{ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. Copyright (c) 2005 by Free Pascal development team Low level file functions GBA does not have any drive, so no file handling is needed. Copyright (c) 2006 by Francesco Lombardi See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} {**************************************************************************** Low level File Routines All these functions can set InOutRes on errors ****************************************************************************} { close a file from the handle value } procedure do_close(handle : longint); begin end; procedure do_erase(p : pchar; pchangeable: boolean); begin end; procedure do_rename(p1,p2 : pchar; p1changeable, p2changeable: boolean); begin end; function do_write(h: longint; addr: pointer; len: longint) : longint; begin result := -1; end; function do_read(h: longint; addr: pointer; len: longint) : longint; begin result := -1; end; function do_filepos(handle: longint) : longint; begin result := -1; end; procedure do_seek(handle, pos: longint); begin end; function do_seekend(handle: longint):longint; begin result := -1; end; function do_filesize(handle : longint) : longint; begin result := -1; end; { truncate at a given position } procedure do_truncate(handle, pos: longint); begin end; procedure do_open(var f;p:pchar;flags:longint; pchangeable: boolean); begin end; function do_isdevice(handle: longint): boolean; var StatRec: TStat; begin FStat (Handle, StatRec); case StatRec.st_Mode and _IFMT of _IFCHR, _IFIFO, _IFSOCK: Do_IsDevice := true else Do_IsDevice := false; end; end;