait(@plocaleventstate(state)^.Fcondvar, @plocaleventstate(state)^.feventsection, @timespec); end; isset := plocaleventstate(state)^.FIsSet; { if ManualReset=false, reset the event immediately. } if (plocaleventstate(state)^.FManualReset=false) then plocaleventstate(state)^.FIsSet := false; //check the results... if plocaleventstate(state)^.FDestroying then Result := wrAbandoned else if IsSet then Result := wrSignaled else begin if errres=ESysETIMEDOUT then Result := wrTimeout else Result := wrError; end; pthread_mutex_unlock(@plocaleventstate(state)^.feventsection); { don't put this above the previous pthread_mutex_unlock, because } { otherwise we can get errors in case an object is destroyed between } { end of the wait/sleep loop and the signalling above. } { The pthread_mutex_unlock above takes care of the memory barrier } interlockeddecrement(plocaleventstate(state)^.FWaiters); end; function intRTLEventCreate: PRTLEvent; var p:pintrtlevent; begin new(p); if not assigned(p) then fpc_threaderror; if pthread_cond_init(@p^.condvar, nil)<>0 then begin dispose(p); fpc_threaderror; end; if pthread_mutex_init(@p^.mutex, nil)<>0 then begin pthread_cond_destroy(@p^.condvar); dispose(p); fpc_threaderror; end; p^.isset:=false; result:=PRTLEVENT(p); end; procedure intRTLEventDestroy(AEvent: PRTLEvent); var p:pintrtlevent; begin p:=pintrtlevent(aevent); pthread_cond_destroy(@p^.condvar); pthread_mutex_destroy(@p^.mutex); dispose(p); end; procedure intRTLEventSetEvent(AEvent: PRTLEvent); var p:pintrtlevent; begin p:=pintrtlevent(aevent); pthread_mutex_lock(@p^.mutex); p^.isset:=true; pthread_cond_signal(@p^.condvar); pthread_mutex_unlock(@p^.mutex); end; procedure intRTLEventResetEvent(AEvent: PRTLEvent); var p:pintrtlevent; begin p:=pintrtlevent(aevent); pthread_mutex_lock(@p^.mutex); p^.isset:=false; pthread_mutex_unlock(@p^.mutex); end; procedure intRTLEventWaitFor(AEvent: PRTLEvent); var p:pintrtlevent; begin p:=pintrtlevent(aevent); pthread_mutex_lock(@p^.mutex); while not p^.isset do pthread_cond_wait(@p^.condvar, @p^.mutex); p^.isset:=false; pthread_mutex_unlock(@p^.mutex); end; procedure intRTLEventWaitForTimeout(AEvent: PRTLEvent;timeout : longint); var p : pintrtlevent; errres : cint; timespec : ttimespec; tnow : timeval; begin p:=pintrtlevent(aevent); fpgettimeofday(@tnow,nil); timespec.tv_sec:=tnow.tv_sec+(timeout div 1000); timespec.tv_nsec:=(timeout mod 1000)*1000000 + tnow.tv_usec*1000; if timespec.tv_nsec >= 1000000000 then begin inc(timespec.tv_sec); dec(timespec.tv_nsec, 1000000000); end; errres:=0; pthread_mutex_lock(@p^.mutex); while (not p^.isset) and (errres <> ESysETIMEDOUT) do begin errres:=pthread_cond_timedwait(@p^.condvar, @p^.mutex, @timespec); end; p^.isset:=false; pthread_mutex_unlock(@p^.mutex); end; type threadmethod = procedure of object; Function CInitThreads : Boolean; begin {$ifdef DEBUG_MT} Writeln('Entering InitThreads.'); {$endif} {$ifndef dynpthreads} Result:=True; {$else} Result:=LoadPthreads; {$endif} ThreadID := TThreadID (pthread_self()); {$ifdef DEBUG_MT} Writeln('InitThreads : ',Result); {$endif DEBUG_MT} // We assume that if you set the thread manager, the application is multithreading. InitCTLS; end; Function CDoneThreads : Boolean; begin {$ifndef dynpthreads} Result:=True; {$else} Result:=UnloadPthreads; {$endif} end; Var CThreadManager : TThreadManager; Procedure SetCThreadManager; begin With CThreadManager do begin InitManager :=@CInitThreads; DoneManager :=@CDoneThreads; BeginThread :=@CBeginThread; EndThread :=@CEndThread; SuspendThread :=@CSuspendThread; ResumeThread :=@CResumeThread; KillThread :=@CKillThread; ThreadSwitch :=@CThreadSwitch; CloseThread :=@CCloseThread; WaitForThreadTerminate :=@CWaitForThreadTerminate; ThreadSetPriority :=@CThreadSetPriority; ThreadGetPriority :=@CThreadGetPriority; GetCurrentThreadId :=@CGetCurrentThreadId; SetThreadDebugNameA :=@CSetThreadDebugNameA; SetThreadDebugNameU :=@CSetThreadDebugNameU; InitCriticalSection :=@CInitCriticalSection; DoneCriticalSection :=@CDoneCriticalSection; EnterCriticalSection :=@CEnterCriticalSection; TryEnterCriticalSection:=@CTryEnterCriticalSection; LeaveCriticalSection :=@CLeaveCriticalSection; InitThreadVar :=@CInitThreadVar; RelocateThreadVar :=@CRelocateThreadVar; AllocateThreadVars :=@CAllocateThreadVars; ReleaseThreadVars :=@CReleaseThreadVars; BasicEventCreate :=@intBasicEventCreate; BasicEventDestroy :=@intBasicEventDestroy; BasicEventResetEvent :=@intBasicEventResetEvent; BasicEventSetEvent :=@intBasicEventSetEvent; BasiceventWaitFor :=@intBasiceventWaitFor; rtlEventCreate :=@intrtlEventCreate; rtlEventDestroy :=@intrtlEventDestroy; rtlEventSetEvent :=@intrtlEventSetEvent; rtlEventResetEvent :=@intrtlEventResetEvent; rtleventWaitForTimeout :=@intrtleventWaitForTimeout; rtleventWaitFor :=@intrtleventWaitFor; end; SetThreadManager(CThreadManager); end; initialization if ThreadingAlreadyUsed then begin writeln('Threading has been used before cthreads was initialized.'); writeln('Make cthreads one of the first units in your uses clause.'); runerror(211); end; SetCThreadManager; finalization end.