{ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. Copyright (c) 2005 by Free Pascal development team Low level file functions See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} { Enable this for file handling debug } {DEFINE ASYS_FPC_FILEDEBUG} {***************************************************************************** File-handling Support Functions *****************************************************************************} type { AmigaOS does not automatically close opened files on exit back to } { the operating system, therefore as a precuation we close all files } { manually on exit. } PFileList = ^TFileList; TFileList = record { no packed, must be correctly aligned } handle : THandle; { Handle to file } next : PFileList; { Next file in list } buffered : boolean; { used buffered I/O? } end; var ASYS_fileList: PFileList; public name 'ASYS_FILELIST'; { List pointer to opened files } { Function to be called at program shutdown, to close all opened files } procedure CloseList(l: PFileList); var tmpNext : PFileList; tmpHandle : THandle; begin if l=nil then exit; ObtainSemaphore(ASYS_fileSemaphore); { First, close all tracked files } tmpNext:=l^.next; while tmpNext<>nil do begin tmpHandle:=tmpNext^.handle; if (tmpHandle<>StdInputHandle) and (tmpHandle<>StdOutputHandle) and (tmpHandle<>StdErrorHandle) then begin dosClose(tmpHandle); end; tmpNext:=tmpNext^.next; end; { Next, erase the linked list } while l<>nil do begin tmpNext:=l; l:=l^.next; dispose(tmpNext); end; ReleaseSemaphore(ASYS_fileSemaphore); end; { Function to be called to add a file to the opened file list } procedure AddToList(var l: PFileList; h: THandle); alias: 'ADDTOLIST'; [public]; var p : PFileList; inList: Boolean; begin inList:=False; ObtainSemaphore(ASYS_fileSemaphore); if l<>nil then begin { if there is a valid filelist, search for the value } { in the list to avoid double additions } p:=l; while (p^.next<>nil) and (not inList) do if p^.next^.handle=h then inList:=True else p:=p^.next; p:=nil; end else begin { if the list is not yet allocated, allocate it. } New(l); l^.next:=nil; end; if not inList then begin New(p); p^.handle:=h; p^.buffered:=False; p^.next:=l^.next; l^.next:=p; end {$IFDEF ASYS_FPC_FILEDEBUG} else RawDoFmt('FPC_FILE_DEBUG: Error! Trying add filehandle a filehandle twice: $%lx !'+#10,@h,pointer(1),nil); {$ENDIF} ; ReleaseSemaphore(ASYS_fileSemaphore); end; { Function to be called to remove a file from the list } function RemoveFromList(var l: PFileList; h: THandle): boolean; alias: 'REMOVEFROMLIST'; [public]; var p : PFileList; inList : Boolean; tmpList: PFileList; begin inList:=False; if l=nil then begin RemoveFromList:=inList; exit; end; ObtainSemaphore(ASYS_fileSemaphore); p:=l; while (p^.next<>nil) and (not inList) do if p^.next^.handle=h then inList:=True else p:=p^.next; if inList then begin tmpList:=p^.next^.next; dispose(p^.next); p^.next:=tmpList; end {$IFDEF ASYS_FPC_FILEDEBUG} else RawDoFmt('FPC_FILE_DEBUG: Error! Trying to remove not existing filehandle: $%lx !'+#10,@h,pointer(1),nil); {$ENDIF} ; ReleaseSemaphore(ASYS_fileSemaphore); RemoveFromList:=inList; end; { Function to check if file is in the list } function CheckInList(var l: PFileList; h: THandle): pointer; alias: 'CHECKINLIST'; [public]; var p : PFileList; inList : Pointer; begin inList:=nil; if l=nil then begin CheckInList:=inList; exit; end; ObtainSemaphore(ASYS_fileSemaphore); p:=l; while (p^.next<>nil) and (inList=nil) do if p^.next^.handle=h then inList:=p^.next else p:=p^.next; {$IFDEF ASYS_FPC_FILEDEBUG} if inList=nil then RawDoFmt('FPC_FILE_DEBUG: Warning! Check for not existing filehandle: $%lx !'+#10,@h,pointer(1),nil); {$ENDIF} ReleaseSemaphore(ASYS_fileSemaphore); CheckInList:=inList; end; {**************************************************************************** Low level File Routines All these functions can set InOutRes on errors ****************************************************************************} { close a file from the handle value } procedure do_close(handle : THandle); begin if RemoveFromList(ASYS_fileList,handle) then begin { Do _NOT_ check CTRL_C on Close, because it will conflict with System_Exit! } if not dosClose(handle) then dosError2InOut(IoErr); end; end; procedure do_erase(p : pchar; pchangeable: boolean); var tmpStr: array[0..255] of Char; begin tmpStr:=PathConv(strpas(p))+#0; checkCTRLC; if not dosDeleteFile(@tmpStr) then dosError2InOut(IoErr); end; procedure do_rename(p1,p2 : pchar; p1changeable, p2changeable: boolean); { quite stack-effective code, huh? :) damn path conversions... (KB) } var tmpStr1: array[0..255] of Char; tmpStr2: array[0..255] of Char; begin tmpStr1:=PathConv(strpas(p1))+#0; tmpStr2:=PathConv(strpas(p2))+#0; checkCTRLC; if not (dosRename(@tmpStr1,@tmpStr2) <> 0) then dosError2InOut(IoErr); end; function do_write(h: THandle; addr: pointer; len: longint) : longint; var dosResult: LongInt; begin checkCTRLC; do_write:=0; if (len<=0) or (h=0) or (h=-1) then exit; {$IFDEF ASYS_FPC_FILEDEBUG} if not ((h=StdOutputHandle) or (h=StdInputHandle) or (h=StdErrorHandle)) then CheckInList(ASYS_fileList,h); {$ENDIF} dosResult:=dosWrite(h,addr,len); if dosResult<0 then begin dosError2InOut(IoErr); end else begin do_write:=dosResult; end; end; function do_read(h: THandle; addr: pointer; len: longint) : longint; var dosResult: LongInt; begin checkCTRLC; do_read:=0; if (len<=0) or (h=0) or (h=-1) then exit; {$IFDEF ASYS_FPC_FILEDEBUG} if not ((h=StdOutputHandle) or (h=StdInputHandle) or (h=StdErrorHandle)) then CheckInList(ASYS_fileList,h); {$ENDIF} dosResult:=dosRead(h,addr,len); if dosResult<0 then begin dosError2InOut(IoErr); end else begin do_read:=dosResult; end end; function do_filepos(handle: THandle) : longint; var dosResult: LongInt; begin checkCTRLC; do_filepos:=-1; if CheckInList(ASYS_fileList,handle)<>nil then begin { Seeking zero from OFFSET_CURRENT to find out where we are } dosResult:=dosSeek(handle,0,OFFSET_CURRENT); if dosResult<0 then begin dosError2InOut(IoErr); end else begin do_filepos:=dosResult; end; end; end; procedure do_seek(handle: THandle; pos: longint); begin checkCTRLC; if CheckInList(ASYS_fileList,handle)<>nil then begin { Seeking from OFFSET_BEGINNING } if dosSeek(handle,pos,OFFSET_BEGINNING)<0 then dosError2InOut(IoErr); end; end; function do_seekend(handle: THandle):longint; var dosResult: LongInt; begin checkCTRLC; do_seekend:=-1; if CheckInList(ASYS_fileList,handle)<>nil then begin { Seeking to OFFSET_END } dosResult:=dosSeek(handle,0,OFFSET_END); if dosResult<0 then begin dosError2InOut(IoErr); end else begin do_seekend:=dosSeek(handle,0,OFFSET_CURRENT); end; end; end; {$IFNDEF AMIGA_LEGACY} {$DEFINE ASYS_FILESIZE_USE_EXAMINEFH} {$ENDIF} { I changed the double-Seek filesize method which we were using for 10+ years to the new ExamineFH() method. It should be available AmigaOS 2.0+, and much faster. (I actually measured several magnitudes of improvement, especially on large files.) It should be safe since there are several libc implementations using the same method on all Amiga flavors, but if anyone has a problem with it, disable this define to revert to the old method and report the issue. (KB) Actually, as some file systems (FTPMount, probably more) do not support the ExamineFH action, lets fall back to double seek silently in that case (KB) } function do_filesize(handle : THandle) : longint; var {$IFDEF ASYS_FILESIZE_USE_EXAMINEFH} fib: PFileInfoBlock; {$ENDIF} currfilepos: longint; begin checkCTRLC; do_filesize:=-1; if CheckInList(ASYS_fileList,handle)<>nil then begin {$IFDEF ASYS_FILESIZE_USE_EXAMINEFH} fib:=AllocDosObject(DOS_FIB,nil); if fib <> nil then begin if ExamineFH(BPTR(handle), fib) then do_filesize:=fib^.fib_Size; FreeDosObject(DOS_FIB,fib); end; {$ENDIF} if do_filesize = -1 then begin currfilepos:=do_filepos(handle); do_filesize:=do_seekend(handle); do_seek(handle,currfilepos); end; end; end; { truncate at a given position } procedure do_truncate(handle: THandle; pos: longint); begin checkCTRLC; {$IFNDEF AMIGA_LEGACY} if CheckInList(ASYS_fileList,handle)<>nil then begin { Seeking from OFFSET_BEGINNING } if SetFileSize(handle,pos,OFFSET_BEGINNING)<0 then dosError2InOut(IoErr); end; {$ELSE} dosError2InOut(ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); {$ENDIF} end; procedure do_open(var f;p:pchar;flags:longint; pchangeable: boolean); { filerec and textrec have both handle and mode as the first items so they could use the same routine for opening/creating. when (flags and $10) the file will be append when (flags and $100) the file will be truncate/rewritten when (flags and $1000) there is no check for close (needed for textfiles) } var handle : THandle; openflags: LongInt; tmpStr : array[0..255] of Char; begin tmpStr:=PathConv(strpas(p))+#0; { close first if opened } if ((flags and $10000)=0) then begin case filerec(f).mode of fminput,fmoutput,fminout : Do_Close(filerec(f).handle); fmclosed : ; else begin inoutres:=102; {not assigned} exit; end; end; end; { reset file handle } filerec(f).handle:=UnusedHandle; { convert filemode to filerec modes } { READ/WRITE on existing file } { RESET/APPEND } openflags:=MODE_OLDFILE; case (flags and 3) of 0 : filerec(f).mode:=fminput; 1 : filerec(f).mode:=fmoutput; 2 : filerec(f).mode:=fminout; end; { rewrite (create a new file) } if (flags and $1000)<>0 then openflags:=MODE_NEWFILE; { empty name is special } if p[0]=#0 then begin case filerec(f).mode of fminput : filerec(f).handle:=StdInputHandle; fmappend, fmoutput : begin filerec(f).handle:=StdOutputHandle; filerec(f).mode:=fmoutput; {fool fmappend} end; end; exit; end; handle:=Open(@tmpStr,openflags); if handle=0 then begin begin dosError2InOut(IoErr); FileRec(f).mode:=fmclosed; end end else begin AddToList(ASYS_fileList,handle); filerec(f).handle:=handle; end; { append mode } if ((Flags and $100)<>0) and (FileRec(F).Handle<>UnusedHandle) then begin do_seekend(filerec(f).handle); filerec(f).mode:=fmoutput; {fool fmappend} end; end; function do_isdevice(handle: THandle): boolean; begin if (handle=StdOutputHandle) or (handle=StdInputHandle) or (handle=StdErrorHandle) then do_isdevice:=True else do_isdevice:=False; end;